Regulations on Maintenance of Students Discipline
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(Under the provision of Statute 31 of the Tezpur University Act)
(Adopted by the Academic Council vide Resolution No.AC.01/2006/1/9 dt. 15.06.2006 and approved by the Board of Management vide Resolution No.B.47/2006/2/3.12 dt. 28.06.2006
Tezpur University Napaam, Tezpur 784028 TEZPUR UNIVERSITY
REGULATIONS ON MAINTENANCE OF STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE (Under the provision of Statute 31 of the Tezpur University Act)
(Adopted by the Academic Council vide Resolution No.AC.01/2006/1/9 dt. 15.06.2006 and approved by the Board of Management vide Resolution No.B.47/2006/2/3.12 dt. 28.06.2006)
Discipline is training that produces orderliness obedience and self control. Discipline refers to a systematic and methodic way of doing what ought to be done at the proper time with full faith conscience and compulsion. Such wholehearted self-application to work incorporating discipline, duty and devotion is absolutely essential in all fields of activity. Discipline teaches us to do right thing, at right time, in the right manner. Discipline thus ensures not only good actions but living in harmony with others too.
1. General
These regulations shall apply to all students of Tezpur University for enforcement of discipline and good behaviour within and outside the precinct of Hostels, Departments, Library, Sports Complex, Auditorium, Seminar Halls and Community Hall and in other areas of the campus of the University and outside it.
2. Maintenance of discipline and good behaviour of students
Wardens of Hostels/ Heads of the Departments/ Centre, Deans of Schools and Dean of Students’ Welfare shall ordinarily look into the maintenance of discipline and good behaviour of the students in the Hostel/ Departments and other areas of the campus of the University. In exceptional cases the matter shall be referred to the Registrar.
3. Discipline in general
Disciplinary action shall be taken against a student if he/ she is found to be involved in any of the following acts: i) Misbehaviour ii) Gambling iii) Stealing iv) Misconduct in the University premises or in place recognized as university property or site v) Consumption of drugs or of alcohol vi) Possessing fire-arms etc vii) Moral turpitude viii) Use of University premises for any purposes other than for which it is meant without the permission of the concerned authority ix) Breach of any standing rules of the university x) Any other causes/ acts which may lower prestige of the university xi) Organising meeting by students inside the campus or assisting outsiders to organise meeting inside the campus without permission of the appropriate authority xii) Ragging in any form inside or outside the University campus xiii) Any other acts of indiscipline as considered by the appropriate authority.
4. Discipline in classroom/ department
a) The Head of the Department/ Centre and the teacher(s) shall report to the Dean of the School on matters of breach of discipline which have come to his/ her notice/ knowledge and of the actions taken by him/ her in this regard. b) Where a Warden or the Head of the Department/ Centre is of the view that a punishment which is heavier than he/she is competent to impose is necessary, he/she shall report the case to the Dean of the School with his recommendations in writing and the Dean may take appropriate action as deemed necessary or place the matter before the Disciplinary Committee.
5. Discipline in examination
5.1 Identification of examinee: An examinee shall carry his/ her identity card with him/ her to the examination hall and shall produce the same when asked for.
5.2 Late-comer: A student arriving at the examination hall 15 minutes after the scheduled time shall not be allowed to sit in that examination. No examinee shall be allowed to go out of the examination hall within 30 minutes from the commencement of the examination.
5.3 Adoption of unfair means etc.: An act of possessing unauthorised materials and attempting to copy, copy there from, copying from answer script of other students or from any other sources or sharing his/ her answer scripts with others, discussion with others during any examination, creating disturbance or acting in a manner so as to cause inconvenience to other students in the examination hall or near about shall be treated as adoption of unfair means.
6. Disciplinary action
6.1 Discipline in general: Student must follow strictly the discipline as described in clause 3 above. Violation of any clause by any student will be subjected to the following punishment:
Acts Punishment Misbehaviour with employees of the i Stern warning and a fine of Rs.250.00 or more. University or any outsider Gambling inside and outside the Stern warning with conduct probation for at least one ii campus semester. Misbehaviour or misconduct inside iii Stern warning and a fine of Rs.250.00 or more. or outside the University iv Stealing any items from the campus Conduct probation and rustication for at least one semester. Drinking of alcoholic liquor, Conduct probation and rustication from Hostels and v intoxication and drug addiction University for at least two consecutive semesters. Conduct probation, stern warning and a fine of more than vi Moral turpitude Rs.250.00. Stern warning, conduct probation/fine of Rs.250.00 or more. Breach of any standing rules of the vii Depending on the nature of indiscipline, the fine may be University enhanced (more than Rs.250.00). Use of University premises for any purpose, other than for which it is Stern warning with conduct probation for two semesters/ viii meant without the permission of the fine of more than Rs.250.00. concerned authority Organising meeting by students inside the campus or assisting Conduct probation for a period of two consecutive ix outsiders to organise meeting inside semesters with a stern warning/ fine of Rs.250.00 or more. the campus without the permission of the appropriate authority Students not obeying the instructions Rustication from the University and Hostel for two x given by the Disciplinary Committee semesters. Ragging involving physical and or xi mental torture inside or outside the Expulsion/ rustication from Hostel and University. University Any other causes/ acts which may The DSW may place the matter before the Disciplinary xii lower the prestige of the University Committee for appropriate action. Any other act of indiscipline as The DSW may place the matter before the Vice-Chancellor xiii considered by the appropriate for appropriate action authority
6.2 Discipline in Classroom: Students must follow the discipline as described clause 4 above. Violation of the same by any student will be subjected to the following punishment:
Acts Punishment A student who is found not The Head/ teacher concerned will warn the student and maintaining discipline and good intimate the Dean concerned of all acts of indiscipline and i behaviour within the Department misbehaviour which have come to his/ her notice and of the including Classroom or outside the actions taken by him/ her in this regard. Classroom In repeating the same even after The Head/ teacher will impose a fine of Rs.250.00 to the ii warning by the concerned Head/ concerned student(s) with intimation in writing to the teacher Controller of Examinations to stop the fellowship, if any. If a student makes such an offence He/ She shall report the case to the DSW with his/ her where the Head/ teacher is of the recommendation in writing and the DSW may take action as iii view that a punishment which is deemed necessary or place the matter before the heavier than he/ she is competent to Disciplinary Committee impose is necessary Mass absence of students from the iv A fine of Rs.250.00 or more per head class
6.3 Discipline in Examination Hall: The students must follow strictly the discipline as described in clause 5 above. Violation of the same by any student will be subjected to the following punishment:
Acts Punishment Any discussion sharing his/ her views inside the examination hall, creating disturbance or acting in a i The Invigilator shall warn the students. manner so as to cause inconvenience to other students in the examination hall or near about The Invigilator shall deduct up to 10 marks from the marks secured in that paper and inform the Controller of On non-response to such warning as ii Examinations in a recommended proforma, who in turn mentioned in (i) shall intimate the matter to the concerned teacher/ Head of the Department. The matter is to be notified. iii Any act of possessing unauthorised The Invigilator will take the unauthorised papers along with materials and attempting to copy, the student’s answer script and ask the student to go out of copying there from, copying from the examination hall. The matter shall be reported to the answer script from other students or Controller of Examinations, who, in turn, shall debar the from any other written source and/ student from appearing in the remaining examinations and or non-response to the punishment cancel the other examinations of the semester already stated in (ii). In the event of detecting possession of unauthorised materials appeared. Such students may be permitted to repeat the and copying there from by the semester when offered. student In regard to any offence of any The matter should be brought to the notice of the DSW and nature by a student relating to iv the DSW will place the matter in the Disciplinary examination not covered by clause 5 Committee above Forging teacher’s signature in grade v sheets, practical records, answer Rustication for one semester with conduct probation. scripts, etc. Willful mass scale absence in the The students will be given ‘F’ grade in the concerned vi examination course(s).