What Will You Learn?
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CVCC Programming & Software Development
What will you learn? Object Oriented Programming Students will use developer strategies to manipulate data, present database systems Students will learn to represent theory, and develop database applications. programming concepts as “objects” that Students will learn to import and export have data fields and associated procedures data, manipulate table properties, make known as methods. Students will implement advanced queries, and run basic SQL forms classes such as support static, instance and reports. Students will develop macros method, inheritance, polymorphism, for automating database tasks and building exception handling, and object serialization. menu-driven applications. Knowledge and A variety of commercial and open source skills of data modeling, diagraming, query programs and applications will be used. writing, and design theory will be Java will be the primary language. developed. Systems Analysis and Design Web Design
Students will learn the theory and practice of Students will learn the dynamics of the Web software testing and develop an environment while pursuing an in-depth understanding of the analysis and design study of both Hypertext Markup Language phases of software development. Students (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), will effectively use appropriate and JavaScript. Web based protocols such programming languages and software as FTP, TCP/IP, and HTTP will be patterns to improve software development. addressed. Students will create a website A variety of commercial and open source with tag text elements, special characters, programs, applications, and tools will be lines, graphics, hypertext links, and used. Java will be the primary language. graphical tables. Database Applications Development
Programming & Software Development Instructor Jami Little Office: 440-746-8247 [email protected]
1. 2 Binders with paper 2. Flash drive 3. Pencils 4. Pens 5. CVCC agenda book (provided) 6. Headphones
Expectations of PSD Students
1. Work hard (effort!!) and complete all work (even if it becomes homework) a. This class is not easy! You will need to think! b. You must be a good reader, good note taker, and good problem solver. c. You must pay attention every day. d. You must learn to motivate yourself! e. And you must like a challenge! 2. Be involved! a. Business Professionals of America b. Compete in programming and IT competitions c. Early Placement, Job Shadowing, Industry Interviews, and Internships 3. Treat CVCC like your place of employment a. Be here every day and be on time b. Wear your uniform b.i. Dress-up days c. Have a good attitude! 4. Be honest! a. Have integrity b. An honest ‘D’ is better than a stolen ‘A’ c. Repercussions of cheating
Summer Activities
1. Learn to code online
a. http://code.org/
b. https://www.khanacademy.or g/ Subject: Computing
2. a. http://www.codecademy. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Participate in Summer Coding Camps a. getIThere – https://getithere.net/employers/summer-coding-camp-2 b. Hyland Software in Westlake - http://info.onbase.com/hy-tech-home c. Tech Corps - http://twenty.techcorps.org/ d. Search coding camps e. f.