Pershore Town Council s7

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Pershore Town Council s7



May 8th 2014

Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm. Present

Cllr D Annis Cllr P Colloby Cllr R Gillmor Cllr J Grantham MBE Cllr R Grantham Cllr J Palfrey Cllr C Parsons MBE Cllr G Price Cllr A Rowley Cllr R Speight Cllr C. Tucker Cllr D Watt Cllr M Winfield Cllr V Wood

52 members of the public.

902. Election and Investiture of Town Mayor

Cllr Tony Rowley was nominated by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Watt to serve as Town Mayor for the coming year. There being no further nominations, Cllr Rowley was duly elected.

903. Declaration of Acceptance of Office

The Town Mayor, Cllr Rowley, made and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

904. Town Mayor’s Consort

Cllr Rowley announced that his consort would be his wife, Mrs Debby Rowley and she was duly presented with her chain of office as Mayoress.

905. Tribute to outgoing Mayor

Cllr J Grantham paid tribute to Cllr Tucker who had served as Town Mayor for two years and had been very busy. As well as serving on all committees he had been heavily involved in the refurbishment of the Library and the restoration of the Cemetery Chapel. The highlight of his fund Chairman’s raising for his charities had been his Mayor’s Readathon which had involved Initials residents of all ages and raised thousands of pounds.

09.05.14 245 906. Election and Investiture of Deputy Town Mayor

Cllr Tucker nominated and Cllr Speight seconded Cllr Gillmor for the office of Deputy Town Mayor for the ensuing year. There being no further nominations, Cllr Gillmor was duly elected to the office of Deputy Town Mayor and was presented with his chain of office by Cllr Rowley.

907. Declaration of Acceptance of Office

The Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr Gillmor, made and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

908. Deputy Town Mayor’s Consort

Cllr Gillmor announced that he would not have a consort at this time.

909. Apologies

Cllr Amphlett Hawkins apologies were accepted as she was unwell.

910. Minutes

The minutes of the Annual Meeting held 9th May 2013 were noted as approved on 20th June 2013.

911. Grant awards

Cllr Tucker presented cheques to the various local organisations who had been awarded grants by Council recently.

912. Previous Mayor’s Charities

Cllr Tucker presented cheques to representatives of his two charities being funds he had raised over the previous two years as Mayor.

913. Mayors Address

Cllr Rowley thanked the Council for electing him as Town Mayor which he said was an honour and privilege and a hard act to follow so many since 1974. He also said it was an honour to be the first mayor elected from Pensham which was an important part of the town. He paid tribute to Cllr Charles and Cllr Mrs Liz Tucker for their hard work over the past two years. Cllr Rowley thanked Rev Jennings for acting as Mayor’s Chaplain giving guidance and support and thanked him for agreeing to remain as his Chaplain for the coming year. Cllr Rowley also announced the Civic Service would take place on Sunday 29th June at 3.00pm in the Abbey. Cllr Rowley’s charities would be the Stroke Association and the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and he looked forward to working with them both over the coming year. The Mayor noted that he would continue to help the council work towards its priorities which had been at the start of 2011 the Library, Northern Link, Cemetery and Railway Station car park. The possibility of a neighbourhood plan would be kept under review and he hoped to work to encourage the Youth Council. Cllr Rowley looked forward to serving the town during the final year of this Council. Chairman’s Initials

09.05.14 246 914. Annual Report

It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that the Annual Report for the year ended 31st March 2014 be accepted.

915. Election of Committees 2014/15

It was resolved that the following committees be appointed:

Management Group;

As per standing orders it was agreed the Management Group be Cllrs Rowley, Gillmor and Tucker.

Internal Monitoring Group

It was agreed to make no changes to this group comprising Cllrs Tucker, Price and Watt.

Whilst members had put themselves forward for a number of committees, the Clerk advised that some aspects required clarification and it was agreed to defer the final appointment to committees to the next meeting of the Council.

916. Appointments to outside bodies 2014/15

It was resolved that the following representatives be appointed to the following outside bodies:

Citizens Advice Bureau

Cllr.V. Wood

County Association of Local Councils

Cllr D Watt Cllr M Winfield agreed to consider also taking this on

Pershore & District Voluntary Help Centre

Cllr D Watt

Pershore Town Football Club

Cllr T Rowley

CPRE Wychavon Group Liaison Officer

Cllr J Palfrey

Vale Landscape Heritage Trust Chairman’s Initials Cllr R Gillmor

09.05.14 247 Pershore Market Town Partnership

Cllr C Tucker

Riverside Trustee Board

Cllr R Grantham

Transition Towns

Cllr M Winfield

917. Member Responsibilities

Emergency Planning Representative

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Public Transport Representative

Cllr J Palfrey


Cllr V Wood

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 7.55pm

Signed………………………………Chairman Date…………………………

Chairman’s Initials

09.05.14 248

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