Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

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Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

Skill Independent face to face and group careers guidance Specific Employer led projects Eviden focus on ce employabi lity skills, aspiration, cv writing, interview practice in school. Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

GATSBY Benchmark 3: addressing the needs of each pupil Benchmar Benchmark 2: learning from Recommendation k 1: a career and labour market s Benchmark 8: personal guidance stable information. careers programm Benchmark 5: encounters with e employers and employees

Benchmar k 6: experience of work place

Benchmar k 7: encounter s with further and higher education Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

Ready to be me Life Aspiration assemblies. Aspiration Dragon’s Den – Life Ready Day. Ready assemblies. Employer led project. Passpor t Careers Passpor week t launch teacher references to careers Develo linked to pment subjects. of CBI/lear Aspire ning Lessons skills focusing on reflecti employabili on time ty skills. during form. Students log their evidence in planner during these lessons.

Professi Independent career talks focusing on possible career pathways Aspiration Christmas Market – Life Ready onal and employability skills in assembly. and goals Employer led project. profile assembly. develop ed Form tutor mentoring Begin – Careers aspirations. Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

Plan aspirati ons and Careers goals. week

Ready and able Professi Independent career talks focusing on possible career pathways. Aspiration Life Ready Days specifically onal and goals developing problem solving skills. profile Careers advisor available at GCSE options evening. assembly. develop ed University visits/visitors Form tutor Begin mentoring Careers – Plan on aspirations. paper – aspirati ons and Careers goals week

Externa Careers questionnaire. Aspiration Life Ready Days - Letters of lly and goals application for ‘imaginary jobs’ verified Appointments begin with careers advisor and assemblies. assembly. arranged with local employers. e- Interview preparation team Passpor Independent career talks focusing on possible career pathways. Form tutor building activity – observations by t mentoring Sixth Formers and feedback. refined – Return to update/improve cvs. and aspirations. Interview practice and cv clinic. develop ed Assembly Thinking Futures Life Ready Day– on range of local businesses and goal setting. Careers options – Include entrepreneurial skills. Plan – apprentices aspirati hip, Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School ons and entreprene goals urialism, vocational routes, A levels.

Autumn Careers Convention

Careers week E- Careers questionnaire. Aspiration X3 Employer / Employee led Portfoli and goals assemblies from a range of o Appointments with careers advisor and assemblies. Life Ready careers throughout the year. refined Day. and Financial advice for post 16 education. develop Assembly ed on range of options – Careers apprentices Plan – hip, aspirati entreprene ons and urialism, goals vocational routes, A levels.

Form tutor mentoring – aspirations. Sixth Form / Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School

College / University visits / visitors.

Autumn Careers Convention

Ready for life Externa All students have organised Careers Workshop in Autumn Term Life Ready Fortnightly ‘Power Hour’ Lecture lly with independent advisor and also two 1:1 career guidance Day – Series allows students to meet verified meetings throughout year. Explore with various successful e- University employees and employers from Passpor Fortnightly ‘Power Hour’ Lecture Series provides independent, day trip. as diverse range of sectors. t face to face guidance and knowledge about a range of careers refined from first-hand experience or through training providers. Mentoring and and leading develop Tutor mentoring – Year 12 Programme allows time for personal opportuniti ed. guidance. es during UCAS enrichment. person Unifrog access and training. Also ‘Make al a statem Difference’ ent. programme volunteerin g in a place of work eg: Charity Shop or Care Home.

Autumn Careers Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School


Work Experience in Careers Week.

Year 12 Destination s Evening Summer Term: Higher Education, Degree Apprentices hips and Apprentices hips.

West Midlands UCAS Fair and Solihull Apprentices hips Show trip. Externa All students have opportunity for one to one career guidance if Life Ready Fortnightly ‘Power Hour’ Lecture lly they need further support. Days Series allows students to meet verified prepare for with various successful e- Fortnightly ‘Power Hour’ Lecture Series provides independent, UCAS employees and employers from Passpor face to face guidance and knowledge about a range of careers process, as diverse range of sectors. t from first-hand experience or through training providers. interview Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School refined practice, CV and Tutor mentoring – Year 13 Programme allows time for personal skills, develop guidance. apprentices ed. hips and UCAS employabili applicat ty. ions and Mentoring letters and leading of opportuniti applicat es during ions for enrichment. apprent Also ‘Make iceships a . Difference’ programme volunteerin g in a place of work eg: Charity Shop or Care Home.

Year 13 Higher Education Evening Spring Term. Final steps of UCAS process – offers / Life Ready Programme: Alderbrook School clearing / Extra and student finance.

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