32 Bar Jig for 3 Couples in a 4 Couple Set
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RIVERSIDE Devised by LP Shearer 1987
32 bar Jig for 3 couples in a 4 couple set
1- 8 1st couple cross over below 2nd couple, cast off behind 3rd couple on opposite sides, meet below 3rd couple, join nearer handed and dance up to the top, then cast off still on opposite sides, to finish facing first corners
9-16 1st couple set to and dance half a reel of four with first corners then turn with left hands to face second corners
17-24 1st couple repeat bars 9-14 with second corners then turn with left hands to second place on opposite sides
25-32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands half way round to finish on own sides then partners with right hands
Repeat having passed a couple
Music: Riverside Jig by L P Shearer
Stirlingshire Branch 60th Anniversary Book (1927 – 1987) GREENMANTLE Devised by John Wilkinson March 2004
32 bar Strathspey for 3 couples in a 3 couple set
1- 8 1st couple set and cross over giving right hands, cast off one place and turn left hands to 1st corner
9-12 1st couple collect 1st corner in promenade hold and promenade anti- clockwise half way round to finish in diagonally opposite places, facing in with nearer hands joined, meanwhile 2nd corners approach, turn left hand and dance bank to place
13-16 1st couple and 1st corners set diagonally across the dance and giving left hands to the person opposite, corners dance back to place whilst 1st couple dance to 2nd corners
17-20 1st couple collect 2nd corner in promenade hold and promenade anti- clockwise half way round to finish diagonally opposite places, facing in with nearer hands joined, meanwhile, 1st corners approach, turn left hand and dance back to place
21-24 1st couple and 2nd corners set diagonally across the dance and giving left hands to the person opposite, corners dance back to place while 1 st couple dance to 2nd place on own sides facing out
25-30 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a six bar reel of three on the sides, 1st man passing 3rd man left shoulder to begin, 1st lady passing 2nd lady left shoulder to begin
31-32 1st man and 3rd man change places left hands while 1st lady and 3rd lady change places right hand
The title has no connection with John Buchan’s novel of the same name, nor has it any connection with the fine beer brewed by Broughton Brewery
Music: Greenmantle by John Renton BERT McCROSKIE Devised by John Mitchell, Whetherly Book 15
32 bar reel for 5 couples
1- 2 All join hands on the sides and set
3- 6 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 2nd couple crossing down to begin, while 5th couple dance similarly round 4th couple crossing up to begin
7- 8 1st and 5th couples turn partners with right hands three-quarters round
9-12 1st couple with 2nd man – 5th couple with 4th woman – dance right hands across. At the end, 1st woman and 5th man pass each other by the right
13-16 1st couple dance left hands across with 3rd woman, while 5th couple dance left hands across with 3rd man
17-20 1st couple dance right hands across with 4th man, while 5th couple dance right hands across with 2nd woman
21-24 1st woman, followed by her partner, dances down between 4th couple, they divide and cast up to 4th place on own sides. At the same time, 5th man, followed by his partner, dances up between 2nd couple, they divide and cast off to 2nd place on own sides. 2nd and 4th couples step to the ends on bars 21 -22 to end 25314
25-28 5th couple with 3rd couple – 1st couple with 4th couple – dance half rights and lefts to end 23541
29-32 1st and 3rd couples turn partners with right hands one and a half times to own sides, while 4th and 5th couples dance half rights and lefts to end 23451
Repeat with new top couple
Music: Bert McCroskie (Bobby Frew – RSCDS Book 22, No. 2) STANDFORD SWING
40 bar Jig/Reel for 3 couples
1- 6 1st couple set, cross with right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 5-6
7- 8 1st couple turn three quarters, with the left hand, to face first corners
9-16 1st couple set and dance la baratte with first corners. 1st couple stay facing out while corners stay facing in
17-20 1st couple dance round second corners, passing left shoulders and, in the ends of the set, 1st man dancing between the 2nd couple and 1st woman through the 3rd couple. 1st couple end in the middle left shoulder to left shoulder, while 1st corners turn by the right hand for 4 bars and back to place
21-24 1st couple turn by the left hand one and a half times to face second corner
25-32 1st couple set and dance la baratte with 2nd corners. 1st corners stay facing out while corners stay facing in
33-36 1st man dances left round 2nd man into second place on own side, facing down, while 1st woman dances left round 3rd woman into second place own side facing up. 2nd corners turn by the right hand, once round, back to place but facing the 1st couple, as they arrive in 2nd place
37-40 1st man with 3rd man, 1st woman with 2nd woman, dance back-to-back on the sides. Repeat having passed a couple
Dance notes: corners use the full 4 bars for the turn in bars 17-20 and 33-36. 1st corners should utilise the vacated spot in 2nd place to dance through to avoid running into 1st couple on bars 17-24. The turn for 1st couple on bars 21-24 should be quick, 1st couple slow down on bars 33-36. 2nd corners and 1st couple should flow into the back-to-back figure.
Music: Catch Me if You Can (A,BB) by Bob McMurtry page 22
Recommended recording: Jeannie o’ the Witch’ E’e (jig) on Dances from the Collections of Mary MacNab, Volume 2 (CD) and the Bull Stane (reel) on Memories of Fife.
Notes: Dedicated to the Stanford Class in their final year of dancing in the San Francisco Branch A PRAIRIE CROCUS Devised by Peter McClure, 1996
32 bar Strathspey for a 3 couple set
1- 4 1st couple, dancing toward each other to start, cast off to 2nd place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4
5- 8 1st couple dance half figure of eight round 3rd couple, dancing down to start
9-12 Joining hands on the sides, all advance one step, set – left foot, then right and retire one step
13-16 All turn partners with both hands to own sides, once round for 2nd and 3rd couples, one and a half for 1st, at the end, 1st couple face down and 3rd face up
17-20 All dance a half grand chain; at the end, all prepare for clockwise travel (i.e. 1st man, 2nd woman and 3rd woman curve round by the right; the others are already travelling clockwise)
21-24 All dance round clockwise, to own sides, ready for
25-32 All dance a three couple knot
The final order is 3 1 2; repeat from new places
In case there is any doubt, the intention in bars 9-12 is that there should be no “foot changes”
Written for the advanced class at the Winnipeg Branch Workshop and titled by members of the class. At that time, our workshops were held in March, so perhaps the dancers were looking forward to spring.
Music: Marci’s Strathspey (Paul Machlis)
(From Prairie Gold, 15 dances in celebration of RSCDS Winnipeg’s Golden Jubilee 1963 – 2013).
The prairie crocus (anemone patens) is one of the first things to grow on the prairie in the spring, which is a good thing – it grows close to the ground, so if it didn’t emerge early, it wouldn’t have much chance among the prairie grasses. Its welcome early appearance at the end of our long, hard winters may be the reason that the prairie crocus has been chosen as the provincial flower of Manitoba. IT’S KOSHER Devised by Jean Wagstaff
32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 4 couple set
3rd and 4th couples start on opposite sides
1- 2 1st and 4th couples advance diagonally four walking steps R/L/R/L
3- 4 2nd couple step up and 3rd couple step down as 1st and 4th couples set with 1st and 4th ladies turning right about on second setting, 1st lady to face up, 4th lady to face down
5- 8 1st lady followed by 4th man dance up and cast down round 2nd man to finish 3rd and 2nd place on men’s side WHILE 4th lady followed by 1st man dance down and cast up round 3rd man to finish 2nd and 3rd place on ladies side
9-16 1st and 4th couples dance right shoulder tandem reel of 3 on the sides (passing by the right to begin, 1st lady followed by 4th man pass 3rd lady WHILE 4th lady followed by 1st man pass 2nd lady)
17-24 1st and 4th couples, with nearer hands joined, set, dance right hands across (4 bars) back to place and set
25-32 All circle round and back
Repeat from new positions
Devisor’s added note: I created this dance for a mixture of beginner and experienced dancers, just to get the beginners following a track of right shoulder reels of three. The ladies lead for the whole eight bars. The music I have chosen does not have two cords. The bottom two couples will be asked to switch before the dance begins. Any steady reel would work – nothing with a complex rhythm (beginner friendly)
Suggested Music: Set of 4 x 32 Reels on Diamond Jubilee CD, Track No. 14
In September 2008, Glenayre Club of Coquitlam, BC moved to the Burquest Jewish Community Centre which has a lovely wooden floor in contrast to the many years we danced on a tiled cement floor. The title is somewhat tongue-in-cheek description of our club finally getting to dance on the ‘real thing’.
Just Desserts (2010) published by RSCDS Southwest Washington State Branch to mark their first annual dinner dance and Vancouver USA SC Dancers’ 25th Anniversary dinner dance.