A Guide for Parents and Students. This Outline Is Linked to the Course Assessment Schedule

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A Guide for Parents and Students. This Outline Is Linked to the Course Assessment Schedule

History : Year 8 Semesterised A guide for parents and students. This outline is linked to the Course Assessment Schedule.

Term Weeks The Western and Islamic World - Medieval Europe Elements of the Overview are marked italics 1&3 1-7  The transformation of the Roman world and the spread of Christianity and  Islam  The way of life in Medieval Europe (social, cultural, economic and political  features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society  identify the extent and key sites of Medieval Europe  identify ways in which the Catholic Church influenced life in Medieval Europe  outline key economic and political features of Medieval European society –  feudalism  identify the roles and relationships of key groups in Medieval European  society, using a range of sources  describe everyday life of men, women and children in Medieval European  society  identify and describe significant developments and/or cultural achievements of  Medieval Europe in at least ONE of the following areas:  Architecture Art Medieval manuscripts Literature Music Circle the area of study  explain the changing relations between Islam and the West during the medieval  era, including the Crusades  using a range of sources, outline what is revealed about different perspectives  on the Crusades  outline the main features and describes the change and continuity of at least  ONE of the following: Please circle the area/areas of study  military and defence systems towns, cities and commerce  crime and punishment  using a range of sources, investigate and assess the role of ONE significant  medieval individual and identify differing perspectives of their achievements:  Charlemagne Eleanor of Aquitaine Saladin  William Wallace Joan of Arc (incorporated in portfolio)  discuss and evaluate how Medieval Europe has influenced the world today. Term Weeks The Asia- Pacific World - Japan under the Shoguns Elements of the Overview are marked italics 1&3 8-10  identify key places in Japan during the Shogunate Period  sequence the Nara and Heian periods and the Kamakura, Muromachi and  Tokugawa Shogunates 2&4 1-4  outline key cultural, economic and political features of this society,  including the increasing power of the shogun

 describe the everyday life of men, women and children in Japan under the  Shoguns

 identify the roles and relationships of key groups in this society using  sources

 outline how the Tokugawa Shogunate took control of Japan by AD 1603

 describe how the Tokugawa Shoguns revived the feudal system in Japan

 explain how foreign trade was controlled by the Tokugawa Shoguns

 describe how the Japanese used land and forests as resources

 outline the Tokugawa Shogunate's policies on forestry and land use

 explain why the Tokugawa Shoguns isolated Japan from the rest of the  world from AD 1639

 identify examples of modernisation and westernisation in Japan in this  period and explain their impact

 assess the importance of Western influence on the decline of the  Shogunate

 explain how the Shogunate have influenced modern Japan Term Weeks Expanding Contacts - The Spanish Conquest of the Americas Elements of the Overview are marked italics 2&4 5-10  locate and identify the major civilisations and cities of the Pre-Columbian  Americas in this period

 outline the organisation of society in the Pre-Columbian Americas

 describe key aspects of life in at least ONE city of the Pre-Columbian  Americas, eg Teotihuacan, Tenochtitlan (Aztec), Machu Picchu (Inca)

 describe the beliefs of at least ONE Pre-Columbian society in the period

 outline and explain the reasons for Spanish conquest and settlement in the  Americas

 identify the societies that the Spanish conquered in the Americas

 describe how geographic features influenced Spanish conquest of at least  ONE Society

 Outline the Trade Routes and Voyages of Discovery during the Medieval Ages

 using a range of sources, describe different perspectives on the first-  contact experiences between the Spanish and Aztec OR Inca society

 explain how the Spanish conquered and controlled Aztec OR Inca society

 explain how either the Aztecs OR the Incas were affected by the Spanish  conquests, eg the introduction of new diseases, horses and gunpowder

 using a range of sources, investigate at least ONE example of the wider  impact of the Spanish conquests of the Americas, eg the introduction of  new foods and increased wealth in Europe

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