University of Baltimore University Faculty Senate
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University of Baltimore – University Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2015 Attendance
Present: Bridget Blodgett (CAS), Dan Gerlowski (MSB – UFS President), Stephanie Gibson (CAS), Catherine Johnson (Library – UFS vice president), Stan Kemp (CAS), Julie Simon (CAS- CUSF), J.C. Weiss (MSB), Joseph Wood (UB Provost), Patria Julnes (CPA- CUSF), George Julnes (CPA), Dennis Pitta (MSB), Jose Anderson (Law), Richard Bucher (Adjunct Faculty), Colin Starger (Law), Sam Brown (CPA) Cassandra Havard (Law)
Absent: Kurt Schmoke (UB President), Heather Pfeifer (CPA)
Guests, included: Catherine Andersen, Darlene Smith, Murray Dalziel, Alicia Campbell, Fiona Glade, Michael Driscoll, Miriam King, Irv Brown and others
Meeting called to order at 1203 pm 1. Logistical and necessary items a. February minutes approved unanimously b. Meeting agenda approved unanimously 2. President report – submitted in writing prior to meeting a. conversations are ongoing between CAS faculty, provost, and president about desired characteristics of a new dean, clarity provided by CAS President Gibson who reported she is pleased with progress at this time. b. Update on the coalition lawsuit, on hold basically due to new Secretary of MHEC appointment.
3. Provost report a. fielded questions regarding state of budget issues 4. Action Item – From UFS Executive Committee. Nomination of Catherine Johnson to serve on Middle States Steering committee a. Motion to endorse approved unanimously 5. Action items from APC and GEC approved amended forms shown at end of meeting notes. a. International baccalaureate (IB) degree - Motion to approve IB program approved unanimously b. rabbinical college graduate statement - Motion to approve, program approved unanimously c. posthumous degrees framework - 75 % completion threshold is being discussed by USM which seems to be our target - Motion to work on the issue and provide guidance approved unanimously 2. Resolving online course complaints a. Committee has been formed and interim report has been produced b. May possibly allow students to access complaints via the portal addendum will be present in Sakai c. Motion to endorse committee and view its report in April is approved unanimously 3. SEPSC draft of strategic plan discussion, led by Dean Murray Dalziel (MSB) a. Characterization of discussion items follows. b. Have received a lot of quality feedback over the document to date c. Requested clarification of phrase “career oriented professional programs” used repeatedly in the document. Discussion implied an intent to get students on career or graduate school paths, but to avoid a vo-tech school environment. After all we are a university. d. Liberal arts should be considered separately to the professional development e. There was a discussion themed by the perception that our current marketing efforts are ineffective. - Print marketing decisions are made separate and apart from online marketing efforts without obvious coordination (SEPSC rep). - Provost remarked budget for marketing is smaller than it should be - Motion to request university wide marketing plan made; withdrawn for the time being - Provost noted that we need to remember this document is coming from a steering committee not a standing committee f. There was a discussion themed by the lack of clarity in the document. - There is a shared perception that there are too many items and disjoint goals, strategies and tactics in document to get head around, - this may reflect the diversity of the steering committee (students, faculty, staff, etc.) - The document may need to reflect decisions by schools, making it appear ambiguous and vague. - There is a shared perception that the plan includes very little in the way of clearly articulated goals and strategies. g. There was a discussion of strategic items seemingly absent from the plan given some of the broad stated goals of the plan - In terms of financially supporting the university there is very little said in the broad, far reaching document about a compelling desire to recruit more graduate students; despite the fact that with law school enrollments apparently down with no recourse, graduate students are much richer sources of revenue and academic success than undergraduates. - In terms of encouraging undergraduate student success, there is phrasing on the desire of using data to tell us who are our most successful students; yet no promise or suggested action of using that data to alter the mix of students we attract. - Most of the items related to student success deal with process issues, more advising, more information system support for progress indicators. Very little is said about a desire to increase the tools students can actually use to learn – like increased quantity and quality of tutors, academic coaches, etc. - There is an “objective” of making students more successful at required writing and math courses without any suggestions, let alone goals of how this is to be done.
h. The comment was shared that outside of UMUC, UB is the most enrollment driven institution in USM in terms of revenue dependence. Clearly our growth happened during a period where the USM “funding formula” and other supports for servicing enrollments were not keeping pace with our enrollments. i. It was also mentioned that caution must be urged to prevent explicit competition with community colleges. 4. Late registration a. carryover of last months meeting where multi- tiered resolution was suggested b. Data has been made available in order to assist with decisions, there was an excusable delay in acquiring that data. c. Request made to table this discussion d. UFS Executive Committee Motion to table is approved unanimously 5. Bridal Pearson’s accomplishment as USM Regents’ Faculty Reward recipient a. Resolution suggested to congratulate accomplishment - Motion to draft resolution approved unanimously, motion calls on S. Gibson to draft said resolution. b. Motion to clarify process for nominating individuals for Regent’s awards approved unanimously assigning task to UFS/WLC. 6. UFS officer elections a. UFS needs to elect a new president, vice president, and secretary as all current holders have reached term limit of two years b. UFS also must select a new CUSF rep; these processes can be coupled c. University level committee rep for budget committee must be installed; recommendation to continue Ed Gibson d. UFS Nominating committee has been formed with Stan Kemp as chair, and Jose Anderson, Stephanie Gibson, Catherine Johnson, Heather Pfeifer, and Dick Bucher (tentatively) as members e. Election will happen at May meeting, with full ballot presented no later than one week prior to meeting 7. UFS/ASC participation in the orientation process a. Informed that we will be notified by Associate Deans when we are needed 8. Task force for Planning of Continuing Education Efforts a. budget committee is glad and the report will be forthcoming - Choosing to report back in April 9. UFS/ACS implementation of Honesty Integrity Series due in April. 10. Motion to adjourn at 1:14 pm