The Courtyard Room, City of Whitehorse, 379 Whitehorse Road Nunawading. 9.30-11.30

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The Courtyard Room, City of Whitehorse, 379 Whitehorse Road Nunawading. 9.30-11.30

Minutes December 6th 2013 The Courtyard Room, City of Whitehorse, 379 Whitehorse Road Nunawading. 9.30-11.30

Sam welcomed guests and MSC members.

1. Present Jessica Bishop MIC, Settlement Community Development Officer Linda Boyd Swinburne University, Operations Manager Leonie Burnham ECLC, Manager Inner East Office Owen Butler MFB, MLO/Station Officer Raelene Cameron EACH Ringwood, Refugee Nurse Linda Chen Community Member, ESL Teacher Gitta Clayton AMES Outer East Volunteer Tutor Program Coordinator Chris Cosgriff CCOEI, Anchor Heather Cosgriff Community Jane Curry Swinburne TAFE Maria deMonte DHS Centrelink MSO Belinda Gillam Derry Department of Health, Home and Community Care Diversity Advisor Michael Hardie Janssen Spirituality Centre Slavica Jurcevic Department of Social Services Jaya Manchikanti City of Knox, Multicultural Community Officer Sam Navarria CCOEI Sarah Nichols AMES Settlement, Case Manager Madeleine Parker DEECD EMR, School Development Officer ESL Elizabeth Sidiropoulos VicPol Multicultural Liaison Unit Eastern Region, MLO Merilyn Spratling EACH, Refugee Health Nurse, RHN Program Sui Ting Tse CCOEI Clary Verbunt CCOEI, Dutch Community Megan Woods Foundation House, Counsellor/Advocate Apologies Karen Connolly Swinburne University, Team Leader CALD Glenis Crocker CCOEI, Secretary John Devine CEO, Anchor Twanny Farrugia CCOEI Treasurer, DonateLife Community Champion Inge Fernando CCOEI Sally Hall IEMML, Primary Health Integration Program Officer Margot Hennessy AMES Youth Coordinator Jasmina Mulugeta Foundation House, Eastern Region Team Coordinator

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 1 Stephen Noy Victoria Police Eastern Region, Inspector Community Engagement Railey Orger City of Whitehorse, Diversity and Ageing Officer Cynthia Shaw CCOEI

2. Minutes November 1, 2013 meeting Minutes circulated electronically. No changes proposed. Moved Chris Cosgriff, seconded Maria deMonte. Accepted.

3. Business Arising – Incorporated in the agenda

4. Settlement Needs in your Area MSC members can use the Department’s form for unmet needs in the EMR and send to CCOEI or the Department. CCOEI provides opportunities for discussion of unmet needs at MSC meetings and forums.

5. Correspondence – various notifications of events and AGMs.

6. Meeting focus: Refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border: an outsider’s experience - Gitta Clayton, AMES Outer East Volunteer Tutor Program Coordinator, and Sarah Nichols, Case Manager AMES Settlement Ringwood.

Gitta and Sarah spoke about their recent visits to the Mae La and Umphiem refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border, and showed images from the visits. Sarah visited earlier in the year and Gitta in the latter part of November 2013 as part of a group of 17 people interested in the work of CHBC (Croydon Hills Baptist Church) with Karen refugees. Part of the visit was to see the tangible result of CHBC’s The Hope Project.

CHBC’s involvement with Karen refugees began in 2006 when a small group of Karen joined the church. The Karen community associated with the church grew significantly and CHBC then visited refugee camps and decided to support Karens who were in camps and those inside Burma recognised as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The Hope Project which started in 2010 has in the last three years raised over $120,000 to support schools, hospitals, and a medical clinic for IDPs who have grouped close to the Thai/Burma border inside Burma. The next phase of the project is to explore partnerships with local organisations in the border area to provide larger scale infrastructure support to IDPs.

Gitta noted that Karens in refugee camps wished to return to their own areas but fear that their land is not clear of mines and some is occupied by the Burmese Military. They feel it is unsafe to return.

Refugees from Burma are no longer regarded as a high priority group. This is based on the latest position by government towards democratisation and promoting that it is safe for the Burmese, including Karens to return to home. As a consequence, many NGO’s have stopped or significantly reduced assistance and plan to phase out their involvement by 2015 when designated camps will no longer exist. Rice rations have also been reduced. Many refugees fear for their future.

The Mae La Refugee Camp has around 55,000 people and has health clinics and schools. Gitta also visited an IDP Camp inside Burma which is protected by the Karen Army. Conditions are poor and IDPs have little assistance. The medical clinic at the IDP camp visited is funded by The Hope Project.

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 2 The visiting party also went into Burma for the dedication of a church funded by The Hope Project. Hundreds from Mae La camp also crossed the border into Burma for the dedication. This crossing was for many the first in 30 years. Authorities had given permission to cross for the day.

The party also visited the TMK School and stayed one night. TMK would like more people to help teach at the school.

The party also visited the Umphiem refugee camp (around 15,000 people). Umphiem is isolated and located on top of a hill. Umphiem would welcome volunteers to teach English. Those interested in volunteering need to contact the Thai Government.

On behalf of the MSC Sam thanked Gitta and Sarah for sharing the experience of their visits.

7. MSC Calendar 2014 - The calendar is a flexible program developed via a consultative process – see below for details. The MSC agreed to trial an extended meeting time (9.30-12.00), to give more opportunity for agency and forum reports.

MSC 2014 CALENDAR MSC Meeting focus Forums/functions/ev International Multicultural meeting ents dates and Calendar events in 2014 dates working groups

January No meeting 07 Feb Refugee Council of Australia – February 1-7 United Nations Australian Government policy on Interfaith Harmony Week Asylum seekers and refugees and its impact on the ground (Louise Oliff, Settlement Policy Coordinator, RCOA)

Brooke Collins - Coranderrk and community involvement: Keeping Barak’s dream alive Migrant/refugee Government Harmony Day – support Sat March 15th Coranderrk services and programs (Settlement activities including (Aboriginal Station) Festival 07 March & Multicultural Affairs, Department soccer harmony events Healesville of Social Services – Manager Anna (Australia Burma Hughes). Society and others). March 21: Harmony Day 04 April Foundation House – its work post Building cultural April 7 – World Health Houston report and post 2013 competence: requisite Organisation World Health federal election OR ACT for Peace skills and tools. Leonie Day OR Refugee Minors Program: – (convenor), Railey, changes to support clients turning Maria, Rebecca (MIC 18 Diversity training), AMES, Linda, Teena. 02 May Red Cross or CAV - focus on key DV: theme TBC. Leonie May 21 - World Day for areas of activity and concerns (convenor) Glenis, Cultural Diversity for Dialogue Jasmina, Judy (MIC) and Development, Jeska. 06 June Human Rights Law Centre or RILC. Refugee Week – June 20 – UN World Refugee (Leonie to contact Human Rights MSC/CCOEI in Day, June 26 – UN Day - Law Centre) partnership with an LGA Support of Victims of Torture

July No meeting 01 Aug Domestic Violence Victoria OR

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 3 Organisations servicing CALD: What do they do? What are the limitations/barriers?

(Leonie to contact In Touch or/and EDVOS for speakers) 05 Sept Holistic support for youth (e.g. Anchor services and programs; specific programs and services provided by JEM, NAPCAN; CMY, Life Without Barriers); OR VMC and RACs – achievements and challenges 03 Oct Ethnic Communities Council of Education and Training October 17- International Day Victoria – the multicultural expo; for the Eradication of Poverty, landscape: ECCV’s place in it. UN recognized 07 Nov Amnesty International – its work Refugee health forum November 16 - International locally and globally. (cultural perspectives Day for Tolerance Review MSC 2014 program; plan on mental health?) November 25 - International MSC 2015 program; CCOEI AGM Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 05 Dec Meeting to be advised. CCOEI Birthday Dec 3rd: International Day for Celebration? People with a disability. Other areas of interest: 1. How LGAs in EMR are addressing the needs of cultural minorities in their area 2. The law – magistrates court/Sheriff office 3. Human rights and culture (part of June meeting?)

7. MSC 2013 calendar – record of delivery MSC Meeting focus Forums, International meeting functions, events Multicultural dates - dates and Calendar events in working groups 2013 Jan No meeting 01 Feb Victorian Equal Opportunity and February 1 United Nations Human Rights Commission Interfaith Harmony Day (VEOHRC), Michelle Burrell Manager, Strategic Projects and Policy Unit, VEOHRC: the work of the VEOHRC focusing on anti- racism (reporting racism project and anti-hate website) Settlement of refugees in the EMR: Harmony Day March 21: Harmony Day Adam Warzel, Acting Director, One World Cup Soccer Settlement and Multicultural Tournament organised by Affairs, DIAC; Ramesh Kumar, VicPol on Sunday 17th General Manager, HSS & Asylum March 01 March Seeker programs, AMES; Brook Shearer, Acting Manager Asylum Seeker Program, AMES. 150th year Celebration Coranderrk: Jaqui Wandin, Coranderrk 05 April Living in Community Detention - April 7 - World Health Housing asylum seekers at the Day, recognized by the UN Janssen Spirituality Centre. Michael Hardie, Director Janssen 03 May Focus on school for refugee May 21 - World Day for children: BELS/mainstream Cultural Diversity for schools: programs for refugees. Dialogue and Robert Colla Principal BELS Development,

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 4 07 June Focus on Training and employment Refugee Week – auspice, June 20 – World Refugee services for migrants and refugees: coordinate, and seek Day, June 26 - Day - presenters from JSA and the Adult grants/ resources? Event Support of Victims of Migrant English Program Coordinator and funding Torture (educational counseling and needed (check OMA, employment pathways and training VMC, LGAs) programs). July No meeting 02 Aug A culturally sensitive approach to Building cultural CALD health - GPs (Inner East competence: requisite Melbourne Medicare Local – Sally skills and tools. Leonie Hall and GP) and health (convenor), Railey, professionals (Refugee Health Maria, Rebecca (MIC Nurse, Merilyn Spratling, EACH). Diversity training), Rosanne (Vic Pol), AMES TBC, Teena. Postponed to first half of 2014. 06 Sept 1. Understanding Loss and Grief DV: theme TBC. Leonie across cultures, and (convenor) Glenis, 2. DonateLife – organ and tissue Jasmina, Judy (MIC) donation (Twanny Farrugia). Jeska. Postponed to first half of 2014. 04 Oct Overview of the work of Anchor – Employment and October 17- International achievements and challenges, John Training expo – follow up Day for the Eradication of Devine, CEO, Anchor with Swinburne Uni Poverty, recognized by UN (Karen Connolly) 01 Nov Review MSC 2013 program; plan Forum: Disability and November 16 - MSC 2014 program; CCOEI AGM Cultural Diversity - International Day for Challenges 27/11/2013; Tolerance 1- 4. Perspectives on November 25 - research, policy, practice International Day for the in disability care in CALD Elimination of Violence communities. against Women, 06 Dec An outsider’s experience of Dec 3rd: International Day Thai/Burma border refugee for People with a disability. camps (Gitta Clayton and Sarah Nichols - AMES)

8. Forum and agency reports Forum reports Health Forum: Disability and Cultural Diversity – Challenges (Sam Navarria, Maria deMonte, Sui Ting Tse). The forum, held at the Monash Civic Centre on the 27th of November 2013, went well with around 45 people attending. Parking was difficult given the time of the year – the pm parking conditions affected the timely return of some participants for the world café section of the forum. Parking should be kept in mind for future forums. The speakers were good. More time for questions was needed. A forum report will be provided.

Agency Reports Swinburne University AMEP (Linda Boyd)  Swinburne operates from Prahran, Hawthorn, Croydon and Wantirna. Croydon has started a preliminary level English program; higher level English classes are running at Hawthorn;  Currently delivering the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program (Federal Department of Innovation);  Graduates of the carpentry program have received a certificate of completion;  Trade tasters are features of a number of Swinburne programs – these may motivate clients to choose a vocational area of interest. Swinburne also conducts childcare and aged care courses.

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 5 Department of Human Services – Centrelink (Maria deMonte)  Maria continues in her MSO role for the rest of 2013 but uncertain with regard to 2014;  Services during public holidays (25, 26, 27 and New Year) - refer to website.

Department of Social Services (Slavica Jurgevic)  Settlement Planning Update for November to be circulated. Noted the establishment of the Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) which are taking on functions of the former Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). The Settlement Planning Update for November outlines these changes and the functions pertaining to each department. One major change is that DSS will be responsible for settlement services and multicultural affairs (DIAC’s Settlement and Multicultural Affairs officially moved to DSS on 7 November 2013).To view the DSS website go to:

CCOEI At its AGM in November, the 2014 CCOEI committee was elected and includes Sam Navarria (President), Suit Ting Tse (Vice President), Cynthia Shaw (Secretary), and Twanny Farrugia (Treasurer). Other positions will be confirmed when the committee meets early in 2014. Chris Cosgriff was thanked for his leadership as president over the years and for his significant and continuing contribution to CCOEI; Glenis Crocker for her excellent work as secretary over many years. All members of the CCOEI committee and all volunteers were thanked for their valuable work and input.

City of Knox (Jaya Manchikanti) noted the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (FECCA) Conference held on the 7-8 November 2013. A wide range of topics was covered, including service delivery and diversity, aged care, disability, rural and regional settlement, new and emerging communities, refugees, health. A number of conference presentations have been published on the FECCA website

MIC (Jessica Bishop) - BBQ to welcome new arrivals to the region to be held at Ringwood Lake on Saturday 7 December. All invited.

Department of Health EMR (Belinda Gillam Derry). Belinda will finish with the department at the end of 2013 to take up a new position with ECLC to coordinate the new Healesville office. Hopefully the department will provide a new MSC rep.

(The MSC thanked Belinda for her contribution to the MSC and wished her well in her new position).

Anchor (Chris Cosgriff) - Noted the Kingship Care program and the Philip Island Camp planned for holidays.

Victoria Police (Liz Sidiropoulos)  Success of the White Ribbon Oath Against Violence to Women event at Ringwood Shopping Centre (this event was also reported in the November minutes under the ECLC report. Worth visiting the excellent Flash Mob Video  Racial Vilification Human Rights Commission Forum at Shepparton attended by Inspector Noy and other representatives of Victoria Police. Forum brought

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 6 together key communities such as the Iraqi, Afghani, and Sudanese and was a very good source of information and networking;  A forum on fire safety and the Burmese community conducted in partnership with the MIC.

DEECD EMR (Madeleine Parker) Change of tender for interpreters for DEECD schools - the existing contract for the provision of Interpreting and Translation service for DEECD schools ends on 31 December 2013. Following an open tender process, a new contract has been awarded to Victorian Interpreting and translating Services (VITS). VITS will provide the service to DEECD schools from 1 January 2014.

9. Projects and Ideas – incorporated in the review of MSC 2013 and planning MSC 2014 calendar.

Next MSC Meeting: Friday February 7, 2014, 9.30 - 12.00 Focus: (a) Government policy on Refugee and Asylum Seeker and its impact on the ground Louise Oliff, Settlement Policy Coordinator, Refugee Council of Australia.

(b) Coranderrk and community involvement – Keeping Barak’s dream alive, Brooke Collins, Coranderrk.

Venue: The Courtyard Room, City of Whitehorse Civic Centre, 397 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading.

NOTE: for past and current CCOEI and MSC documents, including meeting papers and guest presentations, visit

MSC email is transitioning from [email protected] to [email protected]. Please use [email protected] to contact Cynthia Shaw or Sam Navarria.

MSC MINUTES FRIDAY December 6, 2013 sn/cs 7

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