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People First Team
University IT Conference Call Minutes
DATE September 2, 2010
TIME 12:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M.
LOCATION Tallahassee, Florida
NOTE TAKER Verla Lawson
ATTENDEES Florida A&M University, Florida State University, University of Florida, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida, University of South Florida (Tampa, St. Pete. Lakeland and Sarasota- Manatee Campuses), University of North Florida, New College, Florida Atlantic University, University of North Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University, Jimmy Cox, Verla Lawson, Mike Waller, Suzetta Furlong and Lawrence Roberts
Verla Lawson opened the meeting and introduced the Department of Management Services (DMS) team and Lawrence Roberts from NorthgateArinso the university direct IT contact person was on the call as well. It was agreed during the call that this would be the final IT Open Enrollment call for the 2011 plan year.
SUS Workbook Updates
There were minimal changes to this document. Lawrence Roberts is now the main contact and the BNO- 002 has been updated. Changes are highlighted in yellow within the workbook. Main changes are for optional life insurance (1-7 is not capped at $500k and A-G are capped at $500k).
There were no changes to the BNI-001 file. All e-mail addresses have been updated from previously known Convergys to the current administrator NorthgateArinso.
Just to recap information distributed in March, Action/Reason Codes rows 89-92 have changed from voluntary separations to involuntary separations.
The new rates for January 2011 are included in the workbook. Please update your files accordingly. There were no rate changes to Optional Life.
Termination code 1101 will be changing to 1102. Lawrence has to confer with Heather and provide us with an update as to how this change will be implemented.
Open Enrollment Snapshot for Benefits
The address file for open enrollment mail outs will be generated on September 10, 2010. Please put forth every effort to inform your employees to update their addresses as quickly as possible. It is very important that you establish all employees before this date so that they will receive the open enrollment mailing. Remember, if you have an employee who transferred from a state agency, they may have three addresses in the PF System. The hierarchy we use for mailing is temporary, mailing then home address. Please make sure those employees either remove the temporary address before September 10 th or update their address as soon as possible. It is very important that all employees validate their addresses. Any communication you can provide before the 10th will be greatly appreciated.
Open Enrollment Key Dates
Everyone was provided a schedule of key dates, the 2011 payroll & vendor file schedule, the SUS Workbook and the benefit fair schedule. There were a few dates to be determined. As soon as NorthgateArinso provides the final dates, Verla will distribute the finalized key dates to everyone. Please maintain this information for your records.
Questions & Answers
Question: Will all current employees be rolled over to the $25,000 life insurance coverage effective January 1, 2011? Answer: Yes, all active employees currently enrolled in the basic life insurance plan will be rolled to the $25,000 plan. It’s important to note that for part-time employees; only those who are currently enrolled in the basic life insurance plan will be automatically enrolled in the $25,000 plan. For all other part-time employees, they may elect to participate during open enrollment. Question: Will turning age 70 affect your $25,000 of coverage? Answer: No it will not. Any active employee turning age 70 will maintain $25,000 of coverage. Question: When will the benefits guide be available for benefits staff to view? Answer: Target is to have the benefits guides posted on September 13, 2010.
Update the open enrollment Key Dates spreadsheet – NorthgateArinso to provide dates to DMS; DMS will update key dates and send to the Universities. Provide an update as to how NorthgateArinso will implement changing code 1101 to 1102. Pending response from NorthgateArinso.