Note: D Next to a Number Stands for Dot Number

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Note: D Next to a Number Stands for Dot Number

The Basics for BN GPS 2012 Troubleshooting ***Note: “D” next to a number stands for “Dot Space E (D15): exit number” Space R (D1235) : repeat Getting Started Space D123456: Return to Main Menu Turn GPS, then BN on Backspace R (D1235): reconnect to Space D123456 to Main Menu receiver N (D1345) for Navigation/GPS menu Space H (D125): Help Menu

Speech Settings Enter D1: volume down Enter D4: volume up

General Space E (D15): to exit Enter: selects current option on a list Spacebar D4: move forward Space D1: move backward Y/N (D13456/D1345): Y for yes, N for no if the BN GPS asks you a question “ Where am I” and GPS commands-Chapter 4 Where am I commands A (D1): address C (D14): city Space C (D14): detailed list about current location, use Space D1 to move forward through list, press Space E to exit when done. X (D1346): intersection you are approaching Space X (D1346): more information about intersection H (D125): heading Space H (D125) then W (D2456): where am I commands help menu GPS commands S (D234): speed G (D1245): GPS fix status Other M (D134) then another command: multiple repeat announcement M (D134) then M (D134): turn off all multiple repeat announcements B (D12): odometer Space B (D12): reset odometer POI-Chapter 5 Finding POI F (D124): quick find of all POI nearby Space F (D124): find POI by category and/or name. Backspace F (D124): advanced find POI by category, distance and direction, and name or address. Backspace D3: find nearest POIs in a selected category P (D1234): announce nearest POI Space P (D1234): view POI details, including address and phone number. Space P (D1234) then Backspace Dots 2356: delete commercial POI Space P (D1234), key in new info, then press Enter: change commercial POI details Backspace P (D1234): POI action menu Space V (D1236): Add current position to POI favorites list LookAround Mode Space M (D134) then L (D123): toggle “LookAround mode” on/off Space M (D134) then D (D145): LookAround POI search direction ahead To hear other Look Around Mode commands, Space M then move through the list using Space D1 to go forward and Space D4 to go backward POI-Chapter 5 continued Misc. Space D4: move forward through a list Space D1: move backward through a list Y/N (D13456/D1345): Y for yes, N for no if the BN GPS asks you a question Enter: select current option on a list Space H (D125) then P (D1234): POI commands help menu

User POI Space D3: record a user POI; first write name and press enter, then enter category and press enter, then select tags and press enter, and then add any additional content and press enter. E (D15) then U (D136), then locate user POI to edit and press enter: Backspace Dots 2356: erase current user POI Locate POI detail field to be edited, then press Enter: to edit POI details, then key in the new information and press enter. Space S (D234): save and exit edit mode Destinations-Chapter 6 Set a POI as a destination: F (D124), Space F (D124), Backspace F (D124), or Backspace D3: find POI Space D (D145): set POI as destination Location lookup (address) to set a destination: L (D123): select address to set as a destination If multiple state maps select from list (Space D1 to review, enter to select one) Follow prompts to select city lookup (or choose zip code, history, or favorites): Write city name, then enter Write address number, then enter Write street name, then enter May be prompted to select from list of cross streets At prompt “Address actions menu” press D (D145) to set destination ( or can use list review commands to review other address options) Destination Information: D (D145): destination distance and position M (D134) then D (D145): multiple repeat destination announcements Space H (D125) then D (D145): destination commands help menu Automatic Routes-Chapter 7

Creating routes Space F (D124) or L (D123): set a destination to a POI or address R (D1235) then V (D1236): create vehicle route, or R (D1235) then P (D1234): create pedestrian route

Following routes Begin moving to establish line of travel Go from waypoint to waypoint, will announce cross streets and turns "Arrived near destination" announcement R (D1235) then R (D1235): reverse pedestrian or manual route

Saving and Opening routes R (D1235) then C (D14): close route R (D1235) then S (D234): save route R (D1235) then O (D135): open route

R (D1235): route help menu, a list of route commands Automatic Routes-Chapter 7 continued

Preview Routes T (D2345): next turn D36: move forward through list of turns in route Space D36: scroll backward through the list of turns in the route D2356: scroll forward through the list of waypoints in the route Space D2356: scroll backward through waypoints Space N (D1345): set the nearest waypoint as current waypoint N (D1345): announce heading and distance to nearest waypoint Customizing Routes-Chapter 8 Route Information R (D1235) then I (D24): route information R (D1235) then A (D1) then B (D2): distance from beginning of route R (D1235) then A (D1) then E (D12): distance to end of the route R (D1235) then A (D1) then D (D145): total route distance Dots 146 or Enter Dots 56: percent of route traveled and ETA Backspace Dot 2: manually recalculate route Backspace I (D24): list of remaining waypoints in route list

Saving a Route as a text file R (D1235) then D (D145): save route as a text file

Adding a waypoint to an automatic route Space K: record the new waypoint Customizing Routes-Chapter 8 cont.

Route Modes and Preferences R (D1235) then M (D134) then M (D134): turns only or detailed waypnt mode, toggle on/off R (D1235) then M (D134) then A (D1): auto increment announcement mode, toggle on/off R (D1235) then M (D134) then F (D124): follow sequential route, toggle on/off R (D1235) then M (D134) then R (D1235): “off route recalculation” toggle on/off R (D1235) then M (D134) then X (D1346): Pedestrian Turn Preference; shortest distance or fewest turns R (D1235) then M (D134) then U (D136): Vehicle Turn Preference; fewest turns, favors right, or favors left R (D1235) then M (D134) then B (D12): Vehicle Route mode, fastest or shortest distance R (D1235) then M (D134) then H (D125): Highways Preference; normal, none, preferred, and avoid if possible R (D1235) then M (D134) then O (D135): Roundabout Preference; normal, none, or avoid if possible R (D1235) then M (D134) then T (D2345): Toll Road Preference; normal, none, or avoid if possible R (D1235) then M (D134) then L (D2345): route lookaround preference, route announcements only on/off Manual routes-Chapter 9 Creating routes R (D1235) then O (D135): open/create route G (D1245): check GPS fix Space K (D13): record waypoint, then S (D234) for straight, R (D1235) for right, or L (D123) for left to describe the direction of travel, then write a description if wanted R (D1235) then M (D134) then P (D1234): record a POI as a route waypoint Saving routes R (D1235) then C (D14): Close route R (D1235) then S (D234): Save route Space with E (D15): exit and save route Editing a route R (D1235) then O (D135): open/create route E (D15) then R (D1235): to enter route edit mode When a manual route is in edit mode, the following commands are available: Space D4 or Space D1: move forward or backward through waypoint list R (D1235): rename waypoint E (D15): erase waypoint P (D1234): add waypoint to user POI file D (D145): edit description Virtual Mode-Chapter 10 General Commands V (D1236): toggle between GPS and Virtual Modes Space V (D1236): set current POI or waypoint as your Virtual position L (D123): set address as virtual position, follow prompts to enter address, then when prompted press E (D15) to set address as explore position or B (D12) for both explore position and destination. I (D24): distance between GPS and Virtual position Space I (D24): information about mode or status Space D (D145): set current POI or Explore position as your Destination Enter B (D12): set both virtual position and destination to a POI or waypoint Space G (1245): set virtual location to GPS position Space H (D125) then V (D1236): Virtual Commands Help Menu Explore Commands for a Virtual Map Dots 2356: Move forward one intersection Space D2356: Move backward one intersection Dots 23: Turn left at an intersection Dots 56: Turn right at an intersection Note: to turn around do two sequential right turns or two sequential left turns Virtual Mode-Chapter 10 continued

Virtual Route Following Commands D2356: Move forward along the route Space D2356: Move backward along the route Space D123: jump to start of route Space D456: jump to end of route T (D2345): announce next turn on route R (D1235) then M (D134) then M (D134): toggle between detailed waypoint & turns only mode GPS Replay Files-Chapter 11

General Commands G (D1245): check GPS fix Space Q (D12345): start/stop recording a GPS Replay file Backspace Q (D12345): pause/resume playing a GPS Replay file Space W (D2456): write annotation to GPS replay O (D135) then G (D1245) then R (D1235) or B (D12): enter GPS options menu and then set GPS receiver to Replay or Bluetooth R (D1235) then F (D124): convert a replay file into a route

Location Information A (D1): address C (D14): city and state X (D1346): next intersection

Travel Information S (D234): speed of travel H (D125): compass heading Troubleshooting-Chapter 12 General Space R (D1235): repeat last announcement Space E (D15): exit menu, application, function or abort a command D123456: exit current application and go to Main Menu Space H (D125): help menu Space O (D135): BrailleNote Options Space O (D135) then P (D1234): check power level of BN Space O (D135) then T (D2345): thumb keys, toggle on/off From the GPS Application Backspace R (D1235): reconnect Bluetooth receiver O (D135): GPS Options Space H (D125): GPS Help menu to search for information about functions In the GPS Help Menu, the following are available: I (D24): Information Center U (D136): user guide C (D14): command summary Connectivity Menu Space O (D135) then C (D14): connectivity menu B (D2): Bluetooth, then follow prompts to pair the Bluetooth receiver and activate Activesync

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