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Southwestern Michigan College


COURSE TITLE: Infant/Toddler Care COURSE NO.: EDUC 208 SECTION NO.:2237

CREDITS/CONTACTS: Credit Hours: 3 Lecture hours/weekly: 2 Laboratory hours/weekly: 2 Weekly Contact Hours: Final Exam Information: (Faculty may insert actual date and time of exam, or refer students to another source of that information)

INSTRUCTOR: Christi Young 269-783-2106 cyoung@swmich .edu

PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of C in EDUC 115

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language development of the child from birth to age 2. It includes methods for providing care-giving routines, designing developmentally appropriate curriculum, managing schedules and routines, record- keeping, and establishing relationships between the center, home, and family. This course includes weekly participation in an approved infant/toddler setting.

COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course the learner will be able to

1. Discuss the typical patterns of growth of children from birth to age 2. 2. Describe how the brain develops and it’s implications for early learning. 3. Describe methods for establishing family and educator partnerships. 4. Identify the stages of language development and nonverbal communication. 5. Explain various curriculum approaches for infants/toddlers and characteristics of each. 6. Plan developmentally appropriate activities for infants/toddlers. 7. Identify atypical patterns of growth and development for the child age 0-2. 8. Evaluate an infant/toddler setting as it relates to the physical and emotional environment 9. Design a form to record how the daily needs of infants are met. 10. Gain hands-on, real-life skills while participating in an infant/toddler setting.

The student will demonstrate achievement of the course outcomes as measured by a written final exam.

TEXTBOOK: (Possibilities) REQUIRED: Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers. Gonzalez-Mena, Widmeyer Eyer, McGraw Hill, 8th edition.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: 11. In-class lectures and classroom discussion 22. Audio-visual materials 33. Small group work and projects 44. Selected readings 55.Learning assessments 66. Objectives/notes to correspond with above EVALUATION METHOD: Tests (4) 300 Observation Journal 100 Presentation 100 Participation/Discussion Boards 50 Writing Assignments 150 Final Portfolio 100 80 Total 0

GRADING SCALE: The following grading scale will be in effect for this course:

93 - 100% = A 90 - 92% = A- 87 - 89% = B+ 83 - 86% = B 80 - 82% = B- 77 - 79% = C+ 73 - 76% = C 70 - 72% = C- 67 - 69% = D+ 63 - 66% = D 60 - 62% = D- 0 - 59% = F

ATTENDANCE POLICY: As the majority of coursework is completed online, attendance at the in-class sessions is very important. Regular class attendance is required for you to receive maximum benefit from this class. As such a percentage of your grade is based on your attendance and participation in the class. Makeup work for assignments will be accepted only if there are previous arrangements made with the instructor.

You earn attendance/participation points by attending class, participating in class discussions, and posting and replying to your classmate’s posts on the discussion board. In order to receive full credit, you must post one original post and 2 reply posts each week to each forum.

TESTING POLICY: Students are expected to take all examinations as scheduled in the testing center. There will be a time frame in which all tests must be taken.

NOTICE: Representative student work will be used as a part of SMC’s on-going curriculum assessment program.


. 1. Students must volunteer in an approved infant/toddler setting 2 hours per week, for a total of 15 hours during the semester. A journal will be kept by the student during this participation, signed by a staff member at the participation site, and submitted to the instructor

2. Due dates are firm, not a suggestion. Any assignment turned in after the due date without prior arrangements between instructor and student will not be graded for credit.

3. This course is designed in an interactive style to facilitate active learning. Attendance and participation are imperative. 4. Objective completion is important. They are worth 10 points (completed) on each test. Without completing them, you cannot earn an A on the test.

5. All tests must be completed by the due date. Due dates are arranged so that you can receive timely feedback, regardless of the campus you take it at.

6. All assignments must be submitted through the drop boxes on “My Courses” no emailed assignments will be accepted.

7. All assignments must be submitted in a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. (No Wordpad, Works, I cannot open them and you will not get credit)

8. In order for successful discussion and in-class activity completion preparation for each class is necessary. This includes reading assigned text and or completing take home assignments for the particular class.

9. As this class requires contribute to class discussions via the discussion board, please ensure a comfortable and safe environment for interaction by proactively fostering mutual respect of our classmates’ opinions and contributions.


Unit Topic(s) Reading 1 Focus on the Caregiver Ch 1-4 Priciples, Practice, Curriculum Infant-Toddler Education Caregiving as Curriculum Play as Curriculum 2 Focus on the Child (I) Ch 5, 10, 11 Attachment Emotions Social Skills 3 Focus on the Child (II) Ch 6-9 Perception Motor Skills Cognition Language

3 Focus on the Program Ch 12-14 Physical Environment Social Environment Adult Relations in Infant-Toddler Program


Students will be evaluated on the following class assignments.

Attendance: Participatory attendance grade of 5 points per meeting, gained through participation in class as well as discussion board postings.

Discussion Board: Discussion topics will be posted weekly. Participation and forum completion will be worth 50 points over the course of the semester. Full credit is earned by posting one original post and at least two replies to classmates. Focused Writing Assignments/Observation Journal: This assignment consists of a compilation of directed writing assignments, journal entries and observation data from your chosen site. This will be a semester long project with completion check points scheduled throughout the semester. This assignment will be worth 250 points of your final grade.

Tests: There will be four scheduled tests over the course of the semester to be taken in the Testing Center outside of class time. Each test will be comprised of multiple choice, true and false and matching questions designed to assess your knowledge of text and class discussions. Each test will be worth 75 points of your final grade.

Project/Presentation: An in-depth report and presentation of the site you observed over the course of the semester. The report should at minimum include a complete setting description, visual aids of the handouts given to parents, completion of Appendix A&B from the text, and examples of each of the ten NAEYC program standards for accreditation. This will be a semester long project with completion check points scheduled throughout the semester. More in-depth information will be available as the semester progresses. This assignment will be worth 100 points of your final grade.

Final Portfolio: A compilation of essays that will demonstrate your knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices, what infant-toddler education is, how care and play is learning, how you, as a caregiver, facilitate attachment, perception, cognition, motor skills, emotional development, and social skills, the importance of the physical and social environment, and adult-child relations More in-depth information will be available as the semester progresses. This assignment will be worth 100 points of your final grade.

This assignment will be worth 100 points of your final grade.


All phones, iPods, BlackBerries, Palm Pilots, pagers, laptops and other technological devices including devices capable of taking photographs must be turned off or placed on vibrate mode and may not be brought out during class. If you are expecting or receiving an urgent call, you are required to leave the classroom before answering. Violation of this policy will result in your removal from the classroom for the class period. Multiple violations of this policy will be referred to the appropriate dean for disciplinary action. Further details or ramifications of violations may be found elsewhere in this syllabus. The instructor has the right to modify this policy to meet the needs of the course.

HONESTY POLICY Cheating or plagiarizing will absolutely not be tolerated at Southwestern Michigan College. Any student found cheating or plagiarizing material in any manner may be assigned a failing semester/session grade in this course. A second such incident while at SMC could result in suspension or expulsion from the institution. A student found in violation of this section of the syllabus will not be allowed to drop this course. Additional detail regarding cheating and/or plagiarism may be found elsewhere in this syllabus. For more detailed information consult the SMC Code of Student Conduct.

NOTICE: Information in this syllabus was, to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. The instructor, however, reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Southwestern Michigan College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques.

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