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Information in Black Is Informational and Information in Blue Should Be Copied As Directed

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3pp guide 6 Syllabus Parent sign 100 5

6th grade math standards 8 6th grade math standards 7

Carnegie Learning Registration 10 IXL letter 9

SMART Goals Guidelines 12 Smart Goals Parent sign 100 11

Revision Guidelines 14 SMART Goals Reflections 13

Learning Style Assessment 16 Unit 1 pretest 15

MGSE6.NS.2 Long division 18 IMN Purpose Parent Sign 100 17

MGSE6.NS.2 Long division 20 MGSE6.NS.2 Long division 19

MGSE6.NS.3 add/subtract deci- 22 MGSE6.NS.2 Long division 21 mal

MGSE6.NS.3 - add, subtract dec- 24 IMN check 23 imals TB p. 264-265 MGSE6.NS.3 - multiply decimals 26 MGSE6.NS.3 - multiply decimals 25

MGSE6.NS.3 -divide decimals 28 MGSE6.NS.3 - divide decimals 27 practice. MGSE6.NS.3 - divide decimals 30 MGSE6.NS.3 - multiply decimals 29

MGSE6.NS.4 (LCM) 32 MGSE6.NS.4 (LCM) 31

MGSE6.NS.4 (GCF/DP) 34 MGSE6.NS.4 (GCF) 33

Star Math letter 36 Geared up MGSE6.NS.1 35

Dividing fractions MGSE6.NS.1 38 37

MGSE6.NS. - 40 Dividing fractions MGSE6.NS.1 39 divide fractions

Unit 1 study guide 1-14 42 MGSE6.NS.1 - divide fractions 41

Unit 1 study guide 44 Unit 1 study guide 1-10 43 46 Unit 1 test/parent letter 45

48 Pretest Unit 2 47 MGSE6.RP.1 –Ratio concept. MGSE6.RP.3a equivalent ratio 50 MGSE6.RP.1 –Ratio concept. 49

Compare fractions to ratio 52 MGSE6.RP.3a equivalent ratio 51

MCC6.RP.2 Rate and Unit rate 54 MGSE6.RP.1,3a Cardio ratio lab 53

Jump/Jacks MGSE6.RP.3a 56 MGSE6.RP.3a ordered pairs-video 55 MGSE6.RP.3b unit rate 58 MGSE6.RP.3a Equal ratio, ordered 57 pairs MGSE6.RP.3b Unit rate shopping 60 MGSE6.RP.3a CL TB page 59

MGSE6.RP.3d gallon bot 62 MGSE6.RP.3d measurement 61

MGSE6.RP.3d CL p. 770 64 MGSE6.RP.3d metric 63

MGSE6.RP.3d measurement 66 MGSE6.RP.3d measurement 65

MGSE6.RP.3d metric 68 MGSE6.RP.3b Rate 67

MGSE6.RP.3d measurement/re- 70 MGSE6.RP.3d metric/Review 69 view

MGSE6.RP.3c percent 72 MGSE6.RP.3c percent/Review 71

Unit 2 test 74 Unit 2 test 73

MGSE6.EE.1 expressions 76 Unit 3 pretest /percent WP 75

78 77

80 79

82 81

84 83

HE for week of 10/26/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in Black is informational and information in Blue should be copied as di- rected.

Day As- Day ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all us- signed Due ing PENCIL. M T Math test today! It will extend to Tuesday if necessary. You may bring your own ba- sic calculator. The Dollar Store has good one for how much? You are correct a dollar plus an additional tax percentage (vary per county).

MGSE6.RP.3c percent Stone Crest Dollar Store purchase each calculator for 5 cents. You the consumer pays one dollar for each calculator. What percent is the Dollar Store charging the consumer for each calculator? Nixon barrows money from Bank One. The bank charge him 7% interest. Interest is one way banks money. If he barrows $113.56, how much will he pay the bank back including interest. Princess loves shopping. She wants to purchase a purse for $59.99. She pays taxes (8.5%). Taxes are paid to the government. This is one way the government earn mon- ey. How much will Princess pay to be able to bring home her purse? Use 3pp and without a calculator. IMN Page 75. Your Unit 3 pretest will also be on this page; so, leave space.

T W If the Unit 2 math test is completed and reviewed during class today, you will bring the Parent Letter home for a signature today. If more time is needed to complete the test, you will bring it home later this week. Be mindful, the Parent Letter 100/A is earn ONLY your next math class.

W Th Complete class assignment if any. See your agenda note.

Th F IMN p. 76. MGSE6.EE.1 Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents.

Go to Pearson Success to 02-00 Variables, Expressions, and Properties Introduction to view an introduction to algebraic expression.

Review What You Know. Copy and complete the four vocabulary.

Copy the following 2pp. We will complete during class..

Rewrite using exponents:

1. 4 • 4 • 4 • 4

2. a • a • a

3. Evaluate the following expressions 53

4. 62 + 24 HE for week of 10/19/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in Black is informational and information in Blue should be copied as di- rected.

Day As- Day ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all us- signed Due ing PENCIL.

M T - Unit 2 exam will start Thursday. You will be able to use a calculator for a portion of the test. If you have a basic calculator (not scientific), you may bring to use. You may also use your IMN and CL TB. - Prepare your IMN for a check on Thursday during your test.

- Each day’s unsolved practice problems from class, you may work on for ad- ditional practice. - Check your agenda daily for possible additional assignments. - In conjunction with your science rocket unit, you will create an Altitude Tracker. This will help you measure the rate of speed (r=d/t) of your rock- et’s launch and travel. The tracker’s pattern will be given today. The Alti- tude tracker is due before or by Thursday, Oct. 23, 2015. Directions: 1. Neatly trace (exact size) the tracker on cardboard or poster board. 2. Neat- ly cut it out. 3. Measure a piece of yarn (1ft). 4. Tape the yarn inside the top fold/tube of the tracker. The remaining yarn will hang outside of the tube. 5. I will give you the remaining materials in class.

Test prep 1 - Go to to complete assessments. Your score will be sent to me. 1. 12-02 Number: Equal Ratios and Proportions 2. 12-03 Number: Understanding Rates and Unit Rates 3. 12-04 Number: Comparing Rates 4. Coordinate graphs review (Sixth grade - W.1) [IMN p. 69] OR Test prep 2 - . Solve minimum five (5). Complete on page 69 IMN. Write the number, letter and complete answer, and ratio of correct:total. You must retrieve an adult’s signature to earn full credit for your Unit 2 test review. 1. Coordinate graphs review (Sixth grade - W.1) 2. Unit rates: word problems (Sixth grade - R.9) 3. Unit prices with fractions and decimals (Sixth grade - U.3) 4. Unit prices: which is the better buy? (Sixth grade - U.2) T W - Check agenda for additional assignments. Test prep 1 - Go to to complete assessments. Your score will be sent to me. 1. 13-01 Number: Using Ratio Tables 2. 13-02 Number: Using Unit Rates 3. 16-01 Measurement: Converting Customary Measures OR Test prep 2 - . Solve minimum five (5). Complete on page 70 IMN. Write the number, letter and complete answer, and ratio of correct:total. You must retrieve an adult’s signature to earn full credit for your Unit 2 test review. 1. Customary unit conversions involving fractions and mixed numbers (Sixth grade - S.6) 2. Convert and compare metric units (Sixth grade - S.7) 3. Compare ratios: word problems (Sixth grade - R.6)

W Th - Check agenda for additional assignments. Test prep 1 - Go to to complete assessments. Your score will be sent to me. 1. 16-02 Measurement: Converting Metric Measures 2. 14-05 Percent: Finding the Percent of a Number OR Test prep 2 - . Solve minimum five (5). Complete on page 71 IMN. Write the number, letter and complete answer, and ratio of correct:total. You must retrieve an adult’s signature to earn full credit for your Unit 2 test review. 1. Percents of numbers: word problems (Sixth grade - R.15) 2. Ratios: word problems (Sixth grade - R.3)

Th F IMN check today. HE for week of 10/13/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in BLUE is informational and information in black should be copied as directed.

Day As- Day ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all us- signed Due ing PENCIL.

M T Go to, go to Envision Math Premium to table of contents, 12- 05 Distance, Rate, and Time, go to Independent Practice. Copy #6-11 use 3pp. Page 58 IMN. Be ready to solve during class. MGSE6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving constant speed. Useful Formula for today’s assignment. Rate = distance divided by time (r=d/t); Time = distance divided by rate (t=d/r); Distance = rate multiplied by time (d=rt).

T W IMN p. 61. MGSE6.RP.3d Given a conversion factor, use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units within one system of measurement and between two systems of measurements (customary and metric)

Measurement Rules to Remember

If you are changing from a large unit to a smaller one you should multiply. big > small = multiply Examples: yards > feet miles > yards tons > pounds gallons > quarts

If you are changing from a small unit to a larger one you should divide. small > big = divide Examples: feet > yards yards > miles pounds > tons MGSE6.RP.3a. Carnegie Learning Volume I P. 366 1a-f (Problem 2) - Determine the Most Efficient Shower Head. 2pp neatly in the TB. Please do not take this page out of your TB. W Th IMN pages 65-66. MGSE6.RP.3d Given a conversion factor, use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units within one system of measurement and between two sys- tems of measurements (customary); manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying or dividing quantities.

Pearson’s site to EnVision Premium 16-01 Measurement: Converting Customary Mea- sures, and to Independent Practice. Copy (do not solve) copy all even numbers. Skip 4 lines between each.

Th F Complete Classwork if any. Please check your agenda. Mark your Agenda Unit 2 test and IMN check Thursday, 10-22-15 HE for week of 10/5/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in BLUE is informational and information in black should be copied as directed. NOTE: We will organize the TOC in class on Monday. We will add page numbers Monday for the HE. If you work ahead. Write the information on a sheet of paper to be glued to the correct page on Monday.

Date As- Date ASSIGNMENTS - Each week update your TOC signed Due READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.

M T Copy @ the top of page ______IMN. MGSE6.RP.3a Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole-number measurements, find missing values in the tables, and plot the pairs of values on the coordinate plane. Use tables to compare ratios. Go to, go to Envision Premium math digital path table of contents, go to Topic 12 (Ratio, Rate, Proportions), go to 12-04 Comparing rates, go to Learn for your video lesson. Copy notes as directed. 1. Write the lesson’s focus lesson question. 2. Write the word problem. 3. Problem #1: How fast does Ethan swim per minute? 4. Show the entire process with the instructor. 5. Solution…. 6. Problem #2: How fast does Austin swim per minute? 7. Show the entire process with the instructor. 8. Solution…. 9. Problem #3: Which swimmer swam faster? 10. Show justification. Explain how you know. T W MGSE6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant speed. Carnegie Learning Problem 4 Using Graphs to Chart Calories Loss! P. 360-361 #1-4. Show work neatly in the book.

W Th Complete class assignment. Th F Go to, go to Envision Math Premium to table of contents, 12-05 Distance, Rate, and Time, go to Independent Practice. Copy #6-11 use 3pp. Page 58 IMN. Be ready to solve during class. MGSE6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving constant speed. Useful Formula for today’s assignment. Rate = distance divided by time (r=d/t); Time = distance divided by rate (t=d/r); Distance = rate multiplied by time (d=rt).

Have a Wonderful break! Check the math webpage Sunday/Monday.

HE for week of 9/21/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in BLUE is informational and information in black should be copied as directed.

Date As- Date ASSIGNMENTS - Each week update your TOC signed Due READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL. M T (If given today) Parent letter for Unit 1 exam. Bring sign to your next math class ONLY. Go to, go to Envision math digital path table of contents, go to Top- ic 12 (Ratio, Rate, Proportions), go to 12-00 Ratio, Rates, and Proportions Introduction, view and be informed of the upcoming concepts. Then go to 12-01 Number: Understanding Ratios to take the following notes. Copy and re- spond on page 49 IMN MGSE6.RP.1 – Understanding Ratio concept. Write down the lesson’s question. How many cats?

How many dogs? Total pets? Write the problem as the instructor did? Write the 3 way to write a ratio. Define term. What is the ratio comparing? Cats:dog = 14:31 is comparing what? How are the ratios different? 15. Write another part to part and another part to whole. T W (If given today) Parent letter for Unit 1 exam. Bring sign to your next math class ONLY. Go to the following web link to view a real-world example of ratios: IMN p. 50 Standard: MGSE6.RP.3a Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole-number measurements, Use tables to compare ratios. Topic Question: Why are ratios and equivalent ratios important to Chef Curtis delicious recipe? Draw and complete the table for the changes occurring with Chef Curtis Aikens and the recipe’s rice preparation. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate numbers accord- ing to the unexpected changes during the video.

Rice Water

Draw and complete the table for the changes that occurred with chef Curtis Aikens and the recipe’s potato preparation. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate numbers according to the unexpected changes during the video.

People Potato

Write on page 51 in the IMN and complete the statements and definitions while viewing the videos. Standard MCC6.RP.3a, and “What is an equivalent ratios?” Got the following web link to take notes on Equivalent ratios. http://www.phschool.- com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_content/wl-book-demo/ph-827s.html What is an equivalent fraction? An equivalent ratio is ______. Example 1: Find the equivalent ratio of 3/8. Copy the entire process with the instructor. Example 2: Simplest form is 3ft 40in. Copy the entire process with the instructor. What are two ways to compute equivalent fractions?

W Th 1. Go to, go to Envision Math Premium to table of contents, go to Topic 12 (Ratio, Rate, Proportions), and go to 12-01 Num- ber: Understanding Ratios, go Independent practice. Complete #6-14. Use 2pp; write the ratio statement on the page and the correct ratio. 2. Complete this assignment on a clean sheet on paper. NOT in the IMN. Th F Carnegie Learning page 308-312. Complete all of Problem #1 and Problem #2. Show your complete process in the book.

HE for week of 9/14/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in BLUE is informational and information in black should be copied as directed.

Date As- Date ASSIGNMENTS - Each week update your TOC signed Due READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.

M T • Unit 1 Exam Start Thursday, Sept. 18, 2015 • Study Guide #1-10. Use 2pp show work and solution. • Sign-up for See page 46 IMN. • IMN check Thursday. I will check TOC and on page 18-43. Both must be complete to earn 100/A. If the TOC is incomplete your grade is 0/F. T W 1. Go to webpage

2. Complete the quizzes: Add/subtracting decimals, multiply and divide deci- mals, divide fractions, divide mixed numbers, GCF, and LCM. Your scores will come to Mrs. McNabb and will be checked Friday.

3. Click on this link to practice dividing fractions with models. Complete mini- mum 10. nit-fractions-using-models

4. Review IMN assignments to prepare for your test.

W T Unit 1 - Test today. IMN Check today and/or Monday. I will check TOC and on page 18-43. Both must be complete to earn 100/A. If the TOC is incomplete your grade is 0/F.

HE for week of 9/8/15 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in Green is informational and information in black should be copied as directed.

Date Date ASSIGNMENTS - Each week update your TOC As- Due signed READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.

T W Copy on p. 38 IMN. (Top margin please) MGSE6.NS.1 Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, including reasoning strategies such as using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. Copy each problem below. We will solve during your next math class.

1. 1/2 divided by 1/16 - leave 4 lines blank

2. 3 divided by 1/8 - leave 4 lines blank

3. 5 and 1/2 divided by 1/3 - leave 4 lines blank

MCC6.NS.4 Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1–100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. Solve using GCF and the distributive property before you come to class and complete on p. 38 IMN also.

1. 33 +77

2. 16 + 56

3. 28 + 35

W T Record on p. 40 IMN. (Top margin please) MGSE6.NS.1 Interpret and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions using visual fraction models.

Directions: Draw a diagram to solve the division problem and complete the algorithm to find the quotient.

Choose 3 of 4

1.Sharon has 3 cups of grapes. She likes to pack ¾ cups of fruit in her lunch each day. How many days can Sharon pack grapes in her lunch

2.¾ divided by

3.½ divided by 1/8

4. 3/2 divided by ¼ T F Record on p. 41 IMN. (Top margin please) MGSE6.NS.1 Compute quo- tients of fractions involving division of fractions by fractions.

Directions: Calculate the quotient using mathematical algorithm and write how you would set it up to solve.

1. 10 and 1/5 divided by 3

2. 12 ½ divided by 1/3

3. 15 divided by 4 and 5/6

F M - IMN p. 42. Unit 1 Exam Start Thursday 9-16-15. - Study Guide #1-14. Use 2pp show work and solution. HE for week of 8/31/14 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in Green is informational and information in black should be copied as directed.

Date Date ASSIGNMENTS - Each week update your TOC As- Due signed READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.

M T Copy on P. 29 IMN MGSE6.NS.3 - multiply decimals: Go Carnegie Learning Volume I. Page 276 #3e-h (compute the exact solution) on p. 29 IMN. Use 3pp.

Copy on P. 30 IMN MGSE6.NS.3 - divide decimals: Carnegie learning Vol- ume I. Page 295 #9a, c, d, and f (compute the exact solution). 30 IMN. Use 3pp.

T W Copy this standard at the top on p. 31 (IMN). MGSE6.NS.4 Find the least common multiples (LCM) of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12. Go Sixth Math Videos view the introduction video to GCF and LCM. Write the definition of LCM and GCF. IMN p. 31

Go to the LCM video. IMN p. 31. 1. Write Title (blue) 2. Write Remember point (green) 3. List the multiples of 5 and 7 (blue) 4. Write Example 1: Find the LCM of 30 and 24 and write the entire process with the on-line instructor (steps 1-3) 5. Then use Example 1 as a guide to complete Example 2. 6. Note you may use color coding similar to the on-line instructor. 7. Save some space for in class notes on a different LCM process. W T • Copy this standard at the top on p. 33 (IMN). MGSE6.NS.4 Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12. • Go the Sixth Grade Math Videos GCF video. IMN p. 33.Write Title (blue) 1. Write the definition in green. 2. Write Remember point (red). 3. Write the steps (#1-3). 4. Write Example 1: Find the GCF of 36 and 60 and write the entire process with the on-line instructor. 5. Then use Example 1 as a guide to complete Example 2. 6. Note you may use color coding similar to the on-line instructor. Save some space for in class GCF practice

T F Copy on page 34. MCC6.NS.4 Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1–100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. Define Distributive property - ______(Look up) Problem: Find the GCF of 45 and 54 using the distributive property (DP). Show work: 45: 1,3,5,9,15,54 54: 1,2,3,6,9,18,27,54 CF: 1,3,9 GCF: 9 45 = 9 x 5 and 54 = 9 x 6; so, 45 + 54 = 9(5 + 6) Solution: 9(5 + 6) which the DP

Problem: The number 108 can be expressed as 100 + 8. Rewrite the sum using the distributive prop- erty. Show work: 100: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 8: 1,2,4,8 CF: 1,2,4 GCF: 4 100 = 4x25 and 8 = 4x2; so, 100+8 = 4(25 + 2) F T (9-7- MGSE6.NS.1 Interpret problems involving division of fractions by frac- 15) tions, including reasoning strategies such as using visual fraction models.

Piece of Pizza Please!?

A.Create/design your favorite pizza.

B.Choose savory/sweet or combo.

A.Size - small pizza with a diameter (distance from one end to it opposite end) of 12inches.

B.Select a minimum 2 toppings.

C. Make it colorful.

D. 2D.

E.No edible components.

F.Eight equal slices.

G. Transport to safely to math class. HE for week of 8/24/14 for 6th

Read the ENTIRE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record Information in Green is informational and information in black should be copied as directed.

Date Date ASSIGNMENTS - Each week update your TOC As- Due signed READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.

M T Take the Learning Style Assessment, print your results, and bring to math class by Friday. Located under Student Resources.

A. Copy on IMN page 25. Standard: MGSE6.NS.3 - Fluency in multi- plying decimals using standard algorithm. B. Go to the Math Unit I Videos. View video multiply decimals (Math Playground). Copy everything on the screen written by the instruc- tor (problem 1 and 2). How do you know where to put the decimal in the product? Answer A. Copy on IMN page 27. Standard: MGSE6.NS.3 - Fluency in di- viding decimals using standard algorithm. C. Go to the Math Unit I Videos. View video divide decimals (Math Playground). Copy everything on the screen written by the instruc- tor (problem 1). Why did the instructor multiply the divisor by 100? Why did the instructor multiply dividend by 100? Answer both T W Take the Learning Style Assessment, print your results, and bring to math class by Friday. Located under Student Resources.

Copy at the top of p. 26. Standard: MGSE6.NS.3 - Fluency in multi- plying decimals using standard algorithm. Practice 1 Copy/paste the following link. Complete Test yourself for multiply decimals. If it is a question, copy it and your answer choice. If it is a math computation problem, complete all show work. There are 7 test questions. cents/mult-of-decimals.htm

Copy at the top of p. 28. Standard: MGSE6.NS.3 - Fluency in dividing decimals using standard algorithm. Practice 2 Copy/paste the following link. Complete Test yourself for dividing decimals. If it is a question, copy it and your answer choice. If it is a math computation problem, complete all show work. There are 7 test questions. cents/division-of-decimals.htm

W T 1.Take the Learning Style Assessment, print your results, and bring to math class by Friday. Located under Student Resources.

2.Go Carnegie Learning Volume I. Page 276 #3e-h (compute the and estimate ad exact solution) on p. 29 IMN. Use 3pp.

3. Carnegie learning Volume I. Page 295 #9a, c, d, and f (compute the and estimate ad exact solution). 30 IMN. Use 3pp.

T F 1. Take the Learning Style Assessment, print your results, and bring to math class by Friday. Located under Student Resources.

2. Complete and return class assignment.

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