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Faculty of Engineering s1

Yaşar University Faculty of Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering


Name of the Firm

Name Surname ID

Training Date Interval:…./…/2017 - …./…./2017 STATEMENT OF PLAGIARISM I hereby declare that, except where I have indicated, the work I am submitting in this project, report is my own work.



2 LIST OF TABLES Table1: Ten fastest-Growing Chains with Sales Over $200 Million……………….2

LIST OF FIGURES Figure1: Organizational Chart………………………………………………………2

3 1. INTRODUCTION Times New Roman, 12pt. 1,5 line space Margins: left 3.5 cm, right, buttom, top 2.5cm Justify Page numbering must be in the form of 1,2,3…. from introduction to the remain part of the report but numbering must be in the form of i, ii, iii, iv… for the Content, List of Tables, List of Figures, Statement of Plagiarism. All tables and figures must be numbered and named. (Tables names should be above the table, figure names must be below the figure.)

4 2. TASKS 2.1 General Information about Company

Figure 1. Organizational chart

2.2 Management Functions

Table1. Ten fastest-Growing Chains with Sales Over $200 Million

2.3 Organizational Structure of Company 2.4 Manufacturing Processes 2.5 Operations Planning and Control 2.6 Methods Study 2.7 Safety 2.8 Facility Location 2.9 Quality Engineering 2.10 Information Systems

5 3. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING PROBLEM 3.1 Problem Identification and Definition 3.2 Identification of Key Input/Output Variables and Data Collection 3.3 Analysis of Data 3.4 Problem Formulation and Solution Approach 3.5 Discussion and Concluding Remarks


7 REFERENCES . Alberto Garcia-Diaz, J.Macgregor Smith, Facilities Planning and Design, 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007. . Amstead, B.H., Phillip, F., and Ostwald-Myron L.Begeman, Manufacturing Processes, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1979. . Baker, K., Elements of Sequencing and Scheduling, Hanover, 1995. . Bertoline, G.R., Introduction to Graphics Communications for Engineers, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. . Bertoline, G.R., and Wiebe, E.N., Technical Graphics Communication, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2003. . Black, J.T., The Design of The Factory with a Future, McGraw-Hill, 1991. . Blackstone, J.H., and J.F. Cox, APICS Dictionary, American Production and Inventory Control Society, 2004. . Blank, L., and Tarquin, A., Engineering Economy, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005. . Bob McFarlane, Elsevier, Beginning AutoCAD 2005, 2005. . Chang, T.C., Wysk, R.A., and Wang H.P., Computer-Aided Manufacturing, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1998. . 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10 APPENDICES The figures and tables that should not be included in the main text can be attached at the appendices (do not forget to give name and number to the figures and tables in appendices).


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