Caderno De Questões Enem 1 Ano (2)

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Caderno De Questões Enem 1 Ano (2)



People are starting to blame invasive advertising for the stress in their lives. A few generations ago, people encountered only a few dozen ads in a typical day. Today, 3,000 marketing messages a day flow into the average North American brain. That's more than many of us can handle on top of all the other pressures of modern life. The fun image that advertising has traditionally enjoyed is now giving way to a much darker picture of advertising as mental pollution. (Adaptado de "Adbusters Magazine", 30/07/2007, n0. 73, p. 5) a) Segundo o texto, a percepção que as pessoas têm da propaganda está mudando. Como a propaganda era vista antes e como ela está começando a ser vista hoje? b) A que se refere o número 3.000 mencionado no texto?

2. As imagens a seguir foram encontradas em ímãs para geladeiras vendidos nos Estados Unidos.

a) O que a mulher do primeiro ímã não consegue entender? b) O texto do segundo ímã faz referência a uma tarefa doméstica. Que tarefa é essa e o que, na língua inglesa, possibilita que ela seja associada ao estresse? 3.

a) Qual é o efeito do café em uma pessoa alcoolizada? b) O que acontece quando uma pessoa come antes de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas?

4. Em 1931, William Faulkner escreveu "The SoundandtheFury", um clássico da literatura norte-americana. O excerto a seguir é parte da introdução, escrita por Richard Hughes, à edição do romance publicada pela Penguin Books, em 1971.

THERE is a story told of a celebrated Russian dancer, who was asked by someone what she meant by a certain dance. She answered with some exasperation, "If I could say it in so many words, do you think I should take the very great trouble of dancing it?" It is an important story, because it is the valid explanation of obscurity in art. A method involving apparent obscurity is surely justified when it is the clearest, the simplest method of saying in full what the writer has to say. This is the case of "The Sound and the Fury". I shall not attempt to give it a summary or an explanation of it: for if I could say in three pages what takes Mr. Faulkner three hundred there would obviously be no need for the book. All I propose to do is to offer a few introductory comments to encourage the reader. a) Segundo Hughes, em que circunstâncias a suposta obscuridade de uma obra de arte se justifica? b) Que razão apresenta Hughes para não resumir nem explicar "The Soundand The Fury"?

5. (Unicamp 2009) MOBILE PHONE USERS SLOW TRAFFIC DOWN By Brian Osborne

Sick of traffic congestion? Well, part of the blame needs to go to motorists who talk on mobile phones. At least, that is the conclusion of a study conducted by the University of Utah. The study found that if you use your mobile phone while driving, you are less likely to pass slower vehicles. If you think the study is not talking about you, because you have a hands-free device, then you are wrong. According to previous studies performed by psychology Professor Dave Strayer of the University of Utah, the ultimate distraction for drivers is the conversation - not just holding the mobile phone. Adaptado de Acessado em 05/08/2008. a) Por que motoristas que dirigem enquanto conversam ao celular retardam o fluxo do tráfego? b) A que conclusão chegou o Professor Dave Strayer em suas pesquisas?


The most reliable evidence of the damaging effect of organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT, on wildlife was demonstrated in 1967 by Dr. D. A. Ratcliffe of the Nature Conservancy in the United Kingdom. The peregrine falcon ("Falco peregrinus") was protected in Britain after 1945 and showed a dramatic increase in numbers until, in the mid- 1950s, the population went into a sharp decline. This proved to be due to reproductive failure: birds went laying eggs with abnormally thin shells and a large proportion of them were broken during incubation. High concentrations of DDT residues were found in peregrines and in the yolk of their eggs during the mid-1960s. There was no doubt that DDT was the cause of the population decline of these birds, and with the cessation of the use of DDT for agricultural purposes in Britain, peregrine numbers have increased to their formal level. Adaptado de R. B. Clark, Marine "Pollution". Oxford: OUP, p. 142-143. a) Que problemas começaram a ocorrer no processo de reprodução dos falcões peregrinos, levando ao decréscimo de sua população? b) Que fatos levaram à conclusão, em meados da década de 60, de que o uso do pesticida DDT estava diretamente relacionado à diminuição do número de falcões peregrinos?


The number of Brazilians living alone grows. IBGE - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - discovered, in its last survey, that 5 million Brazilians live alone. Of this total, 63% are senior citizens, but 22% are people in the 20 to 29 years old age range. It is a market that grows 6 to 7% a year and draws attention from different segments of the economy. After all, most of these consumers earn from 10 to 20 minimum wages and have college degrees. Adaptado de "TAM Magazine", ano 4, n0. 44, outubro de 2007, p. 72. a) A que se refere o índice de 63% mencionado no texto? b) O que caracteriza a maior parte dos consumidores brasileiros retratados no texto?


Resposta da questão 1: a) De acordo com o texto, a propaganda era antigamente vista como algo divertido, mas agora está começando a ser vista como poluição mental. b) Refere-se ao número de mensagens publicitárias que entram no cérebro de um americano comum, diariamente. Resposta da questão 2: a) A mulher do primeiro ímã não consegue entender como o conceito de cozinhar e limpar aplica-se a ela. b) O texto faz refercia ao ato de cozinhar. A palavra DESSERTS (= sobremesas), quando lida de trás para frente, fica STRESSED (= estressada).

Resposta da questão 3: a) Segundo o texto, uma xícara de café apenas manterá o bêbado totalmente desperto. b) Comer antes de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas apenas retarda, a absorção do álcool pela corrente sanguínea.

Resposta da questão 4: a) Segundo Hughes, um método que envolva a suposta obscuridade de uma obra de arte é certamente justificado quando for o modo mais claro e mais simples de expressar tudo o que o escritor tem para dizer. b) Hughes afirma que se ele pudesse diz em três páginas o que Faulkner disse em trezentas, obviamente não haveria necessidade de se escrever o livro.

Resposta da questão 5: a) Segundo o texto, esses motoristas retardam o fluxo do tráfego, pois é menos provável que eles ultrapassem os veículos mais lentos. b) O Professor Dave Strayer concluiu que a conversa é o principal motivo de distração para os motoristas e não simplesmente segurar o celular.

Resposta da questão 6: a) As aves começaram a pôr ovos com cascas muito finas e uma grande quantidade deles se quebrou durante o período de incubação. b) As altas concentrações de resíduos de DDT encontrados nas aves e nas gemas de seus ovos em meados da década de 1960. Foram essas as causas da diminuição do número de falcões peregrinos, pois, com a interrupção do uso do inseticida, na agricultura na Inglaterra, o número de falcões peregrinos aumentou novamente.

Resposta da questão 7: a)Refere-se à porcentagem de idosos que vivem sozinhos no Brasil. b) A maior parte deles recebe entre 10 e 20 salários mínimos e tem grau universitário.

PART II In 1998 Fernando Henrique Cardoso, then Brazil’s president, said he would triple the area of the Amazonian forest set aside for posterity. At the time the ambition seemed vain: Brazil was losing 20,000 square kilometers of forest a year. Over the next 15 years loggers, ranchers, environmentalists and indigenous tribes battled it out – often bloodily – in the world’s largest tropical forest. Yet all the while presidents were patiently patching together a jigsaw of national parks and other protected patches of forest to create the Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA), a protected area 20 times the size of Belgium. Now, less than 6,000 sq km of Brazil’s Amazonian forest is cleared each year. In May the government and a group of donors agreed to finance ARPA for 25 years. It is the largest tropical-forest conservation project in history.

This matters because of Brazil’s size: with 5m sq km of jungle, it has almost as much as the next three countries (Congo, China and Australia) put together. But it also matters for what it may signal: that the world could be near a turning point in the sorry story of tropical deforestation.

The Economist, August 23, 2014. Adaptado.

Redigindo em português, atenda ao que se pede. 1) Com base no texto, compare a situação da floresta amazônica em 1998 com a de 2014. ______

2) Segundo o texto, o que é o projeto ARPA e qual a importância que ele pode vir a ter para a floresta amazônica? ______

When it comes to information and connection, we rarely want for anything these days. And that’s a problem, argues journalist Michael Harris in his new book The End of Absence: Reclaiming What We’ve Lost in a World of Constant Connection (Current, August 2014). Harris suggests that modern technology, especially the smartphone, has taken certain kinds of absence from our lives – it has eliminated our time for solitude and daydreaming, and filled even short moments of quiet with interruptions and distractions. Harris worries that these “absences” have fundamental value in human lives, and maintains that we ought to try to hold on to them. Certain generations alive today will be the last to remember what life was like before the Internet. It is these generations who are uniquely able to consider what we’ve lost, even as we have gained the vast resources and instant connectivity of the Web and mobile communications. Now would be a good time for society to stop and think about protecting some aspects of our pre-Internet lives, and move toward a balanced future that embraces technology while holding on to absence.

Scientific American, July 15, 2014. Adaptado.

Responda, em português, às seguintes perguntas relativas ao texto. 3) Qual é a opinião de Michael Harris sobre a tecnologia moderna, em especial sobre o smartphone? ______4) Como as gerações mais velhas se situam face ao uso das novas tecnologias na era da internet? ______


From child hunger to obesity: Brazil’s new health scourge

Daniele Bassi May 19, 2014

Since it was established in 1982, the Brazilian NGO Pastoral da Criança used weight to ascertain whether a child was unhealthy. Recently, that had to change when they started to see more and more obesity in poor communities. “As we started noticing some children were overweight, we had to change our practices entirely,” says nutritionist Paula Pizzatto. “Now height and the BMI [body mass index] are also taken into consideration.” When Pastoral da Criança first started its work, malnutrition and lack of basic childcare were the cause of high infant mortality rates – 8.3% in 1980. By engaging and training community leaders to carry out regular visits to local families, the organization encouraged more breastfeeding and prenatal care. At the same time, the government’s zero hunger programme took millions of Brazilians out of extreme poverty and more than halved the rates of child mortality. According to the World Food Programme, hunger affects only 6.9% of Brazil’s population now. However, these impressive statistics do not mean that most Brazilians are healthy. The last figures released by the health ministry show that 51% of country’s population are overweight and one in three children age five to nine is overweight. A cash transfer scheme called Bolsa Família allowed many who were once excluded from the free market to become consumers. “Parents who were undernourished as children can now put a bottle of Coca-Cola on their tables. It is a matter of status. They feel proud,” says Pizzatto. Companies quickly understood there was a market of new consumers to explore. Door to-door selling of affordable products as well as tailor-made payment options allowed slum dwellers and remote communities to get food without travelling to the supermarket, so processed products became more accessible than fresh fruit and vegetables. Most people in the poorest communities in Brazil are under-educated, making them more vulnerable to advertising. For instance, Nestle’s floating supermarket navigates the Amazon with a powerful market campaign that claims to “offer access to nutrition, health and wellbeing to the remote community of the north region”. But it mainly sells yoghurts, ice cream and chocolate. “Quality of the food is now more of an issue than access to it,” says Arnoldo de Campos, secretary for the National Secretariat for Food and Nutritional Security. “We still have a small fraction of people that don’t have access to food, in isolated rural areas or indigenous communities, but the most serious problem now is obesity.” Pastoral’s follow-up nutritional programme focuses on the first 1,000 days of life of the infant, including the time he or she is in the womb. Providing healthy nutrition during this first stage of life is essential to prevent both malnutrition and obesity. The programme is still new and has only been introduced in 23 of the 27 Brazilian states. “So far, we have nearly 13,000 children under the nutritional programme,” says Pizzatto. “Around 11% are overweight or obese and about 2% are undernourished.” A lack of playgrounds in needy communities and national maternity leave of only four months, which means that babies cannot be breastfed exclusively for the first six months, contributes to the problem. The full results of the nutritional programme haven’t been published yet, but Pastoral is very aware of the challenges that lie ahead. “It is easier to introduce a new feeding habit when dealing with malnutrition, but it is definitely more difficult to correct existing ones, when the entire family is involved,” said Pizzatto. The government recognizes the seriousness of the problem. In 2011, it created the Intersectoral Strategy for Control and Prevention of Obesity, which started, among other things, the promotion of health feeding habits in public schools. But despite all the efforts, combating obesity will be an arduous task. “We have a poorly legislated production system which is addicted to bad-quality food and unregulated advertising practices,” says de Campos. “For instance, the latest Coca-Cola slogan is ‘open happiness’, for a soft drink full of sugar. It is more difficult to tackle obesity than hunger.” Adaptado.

5. Segundo o texto, que ações por parte do Governo Federal e da Pastoral da Criança podem ter ajudado a diminuir a taxa de mortalidade infantil? ______

6. Leia os dois últimos parágrafos e cite quatro fatores que contribuem para o aumento da obesidade infantil. ______

7. Segundo o texto, que critérios a ONG Pastoral da Criança utiliza atualmente para avaliar a saúde das crianças? ______

8. Segundo o texto, que estratégias as empresas de produtos alimentícios industrializados usam para atrair os novos consumidores incluídos no mercado pelo programa de transferência de renda Bolsa Família? ______

. Leia o texto para responder à(s) questão(ões) 9

No Cell Phone Restrictions!

It seems that I constantly hear the same thing: “Cell phones are dangerous. We need to severely restrict them. People are dying because of cell phones.” Well, I think cell phones themselves aren’t the problem. I’m completely opposed to restrictions on them. People say cell phones are dangerous to health, so they should be limited. Some studies show that cell phones produce radiation that is harmful to users. About this, there is no real proof. It sounds like just another study that isn’t meaning anything. A lot of teachers are proposing that cell phones should not be allowed in classes because they’re a distraction. I feel pretty angry about this. People argue that using a cell phone while driving is dangerous. I disagree. It’s no more dangerous than turning on the car radio or eating a sandwich. The law says you must have one hand on the steering wheel. It’s possible to use a cell phone correctly with one hand. I use my cell phone carefully; I always keep one hand on the wheel. This has always been a free country. I hope it stays that way.

Maurer, Jay. General English – Advanced- Applied Grammar by Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. (adapted)

9. No trecho “People say cell phones are dangerous to health, so they should be limited.”, reescreva a frase, substituindo a palavra “so” por outra palavra, em inglês, sem alteração de sentidos. ______

10. Localize na tira um exemplo de frase agramatical. Transcreva essa frase e faça a correção. ______

PART II - Gabarito:

Resposta da questão 1: Em 1998, o Brasil perdia 20.000 quilômetros quadrados de floresta amazônica por ano. Em 2014, a taxa de destruição da floresta amazônica é de 6.000 quilômetros quadrados por ano. 2) O projeto ARPA (Áreas Protegidas da Região Amazônica) consiste em um complexo de parques nacionais e outras áreas protegidas; é o maior projeto de preservação de floresta tropical na história. O projeto pode ser importante por aquilo que ele sinaliza: que o mundo pode estar em um momento crítico em relação à triste história do desmatamento tropical.

Resposta da questão 3: Michael Harris sugere que a tecnologia moderna, em particular o smartphone, removeu certos tipos de ausência de nossas vidas - ela eliminou nosso tempo de solidão e de introspecção e preencheu momentos curtos de silêncio com interrupções e distrações. 4) As gerações mais velhas serão as únicas capazes de ponderar sobre o que perdemos, mesmo com a aquisição dos vastos recursos, da conectividade instantânea da web e das conexões em rede. Resposta da questão 5: A Pastoral da Criança começou a incentivar e a treinar líderes comunitários para realizarem visitas regulares à famílias locais, encorajando a amamentação e o cuidado pré-natal. O programa Fome Zero do governo federal tirou milhões de brasileiros da pobreza extrema e reduziu em mais de cinquenta por cento as taxas de mortalidade infantil.

Resposta da questão 6: Os quatro fatores são: [I] a falta de playgrounds em comunidades carentes; [II] licenças-maternidade de apenas quatro meses, o que faz com que os bebês não possam ser exclusivamente amamentados durante os primeiros seis meses; [III] um sistema de produção mal legislado que é intimamente ligado a alimentos de má qualidade e [IV] práticas publicitárias não regulamentadas.

Resposta da questão 7: Atualmente a Pastoral da Criança utiliza a altura e o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) das crianças.

Resposta da questão 8: As empresas de produtos alimentícios industrializados usam vendas de porta em porta de produtos acessíveis financeiramente, assim como opções de pagamento sob condições especiais.

Resposta da questão 9: People say cell phones are dangerous to health, therefore they should be limited.

Resposta da questão 10: You know what I wonder Correção: Do you know what I wonder

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