Title of Course/Grade: Polymer Science II______
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Course/Grade Syllabus
Title of Course/Grade: Polymer Science II______
School _PHS______Year: _2017-2018_
Teacher: _Dr. Krystin Holmes___ Room _602___ Building _Polymer Tech.___ Time/Period: __3 rd ______
Phone: _601-545-1933______Email: [email protected]______
Course Description Polymer Science II encompasses advanced topics in polymer science, such as coatings, composites, and metals and ceramics. Students also learn employability skills, work on resumes and interviews, and participate in job shadowing activities.
It is a requirement for Polymer II that students be allowed to drive their own vehicles off campus for job shadowing and local field trips or that they be allowed to ride with a fellow classmate.
Grading, Assessments, and Specific Assignments Used in This Course:
Grading: Tests: 18.75% Quizzes: 15% 75% of grade Projects: 18.75% Daily Grades: 22.5%
9 Weeks Exam: 25% of final grade
Lab reports count as test grades. You will also be given test grades for safety and notebook checks associated with job shadowing. Quiz grades will be given for job shadowing attendance. The 100 points will be broken down according to the number of days that you job shadow that week (ex. 2 days of shadowing breaks down to 50 points each day). Absence on a job shadowing day forfeits your points for the day; an excused absence presented to the teacher will earn half your points back. Having ISS is not considered an excused absence for job shadowing. Time is given in class to finish projects. You may NOT choose to do them at home and not work during class. Daily grades are given at the discretion of the teacher. The grades will be based upon completion of assignments and participation in class activities and discussions. Students may only be exempt from the final exam in May.
Assessments and Assignments: unit tests, vocabulary quizzes, class participation, labs, lab reports, visual presentations, journal entries, notebook checks, job shadowing evaluations
The Petal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in the admission to and provision of educational programs, activities, and services or employment opportunities and benefits. Rubrics will be given when appropriate.
Course/Grade: Polymer Science II Teacher:_ K. Holmes ______Year:_2017-2018_ Page 2
Course Content
Unit 6: Orientation and Safety Review - Re-evaluate the local polymer program and explore personality traits and learning styles - Describe and demonstrate safe lab and workplace practices, to include personal protective equipment, safe handling of equipment, and Material Safety Data Sheets Unit 7: Advanced Polymer Processing - Explain how advanced or multi-step manufacturing techniques are used to convert polymer feedstock into plastic products. Unit 8: Materials Science - Demonstrate foundational understanding of materials science and processing for the four major classes of materials. - Analyze the relationship between metallic ores, metals, and the ceramic materials arising from their oxidation. Unit 9: Surface Coatings - Describe the production of various types of surface coatings. - Demonstrate the properties of coatings. Unit 10: Composite Materials, Processing, and Applications - Examine composite materials to determine how such materials affect the finish properties of a composite structure. - Demonstrate different composite processing methods and applications. Unit11: School to Work - Explain and demonstrate human relations, teamwork, and leadership. - Explain and demonstrate employability skills, including preparing resumes and job applications. - Apply skills needed to be a viable member of the workforce, to include job shadowing. - Develop, assess, and document performance of written occupational objectives to be accomplished during a polymer-related internship or simulated industry.
Notes on the Course
My expectations of you: 1. Respect others and yourself. Be prepared, be on time for class, and be proud of your work. 2. THINK before you speak or act. 3. Choose polite words. No cussing or swearing or insulting others. 4. Use the restroom BEFORE you come to class. You do not have to ask permission to go before the tardy bell. 5. No food or drinks are allowed AT ALL at the computers or in the lab. You may have drinks in closed containers at your desk.
The Petal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in the admission to and provision of educational programs, activities, and services or employment opportunities and benefits. 6. Horseplay should be restricted to outside the classroom. Please do not throw things in class or roll around the classroom in rolling chairs. 7. Ask permission to use the computers. Computers are for school work only unless permission is obtained from the instructor. Do not waste the printer paper. Do not unplug any parts to the computers or try to fix any issues you may have without first consulting the teacher. Be sure to log out! Vandalism to your account because you left it open is not my responsibility. 8. Always wear lab coats and safety classes in the lab area. 9. Follow all basic lab safety procedures that are identified at the beginning of the course. 10. Make good choices!
Tardy and absence policy: School rules are followed for tardies and absences. Work missed for an excused absence may be made up, but it is your responsibility to come get the assignment. Unfinished work will affect your grade. Missing assignments may be viewed in Active Student/Parent.
Late Work: Any work turned in late will have 10 points deducted for each day that it is late.
Supplies: 1. There is no specific textbook for this course. You will be given appropriate material as needed. 2. Pens or pencils. No red ink. 3. A notebook for your own notes. Binders are recommended, as you will receive guided notes. 5. Project supplies, such as posterboard, may need to be purchased occasionally. 6. Lab coat. If you do not have yours from last year or if you need to order another, see me for further information.
Job Shadowing: Job shadowing is a major part of this course. If you are not able to participate for any reason, you should not take this class. Job shadowing will require you to go out to local companies occasionally during your polymer science class time. You will not miss any other classes due to this activity. Parents will be given permission forms to sign for your participation, and it will be necessary to have several students in the class who are able to drive to your job locations. If you are unable to drive yourself and some classmates, it will be necessary for you to be able to ride with a classmate.
The Petal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in the admission to and provision of educational programs, activities, and services or employment opportunities and benefits.