2017 School Annual Implementation Plan Tool

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2017 School Annual Implementation Plan Tool

Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes School name: Mooroopna North Primary School Year: 2017 School number: 5088 Based on strategic plan: 2015-2019 Endorsement:

Principal: Les Walsh March 2017 Senior Education Improvement Leader Scott Watson March 2017

School council Nicole Macqueen Nicole MacQueen March 2017 Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives

School Strategic Plan goals Improvement Priorities Improvement Initiatives 

Achievement Excellence in teaching and Building practice excellence  Improve student learning outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy by building excellence in teaching learning and learning. Curriculum planning and assessment Engagement Professional leadership Building leadership teams Enhance student engagement in their learning. Empowering students and building school pride Wellbeing Positive climate for learning Support the health, wellbeing and inclusion of all students. Setting expectations and promoting inclusion Productivity Community engagement in Improve community engagement in learning. Building communities learning Provide resources to support Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing goals.

Improvement Initiatives rationale: : Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. Mooroopna North PS strives to provide a culture of collaboration and collective responsibility to develop effective and consistent teaching practices and improve student achievement. Mooroopna North PS underwent a school review in 2014. Mooroopna North PS is continually trying to build teacher capacity to get the best outcomes for students and are doing this by investing in a variety of professional development. Research indicates that the quality of teacher practice is a key determinant of variation in student achievement. We are two years into our new strategic plan, heading into our third. Significant work has started in order to try to achieve student learning goals yet this work will need to continue in 2017. Key improvement strategies (KIS): List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas. Improvement initiative: Key improvement strategies (KIS)

 Teachers meet regularly to plan, observe, assess and evaluate lessons, and share what works. They evaluate and Building practice excellence. document the impact of new approaches, and collaboratively plan further improvements.  Teachers collect and evaluate data to measure the effectiveness of their classroom practice on students’ learning and progress.  Teachers engage students in discussion about learning and teaching approaches and assessment Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

STRATEGIC PLAN Improve student learning outcomes by building excellence in teaching and learning GOALS IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE Building practice excellence STRATEGIC PLAN Increase the percentage of students making 1:00 growth. Increase the NAPLAN Relative Gain TARGETS PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS SHOWING DOMAIN GROWTH [from YR3-5] Low Medium High 2015 2019 2015 2019 2015 2019 Reading 50 <25 0 40-60 50 >25 Writing 50 <25 50 40-60 0 >25 Numeracy 50 <25 0 40-60 50 >25

DOMAIN 2015 2019 Reading and Viewing 75% 95% Writing 95% 95% Speaking & Listening 88% 95% Numeracy 68% 95%

12 MONTH TARGETS The percentage of students making Increase the NAPLAN Relative Gain 1:00 growth (teacher PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS SHOWING DOMAIN GROWTH judgement data) [from YR3-5] Low Medium High DOMAIN 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 Reading and Viewing Reading 0 <25 100 40-60 0 >25 Writing Writing 75 <25 25 40-60 0 >25 Speaking & Listening Numeracy 25 <25 50 40-60 25 >25 Numeracy

MONITORING KEY IMPROVEMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA ACTIONS WHO WHEN Budget STRATEGIES Progress Status Evidence of impact Estimate YTD  Scheduled Prin Ongoing 6 months: Teaching teams meet weekly PLT Documentation of weekly    $2250 CRT Cost regularly to plan, meetings with Prin Ongoing PLT meetings. observe, assess and specific focus on  Agreed UMNOS evaluate lessons, and building teacher action plan share what works. capacity in Prin Term 1 implemented. They evaluate and literacy &  Documented document the impact numeracy. Ongoing school of new approaches,  Continue to Prin timetables. and collaboratively participate in plan further UMNOS in  Increase the

building teacher percentage improvements. capacity in students reading making 6 comprehension. months growth  Weekly in reading for timetabled Victorian collaborative Curriculum planning teacher schedule. judgements.

 Staff meeting  All students with leadership have ILPs (with staff to analyse attendance a planning and key aspect for assessment those students data. at risk ).

 Success Criteria and Learning Intentions are displayed in class and evidenced via regular classroom observations. 12 months: Documentation of weekly    PLT meetings. $2250 CRT costs  Agreed UMNOS action plan implemented.  Documented school timetables.

 Increase % of students 12 months growth in reading for Vic Curric teacher judgements.

 Increase NAPLAN year 3-5 growth - all areas. Teaching teams collect Prin Ongoing 6 months: and evaluate data to  Develop teacher Assessment data.    $0 measure the capacity to Documentation of effectiveness of their implement the Prin Ongoing meetings. classroom practice on Planning reflects data

students’ learning and school’s analysis. progress. pedagogical Prin Ongoing All staff participating in vision and Teach. classroom observations monitor (minimum of 3 pedagogy using observations) evidenced classroom Prin by feedback proformas. observation. Teach.

 Regular analysis 12 months:    $500 (camera) of data at weekly Assessment data. PLT and staff Documentation of meetings. meetings. Planning reflects data analysis.  Develop teacher All staff participating in capacity through classroom observations Principal lead PL (minimum of 6 to analyse data observations) with to inform evidence of changed teaching and practice. learning.

 Teachers professionally developing others around teaching pedagogy at staff meetings and PLT’s

Teachers engage Prin Term 2 6 months: students in discussion  Research and Agreed definition of    $0 about learning and define student Prin Term 3 student voice. teaching approaches and FISO meetings occurring. voice F-6 assessment Prin Term1  Develop and implement Staff Ongoing 12 months: strategies to seek Professional learning    $0 student undertaken. feedback. Evidence of student voice being utilised.  FISO initiative to develop student engagement.

 Teachers discussing data with students and providing more feedback to

students to set short and long term goals and allow students to know and understand their next point of learning.

Section 3: Other Improvement Model Dimensions

Engagement STRATEGIC PLAN Enhance student engagement in their learning. GOALS Wellbeing Support the health, wellbeing and inclusion of all students. Productivity  Improve community engagement in learning.  Provide resources to support Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing goals.

OTHER IMPROVEMENT Empowering students and building school pride MODEL DIMENSIONS Maintain or improve mean scores in the Students Attitude to School Survey. STRATEGIC PLAN Factor Name Student Attitudes to TARGETS School Survey 2015 2019 Stimulating Learning 4.31 4.80 Student Motivation 4.72 4.80 Learning confidence 4.19 4.80 Teacher Effectiveness 4.60 4.80 Improve Parent Opinion Survey results

Factor Name Parent Opinion Survey 2015 2019 Student safety 4.12 4.50 Classroom behaviour 4.05 4.50 Approachability 5.67 5.80

Number of days absent per student will be less than 20 per FTE 2015 2019 29 15

12 MONTH TARGETS Maintain or improve ATS survey results Improve Parent Opinion Survey results Factor Name Student Attitudes to School Survey 2016 2017 Classroom Behaviour 4.56 @ or > Connectedness to Peers 4.64 @ or > Student Safety 4.88 @ or > Student Distress 6.56 @ or > Student Morale 6.64 @ or > Learning Confidence 4.51 @ or > School Connectedness 4.93 @ or > Stimulating Learning 4.84 @ or >

Student Motivation 4.88 @ or > Teacher Effectiveness 4.89 @ or > Teacher Empathy 4.88 @ or >

Factor Name Parent Opinion Survey 2016 2017 Approachability 6.35 6.50 Classroom behaviour 4.48 4.50+ Student safety 5.05 5.25+

MONITORING KEY IMPROVEMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA ACTIONS WHO WHEN Budget STRATEGIES Progress Status Evidence of impact Estimate YTD Develop deeper Identify any students at Prin/Staff Ongoing End of 1st Term: All $0 understandings of the start of 2017 who identified students    students’ backgrounds had 25+ absences in have had an SSG and and family situations to 2016 a ILP has been effectively cater for developed or individual learning Hold an SSG within reviewed, inclusive of needs and tailor the first 8 weeks of student and school communication with school to discuss actions to support families concerns re previous attendance absences and start of new school year 6 months: All students $0 who have had or at risk    of more than 20 days absent to have had an For any student with 3 SSG. days unexplained absence alert School Attendance monitoring Wellbeing Team and set as a weekly staff designated staff meeting agenda item. member (class teacher, homeroom Establish a school teacher or identified attendance policy that support teacher) to has been ratified by make personal contact school council. with student to offer support in engagement

Have attendance monitoring as a standing agenda item at staff meetings to ensure all staff are aware of students who have repeat absences. A school wide plan is implemented to ensure every student has an attendance plan in line with Every Day Counts

Student Voice $0    Enhance student Staff purposely focus All staff Ongoing 6 months: Teacher engagement in their on building positive completion of Family learning. relationships and Contact/Communicatio respect. n log. All staff Ongoing Staff have regular SWPBS weekly positive conversations lessons. with students reflecting on the effectiveness of Teacher participation their learning and in Welcome BBQ and showing interest in parent/teacher their progress. interviews.

More specialist Cultural extra- programs (Gr 5/6 Band curricular activities. with MSC)

More cultural experiences for 12 months: Maintain $1000    students. or Increase in Attitudes to School Survey – Improve Transition Student Relationships, program. Wellbeing and Teaching and Learning SAS and Social Skills 2016. Programs such as SWPBS Teacher completion of Family Contact/Communicatio n log.

SWPBS 6 months: Review and $0 update related policies    Provide resources to The school works with Prin T1 & 2 including student support Achievement, parents/carers and voice. Engagement and families to develop wellbeing goals. students’ social and SWPBS emotional skills in self- communication in managing their weekly newsletter. SSSO T3 & 4 behaviour. $0 Student voice and 12 months: Student

agency is used to help Prin participation in develop and promote Mooroopna Cares No    school anti-bullying Bullying forum. and behavioural policies. Maintain or increase in Attitude to School SAS and Social Skills Survey and Parent Programs such as Opinion Survey data. SWPBS and Play Therapy introduced. Collect and analyse Student Behaviour data to inform teaching and learning of social skills.

Section 4: Annual Self-Evaluation

[Drafting Note Annual self-evaluation section enables schools to continuously collect, monitor and analyse school data about all aspects of school performance. This ensures that all aspects of school performance are considered throughout the year and that any risks, issues and opportunities are identified as they emerge. The Annual self-evaluation against the Continua of Practice should be completed as data becomes available] Priority Improvement model dimensions – note Is this an identified initiative or Continuum status Evidence and analysis state-wide Improvement Initiatives are dimension in the AIP? bolded

Excellence in teaching and learning Building practice excellence Yes 1 - Emerging [Drafting note For current AIP improvement initiatives and/or dimensions, please provide a succinct and conclusive statement referring to the monitoring section of this plan. This statement can refer to the progress status and/or make reference to the achievement of the appropriate goals, targets and success criteria.]  ILP’s for all students developed with an attendance element for those students at risk of 20 or more days absent for 2017 to be completed by the beginning of term 2.  Timetables in place with clear time allocations to for Literacy, Numeracy, Inquiry and teacher time release.  Success criteria and learning intentions displayed in each learning space.  Staff participating in classroom obs -1 term 1 and 2 term 3 = 3 semester 1.  Curriculum planning and assessment Select Select status Evidence-based high impact teaching Select Select status strategies Evaluating impact on learning Select Select status Professional leadership Building leadership teams Select Select status Instructional and shared leadership Select Select status Strategic resource management Select Select status Vision, values and culture Select Select status Positive climate for learning Empowering students and building Select Select status school pride Setting expectations and promoting Select Select status inclusion Health and wellbeing Select Select status

Intellectual engagement and self- Select Select status awareness Community engagement in learning Building communities Select Select status Global citizenship Select Select status Networks with schools, services and Select Select status agencies Parents and carers as partners Select Select status Reflective comments: [Drafting Note Please use this section to summarise your learnings from the self-evaluation process, including professional growth and key findings]

Confidential cohorts analysis: [Drafting note This section is not for public distribution. Report here the extent to which cohorts of students within the school (including Koorie, high ability, refugee, EAL, PSD, out of home care students, etc.) are being supported and challenged, leading to an inclusive and stimulating environment for all students]

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