Boothroyd Primary Academy
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Boothroyd Primary Academy
Prospectus 2014
Boothroyd Primary Academy Principal: Kyrstie Joslin Chair of governors:Pam Reynolds
Temple Road, Dewsbury, Telephone 01924 450289 The school is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 ਸਵਵਾਗਤ ਹਹ Savāgata hai
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Dear Parent/ Carer,
I am delighted you have decided to consider our academy for your child’s education and I hope that ,if you haven’t already, you get the chance to look around the school.
This prospectus is intended to provide you with some basic information, however, the best way of finding out about the academy is by visiting, looking around and getting a feel for the school!. We are very proud of our school and would encourage you to make an appointment and come and find out for yourself how wonderful the staff and children are!
We are a happy school and the staff not only deliver a high standard of education, but care very much about your child’s welfare. Our pupils are very proud of Boothroyd Academy and tell us they love coming to school!
Boothroyd Primary Academy is a Community Primary School catering for girls and boys aged 5-11. We are opening our Nursery in January which will ensure pupils are ‘school ready’ when joining reception. We also have a Play Group onsite that provides early education experiences for children prior to starting Nursery.
We are very proud of the ethos of Boothroyd Primary Academy. It underpins all our work, play and our relationships with each other.
We really value the partnership between home and school and believe it is extremely important that parents feel comfortable in talking to us about problems and also that they feel they are listened to. Parents are encouraged to drop in to school anytime to talk to me or to arrange a time to see their child’s class teacher.
I am confident that your child will enjoy their time with us and I look forward to getting to know them if you decide our academy is for you!
Yours sincerely, Kyrstie Joslin - Principal WHAT OFSTED SAID ABOUT BOOTHROYD in 2013 This is a good school.
This school makes a significant difference to the lives of the pupils, their families and the community.
Good and often outstanding teaching enables pupils to enjoy learning and gain confidence in their abilities. The contribution of teaching assistants to pupil’ learning is excellent.
Pupils have a deep understanding of their achievement in lessons. This enables them to focus closely on how to improve and make rapid progress.
Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs receive high quality support. They are settled and happy and make good and at times excellent progress.
Lessons are adapted skilfully to meet the needs of pupils who have a weak understanding of English
Pupils enjoy reading and mathematics. They benefit from a good range of activities that extend their knowledge of the wider world and of subjects such as art, music and sport.
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent; everyone gets on well together. This contributes to pupils’ excellent attitudes and outstanding behaviour and safety.
Parents rate the school highly. They are unanimous in stating that they would recommend the school to others.
The school values the involvement of parents. Regular invitations enable them to join lessons and visit the school.
The management of staff is very effective. Teachers and their assistants are deployed wisely and flexibly to support pupils. High quality training improves teaching.
Underpinning the school’s success is the inspirational leadership of the Headteacher supported by a skilled leadership team and a knowledgable governing body.
The new school logo was designed by Aleasha Ayub
If you cannot come and see us, one way you can find out more is to look on our website.,uk
You will find lots of useful informationon the website including examples of pupils work and details of recent events.
We also encourage you to read the following:
This prospectus The last OFSTED Inspection Report The latest school newsletters
You might like to read:
The school’s curriculum and religious education policies The school’s complaints procedure The minutes of meetings The Head teacher’s report to governors The school’s policy on charging for activities The School Development Plan
If you want to read any of the school documents please ask the school secretary who will arrange to provide them for you. ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS
Parents / Carers can apply for a place in the school by telephoning to make an appointment with the school secretary.
You would usually apply from September to December for entry during the following September; however we would strongly urge parents to register their child as soon as possible after their third birthday. Remember that a late application can severely reduce your chances of obtaining a place at your preferred school! The Admissions Section at Kirklees will let you know in April about your child’s place. The school will contact you to arrange a visit to the school and invite you to a New Parent’s Morning. We will also give you information which tells you everything you need to know for your child starting our school.
The school’s admission policy is formulated by Kirklees M.C.
The criteria for admission to community/controlled schools are:-
For admission to all Key Stages 1. children in public care {looked after children} 2. children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school 3. children living in the school’s priority admission area who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission 4. other children living in the school’s priority admission area 5. children who live outside the priority area who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the time of admission 6. children who live outside the priority area
For further details parents should contact Miss Spence, Kirklees School Admissions, Civic Centre 1, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2NF. Telephone 01484 225007
PARENTAL HELP …….KEEPING IN TOUCH Parents are partners in their child’s education. We need the support and encouragement that you can give to your child and to the school.
We welcome parents into school either to volunteer or help in class. We have parent project days every half term Which allow parents to work with their children.
We will keep you informed on a regular basis about school activities:
A school newsletter Occasional letters about trips, events etc.
We will keep you informed about your child’s progress through:
A written report in the summer term
Invitations to two Parents’ consultation evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms- you will also receive reports at these meetings
Occasional contact through the class teacher, Special Needs Co- ordinator, Learning Mentor or Headteacher whenever helpful
Individual letters about incidents and accidents, for example our standard head-bump letter or accident letter for minor bumps and grazes
If we have any concerns about your child, we will discuss them with you. We do ask that you tell your child’s teacher about any concerns you have about anything which affects your child
Teachers will be pleased to see you in school and can usually arrange longer consultations. We just request that you do not chat to the teacher whilst s/he is looking after the class, for obvious safety reasons.
Termly meetings
‘Bring your parents to school’ scheme
ORGANISATION Schools are organised into three age phases: Foundation Stage {the youngest children – Nursery and Reception} Key Stage 1 {age 5-7-Y1 and Y2} Key Stage 2 {age7-11 – Y3-Y6}.
We are growing to a three form entry school- currently our Early Years and Key Stage 1 have 3 classes per year group.
Senior Members of staff are in charge of different teams within school. Each class has its own teacher who works closely with colleagues.
All staff contribute to subject specialisms in curriculum planning for the benefit of children throughout school.
In addition to the teaching staff we have a large team of support staff to help your child in a variety of ways. Parents and governors help in school on a regular basis.
We also help train students from a variety of training programmes.
The times of the school day are: 8.45am………………………………… School doors open 8.50am………………………………… Start of the school day 11.45am – 12.45pm…………………… Lunchtime Key Stage 2 12.15pm – 1.15pm ………………………Lunchtime Key Stage 1 3.15pm…………………………..……. End of school day 3.05pm ……………………… for Reception classes
Registration takes place during the first 5 minutes of the morning and afternoon sessions. All children coming late to school will be marked ‘late’ in the register so it is important for your child to get to school on time. They may also have to stay behind after school.
There is a 15 minute playtime for all classes in Key Stages 1 and 2 in the morning.
We request that you send your child in our school uniform. Our school dress reflects our belief that high standards of personal presentation are also linked to high expectations and standards of work. Jumper/cardigan…………………...royal blue We aim to provide your child with an education of high quality. The curriculum has breadth and variety throughout the school. We offer a balance of intellectual, physical, moral, cultural and social development. Sweatshirt……………………………..royal blue {Available at and in local uniform shops} Skirt/trousers………………………… Shirt/blouse {with collar}….………...white/pale blue Shalwar kamiz…………………….… blue Optional tie…………………………...available at school Summer dress…………………………blue gingham
Physical Education and Games…..
White T-shirt White shorts {boys} Navy games skirt/black leotard/leggings {girls} Jogging suit, sweatshirt or track suit for outdoor games in cold weather. Pumps for indoor P E {optional – children can go bare-foot} Trainers for outdoor games
Swimming costume/trunks will be needed for swimming lessons in years 3, 4 and 5
Children should not wear jewellery and make-up in school. Anything other than one pair of stud earrings is considered dangerous. Earrings must be removed for PE. Wrist watches may be worn to school, at your own risk.
We make every effort to encourage your children to look after their belongings. However, when your child does lose something, you may need to look in the Lost Property Box in the school.
All clothing should be marked with your child’s name. {Remember we may have 500 identical jumpers and cardigans in school!}
THE CURRICULUM All subject areas are covered by every child throughout the school, in line with the National Curriculum. The emphasis at Boothroyd is on Literacy {Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing} and Mathematics. Both these subjects are timetabled daily in every class. The range of other subjects is taught, including: Science, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, Religious Education, Physical Education, Health Education, Music, IT and PSHCE.
Religious Education In accordance with the Education Reform Act of 1988, RE is mainly taught in the Christian Tradition, whilst taking into account of the practices of other principal religions, especially Islam. An awareness, knowledge and respect for all religions are encouraged throughout the curriculum. This takes place in regular assemblies, stories and RE lessons. Caring, sharing, helping, being aware of self and others form the basis of our school community. Each month we focus on a different value eg Respect, Responsibility, Honesty. These qualities are encouraged through our various policies in every aspect of school life and we hope parents reinforce them at home.
Collective Worship Collective worship takes places twice a week in the hall. Children may reflect on the theme of an assembly, or the words of a song, prayer or poem. Prayers may cover a variety of everyday situations and understanding, including moral and spiritual development.
Parents may exercise their legal right to withdraw their children from religious education and worship on application to the Head teacher. In such cases the parents will be asked to provide alternative work and supervise their child within school.
Relationships & Sexual Health Education Sex education is taught in accordance with the requirements of the Governors. It is taught in topics dealing with health, family life and moral responsibilities.
Parents are partners in the education of children.
Our aims in sending homework are:
To extend the child’s opportunities for improving his/her learning To reinforce the links between school and home by involving parents in the child’s learning To provide opportunities for the child to have success in his/learning To encourage each child to take some responsibility for his/her learning
We will not overburden any child with homework. Our aim is to encourage enjoyable and successful learning, however if homework is not completed there may be class-based sanctions and parents will be informed.
What do we need from you?
We need you to read to your child or hear them read EVERYDAY. Studies have proved that children who read achieve better results nationally. Practising timestables and number facts will also support your child in their learning- don’t forget- children are only at school 6 hours a day- they are at home 18 hours a day!
School provides a very wide range of extra curricular activities to suit the interests of most children: - sporting, musical, arts, social. These activities take place at lunchtimes or after school.
Our various sports teams regularly take part in Dewsbury School’s fixtures, where we play against other schools in the area. We welcome parental support to cheer our teams on and help to transport the children to away matches.
Our overriding aim at Boothroyd Primary Academy is that your child should be happy and successful. We will achieve this through:
…providing an attractive and stimulating environment where children feel important and respected
…encouraging children to develop a positive attitude towards themselves and to realise their own potential
…providing access to the National Curriculum at a level appropriate for each child, ensuring that children acquire basic skills in literacy and numeracy and foster a love of books for pleasure and learning
…developing good relationships with parents and the wider community for the benefit of all
…insisting upon acceptable standards of behaviour – good manners, courtesy, common sense and consideration for others
…developing within the children a curiosity of the world around them, an appreciation of natural beauty and an awareness of their responsibility in caring for the environment
We have five golden rules we encourage the children to keep:
Care for yourself , each other, our school Be kind and gentle Be honest Work hard and do your best Listen carefully and follow instructions
Governors and Staff firmly believe that the majority of children respond to positive examples. Throughout school, staff work together to encourage good manners and behaviour. We follow the Good to be Green system throughout the academy.
Children are rewarded in many ways:-
Words of praise Smilies Mentions in Assembly Certificates Positions of Trust Badges Gold Book If a child’s behaviour gives cause for concern school has a disciplinary procedure which is brought into effect. Parents are informed of this from the earliest times so that we can work together to overcome any problems.
Bullying: All adults in school operate our anti-bullying policy’ All incidents of verbal and physical bullying are investigated and recorded The victim is supported The bully is expected to understand the hurt caused and is dealt with in line with the behaviour policy. Parents are informed We always wish to know if you suspect bullying has taken place, so that we can deal with this in school
At Boothroyd we encourage a partnership between home and school. Parental involvement can only benefit a child.
There are many ways in which parents can help their child Talking to your child every day, to ask them what they have done today and how well they have done. Listening to children read and sharing books Attending Parent’s Night and Termly Welcome Meetings Spending time in your child’s class in ‘Bring Your Parent to School’ week Checking children are showing you letters from school Making sure children do their homework Encouraging involvement in extra-curricular activities Parents are also very welcome as voluntary helpers in school.
The school’s policy on admission of pupils with disabilities follows the authority guidelines.
Disabled children are not discriminated against and arrangements are made to meet their individual needs.
Access plans are made as part of the child’s Individual Education Plan. These are discussed with parents during the initial meeting. The school’s Accessibility Plan gives further details of provision.
There is level access to some areas of the school building. A number of pupils with special physical needs have attended school. All have been encouraged and supported in taking part in all activities.
The governors fully support the school’s drive for personalised learning to ensure the needs of all children are met.
Many children experience difficulties at some time in their school careers and these will be dealt with mainly by the class teacher. Children with persisting difficulties in learning or behaviour or in coping physically will be referred to the Special Needs Co-ordinator in school, who will involve you in devising an individual course of action designed to meet their needs.
If you are aware that your child has difficulties in school, please contact the class teacher or Head teacher. If teachers become aware that your child is experiencing difficulties, you will be consulted.
A copy of the Special Educational Needs Policy and Accessibility Policy is available on request in school
Dinners are cooked on the premises. There is always a vegetarian and Halal option. Dinner money is collected on a Monday morning. Each child must bring their money in an envelope with their name, class and amount of money written clearly on the front. Some children may be entitled to free school meals. Children may bring packed lunches, but no glass bottles for drinks. We encourage parents to provide a healthy lunch with no fizzy drinks. School nurse can offer further advice on this. Water is available for all children at lunchtime. Lunchtime supervisors look after the children during the mid-day break under the supervision of the Head teacher and Assistant Head teachers. Children are encouraged to be active during dinner time using the playground equipment. All children in Key Stage 1 and Reception are entitled to a FREE SCHOOL DINNER.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be provided with milk during the morning but there is a charge for this. Pupils who partake of the ‘Milk in Schools Scheme’ benefit from the Intervention Board. This represents a significant reduction in the actual cost of milk. Fruit is provided free for the Infant children.
Please do not send anything of value {and no radios, stereos, mobile phones etc.} as toys can get damaged or can cause fall-outs between children. Anything brought into school will be at your own risk and school cannot accept any responsibility.
CHARGING FOR SCHOOL VISITS The school believes in giving children first hand experience and we try to arrange educational visits as part of our work. The governors agree that voluntary contributions can be asked for to help fund these visits.
If I could say one thing to new parents I would ask them to bring their child to school every day- this is the most important gift you could ever give your child! Pam Reynolds-Chair of Governors
Introduction At Boothroyd Primary Academy we believe that the continuity of a child’s education is very important for their success in adult life. Attendance at school is vital if your child is to progress to the best of their ability. Children of compulsory school age who are registered at a school must, by law, attend school every day it is open. Regular attendance is important not just because it is a legal requirement but because it is the best way of ensuring that a child makes the most of their educational opportunities. Parents should always consider very carefully before taking their children out of school during term-time.
Attendance monitoring We monitor attendance daily. If your child is going to be absent due to sickness then you must inform the academy by 8.30am. Our pastoral manager will follow up any pupil absence for whom we have received no phone call. Children are monitored if their attendance falls below 90% and any child whose attendance falls below 85% is reported to the local authority attendance manager. It is very likely that these children will then be placed on an attendance monitoring plan and you may have to participate in a parent contract. We complete a review of attendance every half term and pupils will receive an attendance report.
Lateness Children should arrive at school for 8.50am. Any child arriving late will be recorded in our late book and also recorded as late on the register. Children who are late on more than one occasion will be held behind at the end of the day to make up their learning time. Parents will be informed if their child is staying behind at the end of the day by phone call and will be expected to pick up their child from reception at the agreed time.
Extended absence: This Governing Body acknowledges that there are times when a family needs to travel abroad in an emergency, for example on the death of a mother, father or sibling. However, this policy aims to make sure that parents who are not in an emergency situation understand the consequences of taking their child out of school for an extended period of time.
A family or extended absence is one in which a pupil is out of school in term time. The law says that parents do not have the right to take their child out of school for holidays during term time. However, in exceptional circumstances, headteachers/ principals can allow parents to take their child out of class for example if there is a serious illness or death in the child’s immediate family.If you are experiencing such difficulties please call in to see Mrs Joslin at the first opportunity.
If the above does not apply and parents still keep their child from school, Kirklees council will issue a fine of £60 per parent, per pupil. If this is not paid within 21 days, the fine increases to £120 and must be paid before 28 days is up or legal action may follow.
If permission is not given, or not asked for, and the parents still take their child away from school, the child will lose their place, in accordance with Kirklees Local Authority’s policy. This means that your child will be taken off the academy roll and you will have to apply for a place at Boothroyd on your return. Your child will not be guaranteed a place at the academy and you may have to apply for another school in the area. ABSENCES
Schools are required by law to keep a record of authorised and unauthorised absences.
Authorised absence is: sickness, medical /dental appointments which cannot be arranged outside school hours, days of religious observance, anything else which you have discussed with the Head teacher and he has agreed to.
If you need your child to attend the doctor or dentist in school time please make sure it is at the start or end of the day- we need to see a medical appointment card or absence may not be authorised.
Unauthorised absence is: truancy, shopping, haircut, visits to the airport, family holidays, staying at home to care for younger children or sick relatives. Please also read our Attendance Policy which can be found on our Website
In order to keep our records up to date we ask parents to let the school know why their child is absent. This can be done by: Telephoning the school – 01924 450289 Sending a note with a brother or sister Calling in to the office If you know in advance that your child will be absent eg medical appointment please notify the school beforehand If we do not hear from you we will telephone you to find out about absences.