xpectationsigh urture Hendre Junior School, reams into St Cenydd Road, Trecenydd,

veryday Caerphilly, CF83 2RP

Headteacher: Mr J. M. Farmer

Tel: 02920 852518 website: www.hendrejuniorschool.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]

6th November, 2017

Dear Parent / Carer

Please see listed below some key dates for this half term


6th – 9th - Estyn inspection

Mon 6th - Parents meeting with inspection team at 3:45 in the Hall

Tue 7th – PTA Animal Encounters at 3:45 in the Hall

Wed 8th – Year 3 trip to St Fagans Celtic Village

Fri 10th- Friendship Friday (wear yellow and donate £1 to support this great cause)

13th – 17th- Anti-Bullying Week

Mon 13th- PC Madley Year 4 “Friend or Foe” (stranger danger)

Tue 14th- Parents skill-share session (numeracy Years 3 / 4)) – after school

Thur 16th – SE Wales regional cross country finals (Y5/6 Girls) – Blackwood Showfield

Thur 23rd - Parents skill-share session (numeracy Years 5 / 6)) – after school


Wed 6th- Autumn 2 Governors Meeting 5:00pm

Thur 14th - Parents skill-share session (online homework) – after school

Mon 18th – Christmas Concert Year 3 (1:30 and 6:00)

Tue 19th - Christmas Concert Year 4 (1:30 and 6:00)

Tue 19th – Parents skill-share session Online safety & social media Y5 (3:00)

Wed 20th - Christmas Concert Year 5 (1:30 and 6:00)

Thur 21st - Christmas Concert Year 6 (1:30 and 6:00) Thur 21st - Parents skill-share session Online safety & social media Y6 (3:00)

Fri 22nd – Break up for Christmas holidays

Further information about many of these events will be sent out nearer the date and found on the school website. In the meantime, if you require any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Kind regards,

Mr J. M. Farmer
