Chairman Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email
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Members 2017
Name Contact Horticultural Speciality Experience Cheshire Sam Youd Tel: Apprentice - Orchid 01565 634746 Liverpool propagation, Email Parks, private hardy plants, [email protected]. service, vegetables, uk Liverpool fruit. Parks, horticultural instructor, technical advisor, Garden Manager Tatton Park (31 years). Devon Don Cockman, Tel: Wide General - M.Hort 01803 326392 horticultural gardens, experience. flowers, fruit, vegetables. Hampshire John Penney, MI Tel: Over 50 years Cut flowers, Hort 01425 612570 of experience pot plants and Email: in commercial herbaceous. [email protected] glasshouse Will travel any horticulture. I distance for have been judging involved with appointments. the Flower Show at the New Forest Show since 1992, and became the Chairman and main show organiser in 2006. I joined the Guild of Horticultural Judges in 2012. Hertfordshire David Beaumont Tel: London General 01707 258826 Borough of horticultural Mobile: Camden from exhibits, 07900 583369 apprentice to shrubs, trees, Email: Nursery herbaceous [email protected] Manager, plants grown m Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES over last 31 organically. years. Head Gardener for the Marchioness of Salisbury at Hatfield House.
Laurie Eggenton Mobile: 07773 726440 Email: [email protected]
Martyn Hird Tel & Fax: Former Head General 01273 304523 Gardener in ornamental, Email: the private Britain in [email protected] sector, last Bloom judge 20 years self- for last 11 employed years. garden maintenance and design. Lancashire Sheenagh Panepinto Mobile: 11 years self Show gardens, BA (Hons) Garden 07971 202728 employed general Design Email: garden ornamental. [email protected] designer. Lincolnshire Peter Booker Tel: Grower and Carnations, 01652 688625 exhibitor of pinks, Mobile: carnations horticultural 07990 975389 and pinks. trade exhibits, Email: The author of allotments and [email protected] many articles garden on carnations competitions. and pinks. Organiser of the Carnation World Championship 2009.
Mrs M Sumner- Tel: Have Cacti/succulen Wilson 01754 890256 worked/show ts, general Mobile: n for 42+ ornamental, 07713 616904 years in greenhouse horticulture plants. and floristry. Own oldest cactus nursery in the country. Been an Interflora florist for 25 years. London Jim C Buttress, VMH, Tel & Fax: Superintende All aspects of AHRHS, FI Hort 020 8316 7669 nt of Royal horticulture.
Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES Parks for 25 years (retired), Britain In Bloom judge for 25 years, chairman and judge all RHS shows.
Mark Wasilewski Tel: 30 years General 020 7839 5235 horticultural ornamental Work: experience in horticulture. 020 7930 1793 the public Email: sector, [email protected] presently with The Royal Parks as Manager of St James' Park and The Green Park. Merseyside Steven Perkins, Tel: 50 years General F.ILAM, MI Hort, 0151 427 1114 Local ornamental MILLM Email: Goverment horticulture, steven.perkins123@btinterne Officer, Parks parks and and Gardens decorative (retired). displays.
Terry Tasker Tel: Lecturer and Begonias, 01704 213048 writer, 25 roses, Mobile: years growing chrysanthemu 07951 834066 and exhibiting ms, sweet [email protected] begonia peas, species, horticultural Horticultural trade exhibits. Adviser/Mana ger - Southport Flower Show. Northamptons hire Nicholas Warliker, Tel:01933 682391 Lifetime Fruit, BA(Hons), MI Hort Work: professional vegetables, 01933 353656 gardener, 25 general Email: years Head ornamental, [email protected] Gardener to horticultural HRH Princess trade displays. Alice, BBC Radio Northampton Question Time panellist, garden centre manager, consultant and writer,
Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES AE tutor. Shropshire John Tilbury, AHRHS, Tel: Retired owner Conifers, MI Hort 01902 376960 of nursery hardy nursery Mobile: with 30 years stock. 07836 329156 showing Email: experience [email protected] and previously landscaping. Shropshire John Tilbury, AHRHS, Tel: Retired owner Conifers, MI Hort 01902 376960 of nursery hardy nursery Mobile: with 30 years stock. 07836 329156 showing Email: experience [email protected] and previously landscaping. Somerset Roy Cheek, AHRHS, Tel: Nurseries, Very wide B.Ed, M.Hort, 01278 451814 Parks range. F.Inst.Hort Mobile: Manager 18 07788 593674 years, Senior Lecturer and Curator of Cannington College 20 years, major show exhibitor 30 years, consultant, writer and international tour leader.
Gerald Morgan Tel: Lifetime in General 01458 835861 horticulture, horticultural covering exhibits, trees, public, shrubs, private and herbaceous commercial plants. sectors. Principal Officer, Southampton Parks City Council. Supt. of Grounds, Royal Hospital Chelsea, now retired.
Mark Penton Mobile: 07938 503939
Vic Verrier, MBE, Tel & Fax: Over 40 years All aspects of Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES MILAM, MI Hort 01823 283203 horticultural amenity Mobile: experience, horticulture. 07528 178088 mainly in the Email: public sector, [email protected] now retired. A former parks and amenities officer with the local authority, President of RHS South West In Bloom region, radio broadcaster, writer and college panel horticultural advisor.
Jon S Wheatley, Tel & Fax: 35 years Dahlias, trees AHRHS 01275 333007 Director of and shrubs, Mobile: Parks & herbaceous. 07896 40518br>Email: Leisure, City [email protected] of Bath and City of Bristol. Now writing, broadcasting and consultant. Sussex Mike J Griffin, FILAM, Tel: Kew trained, Wide general FI Hort 01462 743722 Director of horticultural Mobile: Brighton interests and 07746 668127 Parks & knowledge. Email: Recreation mj- Department [email protected] (retired). k Tyne & Wear Rae Beckwith Tel: 20 years Daffodils, 0191 488 7138 Manager - tulips, other Work: Gateshead spring 07854 069783 Council subjects, Email:raebeckwith@talktalk (retired), roses, garden .net Chair - competitions, Whickham In Britain In Bloom, Chair Bloom. - Houghall College Training Committee, Chair - Daffodil Society Northern Group, RHS Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES judge for floral show and Britain In Bloom. Warwickshire Paul Almond Mobile: 32 years as General 07773 573071 Horticultural ornamental, Email: Manager with show gardens. [email protected] local councils, including floral displays, landscape design and maintenance.
Christopher Arnold Tel: Nurseryman, Cacti/succulen 07768 915748 former ts, general Email: exhibitor, ornamental, [email protected] landscape horticultural contractor, 42 trade exhibits, years show gardens. proprietor of own business.
Nigel Bishop, Tel: Head of General AHRHS, DH(Edin), 01926 422014 Parks, ornamental, FILAM, Dip.PRA Email: Warwick trade, to [email protected] District include trees Council and shrubs, (retired), hardy plants, working in cut flowers, the private pot plants, and public fruit and sectors for vegetables, over 40 years landscape in gardens. horticulture, landscape and arboriculture.
Mike Hinton M.Hort Tel: 40 years with Amenity (RHS), Cert.Ed. (Fe) 02476 421958 Birmingham Horticulture, Email: City Council, general [email protected] now District ornamental. Parks Email: Manager, [email protected] horticultural lecturer, former exhibitor at RHS shows.
John Staite Tel: Nurseryman Wide range of 01386 446562 (retired) and horticultural Email: former trade stands. [email protected] exhibitor of chrysanthem ums and Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES dahlias. Wiltshire Angela Cave, NDH Tel: NDH General 01249 713520 Lackham, ornamental Work: winner of 01225 308092 Menhinnick Email: Trophy and [email protected] RHS award. Mendip District Council - Landscape Department. Own company design and gardening. Currently writing for Minerva Publications. Worcestershire David Hatfield Tel: Former Greenhouse/h 01905 827342 nurseryman ouse plants, Mobile: and exhibitor, general 07866 885616 many years ornamental, Email: judging very wide [email protected] experience range of across full horticulture. range of exhibits.
Robin Pearce MI Hort Tel: Former Herbaceous, 01905 640977 exhibitor, hardy plants, Email: nurseryman general [email protected] and show ornamental. organiser, 35 years judging horticultural exhibits.
Graham Redfern Tel: 01905 458863 Email: [email protected]
W J (Bill) Simpson, Tel: Over 40 Cut flowers, MBE, AHRHS, BSc 01905 353314 years, pot plants, (Hort), FCI Hort Mobile: education and fruit and 07770 411611 training. vegetables, Email: Former Vice horticultural [email protected] Principal trade stands, Merrist Wood educational College, and scientific Principal of exhibits. Pershore College of Horticulture (1980-1991), RHS Director of Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES Horticulture (retired). Yorkshire (North) Roger Burnett Tel: 39 years in Pelargoniums. 07967 465284 parks, Email: arboriculture roger.burnett@scarborough. and parks management, Chairman of Britain in Bloom.
Martin Fish, FCI Hort Tel: Experienced Fruit and 01845 577157 horticulturist vegetables, Mobile: with over 30 general 07976 928005 years in ornamental. gardening. Parks Department trained, followed by nursery, landscape and garden writing and broadcasting. Show Director for North of England Horticultural Society (Harrogate Flower Shows).
David Matthewman Tel: 37 years in Sweet peas, Dip Hort (Kew) 01977 621381 the public dahlias, Email: sector, daffodils, [email protected] nurseryman dwarf and rhododendrons seedsman. and azaleas. Yorkshire (West) Malcolm Evans, Tel: President of Gardens, FNVS 01924 271869 the Northern allotments, Email: Branch of the exhibition [email protected] National vegetables Vegetable and Society. horticultural Grower and trade exhibits. exhibitor, 45 years qualified judge.
David Mitchell, BSc Tel: 26 years in Gardens and (Hons), ILAM 01977 689858 Parks, Chief allotments, Dip.SDH, FI Hort Mobile: Officer, 20 hardy nursery Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected] GUILD OF HORTICULTURAL JUDGES 07967 730010 years self stock, general Email: employed ornamental, [email protected] uk landscape house plants, contractor. fruit and Commercial vegetables, experience in horticultural glasshouse trade stands. crops and hardy nursery stock. Green Flag judge trainer, freelance writer and lecturer.
Sue Wood CI Hort Tel: Horticultural General 01423 505832 Officer with ornamental Mobile: Harrogate horticulture. 07732 155187 Borough [email protected] Council since 1988, responsible for landscape schemes, liaising and mentoring "In Bloom" district councils and judging Britain in bloom.
Chairman – Rae Beckwith Tel: 0191 4887138; Mob: 07854 069783; Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman – David Hatfield Tel: 01905 827342; Mob: 07866 885616; Email: [email protected] Secretary – John Penney Tel: 01425 612570; Mob: 07762 214494; Email: [email protected]