Wilkes Library Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

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Wilkes Library Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Wilkes Library Advisory Board Meeting Minutes May 10, 2017

Members present : Carol Childers, Wilkes Friends of the Library president; Bill Davis, Julie Church Faw; Rosalind Gilreath, Rick Harvin; Ola Norman, Traphill Branch Friends of the Library President; Beth Foster Tharrington; Brenda Willis; Julia Turpin, Wilkes County Librarian; and Jane Blackburn, Appalachian Regional Librarian. Frances Hayes, representing The Wilkes Journal patriot Newspaper also attended. Members absent: Becky Ball, Gwen Minton, and Eddie Settle. Chairman Rick Harvin called the meeting to order at 10 am in the Friends of the Library room.

Minutes of the March 6, 2017, meeting were circulated, reviewed, and approved. Motion for approval was made by Bill Davis with second by Rosalind Gilreath.

No correspondence was reported by Jane Blackburn, Regional Librarian.

Wilkes County Librarian, Julia Turpin provided a handout to report on recent local library activities. These included: The recent poetry and musical performance by NC Poet Laureate Shelby Stephenson; the new work readiness program of Wilkes Community College; the August 21 party to celebrate the Eclipse; the replacement of Britney Barbour at Traphill Branch by Linda Pranger; the replacement of the library roof and the continuation of the spring health lunch series. Regional Librarian, Jane Blackburn reported on progress of the time-keeping software. The region is waiting to hear about county and state funding for next year. Several grant applications have been filed for special programs. In reference to a the March meeting discussion of Wilkes meeting room policy, Jane talked with Tony Triplett, the county attorney about confidentiality and transparency. The interpretation was that public is used for meetings for which the public is invited. For public meetings, the name of the meeting is public and for closed meetings, the names of those involved are not available to the public. This clarification was added to the meeting room application. This matter was taken to the regional board and there approved.

Under unfinished business, Jane Blackburn noted that this is a good time to discuss Traphill Branch Library. Jane referred to the Sheary Associates study’s suggestion of reassessing the viability of continuing to operate the Traphill Branch. This is a good time to evaluate the status of the branch for three reasons: 1. The branch manager resigned. This position has been filled and the staff member is presently at the Traphill Branch training. 2. The lease of the building is up for renewal in October. It is a two-year lease and will take time to consider what is best to do. The county commissioners negotiate the lease. 3. The numbers have decreased, i.e., patron door count and circulation. Considerations: The budget is tight. There is a security issue with one person at the Traphill Branch at any one time. This is a good time to evaluate branch services-a general evaluation of the numbers and facilities. It was suggested that the regional board be asked to create a committee or use the ARL existing services committee to bring a recommendation to the Wilkes board in July. Jane believes that the recommendation should come from the Wilkes board. The committee could perhaps consist of two persons from this board and two from the regional board. The Wilkes board is asked to send a recommendation to the regional board to study the issue. Julie Faw Church asked if the change in hours affected the numbers. Julia noted that the hours changed in August of 2015. The possibility of closing the branch was first discussed in 2009. Julia Turpin and Jane Blackburn reported that the declining numbers represent a five-year review of the Traphill Branch. After comparing the per patron cost for operating the main library and the Traphill branch, and referring to the recommendation by the Sheary study, Julia said that she believed that it is not fiscally responsible to continue to operate this branch.

The budget is tight and the county commissioners vote on the county budget in June. Bill Davis stated that the timing is wrong in relation to the budget and the county commissioners’ allocation of library funding. Perhaps now is not the time for us to look at this issue, he commented. Rick Harvin inquired as to when the right time would be. Jane Blackburn responded that she was just suggesting that a committee be formed to study the issue and evaluate branch services. The decision would come from the board. Julie Faw Church suggested a general evaluation of the numbers and facilities. Bill Davis made a motion that further study be done by the local board.

After the Wilkes board reviews the ARL study, a recommendation can be made citing facts and figures. The committee then formed should be non-biased. Bill Davis continued, stating that it is important to remember that we are an advisory board to a public library. He offered the opinion that we are moving too fast. He later rephrased his previous motion to be that the Wilkes board would do a preliminary study before making a recommendation to the ARL board. Carol Childers said that this board needs to see the statistics before we decide if we want the region to make a recommendation. Bill Davis stated that we are moving too fast to which Carol questioned if we needed a called meeting to deal with this issue. Julia Turpin stated that we have the specific data and she and Jane are only requesting a decision to look into this matter. Until a decision is made, the summer reading program at Traphill will remain in full operation.

A move forward is necessary noted Rick Harvin. He asked if there were any objections to the board meeting again before the ARL board meets next week. There being none, a called meeting was scheduled for Monday, June 15, 1:00 pm.

Carol Childers, Wilkes Friends of the Library president reported that the FOL book sales continue to do well. There is a need to attract more diverse audiences. Plans for the annual dinner, November 5, with Margaret Bauer the NC Literary Review editor as guest speaker, are well under way.

Ola Norman, Traphill Branch Friends of the Library president, said they are holding on.

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Foster Tharrington, secretary

Attachment: Minutes of the May 15 called meeting. Minutes of the May 15 Called Meeting of the Wilkes Library Advisory Board

Board Members present: Rick Harvin, Becky Ball, Carol Childers, Julie Faw Church, Bill Davis, Rosalind Gilreath, Eddie Settle, Ola Norman, Beth Foster Tharrington and Brenda Willis, Julia Turpin, Wilkes librarian and Jane Blackburn, regional librarian. Members absent: Gwen Minton

President Rick Harvin called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm, May 15, in the Friends of the Library room. He noted that the agenda was to present statistical information and review it to decide if this data merited further action.

Wilkes Librarian Julia Turpin presented and reviewed the data concerning the Traphill Branch Library for the past five fiscal years from July 1 to June 30.

In 2013, according to Eddie Settle, this same issue was discussed. At that time, the county commissioners set aside $27,000 for Traphill use only. He stated that he had polled 5 commissioners and they all agree with him that the budget and operation will continue as in the four previous years. His comment was that the county commissioners want it to stay open.

Bill Davis made the motion that the issue be tabled indefinitely or until such time as funding is not available for the Traphill Library and that we concentrate on why we have had the loss of patrons and recommend how to increase participation.

A vote on the motion by Bill Davis was affirmed.

Rick Harvin issued a thank you to all who participated and adjourned the meeting.

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