Policies and Procedures s3

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Policies and Procedures s3


POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Subject Date Section No. Page No. Weapons and Ammunition 04-18-08 401 1

Applicable Standard(s) No. Pages in Section 1.3.9, 1.3.10, 1.3.11, 1.3.12 5

Amends Rescinds Re-evaluation Date

I. Purpose

To establish agency policy and procedures for approval, issue and use of weapons.

II. Policy

Sworn officers shall use only weapons and ammunition meeting agency authorized specifications while performing law enforcement responsibilities both on and off duty.

III. Definition

Special Firearms - Firearms provided to specially assigned officers (i.e. SWAT, Bloodhound Team Officers) to facilitate successful resolution of hazardous operations.

IV. Procedures

A. Standard Duty Firearms 1. The standard, on duty weapon to be carried by Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office full time sworn Deputies is the Glock Model 22 40 cal. semi- automatic handgun and the Glock Model 23 40 cal. Semi-automatic handgun. The Agency issued Shotguns, rifles and ammunition authorized for on duty use are as follows: a. Remington 870 12 gauge 00 Buck Tactical Load b. Mossburg 500 12 gauge 00 Buck Tactical Load c. Colt M-16/AR-15 style 223 caliber d. Colt M4 Tactical Long Gun 223 Caliber. 2. While on duty, plainclothes or uniformed, any time an officer’s duty firearm is exposed that officer must prominently display a badge and have proper agency identification on their person. 3. While on duty, plainclothes or uniformed, any time an officer’s duty firearm is concealed that officer shall have a badge and proper identification on their person, unless that officer is on duty in an agency sanctioned undercover operation. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

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4. The officer’s service weapon shall be loaded with one (1) round in the chamber and the magazine full. 5. Shotguns will have a fully loaded magazine and none in the chamber. When in patrol vehicles, shotguns will be secured in the trunk or in rack mount. 6. Except for official reasons or inspection, service weapons will not be removed from their holsters within the confines of any law enforcement building or vehicle. Any officer involved in careless use or “horseplay” involving any weapon will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

B. Less-than-lethal Weapons 1. The following less-than-lethal weapons are approved for use while on duty: a. Monadnock collapsible baton; b. VEXOR, O. C. aerosol restraint spray c. Agency issued, rechargeable flashlight. d. X26 Taser w/ 21 foot cartridge. (gray blast doors)

2. Sheriff’s Office personnel are not permitted to use a less-than-lethal weapon unless qualified in its proficient use as determined by training procedures.

C. Off-Duty Firearms 1. Only those firearms approved by the agency may be carried while off duty. See Appendix A of this procedure for an approved list of off-duty handguns. Each commissioned deputy may select one handgun from this list for off duty use. The deputy will provide all ammunition necessary for use with that weapon. 2. All ammunition carried off-duty shall be factory loaded rounds, such as: a. Federal Hydra-Shock; b. Winchester STX; e. Remington Golden Sabre. f. Speer Gold Dot. Armor-piercing, handloads, remanufactured loads, snake shot and practice rounds, such as a “wadcutters” are prohibited. 3. While off-duty agency personnel shall carry a weapon and will wear their weapon in a concealed fashion and have a badge and proper identification on their person. 4. Officer’s shall not wear a weapon while off-duty if that officer is, or has been, consuming alcoholic beverages. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

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E. Training and Proficiency 1. Only sworn officers demonstrating proficiency in the use of agency- authorized weapons will be approved to carry such weapons. 2. Before being authorized to carry a weapon, all sworn officers must be qualified by an agency approved certified instructor. Qualification shall include issuance and instruction in agency policies on the use of force and weapons, training on proper and safe usage of agency authorized weapons, and demonstrated proficiency with such weapons. 3. At least annually, each sworn officer is required to receive in-service training on the Agency’s use of force and weapons policies. 4. At least annually, each sworn officer shall demonstrate proficiency with any approved weapon (including off-duty firearms) that the officer is authorized to use. Agency Firearms Instructors must qualify and show proficiency with all weapons issued or authorized by the agency and/or issued by other Edgefield County Municipal agencies as training for these agencies takes place alongside Sheriff’s Office training. 5. All weapons training shall be monitored by an agency approved certified weapons instructor who shall document the training and proficiency and forward such documentation to the Training Lieutenant. Proficiency in the use of weapons will be graded on a pass/fail basis, determined by specified course of fire standards. Qualification will be documented on Weapons Qualification Form AD/127. 6. Officers who fail to qualify with a weapon shall not be authorized to carry such weapon(s) until they have successfully completed remedial training under the instruction of an agency approved certified weapons instructor. Officers who fail to qualify with a standard duty firearm shall not be authorized to carry or use such firearm(s) and shall be placed on administrative leave or reassignment to non-enforcement duties (if available) until remedial training and re-qualification is successfully completed. Remedial training and requalification will be administered immediately. Subsequent failure will result in the deputy surrendering his weapon and vehicle and facing termination of employment due to inability to comply with conditions of employment. (Refer to Policy 400, page 4, para 1a) a. Failure to qualify due to a self imposed physical condition, i.e. fingernails POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

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will require the impediment to be modified so as to allow for proper handling of the weapon, and shooting mechanics. 7. A sworn officer who has taken extended leave or suffered an illness or injury that could affect his/her use of weapons ability will be required to re- qualify before returning to enforcement duties.

F. Review, Inspection and Approval 1. Before any weapon is used by any employee in the performance of their duty and prior to carrying it on or off-duty, the weapon must be reviewed, inspected and approved by a qualified weapons instructor or armorer to ensure compliance with agency procedure, proper operating condition and safety. 2. If at any time a weapon is found to be malfunctioning or otherwise unsafe, the officer has the responsibility to immediately remove the weapon from service and to notify his/her supervisor so that the weapon may be replaced until repairs can be made. Any supervisor shall order an unsafe or malfunctioning weapon to be immediately removed from service. Any weapon that is found to be unsafe or malfunctioning will not be returned to service until inspected by a certified weapons instructor or, in the case of a firearm, an armorer. 3. The agency will maintain a record on all weapons that have been approved for use on or off-duty. For firearms, the record shall include the type, description, model, serial number, owner or assignee’s name, name(s) of approving officers and proficiency grades, as documented on Backup/Off Duty Weapon Authorization Form TD/117. All approvals are conditional upon periodic re-qualification as required by this procedure. TD/117 will be maintained by the Training Division. Officers carrying backup weapons will be limited to carrying the Glock, 40 Caliber.

G. Surrender of Firearms and Ammunition 1. Sworn officers shall immediately report to the agency any conviction in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, and shall immediately surrender all agency issued firearm(s) and ammunition. 2. Sworn officers shall immediately report to the agency when he/she is the subject of a restraining order or an order of protection. In accordance with Federal Law, and subject to certain conditions, such officers may be: a. required to surrender agency issued firearm(s) and ammunition; and b. prohibited from carrying off-duty firearm(s) and ammunition, as provided for in this policy. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

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______Adell Dobey, Sheriff

V. Documentation 1. Weapons Qualification Form TD/127 2. Backup/Off Duty Weapons Authorization TD/117 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

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Action arms – all model AMT - all model semi-auto Beretta - all models semi-auto Browning - all models semi-auto Colt - all models semi-auto FIE -.380 Grendal - all models semi-auto Glock - all models H&K- all models Interarms/Walther - all models Keltech- all models Kimber 1911- all models Sigarms - all models semi-auto Ruger - all models semi-auto and compact revolvers Smith & Wesson - all models semi-auto and compact revolvers Springfield Armory- all models semi-auto Stoeger industrial/llama - all models semi-auto Taurus - all models semi-auto and compact revolvers Walther- semi- auto

(No .22 caliber handguns are authorized for off-duty / back up carry)

______Adell Dobey, Sheriff

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