Stephen Shrewsbury Angela Law

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Stephen Shrewsbury Angela Law

The White House Surgery Patient Group

rd Present: Notes of Meeting 23 March 2016 Albert Ellender Alan Vine Stephen Shrewsbury Angela Law Pamela Sullivan Mr. Bulman Rajen Limbu Chandra Gulung Chandra Bdr Rai Maha Rai Anne Bryant Linda Bonathan Agenda items

1. Apologies: Dr. N.Morley-Smith

2. Introduction and welcome to new attendants: The group welcomed, Rajen Limbu who is a settlement worker for the Gurkha Settlement Fund, Migrant Help; Chandra Gulung and Chandra Bdr Rai, community heads and Naha Rai, representing the Nepalese Senior Community.

3. Notes of the last meeting: Agreed a true and accurate account.

4. Progress Report/Actions: Pictures in Waiting Room: Some of the pictures have been placed in the upstairs corridor and waiting room and the remaining three will go in the down stairs waiting room, placing two on the large wall and one on the smaller wall. There are currently several old pictures on the stairway and the group decided that it would be fitting to gather pictures from the Gurkha community to replace the old ones.

Perspex in Waiting Room: AB agreed that this is something that needs to be done, however there is another gouge in one of the walls and this will need to be repaired and repainted and then covered with Perspex.

DNA: The text system is now up and running, but it is important that patients inform the surgery of their mobile numbers or of any changes. SS thought that the number of DNA for February appeared to have reduced. The practice will monitor the numbers to see if texting has made a difference.

Contract awarded to French Hospitals: LB had sent FQA to the members of the group for their information. LBu mentioned that to date only one person had used the service.

Appointment Slips: This has turned out to be problematic task, by trying to add the additional clause it has caused a major problem with the label printer. The practice is working with the IT companies to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Online Appointments: LBu sent AB the online problems. Additional appointments spaces have been added and are being monitored closely by the practice. Hopefully the system has improved, the online repeat prescription service is good but booking an appointment is proving a little more difficult. Patients do have to register at the practice before they can use the online service.

Improve communication/advertising services: The information detailing services is on the surgery’s website and in the patient leaflet. You can download the patient leaflet from the website but it was agreed that there should be copies available at reception. RL offered to look at translating the leaflet into Nepalese and also agreed to help where he can with other translations for notices.

- 1 - 5. GP Status: Dr. Jed will be retiring at the end of this month; the practice is actively recruiting to find new GP partners. It is important that we get the right people to fit in with the ethos of the practice. In the meantime the practice has employed the services of three regular locums and we also have Dr. Siddique who will be working some sessions when needed. Unfortunately Dr. Morley-Smith is having surgery and will be absent for the whole of April. With both these factors it has resulted in the practice changing the appointment system and having to reduce the number of doctors routine appointments and increasing the time for our Nurse Practitioners to triage and see patients. This will not mean that a patient cannot see a doctor when needed. Doctors will continue to fit in extra patients at the end of their surgeries when necessary. The practice will also make use of the Paramedic service working from the hub at the RVH. LBu thought that it will be important that we communicate the situation to our patients, it was also felt that during this difficult time that the patient group should meet more often. SS said that we should make use of the Hub at the RVH but staff should be clear when informing patients how to make and appointments.

Shepway Patient Group: 6. Shepway has 20 surgeries but still only 10 practices send a representative to the group. LBu is working with one or two practices to set up their own patient group, but sometimes it is difficult, especially with smaller practices to get interested patients. They are producing leaflets to promote the group but are not allowed to use the NHS logo. The group continues to lack support from the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) even though they liaise with the CCG and other agencies on behalf of Shepway patients. They have a representative on the Ambulance Service and are currently working on connecting or joining up patient data so that all agencies, especially in an emergency situation are aware of patients medical history. PS suggested that patients could help themselves by carrying the slips from their prescriptions which detail their medication. RL mentioned that when a Gurkha Soldier leaves the army his medical history is closed. His organisation is try to get an agreement with the army to allow their medical records to be shared or passed on to their civilian GP. AB felt that this would be really useful and mentioned that when an electronic transfer of patients records is not possible they receive a paper copies.

7. Any other Business: AV: Container for samples states that it is collected at 11.00 am, but AV has noticed that sometimes it is collected earlier. AB mentioned that the practice check the box and take any samples left down to the RVH. AB will review the box and notice.

Disable Bay is often difficult to park as sometimes the other cars block the space. AB will look at the car park and see if we can relocate the disable space and also contact the council to see if we could have a disable space can be designated out on the road. The later would mean that disable people not using the surgery could also park in the space.

RL: The practice website does not allow a translation into Nepalese, AB said that she would approach the software company to see if this is possible. RL said if not he would look into this to see if he could help and perhaps look into other software companies.

MR: MR represents the Gurkha Senior Citizens that are no longer attached to the barracks. Many of the senior Gurkha’s are having problems with translation when i.e. booking an appointment, understanding their diagnosis, their medication etc. There are members of the senior community that will come along to translate but there are worries of confidentiality and also if they got the translation wrong. AB mentioned that the practice uses translation

- 2 - cards and the telephone service, MR said that sometimes the elderly patients cannot always read the translation cards. It may be difficult engaging a professional translator as it could mean that they would be needed to be in the surgery 5 days a week; however the practice agreed to work with MR to see how we can improve the problem.

Actions: 8. 1. AB to continue with ongoing work, including car park, Perspex, pictures on wall, appointment slips 2. Monitor the number of DNA’s 3. RL to seek Nepalese photos/pictures for stairway (4-5 pictures/photos) 4. RL to review practice leaflet to see if translation is possible 5. AB to contact website software company regarding Nepalese translation 6. AB to arrange communication to patients regarding GP status/change of system 7. NMS to contact CCG regarding support for Shepway PPG . 8. AB to review sample box and signage 9. AB to review disable parking 10. LB to contact MR regarding translation for senior citizens.

Date of the Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th May 2016 at the White House Surgery - 6.30 – 7.30 pm.

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