The Loarings of WINSHAM

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The Loarings of WINSHAM

The LOARINGS of WINSHAM The LOARINGS of WINSHAM a study by Maurice Loaring

Contents page

Introduction 1

Loarings Ancient 2

The descent from Ancient to Modern 3

Loarings Modern: Tom, Dick & Harry 4

Loarings Modern: the sons of Thomas Malachi Loaring 5

Notes & Acknowledgements 8

Abbreviations 9

The descendants of Thomas Loring 10

Appendices: 1 Table of Heads of Families 36 2 Index of Kinsfolk & Spouses 37 3 Index of Loarings 40

© Maurice Loaring, February 2013 The LOARINGS of WINSHAM - INTRODUCTION

Although I had the great good fortune to be born and brought up on the Isle of Wight I have never felt that my roots were there. My mother was only a first generation Islander, and my father came from Winsham; how they came to meet in Rangoon is related later, and it suffices to say that they married in 1922 and settled in Cowes, where my brother and I were born. I grew up believing the name Loaring to be rather distinctive, and I heard occasional mention of other Loarings - for example John Loaring, a Canadian hurdler who won a silver medal at the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. There were said to be Loarings in the Channel Islands and one also came across the odd Loring, but they were obviously of a lesser breed.

Before World War 2 we spent several holidays in Winsham, and in June 1942, after our home was destroyed by bombing, my mother, brother and I were evacuated there. We stayed with my grandmother Ellen and cousin Kathleen Loaring in Fore Street until the end of 1944, by which time the end of the war was in sight and, more to the point, Kathleen had just married and it was better for us to get out of the way. Those two and a half years at a formative time of my life had an effect on me far beyond the acquisition of a Somerset accent, and not surprisingly I developed the feeling that Winsham was where my real roots lay.

Soon after our return to the Island I went to Southampton to take a degree in civil engineering, and then joined the Western Region of British Railways at Paddington; I spent my whole career with BR, in one place or another. In1967 I was posted to the London headquarters and was surprised to find that there was already a Loaring listed in the office telephone directory, a Miss Gwen Loaring. We met, and she told me that she had done some research into her family and had found its early 18th Century origins in the village of Awliscombe in south Devon, near Honiton and some fifteen miles from Winsham. We could find no connection between our families and, although we kept in occasional touch, there the matter rested.

In 1978 Gwen passed on to me a letter from a Canadian Loaring, her cousin (and son of the Olympian), who was "carrying out a genealogical research project" on his family name. He expressed the opinion that "as the surname was so rare, it should be possible to establish relationships in all cases that come to light"; I have been pursuing that elusive aim ever since. After accepting the chance of early retirement in 1984 family history became a serious hobby, and in due course I became a member of the Society of Genealogists, the Somerset & Dorset Family History Society, the Devon Family History Society, and the Guild of One Name Studies. On behalf of the latter I am undertaking a formal ‘One Name Study’ of the surname Loring and its variants.

Those, then, are my credentials for offering these notes on the Loarings of Winsham. Their preparation has brought back many happy memories.

Maurice Loaring Christchurch, Dorset February 2013


The name LORING can best be taken as meaning ‘the man from Lotharingia’, which was the Kingdom of Lothar II, a great-grandson of Charlemagne. It was created in 855, and comprised the whole of Holland and Luxembourg, the northern part of Belgium, and parts of northern France; what is now known as Lorraine in France is only the rump of the old Kingdom. The first known mention of the name in England was in about 1060, when Albert ‘Lorigensis’ became a chaplain to Kind Edward the Confessor.

How the name came to the West Country is a mystery, but the Loarings of Winsham were not unique: there were Lorings in and around Axminster from the same early times, and although they probably had a common ancestor it has not been possible to prove this, DNA testing having been inconclusive. What the Winsham Loarings can claim is that they have been in the village for over 460 years, something that no other parish comes close to matching.

In common with most C of E Churches, the parish registers of St Stephen’s date back to 1558, and the earlier registers were written in Latin. The parish clerk entered details as he heard them, so it is not surprising that the broad south Somerset dialect could be misinterpreted, leading to a wide variety in the spelling of the basic surname LORING. In general the handwriting was poor, and difficult to read.

The first entry for the Loaring family in Winsham was a baptism: "17 September 1560 Agnes filia Thoma' Loring" or Agnes daughter of Thomas Loring

There is no way of knowing how long Thomas had been in the village, nor of knowing whom, where or when he had married, though it was probably the ‘Edith’ who died in 1610. Agnes seems to have been their first child, as there are no entries in the registers that can be related to an earlier one, so one could reasonably suppose that Thomas would have been about 25 when she was baptised, and hence that he was born c1535.

Thomas had four more children after Agnes, who died aged two: two sons and two daughters. The first son, John, was born in 1565 and only lived for two weeks, but the second son, William, born in 1566, survived, married and fathered two sons to continue the family line forward. In 1718 a new parish clerk started to use the spelling Loaring, and it has largely remained so ever since.

The line of descent from the original Thomas Loring to modern times is shown on the next page.

2 The LOARINGS of WINSHAM - Line of descent from the original Thomas Loring to modern times

1 Thomas Loring (c1535-1591) m Edith Nk ? (c1540-1610)

2 William Loring (1566-1627) m Eliza Heirins (c1570-1641?)

3 Thomas Loring (1598-1677) m Alice Sergeant (c1605-1677)

4 William Loring (1628-1695) m Nk

5 William Loring (1677-1729) m Dinah Bond (c1680-1741)

6 Robert Loaring (1718-1803) m Joan Kender (c1725-1800)

7 Nathaniel Loaring (1745-1822) m Elizabeth Paul (c1745-1821)

8 Thomas Loaring (1787-1875) m Sarah Hodder (c1790-1841)

9 Thomas Loaring (1818-1903) m Mary Bond Denning (1823-67)

10 Thomas Malachi Loaring (1857-1932) m Ellen Rosa Stoodley (1852-1945)

Fuller details are given in the charts starting on p 11, where the line down to Thomas Malachi Loaring is shown in red



TOM, DICK and HARRY: those with long memories may recall these brothers, the sons of Thomas and Mary Loaring, née Denning.

TOM Thomas Malachi Loaring (1857) was the eldest, a thatcher by profession and, in his latter years, a lay preacher at the Ebenezer Chapel, Stony Knaps.

DICK Richard Denning Loaring (1861) was the youngest, also a thatcher, and a bachelor. His claim to fame is that he carried the flag at local parades, and is shown doing so on one or two old picture postcards.

HARRY Henry Alfred Loaring (1859) another thatcher, who lived in a cottage off Fore St, next to Churchill’s the blacksmiths, and who was memorable to me for having a parrot in his window.

All bar one of the Loarings born in Winsham in the 20th century were descendants of either ‘Tom’ or ‘Harry’. Henry Alfred Loaring married Sarah Singleton in 1877, but of their five children only one stayed in the village; that was their eldest, Mary Ann (Polly), who married William Norris. Henry’s first son died in infancy, two more daughters married away, and the other son William left to work in a colliery in Radstock. Descendants of his still live in North Somerset.

It was Thomas Malachi Loaring who kept the line going in Winsham. He was my grandfather, but as he died when I was only four years old my recollections of him are shadowy; a stern man whose bookcase in the parlour held such light reading as ‘Fox’s Book of Martyrs’, and who was remembered by my mother for expostulating; ”What’s this? Toys on a Sunday?” In 1881 he married Ellen Rosa Stoodley (1852) from Wayford, who by contrast was a quiet, sweet little lady. She loved her garden and knew not only the name of every plant but, more importantly, who had given it to her They lived in ‘The Barracks’ in Fore Street which, I am told, was originally a single thatched building with one open end used for stabling and storage. No one seems to know how or when it came by that name, but it has been suggested that it dates back to the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685. At some stage the open end was filled in and turned into a separate dwelling, now known as ‘Kimmerdene’; the main part is ‘Barrack Cottage’, sold in 2006 after countless years as the family home.

They had four sons:

James Thomas (1881 - 1952) Maurice Morey Denning (1884 - 1895) Charles Archibald (1887 - 1971) John Henry (1894 - 1982)

As it is their families that will be best remembered, and still have a presence in Winsham and the surrounding area, they are shown in both the male and the female lines, starting on page 28.

The last Loaring to be born in the village was Charles Archibald’s grandson, Malcolm Geoffrey: b 1949 - see p 31


The four sons of Thomas Malachi Loaring:

1 James Thomas Loaring:

Born 24 Nov 1881 at ‘The Barracks’, Fore Street; died at his home in Church Street 15 Nov 1952; buried in Winsham Cemetery.

He was a carpenter by trade, and the Census of 31 March 1901 showed him as employed on the Cricket St Thomas Estate. By 1911 he had become foreman carpenter, living in a cottage on the Estate with his wife and two children. He had married Catherine Long (aka Kate) in 1906, probably in Winsham; she was born in Thorncombe q1 1884, the daughter of Northcote John C Long and Annie, née Hayball. James did not serve in the armed forces during the Great War, but I do not know whether this was because of his work, or whether he was medically unfit. At some stage he left the Cricket Estate and set up business in ‘The Roost’, Church Street as a carpenter and jobbing builder, also acting as an undertaker. He was a skilled wood-carver and I am told he did the carving on the choir stalls at St Stephen’s; he also made a reredos for Wells Cathedral, though no one knows which one, out of the dozen or so that are there. He was also the first of the family to own a car - which I recall as a large open tourer, abandoned in the workshop and shrouded in sawdust and cobwebs.

James and Kate had two children: Thomas Northcote Wallace Loaring b 24 Apr 1907, and Stella Alice Loaring b 3 Mar 1909; both were born at Cricket St Thomas, but not baptised until 12 Nov 1922 at St Stephen’s; the late baptisms may have been related to James’s appointment as Organist & Choirmaster at St Stephen’s, a post that he held for many years. Catherine died 28 Mar 1936 and was buried in Winsham Cemetery.

James gave a home to his nephew (Geoffrey) Arthur, wife and daughter when they were first married, and their son Malcolm was born there. They perforce had to leave when James died in 1952, and the house was sold.

More details of James’s family are given on p 28, and of Arthur’s on page 33.

2 Maurice Morey Denning Loaring:

Born 15 Nov 1884 at the Barracks, Fore Street; died there 22 Mar 1895 aged 10.

I am told that his early death was due to a fever brought about by falling into an ice-cold River Axe. As the bearer of his name, I am sad to say that I have no idea what sort of a lad he was, apart from being too adventurous.


The four sons of Thomas Malachi Loaring cont:

3 Charles Archibald Loaring:

Born 19 Jun 1887 at ‘The Barracks’, Fore Street; died 8 Mar 1971, buried in Winsham Cemetery.

He started work at the Cricket Estate, first as a gardener and then as a carpenter, assisting his elder brother James who was the Foreman Carpenter. He joined the Army in 1914 and served in France, where he survived a gas attack, and then in the Middle East. On 2 October 1920 he married Annie Elizabeth Paull at St Stephen’s; she was the daughter of William and Harriett Paull, born 18 Jan 1888 at Woolminstone (between Winsham and Crewkerne), and the widow of Albert Russell, whom she had married q2 1915. He was born in 1891 at Cricket St Thomas, and was killed in action in Flanders on 28 Apr 1917.

Charles was a member of the Winsham Coronation Band, and I have been told that one Christmas he was brought home in a wheelbarrow after wassailing too enthusiastically. His children and grandchildren were the mainstay of the band right up to its demise in 2009, 107 years after it was formed

In later years he was a woodsman, working for a sawmill at Chard Junction. At some stage he had acquired the nickname ‘Kimmer’ - hence ‘Kimmerdene’, the name chosen by his son Percy for his part of ‘The Barracks’. I remember him as a real countryman, full of stories about the family, related in a broad west-country dialect; I have never forgotten him addressing Aunt Bessie with: “Do thee bide quiet thy chackling, thee old vool, and go get I zum vittals”. She took it all in good part, as she was always good-humoured and ready to laugh at herself with a: “There’s a vool, now”. She died 1 Apr 1967 in hospital in Taunton and was buried 6 Apr in Winsham Cemetery.

They had five children, all born at ‘The Barracks’: Kathleen Doris b 11 Aug 1921 d 26 Apr 2006

Thomas Archibald b 23 Sep 1922 d 15 Mar 2006

Geoffrey Arthur b 18 Jan 1924 d 6 May 2007

Frederick John b 28 Aug 1925 d 27 Feb 2009

Percy Charles b 12 Sep 1927 d 30 Sep 2008

more details are shown from p 28 onwards


The four sons of Thomas Malachi Loaring cont:

4 John Henry Loaring:

Born 30 Jul 1894 at ‘The Barracks’, Fore Street; died 19 Mar 1982 at Burgess Hill, West Sussex; cremated 26 Mar at Brighton.

The author’s father, known as ‘Jack’ to his family and ‘Jim’ to his friends. He too started work at the Cricket Estate as assistant carpenter to his eldest brother, James Thomas, then became secretary to Miss Fry in Cricket House itself. He enlisted in the Somerset Light Infantry in Aug 1914 and was posted to the Military Accounts Headquarters in Maymyo, Burma, eventually reaching the rank of Sergeant. After demobilisation in 1919 he stayed on in Rangoon and became an accounts clerk with the Henderson Line shipping company. He attended the Methodist Church and played the piano at some of their functions . . .

My mother, Hilda Winnie North was born 28 Sep 1891 in Newport, Isle of Wight, the second of four girls, and was always known as Winnie or Wyn. They had an older brother, Wesley North, who was killed in action in 1917, and whose name is borne by four nephews he never knew. Having seen all three sisters marry, Wyn persuaded her father to let her spend her ’dowry’ on a year’s holiday with her youngest sister’s husband’s family - the Fegredos, who lived in Rangoon and whom she had met when they were visiting England. She sailed from Liverpool 11 March 1921 and, once settled in with her friends, started to attend the Methodist Church and some of their functions . . .

She returned home a year later, closely followed by Jack Loaring, whom she married on 24 Aug 1922 at Newport IW. They lived over the ‘The Golden Bon-Bon’, a confectionery & tobacco shop in Cowes High Street, and in due course acquired the North family wholesale & retail confectioner & tobacconist’s business, with other premises in Cowes and Newport. My father, like his brother James, was an organist and he served the Mill Hill Methodist Church for 50 years; one of the many questions I regret never asking was where and how he learned to play; I remember an old harmonium at ‘T he Barracks’, so perhaps their father taught them. For the few years before he joined the Army he played the euphonium in the Winsham Silver Band.

During WW 2 father was a Senior Air Raid Warden, and had seconds to take cover before the bomb that wrecked our home landed, killing two people not so lucky at finding shelter; the rest of us were safe in a cellar at the rear. We were fortunate to be able to move into a vacant house owned by my grandmother. After retiring aged 67 Jack took up bowls, and became a regular member of the IW County team. Towards the end of 1979 my mother’s health had deteriorated to the extent that she could no longer cope, and they moved in with us at Burgess Hill; she died there 1 Jul 1980 and was cremated 4 Jul at Brighton.

Their two children, both born at Cowes IW, are: Maurice Wesley b 12 Nov 1927 see p 33

Richard John b 7 May 1931 see p 34



This document relies heavily on the parish registers of St Stephen’s church and much of the early writing is hard to decipher, so that the author’s reading of the entries frequently differs from Judy Hodges’ transcriptions published by the Somerset & Dorset Family History Society. There are gaps in the registers from 1645 - 1654 and from 1751 - 1754.

The spelling of the surname varied wildly before settling down as Loaring; other versions include:

Laroing Loarding Loreinge Loreng Loringe Louering Loueringe Lowring

The same person could have different spelling at baptism, marriage and burial, so for simplicity the entries in the charts starting on p 10 can be taken as referring to Loring prior to 1718 and Loaring thereafter.

From about 1190 until 1751 the New Year started on Lady Day, the 25th of March. This can produce apparent anomalies in earlier records: for example a child might be shown as baptised on the 21st of August 1645 and buried on the 23rd of February 1645, aged 6 months. To avoid confusion, dates between the 1st of January and the 24th of March for years prior to 1752 are shown, for example, as 23 Feb 16456.


I am grateful for the ready help I have had from my Winsham cousins’ families in providing the details that, I hope, make this document more than a dull record of names, dates and places.


Abbreviations b = born bb = baseborn bp = baptised bu = buried c = about d = died k/a = killed in action m = married nk = not known q = quarter of the year RD = registration district RO = Register Office

< = before > = after Cd = Chard Ck = Crewkerne

Ct = Cricket St Thomas Im = Ilminster Th = Thorncombe Yv = Yeovil

Wm = Winsham: Wc = Cemetery Wi = Independent Church Ws = St Stephen’s Parish Church

Wu = United Reformed Church Wz = Ebenezer Chapel, Stony Knaps the Band = Winsham Coronation Silver Band

These ‘Chapman Codes’ are used as abbreviations for counties:

Brk = Berkshire Chs = Cheshire Cor = Cornwall Dev = Devon Dor = Dorset Gla = Glamorgan

Gls = Gloucestershire Hrt = Hertfordshire Ken = Kent Lnd = London Som = Somerset Sts = Staffordshire

Ssx = Sussex War = Warwickshire Wil = Wiltshire Wor = Worcestershire Yrk = Yorkshire

Reference Codes

The entries are grouped firstly by generations and then by families; each family has an identifying letter, and each child has a number: for example:

Thomas Malachi Loaring is found at 10 D 5, ie he belongs to the 10th generation, and he is the fifth child of family ‘D’.

The children born most recently are of the fifteenth generation. See Appendix 1 on p 37 for a Table of the Heads of families

9 The LOARINGS of WINSHAM - Descendants of Thomas Loring c1535 -1591

I A Parents not known

1 Thomas b say c1535 bu 14 Apr 1591 Ws m <1560 Edith Nk? b say c1540 - bu 30 Mar 1610 Ws see 2 A below

end of generation 1

2 A Children of Thomas & Edith: above

1 Agnes b 1560, bp 17 Sep 1560 Ws bu 11 Dec 1652 Ws

2 Catherine b 1562, bp 21 Nov 1562 Ws m 22 Nov 1600 Ws John Teate

3 John b 1565, bp 23 Jul 1565 Ws bu 18 Jul 1565 Ws

4 William b 1566, bp 1 Dec 1566 Ws bu 14 Jan 16278 Ws m 17 Jun 15956 Ct Elizabeth Heirins c1568-?? see 3 A below

5 Ana b 1570, bp 26 May 1570 Ws m 26 Jul 1609 Ws John Pinney

end of generation 2

3 A Children of William & Elizabeth Heirins: 2 A 4 above

1 Elizabeth b 1596, bp 5 Sep 1596 Ws bu 20 Sep 1598 Ws

2 Thomas b 1598, bp 2 Dec 1598 Ws bu 28 Apr 1677 Ws m1 28 Nov 1624 Ws Elizabeth Battin? c1603 -1625 see 4 A on p 11 m2 16 Sep 1627 Ws Alse Sergeant b / d ?? see 4 A on p 11

3 Elizabeth b 1601, bp 3 May 1601 Ws m 2 Feb 16356 Ws Robert Webb

4 William b 1603, bp 28 Oct 1603 Ws d ?? m 18 Oct 1632 Ws Lyddia Lomburne? b / d ?? see 4 B on p 11

5 Phillipa b 1608, bp 27 Dec 1608 Ws m 19 Mar 16390 Ct Thomas Pearce

end of generation 3

10 4 A Children of Thomas & Elizabeth Battin: 3 A 2 on p 10

1 Agnes b 1625, bp 28 Oct 1625 Ws m / d ??

4 A Children of Thomas & Alse Sergeant : 3 A 2 on p 10

2 William b 1627, bp 9 Mar 16278 Ws bu 3 Feb 16945 Ws m < 1656 Spouse Nk see 5 A on p 12

3 Susanna b 1629, bp 3 Jan 16290 Ws m / d ?

4 Hannah b 1633, bp 25 May 1633 Ws m 1697 Ct Thomas Curtes

5 Elizabeth b 1635, bp 10 Jan 16356 Ws m 9 Jan 16978 Ws John Colhough [or Colley?]

6 Edith b c1637 bu 30 Oct 1637 Ws

4 B Children of William & Lyddia Lomburne?: 3 A 4 on p 10

1 William b 1632, bp 25 Nov 1632 Ws d 1639, bu 27 Dec 1639 Ws

2 Thomas b 1634, bp 25 Jan 16345 Ws d 1686, bu 18 Jul 1686 Ws

3 Samuell b 1637, bp 21 Oct 1637 Ws d 1637, bu 1 Nov 1637 Ws

4 Elizabeth b 1637, bp 21 Oct 1637 Ws d 1637, bu 30 Oct 1637 Ws

5 Phillip b 1638, bp 26 Nov 1638 Ws m / d ??

6 Liddia b 1643, bp 18 Jun 1643 Ws d 1668, bu 9 Aug 1668 Axminster

7 William b c1645 d 1719, bu 22 May 1719 Ws m 3 Nov 1687 Ws Mary Barrett b / d ?? see 5 B on p 12

end of generation 4

11 5 A Children of William & NK: 4 A 2 on p 11

1 Ann b 1656, bp 30 Mar 1656 Ws m / d ??

2 Agnes? b 1658, bp 2 Feb 16589 Ws m / d ??

3 Nathaniell b 1661, bp 15 May 1651, Ws bu 8 Nov 1723 Ws m 1 Mar 16867 Ws Elizabeth Parish? c1666 - 17256

6 A 1 Nathaniel b > 1686 bu 25 Mar 1711 Ws

5 A 4 Robert b 1671, bp 13 Jul 1671 Ws m / d ??

5 Thomas b 1672, bp 30 Dec 1672 Ws bu 26 May 1728 Ws m1 ?? Spouse Nk see 6 B on p 13 m2 13 Jul 1701 Ws Thamzin Carswell? c1680- 1751 6 William b 1672, bp 30 Dec 1672 Ws bu 19 Jan 16723 Ws

7 Lydia b 1675 m / d ?? see 6 C on p 13

8 William b 1676, bp 2 Feb 16767 Ws bu 13 Nov 1729 Ws m 12 Sep 1703 Ck Dinah Bond c1680 - 1741 see 6 D on p 13

9 John b 1678, bp 6 Dec 1678 Ws bu 9 Feb 1678 Ws

10 Ursula b 1679, bp 4 Mar 1679 Ws m 1701 Ct Robert Phelps

11 Mary b 1682, bp 25 May 1682 Ws m 3 Sep 1705 Ws William Baker

12 Elizabeth b 1684, bp 6 Apr 1684 Ws bu 28 Sep 1729 Ws

13 John b 1685, d 1686 bu 21 Oct 1686 Ws

5 B Children of William & Mary Barrett: 4 B 7 on p 11

1 Martha b 1668, bp 5 Apr 1688 Ws bu 16 Sep 1694 Ws

2 Margaret b 1689, bp 23 Apr 1689 m 9 Nov 1720 William Huxford

3 Francis b > 1689 bu 21 Jan 1693 Ws

end of generation 5

12 6 B Child of Thomas & Nk: 5 A 5 on p 12

1 Stephen b 1693, bp 3 Sep 1693 Ws m / d ??

6 B Children of Thomas & Thamzin Carswell: 5 A 5 on p 12

2 Elizabeth b 1701, bp 17 Sep 1701 Ws bu 7 Dec 1701 Ws

3 Martha b 1703, bp 2 May 1703 Ws bu 3 May 1741 Ws

6 C Children of Lydia: 5 A 7 on p 12

1 William bb 1695, bp 9 Jun Ws bu 31 May 1760 Ws

2 Ann bb 1700, bp 13 May 1700 Ws bu 21 Jul 1700 Ws

3 Mary bb 1701, bp 15 Jan 17012 Ws ‘3rd base child of Lydia’ m / d ??

6 D Children of William & Dinah Bond: 5 A 8 on p 12

1 Annah b 1703, bp 2 Feb 17034 Ws m 1726 Ct Solomon Bennett

2 Elizabeth b 1705, bp 22 Feb 17056 Ws m 31 Aug 1739 Ws Thomas Langford

3 Mary b 1707, bp 17 Feb 17078 Ws m / d ??

4 William b 1710, bp 13 Sep 1710 Ws bu 25 Apr 1779 Ws m 8 May 1739 Wayford Mary Augre c1718 - 1767 no children known

5 Nathaniall b 1712, bp 17 Feb 17123 Ws bu 18 Sep 1713 Ws twin to Martha

6 Martha b 1712, bp 17 Feb 17123 Ws bu 3 May 1741 Ws twin to Nathaniall

7 Robert b 1718, bp 19 Nov 1718 Ws bu 31 Jul 1803 Ws m 29 Mar 17445 Ws Joan Kender < 1730 - 1800 see 7 A on p 14

the first to have his name recorded consistently as Loaring

8 John b 1721, bp 9 Nov 1721 Ws bu 18 Jan 1722 Ws

end of generation 6

13 7 A Children of Robert & Joan Kender: 6 D 7 on p 13

1 Nathaniel b 1745, bp 1745 Ws bu 17 Mar 1822 Ws m 1 Aug 1771 Ws Elizabeth Paul c1745 - 1820 see 8 A on p 15

2 Hannah b 1747, bp 16 Jun 1747 Ws m / d ?

8 B 1 Martha bb 1770, bp 2 Dec 1770 Ws m / d ?

3 Thomas b c1750 Wm bu 19 Mar 1825 Im m 10 Apr 1787 Ws Sarah Staple c1757 - 1833 see 8 C on p 16 Landlord of The George, Ilminster, where the young Princess Victoria spent a night in 1819 - the first time she had stopped in a hotel.

4 Henry b 1750, bp 21 Mar 1750 Ws d Tatworth, bu 7 Mar 1813 Ws m 5 Oct 1772 Ws Sarah Ann Wakeley c1751- ?? see 8 D on p 16

5 Alexander b c1752: of Chaffcombe at mar d ?? m 20 May 1771 Seavington St Mary Mary Rich see 8 E on p 17

6 Mary b c1754 bu 4 Jul 1790 Ws

8 F 1 Sarah bb 1775, bp 10 Mar 1775 Ws bu 19 May 1775 Ws

7 William b c1755 bu 5 Sep 1756 Ws

8 Elizabeth b 1757, bp 27 Nov 1757 Ws m 2 Jul 1777 Ws Benjamin Peadon [or Wheadon?]

9 Samuel b c1760 d ?? m < 1782 Sarah Nk

8 G 1 Susannah b 1782, bp 29 Oct 1782 Ws bu 20 Jun 1784 Ws

10 Susanna b 1765, bp 14 Nov 1765 Ws bu 17 Apr 1768 Ws

end of generation 7

14 8 A Children of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Paul: 7 A 1 on p 14

1 Nathaniel b 1772, bp 12 Jan 1772 Ws Enlisted in the 1st Foot Guards at Portsmouth on 28 Oct 1799; Sergeant in Lt/Col Stanhope's Company at the Battle of Quatre Bras, Waterloo, wounded 18 Jun 1815; . discharged as a Sergeant from Lt/Col Allix's Company with a Chelsea Pension 26 Apr 1816; d ??

m1 14 Apr 1792 Bloomsbury Mary Cocksall c1772 - <1810 m2 < 1810 not traced Elizabeth Nk < 1793 - ?? 9 A Child of Nathaniel & Mary Cocksall:

1 Nathaniel b c1800 Enlisted as a Drummer in the 1st Foot Guards at Windsor, Brk, 27 Mar 1811: ‘labourer’ aged 11 Attested for unlimited service 20 Sep 1820, aged 20 d 10 May 1830 Windsor, Brk

9 A Child of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Nk:

2 Elizabeth Jane b 1810, bp 28 Jan 1810 Chatham, Ken m / d ??

8 A 2 John b 1774, bp 16 Feb 1774 Ws bu 16 Jan 1779 Ws

3 Robert b 1776, bp 14 Jul 1776 Ws bu 4 Oct 1846 Ws m 16 Aug 1801 Ws Susannah Hallet c1778 - 1839 see 9 B on p 17 clothworker, milkman 4 Isabella b 1778, bp 30 Aug 1778 Ws m 18 Aug 1799 Ck Samuel Cottle b c1768

5 Elizabeth b 1781, bp 21 Feb 1781 Ws bu 7 Aug 1791 Ws

6 John b 1784, bp 6 Jun 1784 Ws bu 24 May 1855 Im m1 c1806 Mary Nk c1787 - 1824 see 9 C on p 18 cordwainer, deaf m2 15 Feb 1825 Im Elizabeth Chick c1783 - 1869

7 Thomas b 1787, bp 25 Feb 1787 Ws bu 31 Aug 1875 Ws m 15 Apr 1812 Ws Sarah Hodder 1789 - 1841 see 9 D on p 18

15 8 C Children of Thomas & Sarah Staple: 7 A 3 on p 14

1 Thomas b 1787, bp 25 Nov 1787 Kingstone bu 12 Aug 1801 Im

2 Robert b 1789, bp 25 Dec 1789 Kingstone d 19 Jul 1849 London farmer and landlord of the Yarcombe Inn, Dev, formerly owned by Sir Francis Drake m1 6 Feb 1813 City of London Mary Frances Fry c1790 - 1817 see 9 E on p 19 m2 20 Mar 1824 Bridport, Dor Rebecca Collier Jerrard c1784 - 1870

3 William b 1792, bp 20 Jan 1792 Kingstone twin brother of Sarah d at Fivehead Asylum, bu 15 Mar 1828 Im

4 Sarah b 1792, bp 20 Jan 1792 Kingstone twin sister of William m 28 Mar 1822 Im Joseph Francis

5 Mary b 1793, bp 24 Dec Im m 1 Jun 1812 Lyme Regis, Dor Robert Stainer: many descendants living in Australia

6 Elizabeth b 1796, bp 29 Jul 1796 Im m 4 May 1822 Im Robert Maynard

7 John b 1798, bp 1 Jan 1799 Im d 26 Feb 1868 Im attended Ilminster Grammar School ; bachelor followed his father as landlord of the George Inn, Ilminster

8 Hannah b 24 Dec 1799 Im, aka Anna m 18 Jan 1821 Im John Robertson

9 Johanna b 10 Dec 1801 Im m 16 Aug 1836 Tintinhull Alexander MacFarlane [as Joanne Josephine?]

8 D Children of Henry & Sarah Ann Wakeley: 7 A 4 on p 14

1 Robert b 1772, bp 8 Nov 1772 Ws d 1 Oct 18484 Tatworth m 21 Dec 1821 Cd Maria Mosse c1772 - 1853 no children

2 Sarah b 1775, bp 12 Feb 1775 Ws bu 10 May 1776, Ws

3 Sarah b 1776, bp 2 Jan 1777 Ws m / d ??

9 F 1 Matthew bb 1797, bp 28 May 1797 bu 13 May 1798 Ws

4 Henry b 1782, bp 25 May 1782 Ws no further trace

16 8 E Children of Alexander & Mary Rich: 7 A 5 on p 14

1 Nathaniel b 1774, bp 1774 Cd shoemaker: d Bexley, Ken ?? bachelor

2 Alexander b 1775, bp 1775 Cd d 17 Dec 1804 Stoke Damerel, Dev m 17 Jan 1798 E Stonehouse, Dev Ann Cundy <1781 - 1857 no children known

3 Mary b 1777 Cd d 1853 Union House, Cd, bu 18 Apr 1853 Ws

4 William b c1779 Cd d q2 1852 Stoke Damerel RD m <1810 not traced Ann Nk c1779 - ?? see 9 G on p 19

5 Thomas b c1784 d 21 May 1841 Devonport Chelsea Pensioner

6 John b 1786, bp 11 Jun 1786 Ws bu 1 Jan 1787 Ws

7 Priscilla b 1788, bp 21 Sep 1788 Ws m 23 Jul 1825 Stoke Damerel, Dev William Weeks or Wickes

end of generation 8

9 B Children of Robert & Susannah Hallet: 8 A 3 on p 15

1 Nathaniel b 10 Nov 1801, bp 7 Mar 1802 Ws m / d ??

2 William b 1808, bp 27 Jan 1808 Ws bu service 15 Mar 1834 Wi m 9 Oct 1832 Ws Lydia Smith 1810 - 1843 see 10 B on p 20

3 Elizabeth b c1812 m 19 May 1842 Ws William Warren

4 Ann b 1814, bp 6 Nov 1814 Ws m 13 Nov 1838 Ws George Compton mentioned in an article in ‘The Greenwood Tree’: Somerset & Dorset Family History Society Vol 38 No 1 p 23

17 9 C Children of John & Mary Nk: 8 A 6 on p 15

1 Elizabeth b 1807, bp 16 Aug 1807 Ws d 1808?

2 Sarah b 1808, d 1808 bu 24 Jul 1808 Ws

3 Elizabeth b 1809, bp 16 Jul 1809 Ws m 30 Mar 1834 Cd Charles Nottley

4 Thomas b 1815, bp 22 Jan 1815 Ws bu 14 Mar 1819 Ws

5 Mary Ann b 1816, bp 4 Nov 1816 Ws bu 23 Mar 1848 Ws

6 Joseph b 2 Jul 1820, bp 11 Jul 1820 Ws bu 23 Apr 1822 Ws

7 Sarah b 13 Dec 1821, bp 26 May 1822 Ws m / d ??

10 B 1 Robert bb q3 1844 Shepton Mallet RD d 10 Aug 1844 Chard Union House aged 2m

9 C Child of John & Elizabeth Chick: 8 A 6 on p 15

8 William b 1828, bp 30 Nov 1828 Im d 25 Feb 1900 Gwennap, Cor groom at Brympton d’Evercy; gardener in Gwennap m 31 Dec 1866 West Chinnock Emma Russell see 10 C on p 20 Emma m2 1904 in WA Patrick Bradley

9 D Children of Thomas & Sarah Hodder: 8 A 7 on p 15

1 Sarah b 1813, bp 6 Jun 1813 Ws m 18 Mar 1844 Im Samuel Hussey

2 Thomas b 1817, bp 4 Feb 1817 Ws bu 12 Apr 1817 Ws

3 Thomas b 25 Feb 1818 Ws bu 13 May 1903 Ws thatcher m 7 Feb 1850 Im Mary Denning 1823 - 1867 see 10 D on p 20

4 Joanna b 1821, bp 1 Apr 1821 Ws d 1821, bu 11 Jul 1821 Ws

5 Henry b 1822, bp 2 Mar 1822 Ws d 1885 Th, bu 9 Jun 1885 Ws m1 3 1846 Cd RD Rosanna Wilment c1822 - 1852 see 10 E on p 21 thatcher m2 24 Oct 1865 Chillington Tabitha Hill 1840 - 1880

6 Catherine Elizabeth b 22 Mar 1824 Ws m 30 Oct 1882 Netherhay, Dor William Poole see 10 F on p 21

7 Joseph b 1827, bp 4 Feb 1827 Ws d 22 Jan 1894 Walthamstow m1 19 Sep 1848 Ws Sarah Ann Porter 1829 - 1852 see 10 G on p 22 m2 17 Nov 1853 Ws Susan Cook 1823 -1895

8 Eleanor Selina b 1831, bp 12 Jun 1831 Ws m 15 Mar 1860 Ws Joseph Burrage

9 George b 1834, bp 16 Feb 1834 Ws bu 31 Jul 1879 Ws

10 Alfred b 1836, bp 24 Jan 1836 Ws bu 29 Oct 1910 Ws m q2 1872 Axminster RD Alice Newbery c1836 - 1919 see 10 H on p 22

18 9 E Children of Robert & Mary Frances Fry: 8 C 2 on p 16

1 Mary Ann b 1814, bp 9 Sep 1814 Yarcombe, Dev d 5 Dec 1893 Wilton, Wil superintendant of a women’s hostel

2 Thomas b 1815, bp 6 Aug 1815 Yarcombe, Dev d 24 Apr 1874 Exeter coachman

3 William Henry b 1816, bp 13 Dec 1816 Yarcombe, Dev d 7 Sep 1863 Im not found C51, C61

9 E Children of Robert & Rebecca Collier Jerrard : 8 C 2 on p 16

4 Rosalie Clemence b 17 May 1825 Yarcombe, Dev m1 29 Jul 1848 Camberwell RD Francis Robert Williamson d 1851 m2 12 Jun 1854 St Martin in the Fields Henry H Harridance 1823 - 1898

5 Frances Staples b 17 Feb 1826 Yarcombe, Dev m 17 Dec 1845 St Martin in the Fields George Turnbull Taylor 1812 - 1884 many descendants living in Australia

9 G Children of William & Ann Nk: 8 E 4 on p 17

1 William Alexander b c1810 Devonport d < 1871 shipwright m 15 Jan 1833 Stoke Damerel, Dev Ann Collins c1810 - > 1871 no children known

2 John b 7 Jul 1818 Devonport d q1 1893 St Olave RD, Lnd: m 7 Jun 1843 Stoke Damerel, Dev Elizabeth Hooper c1825 - 1894 Sailor RN; Customs Officer; Piano Teacher see 10 J on p 23

3 Caroline Matilda b c1820 m 9 Apr 1841 East Stonehouse, Dev William Dean

end of generation 9

19 10 A Children of William & Lydia Smith: 9 B 2 on p 17

1 William Henry b 26 Nov 1832, bp 14 May 1833 Wi orphaned aged 11 no further trace - adopted?

2 James b 1 May 1834, bp 20 Jul 1834 Wi d 2 Jul 1918, bu Yv m 28 Jun 1870 Evershot, Dor Caroline Jane Harwood 1848 - 1911 see 11 A on p 24 orphaned aged 9 and informally adopted by George & Elizabeth Pickford (née Smith, his aunt) of Yeovil; organist FRCO, choirmaster, composer; auditioned unsucessfully for the post of organist at St Albans Cathedral.

10 C Children of William & Emma Russell: 9 C 8 on p 18

1 William Henry b 27 Nov 1868 Alvington Brimpton, Som d 27 Dec 1894 South Australia unmarried

2 Albert Charles Russell b q1 1870 Alvington Brimpton, Som d 27 Nov 1950 Perth, WA married with 5 children

3 Frederick John b 11 May 1873 Alvington Brimpton, Som d 24 Dec 1953 Perth, WA married with 2 children

4 Maud Inez b q3 1875 Alvington Brimpton, Som d 3 Jun 1955 Mt Lawley RD, WA married with 7 children

5 Jane Harriet b 20 Jun 1880 Washfield, Dev d 18 Jul 1934 Mt Lawley RD, WA married without children?

6 Owen Archibald b 17 Apr 1882 Tiverton, Dev d 18 Oct 1945 Perth, WA married with 7 children

7 Alfred James b 27 Mar 1885 Clyst Hydon, Dev d 9 Nov 1959 Bentley, WA married with 3 children

They all emigrated to Western Australia at differing times; their descendants are shown in another document ‘The Loarings of Western Australia.’

10 D Children of Thomas & Mary Denning: 9 D 3 on p 18

1 Ann b q1 1851, bp 2 Feb 1851 Ws m 5 May 1872 Ws Charles North no children

2 Sarah Hodder b q4 1852, bp 5 Nov 1852 Ws bu 3 Nov 1854 Ws twin to Mary Bond

3 Mary Bond b q4 1852, bp 5 Nov 1852 Ws bu 3 Nov 1854 Ws twin to Sarah Hodder

4 Sarah Mary b 1855, bp 15 Apr 1855 Ws bu 7 Jun 1864 Ws

5 Thomas Malachi b 6 Feb 1857 Wm d 1 Jul 1932 Wm, bu Wiz m 7 May 1881 Cd Ellen Rosa Stoodley 1852 - 1945 see 11 B on p 24

6 Henry Alfred b q1 1859 Wm d q2 1940 Wm m q1 1877 Cd RD Sarah Singleton 1854 - 1931 see 11 C on p 25

7 Richard Denning b 1861, bp 12 May 1861 Ws d 2 Jan 1934 Wm, bu Wz thatcher bachelor

20 10 E Children of Henry & Rosanna Wilment: 9 D 5 on p 18

1 Sarah b q4 1846 Cd RD m 11 Mar 1875 Friern Barnet, Hrt Samuel Cope brother of William

2 Elizabeth b q4 1848 Th m q3 1879 Edmonton, Mdx Henry Boultwood

3 Ann b q3 1850 Th m 24 Jul 1874 Friern Barnet, Hrt William Cope brother of Samuel

4 Henry b q2 1852 Th d 11 Sep 1852 Ws

10 E Children of Henry & Tabitha Hill: 9 D 5 on p 18

5 Joseph b q1 1866 Th d 25 Mar 1927 Pancras RD Coachman to William Ewart Gladstone, Prime Minister m 17 Aug 1893 Paddington, Mdx Emma Ann Foster see 11 D on p 25

6 George Henry b 30 Jun 1867 Th d 22 Nov 1959 Marylebone m1 15 Oct 1888 Marylebone Annie Cooch divorced or abandoned? m2 q1 1899 St George Han Sq RD Charlotte Carrington c1871- 1959 see 11 E on p 25 7 Mary Sophia b q1 1872 Th d q2 1917 Ck

11 G 1 Robert George bb q3 1889 Ck bu 30 Oct 1889 Ck ’10 weeks’ probably by James Stroud, b q1 1867 Ck

2 Elsie Kate bb q4 1892 Ck no further record probably by James Stroud

Mary Sophia then married James Stroud 17 Nov 1894 Ck, and they had 10 more children

8 Agnes Eveline b 23 Jan 1874 Th d 22 Dec 1963 McKinney, Texas m 16 Mar 1894 McKinney, Texas William Gammie Forsyth they had 5 children, whose descendants live in Texas

9 Emily Kate b 3 Dec 1876 Th d 3 Oct 1960 Pietermaritzburg, S Africa m 25 Dec 1897 Holborn William Frederick Schoon they had 3 children, whose descendants live in S Africa

10 Emma Ellen b 3 Oct 1878 Th d 21 Apr 1949 Brighton RD m 19 May 1908 Bayswater Albert Tasker they had 2 children, whose descendants live in and around Sussex

10 F Child of Catherine Elizabeth: 9 D 6 on p 18

1 Thomas bb 12 Sep 1849 Ws d q4 1925 Ck shoemaker m1 22 Dec 1877 Taunton Emma Sophia Hallett, née Way 1839 - 1911 m2 28 Nov 1914 Cd Rose Elliott 1863 -?? 11 G Child of Thomas & Emma Sophia:

1 Tom bp 5 Nov 1876 Ws bu 23 Apr 1892 Ck

21 10 G Children of Joseph & Sarah Ann Porter: 9 D 7 p 18

1 Enos Porter b 1849 Wm, bp 4 Feb 1849 Ws d q3 1916 Bethnal Green RD m 20 Jan 1874 Bethnal Green Annie Waters 1850 - 1918 see 11 H on p 26

2 Arthur Alfred b q4 1850, bp 1869 Ct d q1 1918 Gower RD m q4 1890 Swansea RD Jane Ellen Dixon 1867 - 1904 see 11 J on p 26

10 G Children of Joseph & Susan Cook: 9 D 7 p 18

3 Archibald b q1 1854 Cd RD d q1 1927 West Ham RD m1 5 Feb 1872 Bethnal Green Alice Maria Johnson b 1853 no further trace m2 < 1878 - common law Eliza Barker 1850 - 1928 see 11 K on p 26

4 Alexander b 29 Jul 1858 Bethnal Green d q2 1936 Bethnal Green RD m 22 Apr 1901 Bethnal Green Mary King 1859 - 1937 see 11 L on p 26

5 Henry b 4 Dec 1860 Bethnal Green d 5 Jun 1864 South Hackney

10 H Children of Alfred & Alice Newbery: 9 D 10 on p 18

1 Alfred Robert b 22 Jun 1873 Wu d 1876, bu 6 Jan 1876 Ws

2 Tom b 4 Nov 1874 Wu d 17 Jul 1952 Newtown, Wil blacksmith m 11 Feb 1901 Wardour Chapel, Wil Eliza Ellen Scammell 1873 - 1933 see 11 M on p 27

3 Elizabeth b 23 Jun 1876 Wu d q2 1893 Wm

4 John Newbery b 12 Mar 1878 Wu d 4 Sep 1973 Wednesfield, Sts m q1 1900 Stourbridge RD Eliza(beth) Morris 1879 - 1943 see 11 N on p 27

5 Kate b 28 Sep 1879 Wu m 12 Jun 1905 Ws Walter John Palmer

6 Sarah b q2 1882 Wm m / d ?

22 10 J Children of John & Elizabeth Hooper: 9 G 2 on p 19

1 John William Thomas b q3 1852 Stoke Damerel RD d 15 Apr 1853 Stoke Damerel, Dev

2 Elizabeth Ann b q3 1853 Stoke Damerel RD d 12 Jun 1869 Stoke Damerel, Dev

3 William John b q1 1857 Kingstown, Portsea RD d 7 May 1906 Camberwell RD m 30 Nov 1889 Bermondsey Fanny Wilson c1859 - 1947

11 P 1 Ethel Daisy b 12 Jan 1891 Deptford, d 26 Apr 1988 Sindlesham, Brk m1 q4 1910 London C RD Fred Powell c1890 - k/a c1914 m2 2 Aug 1919 Honor Oak Park Joseph Irving Wren 1892 - 1969

grandparents of Rachel Anne Beckley, née Mooney, correspondent in Mexico

4 Jane Alexandra b q2 1863 Stoke Damerel RD m 13 Aug 1887 Bermondsey Samuel Thomas Mossman

5 Eliza Alberta b q4 1864 Stoke Damerel RD m 28 Jan 1888 Bermondsey Frederick Hicks

6 William Alexander b c1865 Stoke Damerel RD d q2 1865 Stoke Damerel RD

7 Alfred Edward b q1 1867 Stoke Damerel RD d q4 1880 St Olave RD, London

8 Caroline Elizabeth b q1 1872 St Olave RD, London m 3 Sep 1894 Bermondsey Arthur Clifton Gilbert

end of generation 10

23 11 A Children of James & Caroline Jane Harwood: 10 B 2 on p 20

1 Ada Maria b 19 Jun 1871 Yv, d 25 Dec 1936 USA m 21 Jul 1892 Clapton, Lnd William James Clark 1869 - 1959

Ada was a singer and William a clergyman; they left England 31 Mar 1921 for St John, New Brunswick, and eventally settled in Tennessee, where they took a prominent part in the Episcopal Church. They styled themselves Loaring-Clark, and two of their granddaughters, Margaret and Sarah Loaring-Clark, visited Winsham three times; firstly in search of their ancestors, secondly to party with them, and a third time when Margaret’s husband, the Rt Revd William Jones, former Bishop of St Louis, took part in a service at St Stephen’s.

2 Caroline Edith Florence b 8 Feb 1873 Cheltenham, Gls m 21 Nov 1917 Nanaimo, Vancouver Island Joseph Shaw

3 James Harwood b 31 Jul 1874 Ck bu 6 Mar 1875 Ck

4 Ellen Lydia b 5 Apr 1876 Ck m 30 Jun 1906 Montreal, Quebec William James White b q4 1874, Charmouth, Dor William White failed to make his fortune in the Yukon, but his letters home have been published in the booklet ‘Writing Home’ by his nephew T D Sanders; they were used in a BBC documentary on prospectors.

11 B Children of Thomas Malachi & Ellen Rosa Stoodley: 10 D 5 on p 20 see also pp 5 & 6

1 James Thomas 1881 - 1952 see 12 A on p 28

2 Maurice Morey Denning 1884 - 1895

3 Charles Archibald 1887 - 1971 see 12 B on p 29

4 John Henry 1894 - 1982 see 12 C on p 33

24 11 C Children of Henry Alfred & Sarah Singleton: 10 D 6 on p 20

1 Mary Ann b 20 Apr 1877 Wm, aka Polly m common-law? William Norris

2 Frederick b 20 Nov 1878 Wm bu 29 Apr 1880 Ws

3 Kate b 7 Sep 1880 Wm m q4 1903 Bradford, Yrk Charles Jagger

4 Rosa b 29 Apr 1883 Wm m q3 1930 Southwark RD Frederick G Cook

5 William b 11 Apr 1885 Wm d 11 Nov 1964 Midsomer Norton m q2 1912 Paulton, Som Louisa Shearn 1888 - 1977 see 12 D on p 35

6 Henry Lewis b 31 Aug 1888 Wm emigrated to Canada 30 Apr 1910 m 3 Jan 1914 Winnipeg Minnie Goodman no children served with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles and was k/a 9 Apr 1917 in France, the only Loaring to lose their life in two World Wars. Commemorated on the Winsham War Memorial. Minnie m2 13 Apr 1922 Winnipeg Eric Martin Friedman

7 Ethel Maud b 18 Apr 1893 Wm d 30 Apr 1981 North Whatley spinster

11 D Children of Joseph & Emma Ann Foster: 10 E 5 on p 21

1 Harold Joseph b 8 Aug 1894 Bayswater d 9 Dec 1982 Woburn Sands, Bkm m q4 1916 Paddington RD Elizabeth Dorothy Foster, his 2nd cousin

12 E 1 Harold Edward Herbert b 13 Apr 1920 Paddington RD d Nov 1994 Milton Keynes RD

2 Edith Eveline b 7 Feb 1896 Hawarden, Chs d 18 Apr 1956 Croydon, Sur

3 Dorothy Maud b 17 Jan 1904 Paddington RD d 26 Nov 1980 Bedford RD twin to Margaret Ellen

4 Margaret Ellen b 17 Jan 1904 Paddington RD d q1 1904 Paddington RD twin to Dorothy Maud

5 Hilda Esther b 8 Feb 1908 Paddington RD d 25 Mar 1984 Woburn Sands, Bkm

11 E Children of George Henry & Charlotte Carrington: 10 E 6 on p 21

1 Kathleen b q2 1900 Wandsworth RD d 3 Nov 1985 m q4 1916 Paddington RD Herbert E Green

2 Bertram? b q4 1904 Marylebone RD d q2 1905 Eastbourne RD not confirmed

3 Lilian b q1 1905 Paddington RD d 21 Mar 1970 m q1 1934 Paddington RD Herbert Stanley Glennon

25 11 H Children of Enos Porter & Annie Waters: 10 G 1 on p 22

1 Annie b q2 1876 Bethnal Green RD m q4 1897 B Green RD Charles Manning

2 Emily b q2 1878 Bethnal Green RD m q4 1903 Canonbury William James Roberts

3 Arthur b q1 1881 Hackney RD d q2 1882 Bethnal Green RD

11 J Children of Arthur Alfred & Jane Ellen Dixon: 10 G 2 on p 22

1 Vivian Leman b q3 1891 Merthyr Tydfil RD d q4 1961 Halifax RD m1 q3 1914 Halifax RD Florence Gertrude Lees 1884 - 1937

m2 q3 1937 Halifax RD Eva Fearnley 1901 - 1980 12 F 1 Eileen M [by m1] b q1 1915 Halifax RD d q2 1932 Halifax RD

2 Agnes Adelaide b 7 Mar 1894 Hirwaun, Gla d Apr 1985 Stroud RD

3 Thomas Joseph b q1 1896 Merthyr Tydfil RD d q2 1897 Merthyr Tydfil RD

4 Raymond Preston b q4 1897 Merthyr Tydfil RD d q1 1968 Swansea RD m q4 1921 Swansea RD Florence May Williams 1898 - 1980 see 12 G on p 36

5 William? b c1900 Merthyr Tydfil d c1900 Merthyr Tydfil? not traced and not confirmed

11 K Child of Archibald & Alice Maria Johnson: 10 G 3 on p 22

1 Archibald Richard? b q3 1874 Bethnal Green RD d q3 1874 Bethnal Green RD not confirmed

11 K Child of Archibald & Eliza Barker?: 10 G 3 on p 21

2 Florence Gertrude E b c1878 Dalston, Mdx d q4 1963 Essex S RD

11 L Children of Alexander & Mary King: 10 G 4 on p 22

1 Mary, née King? b c1876 Bethnal Green? no trace after C91

2 Alexander Joseph b 1 Sep 1896 Bethnal Green d q1 1972 Waltham Forest RD m q1 1919 B Green RD Lily Hilda M Dewell 1896 - 1969

12 G 1 Alexander A A b q4 1919 Bethnal Green RD d q2 1922 Bethnal Green RD

3 Archibald b 27 Jul 1898 Bethnal Green RD d q2 1973 Poplar RD m q4 1933 B Green RD Alice Maud L Carr 1904 - 1973 no children known

26 11 M Children of Tom & Eliza Ellen Scammell: 10 H 2 on p 22

1 Wilfred b 31 Jul 1901 Tisbury, Wil d 23 Jun 1968 Wareham m 1 Apr 1929 Wardour Chapel, Wil Dorothy Edith Sanger 1906 - 1987

2 Mary Constance b q4 1902 Tisbury m 6 Feb 1926 Tisbury Louis Thomas Burrows

3 Mary Olive b q3 1904 Tisbury m 1 Jan 1930 Wardour Chapel John Day

4 Elizabeth Magdalene b q1 1906 Tisbury m 26 Oct 1929 Wardour Chapel Harry Edgar Stone

5 Mary Winifred b 3 Sep 191 Tisbury m 14 Sep 1940 Wardour Chapel Frank Allen

11 N Children of John Newbery & Eliza(beth) Morris: 10 H 4 on p 22

1 Elizabeth M b q3 1900 Stourbridge RD d q4 1932 Wednesfield, Sts

2 Leslie Morris b q4 1906 Stourbridge RD d 28 May 1960 Wednesfield, Sts

end of generation 11

27 12 A Children of James Thomas & Catherine Long: 11 C 1 on p 24

12 A 1 Thomas Northcote Wallace b 24 Apr 1907 Ct d 4 Oct 1975 Melbourne m 4 Apr 1936 Melbourne Linda Alice Carpenter 1905 – 1978

known as Wallace attended Crewkerne Grammar School; first worked for his father as a carpenter; emigrated to Australia aged 18, sailing from London 1 May 1926 and arriving in Melbourne 1 June; became a specialist welder and motor engineer.

13 A 1 Jill Nanette b 14 Apr 1937 Melbourne m 8 Apr1961 Melbourne Brian Francis Porter b 8 Apr 1937 accountant

14 A 1 Catherine Louisa PORTER b 9 May 1966 Melbourne m 19 Nov 1994 Melbourne George Wild b 28 Aug 1965? currently living in Bangkok chemical engineer

2 Jennifer Jane PORTER b 7 Sep 1969 Melbourne m 4 Apr 1998 Melbourne Andrew Graham b 29 May 1963 business analyst 15 A 1 Benjamin Lachlan GRAHAM 22 May 2002 Melbourne

2 Cameron Andrew GRAHAM 7 Mar 2004 Melbourne

3 Nicholas Porter GRAHAM 29 Nov 2007 Melbourne

13 A 2 James Maxwell Wallace b 28 Apr 1939 Melbourne m 1963 Melbourne Constance Jane Louise Halliwell 1944 - 2000 known as Max motor mechanic

14 B 1 James Maxwell Wallace Jnr b 18 Apr 1964 Melbourne m Melbourne Lisa

15 B 1 Mitchell

2 Kate

14 B 2 Michelle Louise b 29 Sep 1967 Melbourne m1 Melbourne Michael divorced m2 Melbourne Adam 15 C 1 Maggie [by m1?]

12 A 2 Stella Alice b 3 Mar 1909 Ct d 17 Oct 1984 Warminster, Wil m q4 1940 Edmonton RD Royce Norman Rogers Gifford 1911- 1998 plant engineer

13 B 1 Angela Gifford b q1 1948 Wincanton m1 1 Apr 1972 Sherborne, Dor Alan Richard Ousley divorced librarian, historian - living in Shipton Oliffe, Gls m2 14 Apr 1990 Malvern, Wor Terry Alan Panrucker b 7 Sep 1955

28 12 B Children of Charles Archibald & Annie Elizabeth Russell, née Paull: 11 C 3 on p 24

12 B 1 Kathleen Doris b 11 Aug 1921 Wm d 26 Apr 2006 Ck m 9 Dec 1944 Wu Ernest Leslie Griffin 1920 - 1969 moved ‘next door’ to live with her grandparents at the age of 4, when her third brother was born; metalworker, lay preacher remained as companion and carer to her grandmother for a further 20 years; trained as a Red Cross nurse; a tolerant and cheerful hostess to the author, his mother and his brother for two and a half years during WW2; inherited her father’s ability to recall names, dates and places, and fortunately has passed this on to her daughter. .

13 C 1 David Leslie GRIFFIN b 17 Aug 1947 Wm m1 4 May 1974 Ws Deborah C Coy divorced accountant; cornet player in the Band m2 16 Oct 1982 Liverpool Anne Colette Gaines b 29 Aug 1952 now living in Bournemouth

14 C 1 Stephen David GRIFFIN b 5 Apr 1986 Taunton student

2 Kathryn Anne GRIFFIN b 2 Apr 1990 Poole student

13 C 2 Margaret Shirley GRIFFIN b 9 May 1953 Wm m 26 Jun 1976 Wu Roger Walter Tett b 5 Jan 1942 cornet player in the Band store manager; euphonium player in the Band now living in the Old Manse, Fore St - the last of the line still living in Winsham

14 D 1 Clare Margaret TETT b 1 Apr 1978 Yv teacher m 11 Aug 2001 Wu Mark S Elston divorced

2 Lynne Marie TETT b 19 May 1981 Yv chef m 10 Sep 2011 Wu Matthew Phillip Redwood b 24 Jan 1986


29 12 B Children of Charles Archibald & Annie Elizabeth Russell, née Paull cont: 11 C 3 on p 24

12 B 2 Thomas Archibald b 24 Sep 1922 Wm d 15 Mar 2006 Taunton m ? Sep 1946 Chardstock Cecilia Olive Willmington 1925 – 2009 served with the Airborne Regt at Arnhem; baritone player in the Band; farm manager

13 D 1 Patrick b 24 Mar 1945 Maiden Newton, Dor m 30 May 1970 Ilminster Wendy Denise Housego b 27 Feb 1947 former sales & marketing director; joint owner of Trent Creative Ltd joint owner of Trent Creative Ltd B-flat bass player in the Band; now living in Uttoxeter, Sts

14 E 1 Nicholas Alexander Patrick b 7 Oct 1972 Taunton partner Catherine Fowler graphic designer

15 D 1 Arthur Jay b 24 Oct 2010 Shipley, Yrk

14 E 2 Jessica Marie b 17 Oct 1975 Taunton Doctor of Clinical Psychology

15 E 1 Alexander Gabriel bb 5 Jul 2005 Bristol

13 D 2 Christopher Thomas b 10 Sep 1951 Hewood, Th cafe proprietor m 23 Mar 1974 Taunton Carol Reed b 11 Sep 1954 now living in Cheddar

14 F 1 Louise b 17 Jan 1976 Weston-super-Mare d 18 Jan 1976 Southmead, Bristol

2 Lisa Claire b 18 Jan 1977 Weston-super-Mare partner Neil Barr Science Teacher

15 F 1 Charlotte Rose Loaring BARR b 1 Feb 2010

3 Robert Brian Thomas b 22 Sep 1979 Weston-super-Mare m 10 Nov 2012 Rebecca Crump Student Accommodation Building Manager

13 D 3 Jennifer b q3 1960 Taunton RD m1 q1 1981 Taunton Stephen L Matthews divorced

m2 24 Jun 1989 Tatworth Stuart Browne

14 G 1 Natalie Anne MATTHEWS [by m1] b 20 Sep 1982 Hanover

2 Gemma Jane MATTHEWS [by m1] b Jul 1985 Taunton more:

30 12 B Children of Charles Archibald & Annie Elizabeth Russell, née Paull cont: 11 C 3 on p 24

12 B 3 Geoffrey Arthur b 18 Jan 1924 Wm d 6 May 2007 Taunton, bu service Wu m 2 Oct 1948 Chard Junction Roma Doreen Bowditch 1925 - 2011 known as Arthur served in the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers in North Africa: carpenter and builder; E-flat bass player in the Band

13 E 1 Doreen Jennifer b 14 Apr 1944 Cd m 1 Oct 1966 Wu Henry A Miller b 8 Dec 1940

2 Malcolm Geoffrey b 1 Sep 1949 Wm m1 19 Sep 1975 Yeovil Janice Anne Spurden 1951 - 2000 known as Jim served in the RAF in the Middle East; m2 14 May 2004 Lyme Regis Jennifer Yvonne Boyland, née Coy b 2 Apr 1960 played cornet and euphonium in the Band for a few years; player, Chairman & Treasurer of Winsham Football Club, and player and Treasurer of Winsham Cricket Club; the last Loaring to be born in the village - now living in Chard

14 H 1 Phillip James b 20 Sep 1982 Yv m 23 Aug 2008 Chard Leanne Dawn Isaacs b 25 Apr 19

15 G 1 Bradley James b 13 Nov 2001 Taunton

2 Isabelle Janice b 1 Nov 2010 Taunton

14 H 2 Grace Angela b 9 Aug 1986 Yv m 6 Apr 2012 Quantoxhead Jeremy Hyams b 2 aug 1968

15 H 1 Harry Eric HYAMS b 5 Jan 2013 Taunton


31 12 B Children of Charles Archibald & Annie Elizabeth Russell, née Paull cont: 11 C 3 on p 24

12 B 4 Frederick John b 28 Aug 1925 Wm d 27 Feb 2009 Cd m1 27 Jul 1957 Wu Sheila Emily Mary Spurdle 1931 - 1982 known as John served in the RAF in the Middle East m2 Jun 1986 Wu Sheila May Barnes, née Wood b 3 May 1926 electrician; cornet player in the Band

13 F 1 Jane [by m1] b 3 Nov 1960 Taunton Civil Servant; tenor horn player in the Band; m 12 Sep 1982 Wu Terrence Victor Lashmar b 24 Oct 1955 baritone player in Ringwood Band Royal Mail employee now living in Bournemouth

14 J 1 Victoria Louise LASHMAR b 12 Sep 1985 Bournemouth student of medicine

2 Sophie Adèle LASHMAR b 17 Feb 1987 Bournemouth company buyer

3 Rachel Chloë LASHMAR b 28 Oct 1991 Poole Sainsburys employee

4 Lucy Charlotte LASHMAR b 11 Jun 1994 Poole student

13 F 2 Martin [by m1] b 28 Aug 1962 Taunton toolmaker and hydraulic engineer; m 10 Aug 1991 Yv Louise Maria McLeish b 26 Feb 1967 B-flat bass player in the Band now living in Crewkerne 14 K 1 Amy Louise b 26 Jul 1992 Yv

2 Peter McLeish b 15 Jul 1999 Yv county bowls player

12 B 5 Percy Charles b 12 Sep 1927 Wm d 30 Sep 2008 Ck m q1 1950 Ws Mary Alice Louisa Beer 1931 - 1995 builder; B-flat bass player in the Band Chairman of Winsham Parish Council

13 G 1 Susan Mary b 9 Sep 1954 Cd d 26 Dec 2011 Wm laboratory analyst

32 12 C Children of John Henry & Hilda Winnie North: 11 C 4 on p 24

1 Maurice Wesley b 12 Nov 1927 Cowes, I W m 21 May 1955 Woodley, Brk Marion Julia Hurst b 14 Nov 1931 Chartered Civil Engineer: career spent with British Rail: computer widow New Works Engineer at BR HQ; family historian now living in Christchurch, Dorset

13 H 1 Nigel Robert Wesley b 24 May 1956 Henley-on-Thames, Oxf m1 6 Aug 1983 Haywards Heath, Ssx Lynne Frances West, née Hersey divorced 1996 medical laboratory scientist m2 27 Jun 1998 Edburton, Ssx Amanda Vanessa Clare Taylor b 27 Sep 1971 now living in Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex micro-biologist

14 L 1 Benjamin Robert John b 7 Jul 1999 Haywards Heath, Ssx twin to Emily

2 Emily Katherine Ruth b 7 Jul 1999 Haywards Heath, Ssx twin to Benjamin

13 H 2 Hilary Anne b 3 May 1959 Henley-on-Thames, Oxf m 26 Jun 1982 Burgess Hill, Ssx Michael John Trebble 1956 - 2010 Chartered Physiotherapist Member of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths; now living in Ashtead, Sur mounted the diamonds in Damien Hirst’s ‘Skull’; rock-climber; died suddenly on holiday in the Swiss Alps, the mountains that he loved. 14 M 1 Glynn Robert TREBBLE b 1 Jul 1987 Epsom, Sur project manager for a Charity for the homeless now living in Hemel Hempstead, Hrt

2 Anna Claire TREBBLE b 15 Oct 1990 Epsom, Sur speech & language therapist now living in Ashtead, Sur

13 H 3 Julian Howard James b 27 Jan 196 Henley-on-Thames, Oxf computer scientist, photographer reluctant bachelor now living in Southsead, Ham


33 12 C Children of John Henry & Hilda Winnie North cont: 11 C 4 on p 24

2 Richard John b 7 May 1931 Cowes, I W m1 20 Sep 1952 Cowes, I W Janet Geddes 1935 - 1989 known as Dick motor mechanic; store manager; shopkeeper; sales manager; m2 20 Apr 1994 Newport, I W Muriel Joyce Newbury, née Rugg 1939 – 2004 fisherman; yachtsman; writer; photographer LRPS; enthusiast Swimming Instructor; Royal Humane now living in East Cowes, IW Society Silver Medalist for life-saving

13 J 1 Christine Jane b 24 Apr 1953 Newport, I W saleswoman m 2 Dec 1972 Newport, I W David Frederick West b 6 Mar 1951 separated now living in Cowes, IW

14 N 1 Stephen David WEST b 13 Apr 1978 Newport m 30 Sep 2000 Newport, I W Louise Beddoes b 20 Sep 1977 separated plumber & electrician, now living in Northwood, IW partner Maria Cundell b 2 Jul 1978

15 L 1 Ethan Stephen WEST b 22 Sep 2003 Newport

2 Harley Kevin David WEST b 9 May 2006 Newport

14 N 2 Katie Jane WEST b 17 Dec 1979 Newport m 24 Jul 1999 Cowes, I W Ross Mark Walmsley b 4 Feb 1977 tattooing studio owner, now living in Northwood, IW carpenter

15 M 1 Tegan Janet WALMSLEY b 6 Oct 2000 Newport

2 Jayden Kyle WALMSLEY b 6 Jun 2002 Newport

13 J 2 Alan Wesley b 18 Jan 1955 Newport, I W builder & company director; m1 15 Feb 1975 Binstead I W Fiona Helen Jones b 17 May 1956: divorced: m2 q3 1980 grey nomad Charles D S Ross now living in Newport m2 23 Feb 1980 Newport I W Geraldine Ruth Elizabeth Channing b 7 Sep 1959

14 P 1 Peter John Wesley [by m1] b 25 Apr 1978 Newport partner Elizabeth Parsons b 6 Dec 1980? IT Consultant; now living in Brisbane; took surname of Ross after remarriage of his mother

15 N 1 Annabel Marie PARSONS, aka ROSS b 4 Aug 2004 Bristol

2 Andrew Wesley [by m2] b 16 Apr 1983 Newport liquid metal caster, living in Newport

3 Christopher Basil [by m2] b 26 May 1984 Newport partner Dionne Ann Kennard b 19 Dec 1983 environmental manager, now living in Haywards Heath, W Ssx teacher

4 Jennifer Ruth [by m2] b 19 Aug 1986 Newport m 10 May 2012 John Hayward b 14 Oct 1986 sports instructor? Cayo Levantado, mental health practitioner now living in Wymering, Ham Dominican Republic

34 12 D Children of William & Louisa Shearn: 11 D 5 on p 25

12 D 1 Edgar Frederick Henry b 26 Aug 1914 Paulton, Som d 23 Aug 1995 Bath m q4 1939 Midsomer Norton RD Mona V Moon b q1 1919

13 K 1 James Edgar b q4 1943 Midsomer Norton RD m q3 1971 Wells RD Joan F Dimmick: b q1 1942 - divorced & m2 Alan S W Howard q2 1983, Bath RD 14 Q 1 Robert David b q2 1975 Bath RD

2 Helen Victoria b q2 1977 Bath RD

13 K 2 Margaret R b q3 195 Midsomer Norton RD m1 q1 1973 Midsomer Norton RD Colin J Sims divorced m2 Apr 1992 Bath RD Stephen W Hill

12 D 2 Mildred Ethel Ada b q4 1917 Clutton RD m q2 1938 Midsomer Norton RD Leslie George Frank Callow 1908 - 1979

12 H Children of Raymond Preston & Florence May Williams: 11 J 4 on p 26:

1 Kenneth Alfred John b q4 1922 Swansea RD d q1 1927 Swansea RD

2 Eileen May Agnes b q2 1925 Swansea RD m q3 1950 Swansea RD Sydney R James

3 Mervyn Raymond b q1 1928 Swansea RD d q1 1951 Swansea RD

4 Margaret Anne Phyllis b q1 1935 Swansea RD m q1 1956 Swansea RD Douglas J Bowen

end of generation 12 The LOARINGS of WINSHAM - Appendix 1: Heads of Familiess & Reference Codes see p 9

35 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q

1 Not known Note: + = married twice

2 Thomas/ Edith

3 William/ Elizabeth

4 Thomas/ William/ Alice + Lyddia

5 William/ William/ Nk Mary

6 Nathaniel/ Thomas/ Lydia\ William/ Elizabeth Nk + Dinah

7 Robert/ Joan

8 Nathaniel/ Hannah\ Thomas/ Henry/ Alexander/ Mary\ Samuel/ Elizabeth Sarah Sarah Mary Susannah

9 Nathaniel/ Robert/ John/ Thomas/ Robert/ Sarah\ William/ Mary + Susannah Mary + Sarah Mary + Ann

10 William/ Sarah\ William/ Thomas/ Henry/ Catherine\ Joseph/ Alfred/ John/ Lydia Emma Mary Rosanna + Sarah + Alice Elizabeth

11 James/ Thomas/ Henry/ Joseph/ George/ Mary\ Thomas/ Enos/ Arthur/ Archibald/ Alexander/ Tom/ John/ William/ Caroline Ellen Sarah Emma Charlotte Emma Annie Jane Alice + Mary Eliza Eliza Fanny

12 James/ Charles/ John/ William/ Harold/ Vivian/ Alexander/ Raymond/ Catherine Annie Hilda Louisa Elizabeth Florence Lily Florence

13 Thomas/ Stella/ Kathleen/ Thomas/ G Arthur/ F John/ Percy/ Maurice/ Richard/ Edgar/ Mildred/ Linda Royce E Leslie Cecelia Roma Sheila Mary Marion Janet Mona Leslie

14 Jill/ James/ David/ Margaret/ Patrick/ Christopher/ Jennifer/ Malcolm/ Jane/ Martin/ Nigel/ Hilary/ Christine/ Alan/ James/ Brian Constance Anne Roger Wendy Carol Stephen Janice Terrence Louise Amanda Michael David Fiona + Joan

15 Jennifer/ James/ Michelle/ Nicholas/ Jessica\ Lisa/ Grace/ Stephen/ Katie/ Peter/ Andrew Lisa Michael Catharine Neil Jeremy Louise Ross Elizabeth

36 The LOARINGS of WINSHAM - Appendix 2: Index of Kinsfolk & Spouses

Allen Frank 27 Cocksall Mary 15 Francis Joseph 16 Augre Mary 13 Colhough John 11 Friedman Eric Martin 25 Baker William 12 Colley John 11 Fry Mary Frances 16 Barker Eliza 22 Collins Ann 19 Gaines Anne Colette 29 Barnes Sheila May 32 Compton George 17 Gifford Angela 28 Barr Charlotte Rose Loaring 30 Cooch Annie 21 Gifford Royce Norman Rogers 28 Barr Neil 30 Cook Susan 18 Gilbert Arthur Clifton 23 Barrett Mary 11 Cook Frederick G 25 Glennon Herbert Stanley 25 Battin Elizabeth 10 Cope Samuel 21 Goodman Minnie 25 Beckley Rachel Anne 23 Cope William 21 Graham Andrew 28 Beddoes Louise 33 Cottle Samuel 15 Graham 1 son 28 Beer Mary Alice Louisa 32 Coy Deborah C 29 Graham 2 son 28 Bennett Solomon 13 Coy Jennifer Yvonne 31 Graham 3 son 28 Bond Dinah 12 Crump Rebecca 30 Green Herbert E 25 Bowditch Roma Doreen 31 Cundy Ann 17 Griffin David Leslie 29 Bowen Douglas J 34 Curtes Thomas 11 Griffin Ernest Leslie 29 Boyland Jennifer Y 31 Day John 27 Griffin Kathryn Anne 29 Bradley Patrick 18 Dean William 19 Griffin Margaret Shirley 29 Browne Stuart 30 Denning Mary 18 Griffin Stephen David 29 Burrage Joseph 18 Dewell Lily Hilda M 26 Hallet Susannah 15 Burrows Louis Thomas 27 Dimmick Joan F 34 Hallett Emma Sophia 21 Callow Leslie George Frank 34 Dixon Jane Ellen 22 Halliwell Constance Jane Louise 28 Carpenter Linda Alice 28 Elliott Rose 21 Harridance Henry H 19 Carr Alice Maud L 26 Elston Mark S 29 Harwood Caroline Jane 20 Carrington Charlotte 21 Fearnley Eva 26 Hayward John 33 Carswell Thamzin 12 Forsyth William Gammie 21 Heirins Elizabeth 10 Channing Geraldine Ruth Elizabeth 33 Foster Elizabeth Dorothy 25 Hersey Lynne Frances 33 Chick Elizabeth 15 Foster Emma Ann 21 Hicks Frederick 23 Clark William James 24 Fowler Catherine 30 Hill Stephen W 34

37 Index of Kinsfolk & Spouses Hill Tabitha 18 Matthews Stephen L 30 Pearce Thomas 10 Hodder Sarah 15 Maynard Robert 16 Phelps Robert 12 Hooper Elizabeth 19 McLeish Louise Maria 32 Pinney John 10 Housego Wendy Denise 30 Miller Henry A 31 Poole William 18 Howard Alan S W 34 Moon Mona V 34 Porter Brian Francis 28 Hurst Marion Julia 33 Morris Eliza 22 Porter Catherine Louisa 28 Hussey Samuel 18 Morris Elizabeth 22 Porter Jennifer Jane 28 Huxford William 12 Mosse Maria 16 Porter Sarah Ann 18 Hyams Harry Eric 30 Mossman Samuel Thomas 23 Porter son 1 28 Hyams Jeremy 31 Newbery Alice 18 Porter son 2 28 Isaacs Leanne 31 Newbury Muriel Joyce 33 Porter son 3 28 Jagger Charles 25 Nk Adam 28 Powell Fred 23 James Sydney R 34 Nk Ann 17 Redwood Matthew Phillip 29 Jerrard Rebecca Collier 16 Nk Edith 10 Reed Carol 30 Johnson Alice Maria 22 Nk Elizabeth 15 Rich Mary 14 Jones Fiona Helen 33 Nk Lisa 28 Roberts William James 26 Kender Joan 13 Nk Maggie 28 Robertson John 16 Kennard Dionne Ann 33 Nk Mary 15 Ross Annabel Marie 34 King Mary 22 Nk Michael 28 Ross Charles D S 34 Langford Thomas 13 Nk Sarah 14 Rugg Muriel Joyce 33 Lashmar Lucy Charlotte 32 Norris William 25 Russell Albert 6 Lashmar Rachel Chloë 32 North Charles 20 Russell Annie Elizabeth 6 Lashmar Sophie Adèle 32 North Hilda Winnie 7 Russell Emma 18 Lashmar Terrence Victor 32 Nottley Charles 18 Sanger Dorothy Edith 27 Lashmar Victoria Louise 32 Ousley Alan Richard 28 Scammell Eliza Ellen 22 Lees Florence Gertrude 26 Palmer Walter John 22 Schoon William Frederick 21 Lomburne Lyddia 10 Panrucker Terry Alan 28 Sergeant Alse 10 Long Catherine 5 Parish Elizabeth 12 Shaw Rupert 24 MacFarlane Alexander 16 Parsons Elizabeth 33 Shearn Louisa 25 Manning Charles 26 Paul Elizabeth 14 Sims Colin J 34 Matthews Gemma Jane 30 Paull Annie Elizabeth 6 Singleton Sarah 4, 20 Matthews Natalie Anne 30 Peadon Benjamin 14 Smith Lydia 17

38 Index of Kinsfolk & Spouses Spurden Janice Anne 31 Wakeley Sarah Ann 14 Wickes William 17 Spurdle Sheila Emily Mary 32 Walmsley Jayden Kyle 34 Wild George 28 Stainer Robert 16 Walmsley Ross Mark 33 Williams Florence May 26 Staple Sarah 14 Walmsley Tegan Janet 34 Williamson Francis Robert 19 Stone Harry Edgar 27 Warren William 17 Willmington Cecilia Olive 30 Stoodley Ellen Rosa 20 Waters Annie 22 Wilment Rosanna 18 Stroud James 21 Way Emma Sophia 21 Wilson Fanny 23 Tasker Albert 21 Webb Robert 10 Wood Sheila May 32 Taylor Amanda Vanessa Clare 33 Weeks William 17 Wren Joseph Irving 23 Taylor George Turnbull 19 West David Frederick 34 Teate John 10 West Ethan Stephen 34 Tett Clare Margaret 29 West Harley Kevin David 34 Tett Lynne Marie 29 West Katie Jane 34 Tett Roger Walter 29 West Stephen David 34 Trebble Anna Claire 33 West Lynne Frances 33 Trebble Glynn Robert 33 Wheadon Benjamin 14 Trebble Michael John 33 White William James 24

39 Index of Kinsfolk & Spouses The LOARINGS of WINSHAM - Appendix 3: Index of Loarings excluding spouses

Ada Maria Alfred Annie Caroline Matilda Eileen M 1871 24 1836 18 1876 26 c1820 19 1932 26

Agnes Alfred Edward Archibald Catherine Eileen May A 1560 10 1867 23 1854 22 1561 10 1925 35 1625 11 1898 26 1658 12 Alfred James Catherine Elizabeth Eleanor Selina 1885 20 Archibald Richard 1824 18 1831 18 Agnes Adelaide 1874 26 1894 26 Alfred Robert Charles Archibald Eliza Alberta 1873 22 Arthur 1887 6, 24 1864 23 Agnes Eveline 1881 26 1874 21 Amy Louise Christine Jane Elizabeth 1992 32 Arthur Alfred 1953 34 1596 10 Alan Wesley 1850 22 1601 10 1955 34 Ana Christopher Basil 1635 11 1570 10 Arthur Jay 1984 34 1637 11 Albert Charles R 2010 30 1684 12 1870 20 Andrew Wesley Doreen J 1701 13 1983 34 Benjamin Robert J 1944 31 1705 13 Alexander 1999 33 1757 14 c1752 14 Ann Dorothy Maud 1781 15 1775 17 1656 12 Bertram 1904 25 1796 16 1858 22 1700 13 1904 25 c1812 17 1814 17 Edgar Frederick H 1807 18 Alexander A A 1850 21 Bradley James 1914 35 1809 18 1919 26 1851 20 2001 31 1848 21 Edith 1876 22 Alexander Gabriel Anna Caroline Edith F c1637 11 2005 30 1703 13 1873 24 Elizabeth Ann Edith Eveline 1853 23 Alexander Joseph Annabel Marie Caroline Elizabeth 1896 25 1896 26 2004 34 1872 23

40 Index of Loarings Elizabeth Jane Florence Gertrude E Harold Joseph James Edgar John 1810 15 c1878 1894 25 1843 35 1565 10 1678 12 Ellen Lydia Frances Staples Isabella James Harwood 1685 12 1876 24 1826 19 1778 15 1874 24 1721 13 1774 15 Elizabeth M Francis Helen Victoria James Maxwell W 1784 15 1900 27 >1689 12 1977 35 1939 28 1786 17 1798 16 Elizabeth Magdalene Frederick Henry James Thomas 1818 19 1906 27 1878 25 1750 14 1881 5, 24 1782 16 1964 28 John Henry Elsie Kate Frederick John 1822 18 1894 7, 24 1876 21 1873 20 1852 21 Jane 1925 32 1860 22 1960 32 John Newbery Emily 1878 22 1878 26 Geoffrey Arthur Henry Alfred Jane Alexandra 1924 31 1859 4, 20 1863 23 John William T Emily Kate 1852 1876 21 George Henry Lewis Jane Harriet 1834 18 1888 25 1880 20 Joseph Emily Katherine R 1820 18 1999 33 George Henry Hilary Anne Jennifer Ruth 1827 18 1867 21 1959 33 1986 34 1866 21 Emma Ellen 1878 21 Grace Angela Hilda Esther Jessica Marie Julian Howard J 1986 31 1908 25 1975 30 1961 33 Enos Porter 1849 22 Hannah Isabelle Janice Jill Nanette Kate 1633 11 2010 31 1937 28 1879 22 Ethel Daisy 1747 14 1880 25 1891 23 1799 16 James Johanna 1834 20 1801 16 Kathleen Ethel Maud Harold Edward H 1821 18 1900 25 1893 25 1920 25

41 Index of Loarings Kathleen Doris Martha Mary Winifred Nicholas Alexander P Richard John 1921 29 1668 12 1911 27 1972 30 1931 34 1703 13 Katie Jane 1712 13 Matilda Nigel Robert W Robert 1979 34 1770 14 1956 33 1671 11 Matthew 1718 13 Kenneth Alfred J Martin 1797 16 Owen Archibald 1772 16 1922 35 1962 32 1882 20 1776 15 Maud Inez 1789 16 Leslie Morris Mary 1875 20 Percy Charles 1844 18 1906 27 1682 12 1927 32 1701 13 Maurice Morey D Robert Brian T Liddia/Lydia 1707 13 1884 24 Patrick 1979 30 1643 11 c1754 14 1945 30 1675 12 1777 17 Maurice Wesley Robert David 1793 16 1927 33 Peter McLeish 1975 35 Lillian c1876 26 1999 32 1905 25 Mervyn Raymond Robert George Mary Ann 1928 35 Philip James 1889 21 Lisa Claire 1814 19 1982 31 1977 30 1816 18 Michelle Louise Rosa 1877 1967 28 Phillip 1883 25 Louise 1638 11 1976 30 Mary Bond Mildred Ethel A Rosalie Clemence 1852 20 1917 35 Phillipa 1825 19 Margaret 1608 10 1689 12 Mary Constance Nathaniel Samuel 1902 27 1661 12 Priscilla 1637 11 Margaret Ellen >1686 12 1788 17 c1760 14 1904 25 Mary Olive 1712 13 1904 27 1745 14 Raymond Preston Margaret R 1772 15 1897 26 1951 35 Mary Sophia 1774 17 1872 21 c1800 15 Richard Denning 1801 17 1851 20

42 Index of Loarings Sarah Thomas Ursula William Alexander 1775 14,16 c1535 10 1679 12 c1810 19 1776 16 1598 10 1865 23 1792 16 1634 11 Vivian Leman 1808 18 1672 12 1891 William Henry 1813 18 c1750 14 1816 19 1821 18 c1784 17 Wilfred 1832 20 1882 22 1787 15, 16 1901 27 1868 20 1815 18, 19 Sarah Hodder 1817 18 William William John 1852 20 1818 18 1566 10 1857 23 1849 21 1603 10 Sarah Mary 1627 11 1855 20 Thomas Archibald 1632 11 1922 30 c1645 11 Stella Alice 1672 12 1909 28 Thomas Joseph 1695 13 1896 26 1710 13 Stephen c1755 14 1693 13 Thomas Malachi 1792 16 1857 4, 20 c1799 17 Susan Mary 1808 17 1954 32 Thomas Northcote W 1828 18 1907 28 1885 25 Susanna/Susannah c1900 26 1629 11 Tom 1765 14 1874 22 1782 14 1876 21

43 Index of Loarings Loaring Docs/O N S/LOARINGs.doc

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