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Editorial quote Date:

If you are interested in my services and would like an obligation-free quote please download this form onto your computer and fill it in. Then email the completed form with a copy of a sample chapter.

Items preceded by an * are mandatory. Other fields are optional at this stage. *Name of book/report/manuscript/article Editor to liase with author or publisher/designer/in-house editor? *Author or publisher/designer/in-house editor’s name *Author or publisher/designer/in-house editor’s email *Author or publisher/designer/in-house editor’s phone numbers (day or night) Author or publisher/designer/in-house editor’s address Best time of day or night to contact? Prefers to be contacted via email or phone? Approx pages *Word count How many footnotes? *Deadline (if any) Are you working to a set date after publication? (eg, a book launch). If ‘yes’ provide the date If you are a publisher are you working to a set editorial budget? Editor to work on electronic copy using track changes and send via email when done Please provide a quote for a structural edit, copy edit, manuscript assessment or proofread (see below for examples of each task)

Tasks requested

Structural edit Yes/no Make sure manuscript structure is sound, makes sense, if not restructure in a more logical fashion, point out gaps in manuscript where development needs to take place Timelines (including timeline of action within novel) and timeline of main character’s life (or characters’ lives) (mainly fiction, but also biography, autobiography etc) Take in author answers to structural edit queries, author using track changes, editor accepting track changes and making sure they are consistent and flow with rest of text

Copyedit Yes/no Is this to be published by a publishing house? If ‘yes’ do you have a style manual from that publishing house? If ‘yes’ please provide style manual to editor with manuscript. Plain English (editor to rewrite) Plain English (just query jargon and let author rewrite) Editor to code document for designer or typesetter Editor to provide list of codes used for typesetter Editor to check footnotes (non-fiction) Editor to check bibliography (non-fiction) Editor to check timelines (fiction) Editor to check websites in text and footnotes (non-fiction) Editor to create table of contents (non-fiction) Editor to create preliminary pages (title/half title/acronyms/figures) Editor to create list of figures, tables and maps (non-fiction) Editor to check equations Editor to create permissions list (compile list of quotes that need permission to be published) (fiction and non-fiction) Editor to work on formatting (NB: most publishers prefer to receive manuscript with no formatting, in which case I can take out formatting) Capitalisation, grammar (is there a certain standard set by another publication that can be followed), if ‘yes’ please provide the other document/book/article etc Spelling, is there a preference for Australian or US English? Consistency of voice (especially if there are two or more authors) POV, tense, over-use of commas Use of inverted commas according to house style (single or double preferred?) Editor to list technical details (scientific terms etc) — these may have to be referred to someone with experience in this area Editor to list legal processes that may need checking by an expert in the area Are there parts of the document which cannot be edited, for example, large extracts of text from secondary sources, speeches etc Can these extracts be styled so that the document is internally consistent? For example, removing points from F.R. Frazier or etc.

After the copyedit: Author queries Author to work on: (pick an option) Yes/No 1) master electronic copy using track changes to answer queries, and will then send that back to editor for checking 2) electronic copy using a separate document to the master edited version in which case editor will take in changes to master copy 3) paper copy in which case editor to take in changes to electronic file

Design Yes/No Editor to consult with design team and typesetters, make suggestions for design of internals Editor to consult with design team, make suggestions for cover design

First proofs (after document is typeset) Editor to ‘top and tail’ each page to ensure whole document has been typeset and no pages have fallen out Editor to go through page proof checklist (check all footnotes, folios (page numbers), running heads, footers, chapter drop, distance from text to trim) Other issues? Editor to read copy again Editor to check captions

Second proofs Final proofread required. I can recommend other editors if needed.

Indexing I can recommend indexers if needed. All quotes are subject to time and editor availability. If I am not available, I am happy to recommend other editors who may be able to help.

Please note that while all care is taken to give an accurate quote, sometimes more work is needed. This may not become clear until editing is well underway. If I am taking longer than I anticipated in the quote I will inform you at the earliest convenience. If you are concerned about this (or if you have a cap on your editorial budget) please inform me and we will come to some agreement.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. I will get back to you within seven working days of receiving this email.

Don’t forget to email a copy of the completed form with a sample chapter.

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