Lake Camelot Property Owners Association

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Lake Camelot Property Owners Association


Call to Order - Dawn Kalata: Called the 4/20/13 meeting to order at 9:06 AM.

Roll Call – Tom Cotter: Board Members present: Dawn Kalata, Bob Budjac, Laura Treul, Dwight Gilbert, and Tom Cotter. Board Members absent but excused: Paul Weber and Doug Wickersham


Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of January 2013 Meeting Minutes. Dawn Kalata asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the January 2013 meeting. Motion by Bob Budjac, seconded by Laura Treul: AYES – 5; NAYS – 0; MOTION PASSED

Treasurer’s Report – Laura Treul:

March 2013 Income – $17,878.50 Expenses - $2,752.75 Cash On-Hand / petty cash and checking - $24,412.13 Money Market Key Savings - $23,901.29 2nd Money Market Key Savings - $29,860.03 CD in Nekoosa Port Edwards State Bank - $31,815.08 CD in Key Savings Bank - $53,417.57 TOTAL ASSETS - $163,406.10

Approval of the Treasurers Report. Dawn Kalata asked for a motion to approve the Treasurers Report of the LCPOA for March 2013. Motion by Tom Cotter, second by Bob Budjac: AYES – 5; NAYS – 0; MOTION PASSED

LLC/Tavern Year to-date accounting as of 3/31– Laura Treul: Revenue - $39,037.60 Total Cost of Goods Sold - $42,367.50 Net Deficit - $3,319

Approval of the Treasurer’s LLC Financial Report. Dawn Kalata asked for a motion to approve the Treasurers Report of the LLC as of March 31, 2013. Motion by Tom Cotter, second by Dwight Gilbert: AYES – 5; NAYS – 0; MOTION PASSED Committee Reports.

Firewise & Reforestation– Karen Swenson is retiring and she did an enormous amount of work on the Firewise Program.

Building and Grounds – The maintenance crew is hard at work getting the beach club areas ready for the season. Information has been reported to the Business Office that a property owner on Excaliber Court adjacent to the Beach Club is illegally dumping tree limbs and brush from his property over the fence onto the Beach Club. The LCPOA has previously cited this property owner for doing this. Mike Core asked if the area south of the Lodge Building is an actual boat launch? Tom Deckow suggested he contact Fred Nichols from the County for a ruling.

Beach Club Committee – Nothing to report.

Tri-Lakes & Water Quality– Dwight Gilbert: The dam on lower Camelot by the County Boat Launch may not be functioning properly which is causing our lake level to rise.

Town of Rome / Political Action – President Kalata related the Town of Rome voted, at Tuesday’s Town Hall meeting, to leave the Public Fire Protection Fee as it is and not to change it. The Town of Rome’s Environmental Day is next Saturday, 4/27, from 9:00am-1:00pm. There is a group of Rome property owners, much like the group against paying the fire protection fee, that objects to paying the weed harvesting fees and feel only those property owners on the Lakes should pay them.

Neighborhood Watch/Security – the boat launches solely owned by the LCPOA will be monitored again this season to prevent unauthorized use.

Member Services / Lodge – New Member Services employee Sherry has been hired to work along with Sharrel. We currently have 650 paid members as of 4/17.

Camelot on the Lake – Mike Core reports there is a cocktail party next Saturday, the 27th. April 28th is the Adult Easter Egg Hunt. Mike represented Camelot on the Lake at the Tavern League meeting that was held 3/28. The Tavern League purchased a twenty (20) passenger bus for their Adams County “Safe Ride” Program. The bus may, at times, be parked at the Lodge. Karoake on Fridays. The Darts and Billiards Leagues are both over for the season.

Website – nothing to report.

New Business Lodge Parking Lot: President Kalata asked for a motion from the Board to authorize spending four thousand ($4,000) dollars to repair and update the drain field for the parking lot. The lot severely floods after a heavy downpour. The drain field was last updated in 2001 and the only other option instead of repairing the drain field would be to install a retention pond which would be very costly. Motion was made by Bob Budjac and seconded by Dwight Gilbert: AYES – 5 / NAYS – 0 Motion passed to authorize spending $4,000 to fix the drain field.

2013-2014 LCPOA Operating Budget: President Kalata states the Board has reviewed the Budget as presented by Treasurer Laura Treul. Motion was made by Bob Budjac and seconded by Dwight Gilbert to accept the Budget: AYES – 5 / NAYS – 0 Motion passed – the 2013-2014 LCPOA Operating Budget has been approved.

LCPOA Committees: President Kalata stated the Board is looking at restructuring all of the committees to make the LCPOA run more smoothly. A final report of the new committees will be out next month.

President Kalata suggested the LCPOA assist the Rome Snowbandits with recruitment, endorsements, and social/fundraising events.

Members Comments / Questions President Kalata’s Mom Mary asked if we were planning for this year’s frolic and volunteered to work the raffle ticket table.

Dwight Gilbert spoke about a Lakes Meeting in Adams he attended at which they learned of a solar-powered lake purification system. Also, Dwight spoke about the Promised Neighborhood Program in which school children receive more educational opportunities involving the environment.

Asked for items for next agenda . None

Adjournment: Motion by Dwight Gilbert and seconded by Laura Treul: AYES – 5 / NAYS - 0 MOTION PASSED, meeting was adjourned at 10:00am.

Submitted this 25th Day of April, 2013

Tom Cotter Secretary LCPOA Board of Directors

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