Minutes of VASSP Executive Meeting

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Minutes of VASSP Executive Meeting

The Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals Minutes of VASSP Executive Meeting 7 th December 2006, 8.00.am-10.30am at Vale Street, North Melbourne


Present: Andrew Blair, Frank Sal, Peter MacLean (phone), Harvey Wood, Jane Garvey,Carolyn Woodhouse, Bernie Lloyd, Lynne Clarke (EO), Marion Heale(FO) Ed Pearce (FO) Ian Wallis (PO) Guests:

Item Action 1. Welcome and Apologies Apology- Julie Atkinson Noted Guests: Brian Burgess (President elect) and Jeremy Ludowyke (9.30am) 2.STANDING ITEMS 2.1 Confirmation of Minutes Motion “That the Minutes of the last meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record” Moved: Carolyn Woodhouse Seconded: Harvey Wood Noted Carried 2.2 Business Arising 2.2.1 SRP issue Nino unavailable for this Exec meeting. Noted Meeting to be arranged 2007? 2.2.2 ALC Update Conference date is August 20th and 21st Venue quotes received from Eden on the Eden on the Park to be Park and Carlton Crest. The latter is booked. significantly more expensive. Tender document has been prepared and sent to APAPDC and ACER. It was suggested that a third quote be asked for; “Event Management” to be sent quote. 2.2.3 ASPA Space ASPA have received VASSP letter requesting proposal re office space at Vale Noted

1 St. 2.2.4 Internet banking Lynne has had further conversation with Peter and Lynne to contact CBA. Security and account authority John Hodgkinson re his problematic research on this. 2.2.5 APAPDC vacancy Exec support Bernie Lloyd’s nomination to this however, as Bernie is not at this stage a Committee rep next year, it was decided to defer final decision until 2007. Bernie to continue acting in role as Victorian convener. 2.2.6. PD Programmes VASSP programmes are virtually the same Noted as regional offerings although the quality varies in the regions.Could we co-badge with the regional workshops? AEU are currently a supplier to DE&T re these. Thriving on Leadership should continue to run. Lynne to contact Brendan Issue of Gippsland programme to be Staple resolved with Brendan Staple. PLMW to address. Models of this to be rolled out in regions? Leadership programmes and their line of control to be part of a strategic discussion. 2.2.7 Special settings –fund in rates Andrew reported on draft model proposed at SRP Consultative committee. Jeremy Ludowyke tabled his report on DE&T proposals and discussion ensued. A report from Gerald Burke was tabled at the SRP meeting as per President’s report below. Jeremy reported that these schools were on SGB model in 2005. In 2006 their funding was changed to reflect school clusters rate which is lower. There is a view that these schools should be funded at same rate as 9-12 rate. Jeremy discussed the main points of his formal response to the DE&T. The outcome of the current draft DE&T proposal is that funding to these select entry schools will be reduced. Model of funding is problematic. Bourke report has used data from Balwyn High and University High as point of comparison with Melbourne Boys’ High School and MacRobertson Girls’ High

2 School, yet they are 7-12 schools not 9-12. DE&T look as if they are interested in a flat rate. If this is the case then this matter and issue of relativities between Primary and Expert group to pursue the Secondary school rates needs to be fought VASSP line. Issue with the for asap. current model is to be The proposed DE&T model will be bad for addressed next year and in small secondary schools. the meantime the VASSP There is a significant underfund of some position is to continue with levels of secondary schooling ie years 7 &8. the default option. It was queried whether stages of schooling is Lynne to organise meeting a realistic funding model. between Andrew Blair, Current 9-12 rate is about right. Brian Burgess, Peter MacLean, Jeremy Issue of schools being asked to pay $5000 Ludowyke, Dale Pearce, for advertising boards re school renovations Bronwen Thomson and any was discussed. This happened just prior to other interested parties. election. VASSP advice is that schools not Jeremy to send electronic pay this. copy of his report. Email to be sent requesting information re Advertising boards. 2.3 President’s report 2.3.1 VCAT matter Peter Hendrickson matter at VCAT has been listed for a directions hearing on 18th December. We are currently taking advice from Ryan Carlisle Thomas on our options for this hearing. AEU have lodged an appeal with the High Court against the APF Registration. 2.3.2 SRP Consultative meeting DE&T report by Gerald Bourke on Workforce Bridging Review was discussed . A minority view was also tabled at DE&T meeting. The report is confidential and not yet released. Opinion of those present at meeting was that they could not make a recommendation on the report as they had had not time to consider, however the general feeling was that it should be considered with the larger education picture in mind. Recommendations in this will be presented to SRP Expert group meeting by Greg Gibbs on Monday 11th Dec. Andrew summarised significant changes in this review. The merits of removing regional input from the SRP process and centralising this was discussed. Some felt Regional

3 involvement in this was valuable. Process of On-going setting off increments against expected attrition needs to be addressed. Brian Burgess will now become VASSP rep Noted on SRP Consultative. Who will be the reps on the SRP expert group? 2.3.3 VIT Code of Conduct Executive responses to be VIT seeking VASSP input to this. forwarded to Lynne.

2.3.4 FO and PO contracts Ed Pearce has resigned. Andrew and Brian to look Peter Maclean pointed out that FO and PO at possible FO replacement. Role descriptions need to be revised. Brian to look at Duty Statements and refine these.

Could Project Services become consulting On-going discussion arrangement? Ian Wallis contract to be rolled over for three months pending revised position descriptions. 2.3.5 Letter from John O’Meara. Letter tabled -John has communicated some of his observations of US schools as a result Lynne to circulate this to of his CGU scholarship travels. Exec members

2.4 Treasurer’s report Peter spoke to monthly financial report. Subs income is down from this time last year. VASSP Draft Expenditure Policy tabled VASSP Draft Asset Policy tabled Peter spoke to the reasoning behind the Asset policy and the changes in Expenditure policy. Eg reimbursement rate for travel has been increased and mobile phones provision made for Field Officers. These policies will be tabled at next Committee meeting Policy around the President’s package is in progress Motion: That the Financial report and draft Expenditure and Asset policies be accepted. Moved: Carolyn Woodhouse Seconded: Jane Garvey Credit Cards Oct /Nov Blair Total =$534.84 Clarke Total =$315.70 Blair $130 Tea House $140 EQ Bar

4 Clarke $137.85 x 2 Wotif.com for Committee accommodation in Nov 2.5. Deputy President’s report- No report Noted 2.6 Vice Presidents’ report Harvey Wood no report Noted Julie Atkinson -Absent

2.7 Sub committee reports No meetings 2.7.1 PLMW- 2.7.2 Resources- 2.7.3 T&L – 2.8. Correspondence Inwards -Nothing of note Outwards – Thank you letters to Vic Super, Noted Congratulatory letters written to John Lenders and Jacinta Allan 3. NEW 3.1 2007 meeting schedule BUSINESS VASSP Committee should meet more often Noted than than in 2006. Sub-committees also need to meet more often. Published meeting dates need to be kept free of other commitments and not moved unless absolutely necessary. Noted for implementation Preferred model is one evening followed by in 2007. Lynne to determine full day. Meetings to be twice a term. dates and distribute Sub committees to meet between meetings calendar. as well. Executive meetings to follow Committee; frequency is once a month. 3.2 SGM 2007 This to be on Friday March 23rd. Andrew has recommended a presenter to PLMW. Rob Gell would also be a good Brian Burgess and PLMW speaker; another possibility is Marion Nan to progress. Walker. The new Education Minister could also be invited to present. Lynne to book. Recommended location is Moonee Valley Function Centre. 3.3 FO/PO contracts In addition to item in President’s report Andrew and Marion have met to discuss an FO replacement. Recommendation is to invite people to apply – not advertise. Brian to review these and Position descriptions to be reviewed. current VASSP roles. 3.4 APF MOU

5 This to be discussed at President and Secretaries meeting on Monday 11th Dec. 3.5 VCAT matter – Dealt with in President’s report 3.5 General Rep vacancies on Committee 6 members have expressed interest in being General Reps following vacancies after the election process. General Reps to be asked to submit half page “application” This to be sent to Lynne to action Committee at start of 2007 for an online vote.

4.MATTERS Membership Stats FOR 549 (November) Noted NOTING AND APPROVAL

5.OTHER BUSINESS 6. DATE OF Wed, 24th January 2007 Noted NEXT MEETING.


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