Siec-Operations Subcommittee

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Siec-Operations Subcommittee

SIEC-OPERATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, October 31, 2013 Department of Transportation, Brick Store Landing Road

MEMBERS PRESENT Gene Donaldson, DelDOT Bill Carrow, DivComm Tom Kadunce, DivComm William Streets, NCC 911 Elizabeth Duncan, DivComm Andy Fulton, DHSS Michael Witkowski, City of Wilmington Jennifer Dittman, DEMA Joe Mulford, DSP Tim Dobrowolski, RCC Warren Jones, DVFA Tim Sexton, DHSS

GUESTS PRESENT Jackie Wasni, Motorola Richard Morris, Motorola Bruce Fryer, Motorola

Introductions: Gene Donaldson, DelDOT opened the meeting at 1:38 with introductions.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from Previous Meeting: Beth Duncan made one change to the September minutes, confirming Red Lion Christian and Zion Preschool are pending site walks. Motion by Bill Carrow, second by Bill Streets to accept the minutes as amended. Passed unanimously.

Project Updates: o Overview of SIEC (Executive) Meeting

o 700MHz / 800MHz Systems

o Rebanding


o LMR Strategic Plan

o First Net/Public Safety Broadband Network

o Community Reports

Since the SIEC meeting for October was cancelled, no update was given. SIEC Operational Subcommittee Meeting minutes Thursday, October 31, 2013 Page 2

Tom Kadunce, DivComm advised the 700 & 800 MHz systems are operating normally. Tom reminded the committee that DivCom is stockpiling parts for the 5000 portables and mobiles. Bill Carrow reminded all that effective November 1 these radios are no longer manufactured but will have parts support through 2018.

Bill Carrow, DivComm provided an update on rebanding advising second touch programming was at 64% of subscriber units complete. DSP will complete two weeks of programming next week which will complete their 1300 plus radios. Second touch to be complete by December 31.

Beth Duncan, DivComm briefed on the BDA project. Installation complete at Evelyn Morris Early Learning Center and the 30-day reliability period is nearing completion. Port of Wilmington will be scheduled after May, 2014 due to the Port’s busy season. Four sites have accepted BDA 50/50 installation proposals, one of which may be completed by the end of 2013. Others have opted to begin in 2014 due to schedules and budget planning. DuPont originally had 29 sites listed on the critical building list, 8 have dropped as they are scheduled for demolition. 13 site walks are scheduled.

Bill Carrow, DivComm briefed the committee on LMR Strategic Plan in Mark Grubb’s absence. Confirmed the proposal has been delivered to OMB via the Secretary’s office.

Bill Carrow, DivComm briefed the committee on First Net and the public safety broadband network in Mark Grubb’s absence. DivComm has brought Tim Dobrowolski on board as the administrator of the SLIGP planning grant. Bill also reminded all that the Technical Subcommittee meetings will now be held immediately following the SIEC meetings and will include the broadband working group.

Community Reports – Warren Jones mentioned he was working to submit a fire grant to replace fire service portables.

Old Business Motorola mad a presentation on the radio system fortification project, including key infrastructure items being replaced and the overall project schedule.

New Business Bill Carrow, DivComm mentioned the radios purchased in the past by the news media, and reported the recent addition of encryption to specific media radios and a pending request to purchase encrypted radios to allow monitoring of secure transmissions. Once encryption is added, a vendor could add encrypted talk-groups without DivComm’s knowledge. Gene Donaldson recommended Bill draft a recommendation for the committee’s review and approval to take to future SIEC meeting. SIEC Operational Subcommittee Meeting minutes Thursday, October 31, 2013 Page 2 Meeting Adjourned @ 2:42 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting: November 26, 2013 @ 1:30pm at DelDOT/TMC, Rehoboth Conference Room.

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