Seventh Grade Language Arts s1

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Seventh Grade Language Arts s1

77-79% C+ = 80-83% B- = 84-86% B = 87-89% B+ = 90-93% A- = 94-100% A =     the criteria: following they meet Quality StandardsWork: for Grading Policy: assignmentsfrom allows studentsthe assignmentsonMyAccess, connectedInternet. writing anyto which computer access to ofbe yourComputer some covers of that theanddoing English will our at use Chromebooks. registration We WritingLab year, bring abegin the term. gradethat *As we your usedclass. more assignmentsuntil all final for Keep received than after be one you have can bring forget yourbook to Don’t to read. andMaterials Fees: enjoymentof increase. hopefullyreading) to your (and Seventh Grade Literature: Our include textbooks the backpack!) Seventh Grade Textbooks: parents/students, our see schoolforms, site,  Technology: me or with an talk with core,please administrator. about our state arts language concerns have for onlineat uen.orglook and Language the UtahArts7 English Core State and Core See small in findings, (research), and groups. practiceconstructively your large contributing report inquire and Description:Course     Write on only one side of the paper one ononly side of Write be(no papershould smooth-edged spiro-bits). The unless otherwise 11" 81/2x Use indicated. paper and product belegible. should neat The Parents, if you haven’t already given permission (when you registered) for your student to fortheat ifalreadystudent Internet school, yougivenplease you haven’t permission(when registered) Parents, your use A major goal for the year is for you to experience increased exposure to books of many genres, and for your reading level for booksofreading exposure to majormany theforgenres, year and your goalis for increased experience A you to highly whojoin students that enjoyshould I recommend reading the in smallin groups, and byindividualreaders. Georgia Bragg, and KimmelCody (with parts of the A&E movie Bauer, administration. phones classroomsent inbeto aremisused that Cell confiscated will and time. the classroom,shouldused in look lookto socell to be Thereareclocks phones online. the not upthe upsomething access sometimes students for of and booksduringreading, ask cellsustainedmay reading with phones silent use occasional doallow phones beHowever, should turned duringI policy,anyschool hours. school-wide cell off student According to or loss damage. for is notschool student, or No games,teacher, classresponsible mayThe readbooksfor the one-readers. please. Students home. from students school anand program Compose, writing online access also useassignments. can We Utah this Docs emailaccounts maysome usewriting studentsyear, their for we Google own have school-specific will Because our Find Seventh Grade Language Arts -- Disclosure Document -- Ms. Dorsey --2016-2017 Language Dorsey --Ms. Grade --DisclosureDocument Seventh Arts The Giver English Are you tired of reading disclosure documents? Put a smiley face on the signature page and receive a treat. signature a and you Are documents?a face tired page receive ofsmiley onthe disclosure Put reading 0-59% = 0-59% F =60-63% D- =64-66% D =67-69% D+ 70-73% C- = 74-76% C = your choice of a novel (fictional chapters). of bookwith choice a novel your you specify genre(kindshouldbutfirst of reading, onebe will book) can a teacher be the during class. well as assessments projectssoyou onthem, reading class will based or ascomplete be of outside to days. be classForeachterm,read in yourequired will onmany Reading It is your Itwith is to eachtime responsibility come to class In seventh grade English you will read (a lot), write gradeEnglishlot), thinka In read(a lot), seventh (hopefully you will classroom web page under “Faculty/Staff,” “English,” and “Claudia Dorsey” at “Claudia Dorsey” “English,” “Faculty/Staff,” at weband under classroom page composition book by LoisLowry, Grading Scale A Walk Long Water to English class textbooks will be left in the classroom, not checked out to students. be notto class out leftthe English will classroom, weight textbooks in in (Less checked : : Novels and books other Novels be that read may class asin a or small groups include Inquiry and book projects and final drafts of major assignments will not be accepted unless of final not Inquirybookprojects drafts major accepted assignmentswill and and be Every bring class day, abook want to you read! Elements Literature, of The Outsiders

or go directly toor go directly to leave in class for Writing and Reading Workshop. You’ve paid a computer lab fee class Writing in and paidlab You’ve a leave for Reading to

You will also need You will The books should be age/reading level appropriate. Usually booksshouldthe age/reading level The be AUP – Student Computer and Internet Use Internet SlipAUP –Student Permission and Computer byLinda Sue Park. Shackleton) by S.E. Hinton(and byS.E. watch will video), we the Holt, Rinehart, and Holt, Winston , a binder withdividersa binder How They Croaked:How They The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous assigned. assessments/reviews, logs reading inquiryprojects, as and book andassignments –process product, andtests, exams, spelling quizzes, vocabulary writing in activities), homework, appropriate participation class includesclass(including daily that work Work be graded will

Other booksandOther reading materials will used class, as be a   black blueink. or standard  bythe teacher. type fonts indicated Use Follow any additional requirements in the assignment. anyin requirements additional Follow Your product must be legible. Type it, or write productbeit, legible.using Your must Type or Battle of theBattle Books of pencils You will have time to will time have read You , to organize to assignments. This binder blue or blackblue pens or two th grade. If you grade. If The Write Source . booksand . Ice Story . , and , and Stand TallStand , Great Source; Source; , Great by lined paper Elizabeth by Joan byJoan

by .

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call or during individual class your NOT text Please orcell child. time. your onhis phone student her DO what’s currentwith with andto our onat Skyward going the school school Use website and that’s stay available. the learning value uponschoolwork, to to akeep to and schooland planner, tobinder(s)use organized, backpack encouragement keep and is make yourinformation onSkyward sure and contact correct. signature attached with address sheet e-mail, is shareyour onthe soifanmeaway youplease right parents have account, with  Me Contacting students. schoolall classroomto orothers. a for ifwant bullied wonder yousafeplace arebullying and you We our feel be or trusted if teacher,another adult Pleaseparent, not and administrator, tolerated. inform againstwill Bullying a is the law be intimidating.”emotionally physically, socially, orsuchhigher either more emotionally, as “power,” a social or status, has    bullying Nationaldefines Bullying Preventionas Center The follows. your discuss thewith please following Bullying (Parents, students) Handbook.” & Schoolon“Student can “School Look Information” onourand under Parent findschoolclick You the Handbook website. astudentisWhen absent: be should discussed advance. me in with Planned absences the teacher.with unlesshasarranged it remediatea been notto thefailinggrade, termaccepted is and in haswill ended turned be after Work in –at willpenalized least theten student’spercent. turned name also without be Work and the classroom. in calendar No assigned work Late of the possiblepoints assignment. that percent for WorkPolicy:Late otherif you don’tinmost finish homework. assignments.yourwork However, become class, in-class will beclass yet (andyou Youin work mastered. given parts) haven’t will to time onspellingvocabulary words on word work or Policy:Homework points. worklegible will not is receive that Note: not Any Attendance Policy:Attendance “ “ “ I’m looking forward to working enjoyable you grade looking to your year. with toa have successfuland seventh forward child I’m help student but responsibility or seventhschoolwork, be sheyour should onmore for Your grade taking he still needs guidance late work or further revisions will be accepted during the last week of eachterm. duringof ortheweek last latebe further work revisions accepted will There is also a real or perceived “imbalance of power,” which is described as when the student with the whichbullying describedthe with asstudent is “imbalanceofwhen behavior orpower,” is real perceived also a There difficulty stopping have bythe targeted behavior the Those hurts, humiliates, behavior The

Note to Parents: to Note Before schoolBefore Seventh Grade Language Arts -- Disclosure Document -- Ms. Dorsey --2016-2017 Language Dorsey --Ms. Grade --DisclosureDocument Seventh Arts

English class blog: My web pages are linked ourEnglish blog: pages school site. Myweb from class are : School telephone: School : Parent/Teacher September17 Conferences: and fromto8 February 11 3 pm pm

The major homework will be reading. You will also want to spend at least a little time eachschool spendlittleday You to time reading. will atto will least major a homework also be want The during Work is considered late if it is turned in after the due date. Late work is worth no more than seventy work date.than seventy turnedworth consideredis afterLate latethenomore is in due if it Work should call the school office or send a note to the office to have that absence excused. to to sendabsence that should thea schoolhave officethe or note office call See the student planner/handbook for school policies. If student foror theplanner/handbook student missparent guardian a school See must school, a Extra credit is occasionally available to those who read the class blog (web pages). (web blog those who isto readthe class available credit occasionally Extra by appointmentby Please feel free to contact me with any questions concerns. of method to Myfavorite any communication me with or Please free contact feel 4. Be good to the4. Begoodstuff. to and responsive.3. Beattentive 2. Bekind. you’re supposed you’re supposedyou’re be to supposedwhat to be when doing to 1. Bewhere there, Make wise use of Cave Time as needed to complete or make useasneededtoMake Cavecompleteup or wise work. Time of b. Put itbelongs. where it b. Put back Don’t dodamage.a. excused absences may be turned in for full credit up to three class periods after returning to school. periods to in beafter creditreturning full class turned three excusedfor absencesupto may Access information about what we have done in class on our class done classat information abouthave in blog what onour we Access . The

or harms another person physically harmsor person emotionally. another or 801.610.8750 student Class Rules: Class Rules: -- 7:30-8:10 a.m.; After school -- 2:45-3:30 Afterschool a.m.; -- 7:30-8:10 or-- by appointment. otherwise p.m.; E-mail: E-mail: is responsible for obtaining any materials needed for make-up work. make-up neededfor any responsible is obtaining materials for

Special circumstances will be considered will individually. be Special circumstances , extension 200.Classroom: 200 , extension

[email protected]  See your handbookour See for school rules. your

action directed atand directed them, struggle defendthemselves. to action These dates areposted onthe class dates blog These

is physically larger or physicallylargeris or  and....

Page 1 Please fill out the attached signature sheet and VIP Information sheet, and return to and return VIPsheet, fillInformation by sheet Ms.Dorsey and thesignature Please attached out Seventh Grade Language Arts -- Disclosure Document -- Ms. Dorsey --2016-2017 Language Dorsey --Ms. Grade --DisclosureDocument Seventh Arts PLEASE KEEP THIS DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT. . August 26.

Page 1 E-Mail address(es): E-Mail Address: -- Street – Phone numbers: Home Parent/Guardian names: sometimes go so besometimes the systems do down, pleasepatient. I’llrespondas soon as I can. that However, bearinmind sometimes aree-mails and system, the voice-mail messages within and delayed phone E-Mail messages waysor areusually effective to contact appreciate me. I contacts.especially e-mail parents. and arecorrect, there you be will to able receive and updates messages teachers out tostudentswe occasionally send checkand,also Please updateinformationneeded, on if asyour Skyward soon as Ifyour addresses email I’d and to be like to able contact quickly accurately you theneed and ifarises. providecontact Pleaseinformation. office Ofteninformationinthe theSkywardor the following on is incorrect, ______orQuestions: ______Comments name print Neatly student ______signature: Student ______Date signature: Parent ______Date______received Mrs. We have Dorsey’sdisclosure and together. have document looked at it Remove sheet disclosurethe this and Remove from document Please this returnPlease sheet, by and signed both August26 student parent, weekbetter!) isifby (sooner a (or within Other for Dad? (or other guardian) -- guardian) Other forDad? (orother -- guardian) Other forMom? (orother City/Zip -- Seventh Grade Language Arts -- Disclosure Document -- Ms. Dorsey --2016-2017 Language Dorsey --Ms. Grade --DisclosureDocument Seventh Arts The couldkeepbeparentit could orEnglishstudent’s keptinthe it at home, binder. OR P

DisclosureSignatureDocument Sheet - WITHIN arent and Student, please fill out this side. _____/10 points _____/10 fillthis out side. please andStudent, arent

ONE you you this schoolthehave during classadded year). Return thissheetReturn me, sides. out to filled both on WEEK (P Student, please fill out the other side. other fillthe out please Student, OINTS





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RETURN MS -Dorsey Seventh – Grade English . DORSEY



August 26


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Page 1 20. Isthere 20. else anything toknowaboutyou? you’d me ______like ______Ifanwrote19. authora book for you, what it about? just ______would be ______is What toknowabout18. you meexciting something unique and/or want you? interested youin?______would What like when17. you to do graduate highschool,you occupation(s)/job(s)/career(s)and from what are ______Did a 16. takesummer? trip – you Where? this Whator – fun somethingdid?was you ______Tell “unforgettable” 15. about an you’ve place been. Explain. ______Tell “unforgettable”14. about an life. Explain.person ______in your ______How are13. good writing? atExplain. you______How are12. good reading? Explain.at______you bars, sugar-free,etc.) (edible)treatssmall11. What you best? do like you do 10. What knowa ______about? lot do Whatdo 9. you ______really well? ______Have 8. everylived you anywhereAmericanthethan Fork other area? If so,where? ______were What/who your7. school ______subject(s) 6. What necessarily (not would subjects) school like moreyou to learn ______about? do What like when5. you to do havedon’ttodo ______you anything? is Whatfavorite 4. or your typeof book book? ______Age 3. Write Birthday three that ______words describe you: Nickname you 2. (ifyou’dhave rather one be called) ______full ______1. Your name______Period ______Seventh Grade Language Arts -- Disclosure Document -- Ms. Dorsey --2016-2017 Language Dorsey --Ms. Grade --DisclosureDocument Seventh Arts V.I.P. onaVERY IMPORTANTPERSON–YOU! –Information ______Dorsey – be Dorsey ENGLISH (to seen and Student, please fill out this side. out this fill Student, _____/20 side. points please P arent and and outother thefill arent Student, please side. teacher grade?for sixth ______(examples: Tootsie Rolls,Starburst, (examples: Ranchers,Laffy candy Jolly Taffy, mini only teacher)theby

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