Celestial Plural Marriage

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Celestial Plural Marriage

AN ESSENTIAL When Should Plural Marriage Be Lived? FOR 44 EXALTATION


Table of Contents B. Harvey Allred George M. Cannon George Q. Cannon Anne Wilde Abraham Hunsaker Benjamin F. Johnson Heber C. Kimball February 1998 Laura Pitkin Kimball Vilate Kimball PREFACE Millennial Star articles Amos Milton Musser Ever since plural marriage was introduced in this dispensation Charles W. Penrose by Joseph Orson Pratt Smith, there has been considerable confusion over the terms "Celestial George Reynolds Marriage," "Patriarchal Marriage," "New and Everlasting Covenant of Byron Sessions Marriage," Bathsheba Smith and "Plural Marriage." In the first few pages of this publication, there are Eliza R. Snow Smith comments by early leaders showing that these terms were used Hyrum Smith interchangeably--until about the mid-1880's. At that time public statements Joseph Smith began to appear explaining that plural marriage was not a requirement for a Joseph F. Smith celestial marriage after all, and that a monogamous temple marriage was Erastus Snow sufficient--thus laying the groundwork for the Manifesto. Lorenzo Snow Orson Spencer The main part of this pamphlet, however, is a collection of Annie Clark Tanner quotations by John Taylor nearly 30 early Saints (arranged alphabetically), all of whom lived plural George Teasdale marriage themselves and spoke from revelation, inspiration, and/or personal Wilford Woodruff experience. The wording in most of these references is very explicit--that Brigham Young indeed celestial plural marriage is essential to obtain the fullness of God's Newell K. Young glory and the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom. Other selections, though not quite as direct, still add much in helping to arrive at this A Protest (to U.S. Congress, 1870) conclusion. Petition for Amnesty (to U.S. President, 1891)

The final pages discuss when celestial plural marriage should be lived so [1] INTRODUCTION: as to qualify for exaltation. Definition of Terms

To help in understanding the terms used by the early leaders --Anne Wilde, author/compiler when they talked about plural marriage, a few representative quotations are included ACKNOWLEDGMENTS under the three following subtitles:

The author/compiler expresses sincere gratitude to Ogden Celestial Marriage = Plural Marriage Kraut, who Patriarchal Marriage = Plural Marriage encouraged her to enlarge a much smaller compilation of quotes on this New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage = Plural Marriage subject and arrange the information in booklet form. His knowledge and A fourth section will present additional quotes representing the understanding Church's of the Gospel are invaluable. He and Gurnie Cook were very helpful in position today, which started evolving in the mid-1880's, showing that these providing some of the references used herein. terms no longer would be used interchangeably.

Celestial Marriage = Plural Marriage CONTENTS Joseph Smith: "The same God that has thus far dictated me and INTRODUCTION: directed me Definition of Terms and strengthened me in this work, gave me this revelation (D & C 132) and 1 commandment on Celestial and plural marriage, and the same God commanded me to COLLECTION OF QUOTES: obey it." (Contributor 5:259) Plural Marriage--Essential for Exaltation 8 Hyrum Smith: "They were talking on the subject of plural marriage. Hyrum CONCLUSION: said to Joseph, `If you will write the revelation on celestial marriage, I 1 will take it and read it to Emma, and I believe I can convince her of its Franklin D. Richards: "Apostle F. D. Richards was quite truth, and you will herafter have peace.'" (DHC 5:32) prepared to vote but would humbly ask that, before the question was put, another word might Brigham Young: "Joseph received a revelation on celestial be marriage. You inserted in his remarks for the word `Polygamy.' That was a Gentile word, and will recollect, brethren and sisters, that it was in July, 1843, that he he would rather have another word inserted, say Patriarchal or Celestial received this revelation concerning celestial marriage. * * * The people of marriage." (S.L. School of the Prophets, Minute Bk., 1883, reprinted by God, therefore, have been commanded to take more wives." (JD 16:166) Pioneer Press, 1992)

[2] John Taylor: "When Joseph Smith first made known the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage = Plural Marriage revelation concerning plural marriage and of having more wives than one, it made my Doc. & Cov.: ". . . inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand to flesh know and crawl; . . . this principle is connected with the Saints alone, and pertains understand wherein I, the Lord, justified [4] my servants Abraham, Isaac, and to eternity as well as time, and is known to us by the appellation of Jacob, as also Moses, David and Solomon, my servants, as touching the `celestial marriage.'" (JD 23:64) principle and doctrine of their having many wives and concubines-- * * * For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting Lorenzo Snow: "Respecting the doctrine of Plural or Celestial covenant; . marriage * . . * * it was revealed to me, and afterwards, in 1843, fully explained to me by And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, it was Joseph Smith, the Prophet." (Mill. Star 48:110) instituted for the fulness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof must and Joseph F. Smith: ". . . therefore no wicked, unjust or impure shall abide the law [plural marriage], or he shall be damned, saith the Lord person can God. enter into the law of celestial or plural marriage without incurring the * * * And as ye have asked concerning adultery, verily, verily, I displeasure of the Almighty and his own condemnation before the Lord, . . ." say (JD 20:27) unto you, if a man receiveth a wife in the new and everlasting covenant, and if she be with another man, and I have not appointed unto her by the holy Millennial Star editorial: "Full well do they [those who are anointing, she hath committed adultery and shall be destroyed." (Sec. filled with 132:1,4,6, 41) gloating anticipation] know that the Saints cannot give up plural, or rather the Celestial Order of Marriage without relinquishing their religion." (Mill. John Taylor: Upwards of forty years ago the Lord revealed to Star 41:27, Jan. 1879) His Church the principle of celestial marriage. The idea of marrying more wives than one Patriarchal Marriage = Plural Marriage was as naturally abhorrent to the leading men and women of the church at that day as it could be to any people. * * * But the command of God was before Brigham Young: ". . . concerning the right of faithful Elders, in them taking in language which no faithful soul dare disobey. "For, behold, I reveal unto to themselves more than one wife. * * * God never introduced the Patriarchal you a new and an everlasting covenant; . . ." (Sec. 132:4) (Mess. of 1st Pres. order of marriage with a view to please man in his carnal desires, nor to 3:32) punish females for anything which they had done; but He introduced it for the express purpose of raising up to His name a royal Priesthood, a peculiar Revelation to John Taylor: "Question: Is the law of Celestial people." (JD 3:264) Marriage a law given to this nation or to the world? Answer: No, in no other sense than John Taylor: "Concerning the Patriarchal order of marriage, as the Gospel is given, and in accordance with the laws thereof. So far as it President is made known unto them as the gospel is made known unto them and is a part (John) Taylor said: `If we do not embrace that principle soon, the keys will of be turned against us. If we do not keep the same law that our Heavenly Father the New and Everlasting Covenant. And it is only those who receive the has kept, we cannot go with Him.'" (Wilford Woodruff, History of His Life Gospel and that are able to, or capable of, entering into this Covenant. * * * Labors, Matthias F. Cowley, p. 542) This law [plural marriage] is a celestial law and pertains to a Celestial [3] Wilford Woodruff: "Father Abraham obeyed the law of the Kingdom. It is a new and everlasting covenant, and appertains to thrones, patriarchal order principalities, powers, dominions, and eternal increase in the Celestial of marriage. His wives were sealed to him for time and all eternity, and so Kingdom of God." (June 25 & 26, 1882) were the wives of all the Patriarchs and Prophets that obeyed that law." (JD 24:244) [5] Brigham Young: "The revelation commanding the principle of "I [Woodruff] have arrived at a point in the History of my life plural as the marriage, given by God through Joseph Smith, to the Church of Jesus Christ President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where I am under of the necessity of calling for the Temporal Salvation of the Church. The United Latter-day Saints, in its first paragraph, has the following language: `Behold States Government has taken a stand & passed laws to destroy the Latter day I reveal unto you a new and everlasting covenant; . . .'" (Mill. Star 40:227) Saints upon the subject of poligamy (sic) or Patriarchal order of Marriage." (Jrnl. of Wilford Woodruff, Sept. 25, 1890) Heber C. Kimball: "For this purpose did He give the revelation on Orson Spencer: "What that pure and perfect Patriarchal order is, plurality of wives, as sacred a revelation as was ever given to any people. . upon . . Wives are sealed to men by an everlasting covenant that cannot be broken, which the welfare of society so much depends, it will be my object to show in if the parties live faithfully before God, and perform with a single eye to this letter. Here let me say, that the family order which God established with His glory the duties of that sacred contract." (JD 11:210) Abraham and the Patriarchs, was the order observed among celestial beings, in Orson Pratt: "There will be many who will not hearken; there the celestial world. * * * Abraham was perfectly virtuous and pure, and so will be the were his wives." (Spencer's Letters, pp. 192, 193; also, he was also the foolish among the wise, who will not receive the new and everlasting author of Patriarchal Order; or, Plurality of Wives!) covenant in its fulness; and they never will attain to their exaltation; . . ." (JD 2 1:65) polygamous or plural marriage are not synonymous terms. Monogamous marriages for time and eternity, solemnized in our temples in accordance Erastus Snow: (in talking on the subject of plural marriage) with the word of the Lord and the laws of the Church, are Celestial "Therefore, marriages. He reveals unto them a new and everlasting covenant, the holy covenant of marriage for time and for all eternity, the union of the sexes, the sealing of The Church's change in definition was thus official and wives to husbands and husbands to wives, . . ." (JD 24:161) complete! But it's interesting to note that about 30 years later the Deseret News printed a These Terms No Longer Equal Plural Marriage somewhat contradictory editorial stating:

B. Carmon Hardy in his Solemn Covenant relates the beginning The heaven we hope to achieve is eternal and unchangeable. of the Therefore Church's change in their definition of celestial marriage: to bring the same human nature to the same goal, regardless of the time in which a person lives, requires the same steps and procedures. For that Soon after the passage of the Edmunds Act in 1882, an article in reason the saving principles must ever be the same. They can never the change. (Church News editorial, June 5, 1965) Deseret News asserted that celestial marriage was not the same as plurality. Rather, Mormon authorities began saying that celestial If the Church's official interpretation was that plural marriage marriage involved only a union for eternity and that this was what they was no taught their people. In his attempts to persuade Congress that Utah longer the same as celestial and patriarchal marriage, and no longer a should be granted statehood, Franklin S. Richards insisted not [6] only requirement for exaltation, wasn't that a change in a "saving principle" of that plural marriage was permissive, but that celestial marriage meant the Gospel? nothing more than being sealed to a single partner for eternity. This shift, taken as one of several moves designed to lessen hostility toward Thus, as the following pages are read, it is important to keep in the Saints, would be confirmed after the turn of the century when, again, mind the church labored with its public image. (p. 54) what the early leaders meant by these terms when they used them in the nineteenth century. And further--

There was also a return to the question of what was meant by [8] COLLECTION OF QUOTES: the Plural Marriage--Essential for Exaltation term "celestial marriage." Attention was earlier given to alteration of the phrase, as part of the church's defensive tactics in the 1880's, to DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS mean only a marriage that survived death. It may have been sometime during the 1890's that wording in the super-script to Section 132 of the In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; and in Doctrine and Covenants was rewritten to more closely reflect this change. order Then, during the Smoot hearings, authorities declared again that to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood "celestial marriage" was not used in Mormon parlance to connote (meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage); and if he does not, polygamy. he (Ibid., pp. 297-298) cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase. (Doc. & Cov. 131:1-4) George Q. Cannon also tried to "pacify" Church members after * * * this change Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, that in doctrine interpretation: inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand to know and understand where I, the Lord, Attempting to salve believers concerning the Manifesto, George justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also Moses, David and Q. Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having Cannon once told them that limitations brought by the document would not many wives and concubines-- interfere with their exaltation, for God judged men by the intentions of Behold, and lo, I am the Lord thy God, and will answer thee as their hearts. ("Remarks Made by President George Q. Cannon, . . ." Des. touching News, Nov. 14, 1891) this matter. Therefore, prepare thy heart to receive and obey the instructions which I am about to give unto you; for all those who have this law revealed Probably the classic quote defending this revised position of the unto them must obey the same. Church For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting is attributed to James E. Talmage: covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this The Latter-day Saints were long regarded as a polygamous covenant and be permitted to enter my glory. people. For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law That plural marriage has been practiced by a limited proportion of the which people, under sanction of Church ordinance, has never been denied. But was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were that plural marriage is a vital tenet of the Church is not true. What the instituted from before the foundation of the world. Latter-day Saints call Celestial marriage is characteristic of the And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, it was Church, and is in very [7] general practice; but of Celestial marriage, instituted plurality of wives was an incident, never an essential. Yet the two have for the fulness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof must and often been confused in the popular mind. (The Story of "Mormonism", shall abide the law, or he shall be damned, saith the Lord God. * * * 10th Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot ed., Talmage, p. 101) attain to this glory. (Doc. & Cov. 132:1-6, 21) Talmage's position was also supported in the "Official Statement" [9] published in the Deseret News of June 17, 1933, where President Heber J. B. HARVEY ALLRED (1870-1937) Grant (Legislator, High Councilman) and his counselors stated: I was ever anxious to obey every commandment of the Lord, as Celestial marriage--that is, marriage for time and eternity--and I had been 3 taught in my youth that obedience to every commandment was essential to my it, exclaiming, "It is of the devil!" But God knew his heart and in open day a salvation, but I was not really sure that all the commandments were meant for messenger from heaven, with three women clothed in white raiment, stood me. I had been taught the sacredness of the principle of plural marriage, but before I had little desire to practice that law because of its attendant trials. It him several feet from the ground, and addressed him thus: "You never can was openly taught and practiced by the leaders of the Church as one of the receive a full and complete salvation in My Kingdom unless your garments cardinal principles of the Gospel of Christ, without which man could not are receive the highest degree of glory. (History of B. Harvey Allred, p. 45, as pure and white and you have three counselors like me." Thus he was quoted in Voices of Women Approbating Celestial or Plural Marriage, vol. 1, convinced Rhea A. Kunz, p. 319) and he subsequently married five wives, and he became the father of 50 children. (LDS Biog. Enc., vol. 3, p. 415) "Blackfoot Stake Conference convened [mid-1919] with Jos. F. Smith, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Chas. Hart, Pres. of BENJAMIN F. JOHNSON (1818-1905) Seventies, present. At 2 p.m., Stake Priesthood meeting was held. Some very (Colonizer, Legislator, Patriarch) good and pertinent instructions were given by visiting brethren. Especially did Apostle Smith emphasize the fact that if people, Saints, expected to be And as he (Joseph Smith) was again required of the Lord to exalted in the Celestial Glory, they must keep the FULL Celestial law here." take more (History of B. Harvey Allred, p. 175) wives, he came now to ask me (Benjamin Johnson) for my sister Almera. * * This [above paragraph] was Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., for his * father, He said with a smile, in a soft tone, "But Benjamin, . . . you will the president, had died Nov. 19, 1918, almost six months earlier. By this know statement, we see that there was at least one member of the general the principle in time, and will finally rejoice in what it will bring to you." authorities who publicly maintained the necessity for having the plurality of "But how," I asked, "can I teach my sister what I myself do not understand, or wives if we expect exaltation. (Ibid., p. 419) show her what I do not myself see?" "But you will see and understand it," said he "and when you open your mouth to talk to your sister, light will come to you and your mouth will be full and your tongue loose, and I will today GEORGE M. CANNON (1861-circa 1907) preach (son of Angus Cannon, member of General Sun. Sch. Board, first president of a sermon to you that none but you will understand." Both of these promises Utah State Senate) were more than fulfilled. The text of his sermon was our use of the "one, five and ten talents," and as God had now commanded plural marriage, and as John [B. Cannon] recalled that his father [George M. Cannon] exaltation and dominion depended upon the number of their righteous took him posterity, aside in the library of their home and told him that polygamous living was a from him who was found but with the one talent, it would be taken and given requirement if one [10] wished to enter the highest level of the celestial him that had ten, which item of doctrine seems to be now differently kingdom. Unaware at that time that his father already had married two plural construed. ("The Benjamin F. Johnson Letter to Elder George F. Gibbs," wives after the Manifesto, John later became convinced that, as a friend and 1903, business associate of President [Joseph F.] Smith, his father was counseled to Pioneer Press reprint, p. 22) enter the principle and had been instructed by Smith in the same sentiments expressed to him on the occasion of that visit in the library. (John Bennion [12] Cannon, interviewed by Leonard R. Grover, 16 Feb. 1980, p. 9, 11; as quoted HEBER C. KIMBALL (1801-1868) in (Apostle and First Counselor to Brigham Young) Solemn Covenant, B. Carmon Hardy, p. 316) (Sept. 1856) Many of this people have broken their covenants by speaking GEORGE Q. CANNON (1827-1901) evil of one another, by speaking against the servants of God, and by finding (Apostle & First Counselor in three First Presidencies) fault with the plurality of wives and trying to sink it out of existence. But you cannot do that, for God will cut you off and raise up another people that A violent and vicious attack is being made upon the doctrine will carry out His purposes in righteousness, unless you walk up to the line and practice of your duty. On the one hand there is glory and exaltation; and on the other of Patriarchal marriage. Those who have practiced this principle are assailed no tongue can express the suffering and affliction this people will pass with a ferocity never before known. Those who make the attack perhaps hope through if they do not repent. (JD 4:108) to drive the people of God to renounce the doctrine and promise not to obey the (Oct. 1856) You might as well deny "Mormonism," and turn revelation. Vain and delusive hope! Unless the Saints apostatize, such an away from it, as action on their part is impossible. By doing so, they would deliberately shut to oppose the plurality of wives. Let the Presidency of this Church, and the the door of the Celestial glory to their faces. They would say by that action, Twelve Apostles, and all the authorities unite and say with one voice that "We do not have the valor necessary to sustain us in our striving for the they will oppose that doctrine, and the whole of them would be damned. What celestial glory, and we, therefore, are content to enter a terrestrial or are you opposing it for? It is a principle that God has revealed for the telestial glory." To comply with the request of our enemies would be to give salvation of the human family. He revealed it to Joseph the Prophet in this up all hope of entering into the glory of God, the Father, and Jesus Christ our dispensation; and that which he revealed, he designs to have carried out the Son. This is the price which the Saints are asked to give for the world to by His people. (JD 5:203-204) cease their attacks upon them! Is it not a costly bargain which they are asked to make? To barter off all hope of eternal felicity with wives and children in (Feb. 1857) Do you suppose that Joseph and Hyrum and all the celestial presence of God and the Lamb for the miserable favor of the those good men world! So intimately interwoven is this precious doctrine with the exaltation would associate with those ancient worthies, if they had not been engaged in of men and women in the great hereafter that it cannot be given up without the same practices? They had to do the works of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, giving up at the same time all hope of immortal glory. (Juvenile Instructor in 20:136, May 1, 1885) order to be admitted where they are;--they had to be polygamists in order to be received into their society. (JD 4:224) [11] ABRAHAM HUNSAKER (1812-1889) (Jan. 1866) Plurality is a law which God established for his (First Bishop, Honeyville, Box Elder County, Utah) elect before the world was formed, for a continuation of seeds forever. It would be as easy When the law of celestial marriage was first whispered to him, for the United States to build a tower to remove the sun, as to remove he opposed polygamy. . . . ( Mill. Star 28:190) 4 (Jan. 1854) It is important that emphasis be given to the [13] (April 1866) I speak of plurality of wives as one of the most equation made holy by Mormon writers between patriarchal home life and heavenly government. principles that God ever revealed to man, and all those who exercise an "The influence against it, unto whom it is taught, man or woman, will be damned, grand design of God in bringing the spirits of men and women to occupy and they, and all who will be influenced by them, will suffer the buffetings bodies of Satan in the flesh; for the curse of God will be upon them, and poverty, upon this earth," said Orson Spencer, "was to establish a system of [15] and distress, and vexation of spirit will be their portion; while those who perfect Patriarchal government, according to the pattern of the family of honor this and every sacred institution of heaven will shine forth as the Heaven." One writer referred to the 1852 announcement concerning polygamy stars in the firmament of heaven, and of the increase of their kingdom and as glory there shall be no end. (JD 11:211) "the doctrine of Celestial Family Organization" now "made plain to the Saints." (last sentence is from "The New Year", Mill. Star, 16:1, quoted in On occasion, in fact, Heber would harangue the young men to Solemn Covenant, B. Carmon Hardy, p. 98) take more wives. "I wish more of our young men would take themselves wives of the (Oct. 1865) The doctrine of polygamy with the "Mormons" is daughters of Zion," he complained, "and not wait for us old men to take them not one of the all." He did not think that taking even two wives was obeying the celestial kind that in the religious world is classed with "non-essentials." It is not law in full. In his view a righteous man had to have several. (Heber C. an item of doctrine that can be yielded, and faith in the system remain. * * * Kimball, Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer, Stanley B. Kimball, p. 237) The whole question, therefore, narrows itself to this in the "Mormon" mind. Polygamy was revealed by God, or the entire fabric of their faith is false. To ask them to give up such an item of belief, is to ask them to relinquish the LAURA PITKIN KIMBALL (1790-1866) whole, to acknowledge their Priesthood a lie, their ordinances a deception, (Plural wife of Heber C. Kimball) and all they have toiled for, lived for, bled for, prayed for, or hoped for, a miserable failure and a waste of life. * * * inasmuch as polygamy is, in Those who have entered into the plurality with honest hearts, "Mormon" belief, the basis of the condition of a future life, it [Congress] are sure of asks them to give up their hopes of salvation hereafter. (Mill. Star, 27: a great glory. Some years ago he [Heber] said to me that such women were 673-674) sanctifying themselves both body and spirit and that the first and greatest blessings were for them. (Laura Pitkin Kimball Journal, Dec. 16, 1858, Church AMOS MILTON MUSSER (1830-1909) Archives; as quoted in Heber C. Kimball, . . . , Stanley B. Kimball, p. 238) (Asst. Church Historian)

If the "Mormons" were ever so unwilling to become VILATE KIMBALL (1806-1867) polygamists, they have (First wife of Heber C. Kimball) no choice in the matter. God has commanded and they must obey. If there was not a single word or example to be found in the Bible in its favor, still they While pleading as one would plead for life, the vision of her must observe its practice. It is in no sense optional with them. It is as much [Vilate's] an integral part of their faith as baptism for the remission of sins, or the mind was opened, and, as darkness flees before the morning sun, so did her laying on of hands for the bestowal of the Holy Ghost. sorrow and the groveling things of earth vanish away. It holds precisely the same relations to the Gospel plan of [14] Before her was illustrated the order of celestial marriage, in all salvation, its redemption, and exaltation (which of a verity we know to be true, and for the beauty and glory, together with the great exaltation and honor it would confer testimony which hundreds of our people have laid down their lives) as the upon her in that immortal and celestial sphere, if she would accept it and arms stand in her place by her husband's side. She also saw the woman he had taken [16] and legs sustain to the human body; and with us it is absolutely as to wife, and contemplated with joy the vast and boundless love and union necessary to the eternal happiness and behoof of the Latter-day Saints, as the which union of the head and trunk of the body is necessary to the perpetuity of this order would bring about, as well as the increase of her husband's mortal life. (Mill. Star 39:407, Apr. 1877) kingdoms, and the power and glory extending throughout the eternities, worlds without end. (Life of Heber C. Kimball, Orson F. Whitney, p. 327) CHARLES W. PENROSE (1832-1925) (Asst. Church Historian, Apostle, Second Coun. in First Pres.)

MILLENNIAL STAR (articles) (Speaking to the Saints in Centerville) He [Penrose] showed that the (Apr. 1853) "Nelly and Abby--A Conversation Between Two revelation that had been the subject of attention (Section 132) was only one Cousins": published on Celestial Marriage, and if the doctrine of plural marriage was Abby--But dear cousin, the great question is this--will we unite repudiated, so must be the glorious principle of marriage for eternity, the with the two being indissolubly interwoven with each other. (Mill. Star 45:454) plurality Order of Ancient Patriarchs, or will we consent voluntarily to be doomed to eternal celibacy? This is the true division of the question. One or the other we must choose. We cannot be married to our husbands for eternity, ORSON PRATT (1811-1881) without subscribing to the law that admits a plurality of wives. * * * (Valiant missionary, Author, Apostle) Nelly--Do you mean to say that a female cannot have any husband for the (Aug. 1852) I think, if I am not mistaken, that the Constitution next world or for all the eternities to come, unless she is agreeable to the gives same law of marriage by which Sarah and Rachel were governed? the privilege to all the inhabitants of this country, of the free exercise of Abby--Yes, cousin, I understand it in this light. * * * The order their religious notions, and the freedom of their faith, and the practice of of it. Then, if it can be proven to a demonstration, that the Latter-day Saints plurality of wives is an everlasting and ceaseless order, designed to exalt have actually embraced, as a part and portion of their religion, the doctrine the choicest men and women to the most superlative excellence, dominion, of a plurality of wives, it is constitutional. And should there ever be laws and enacted by this government to restrict them from the free exercise of this glory. (Mill. Star 15:226) part of their religion, such laws must be unconstitutional. But, says the objector, we cannot see how this doctrine can be embraced 5 as a matter of religion and faith; we can hardly conceive how it can be sorcerers, whoremongers, adulterers and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. embraced only as a kind of domestic concern, something that pertains to Now domestic pleasures, in no way connected with religion. In reply we will show take your choice, Amen. (JD 17:228-229) you that it is incorporated as a part of our religion, and necessary for our exaltation to the fulness of the Lord's glory in the eternal world. * * * [19] [17] There will be many who will not hearken; there will be the GEORGE REYNOLDS (1842-1909) foolish among (One of First Seven Presidents of Seventy, personal secretary to five Church the wise, who will not receive the new and everlasting covenant in its Presidents) fulness; and they never will attain to their exaltation; they never will be counted worthy to hold the sceptre of power over a numerous progeny, that (Statement by Reynolds' defense attorney in court, 1875:) They shall multiply themselves without end, like the sand upon the seashore. (JD [the 1:54, 65) Mormons] believe it [polygamy] to be a divine institution, and they will be indebted for their highest happiness in another life to their fidelity and From the foregoing revelation [on plural marriage], given obedience to it in this; that this defendant [George Reynolds] holds their through Joseph, faith ... and [is] a sincere believer in the verity of said revelation [about the Seer, it will be seen that God has actually commanded some of His plural marriage], and that it was his solemn duty to obey it. . . . They [the servants Mormons] are willing to bear [pains and penalties of the law] rather than lose to take more wives, and has pointed out certain duties in regard to the the high estate in another life to be gained by celestial marriage. (Salt Lake marriage ceremony, showing that they must be married for time and for all Tribune, 2 April 1875, p. 4; quoted in The Life of George Reynolds, Prisoner eternity, and showing the advantages to be derived in a future state by this for Conscience' Sake, Bruce Van Orden, p. 70) eternal union, and showing, still further, that if they refused to obey this command, after having the law revealed to them, they should be damned. This revelation, then, makes it a matter of conscience among all the Latter-Day BYRON SESSIONS (1851-1928) Saints; and they embrace it as a part and portion of their religion, and (President of Bighorn Stake) verily believe that they cannot be saved and reject it. (The Seer, Orson Pratt, p. 13) In the early part of this century, the Mormon Church colonized the (Oct. 1874) I did hope there was more intelligence among the Bighorn Basin in Northern Wyoming. Byron Sessions was the Stake President Latter-day and Saints, and a greater understanding of principle than to suppose that anyone leader of this project under Apostle Owen Woodruff. Soon after my father's can be a member of this Church in good standing, and yet reject polygamy. death there, President Sessions called my father's family together and gave The them valuable advice and instructions. In his talk, he explained the Lord has said, that those who reject this principle, reject their salvation, importance and necessity of obedience to the law of plural marriage. Members they shall be damned, saith the Lord; those to whom I reveal this law and they of the family who were present at this meeting consisted of my father's two do not receive it, shall be damned. * * * wives and about twelve of his twenty children. We were placed under a pledge I want to prophesy that all men and women who oppose the of secrecy, and the family honored this pledge while President Sessions was revelation which still living. As he is now dead and beyond the power of his enemies, I am God has given in relation to polygamy will find themselves in darkness; the relating in this letter, a part of this talk. Spirit of God will withdraw from them from the very moment of their He said that he had had a dream in which he and his wife were opposition taken to that principle, until they will finally go down to hell and be damned, if beyond the veil. A messenger, or guide, met them there and gave them a view they do not repent. (JD 17:224-225) of the marvelous workings and [20] conditions that prevail in the place of [18] (Oct. 1874) By and by they [Jesus and His 12 Apostles] will departed and righteous spirits. They finally came to a stairway that led to build a the upper story of a large building. A guard was standing here, and this is polygamous city, and it will have twelve gates, and in order to place as much what he said: "This is as far as you can go as man and wife; you can go in honor upon these gates as possible, they will name them after the twelve separately, but your status as man and wife ends at this place." polygamist children that were born to the four polygamous wives of Jacob; Brother Sessions asked why this was the case, as they had been and sealed in these good old polygamists will be assembled together in this beautiful city, the temple, and fully expected to remain together through eternity. The guide the most beautiful that ever had place on the earth. said, "You have not obeyed all the conditions of the law by which men and By and by some Christian will come along, and he will look at women are sealed for eternity. Because of this, your union must cease at these gates death, and you will not be allowed to proceed further as man and wife." and admire their beauty, for each gate is to be constructed of one immense He began to weep, and was weeping when he awoke. His wife, splendid pearl. The gates are closed fast and very high, and while admiring who was lying their beauty he observes the inscriptions upon them. Being a Christian he of beside him was also crying, and he said, "Ida, what is the matter?" She course expects to enter, but looking at the gates, he finds the name of Reuben answered, "I have just had a dream and I am glad it was only a dream." Their inscribed on one of them. Says he, "Reuben was a polygamous child; I will go dreams were identical. on to the next, and see if there is the name of a monogamous child anywhere." (Note: Byron Session later took another wife; he also was set He accordingly visits all the twelve gates, three on each side of the city, apart in and finds inscribed on each gate the name of a polygamous child, and this his stake to keep plural marriage alive.) because it is the greatest honor that could be conferred on their father (Taken from the pamphlet, "An Open Letter to All Latter-day Jacob, who is in their midst, for he is to sit down with all the honest and Saints on upright in heart who come from all nations to partake of the blessings of that Plural Marriage," from Price Johnson, pp. 15-16) kingdom. "But," says this Christian, "I really do not like this; I see this is a BATHSHEBA SMITH (1822-1910) polygamous city. I wonder if there is not some other place for me! I do not (A wife of George A. Smith and 4th General Pres. of Relief Soc.) like the company of polygamists. They were hated very badly back yonder. Congress hated them, the cabinet hated them, the Priests hated them, and Yes, sir, President Woodruff, President Young, and President everybody hated them, and I engendered the same hatred, and I have not got John Taylor, rid taught me and all the rest of the ladies here in Salt Lake that a man in order of it yet. I wonder if there is not some other place for me?" Oh yes, there is to be exalted in the Celestial Kingdom must have more than one wife, that another place for you. Without the gates of the city there are dogs, having more than one wife was a means of exaltation. (Temple Lot Case, see pp. 6 359-363; quoted in Most Holy Principle, Gems Publishing, 3:257) Joseph urged his closest friends in the church to follow his example at ELIZA R. SNOW SMITH (1804-1887) once. According to William Law, he said the Saints were ready for strong (A wife of Joseph Smith and 2nd General Pres. of Relief Soc.) meat, not just milk any more. He told John Taylor that the church could not go on Eliza said that she had rejected other suitors without knowing until polygamy was established, and without it the highest glory could not be why, but attained in heaven. Very soon polygamy became a test of his followers' later was thankful because marriage to any [21] of them would have prevented loyalty her from receiving the fullness of the gospel. She wrote: and willingness to live by every word that issued from the mouth of [23] the "In Nauvoo I first understood that the practice of plurality was Lord, through His prophet. (Joseph Smith, First Mormon, Donna Hill, p. 345) to be introduced into the church. The subject was very repugnant to my feelings--so They accuse me of polygamy, and of being a false Prophet, and directly was it in opposition to my educated prepossessions. . . . But when I many other reflected that I was living in the Dispensation of the fulness of times, things which I do not now remember; but I am no false Prophet: I am no embracing all other Dispensations, surely Plural Marriage must necessarily be imposter; I have had no dark revelations; I have had no revelations from the included. . . . I increased in knowledge concerning the principle and . . . devil; I made no revelations; I have got nothing up of myself. The same God today esteem it a precious, sacred principle--necessary in the elevation and that has thus far dictated me and directed me and strengthened me in this salvation of the human family--in redeeming women from the curse, and the work, gave me this revelation and commandment on celestial and plural world from corruptions." ("Sketch of My Life," MS, P-F, see pp. 12-14, marriage Bancroft Library, Berkeley. These pages were omitted from Eliza's sketch as and the same God commanded me to obey it. He said to me that unless I published in The Relief Society Magazine 31 [March-October 1944.] accepted Recorded in it and introduced it, and practiced it, I, together with my people, would be Joseph Smith, First Mormon, Donna Hill, pp. 351-352) damned and cut off from this time henceforth. And they say if I do so, they will kill me. O, what shall I do? If I do not practice it, I shall be damned with my people. If I do teach it, and practice it, and urge it, they say they HYRUM SMITH (1800-1844) will kill me, and I know they will. But we have got to observe it. It is an (Second Counselor to Joseph Smith, Church Patriarch) eternal principle and was given by way of commandment and not by way of instruction. (Contributor. 5:259) Brother Hyrum was called upon to read the revelation {Sec. 132]. He did so, and after the reading said, "Now you that believe this revelation and go JOSEPH F. SMITH (1838-1918) forth and obey the same, shall be saved, and you that reject it shall be (Sixth President of the Church) damned." (Hist. Record 6:227, by Thomas Grover, 1843) (July 1878) There is a great deal said about our plural marriage by the JOSEPH SMITH (1805-1844) outside world, and sometimes it is referred to by the Latter-day Saints at (First Prophet, Seer, and Revelator of the Church) home. I fancy sometimes that not only is the world without knowledge in relation to this principle, but many of those who profess to be Latter-day (Quoted by William Clayton) From him [Joseph Smith] I Saints are far from possessing a correct understanding of it. learned that the In the first place, it is a principle that savors of life unto life, or doctrine of plural and celestial marriage is the most holy and important of death unto death; therefore it is well for those who have embraced the doctrine ever revealed to man on the earth and that without obedience to that Gospel to obtain a knowledge in relation to this matter. It is a principle principle, no man can ever attain to the fulness of exaltation in celestial that pertains to eternal life, in other words, to endless lives, or eternal glory. (Historical Record 6:226) increase. It is a law of the Gospel pertaining to the celestial kingdom, applicable to all gospel dispensations, . . . [22] (Quoted by Samuel Woolley) It was there (at my house in [24] Some people have supposed that the doctrine of plural marriage Nauvoo), one was a sort afternoon when the Prophet and Patriarch Hyrum Smith called in, and the of superfluity, or non-essential to the salvation or exaltation of mankind. In latter other words, some of the Saints have said, and believe, that a man with one read a revelation on eternal marriage and plurality of wives, told me . . . wife, sealed to him by the authority of the Priesthood for time and eternity, that that revelation was of God and that no man could or would receive a will receive an exaltation as great and glorious, if he is faithful, as he fulness of the Celestial Glory and eternal life except he obeyed that law and possibly could with more than one. I want here to enter my solemn protest had more than one living wife at the same time. (Historical Record 6:231-232, against this idea, for I know it is false. There is no blessing promised 1843) except upon conditions, and no blessing can be obtained by mankind except by (Quoted by Wilford Woodruff) The Saints may be divided, faithful compliance with the conditions, or law, upon which the same is broken up and promised. The marriage of one woman to a man for time and eternity by the scattered before we accomplish the work now in view. There are so many sealing power, according to the law of God, is a fulfillment of the celestial fools law of marriage IN PART--and is good so far as it goes--and so far as a man in the world for the devil to act upon that it oftimes gives him the abides these conditions of the law, he will receive his reward therefor; and advantage. Any person who is exalted to the highest mansion must abide the this reward, or blessing, he could not obtain on any other grounds or celestial law and the whole law, too, but there has been much difficulty in conditions. But this is only the beginning of the law, not the whole of it. getting understanding into the hearts of this generation. Even the Saints are Therefore, whoever has imagined that he could obtain the fullness of the slow to understand. How many will be able to abide the celestial law, endure blessings pertaining to this celestial law, by complying with only a portion the trials, and receive their exaltation I am unable to say. "Many are called, of its conditions, has deceived himself. He cannot do it. * * * but few are chosen." (Wilford Woodruff, History of His Life and Labors, Man may receive great reward, exaltation and glory by entering Matthias F. Cowley, p. 198) into the bond of the new and everlasting covenant, if he continue faithful according to If a man gets a fullness of the priesthood of God, he has to get it his knowledge, but he cannot receive the fullness of the blessings unless he in fulfills the law, any more than he can claim the gift of the Holy Ghost after the same way that Jesus Christ obtained it, and that was by keeping all the he is baptized without the laying on of hands by the proper authority, or the commandments and obeying all the ordinances of the house of the Lord. remission of sins without baptism, though he may repent in sack-cloth and (DHC ashes. 5:424) 7 "But," says one, "how will it be with good men who believe the in Solemn Covenant, Hardy, p. 51) doctrine, but are prevented, or cannot enter into the practice of it?" I reply that every man and woman will receive all that they are worthy of, and something ERASTUS SNOW (1818-1888) thrown in perhaps, on the score of the boundless charity of God. But [25] who (Pioneer Settler of So. Utah, Apostle) can justly expect to obtain more than they merit? * * * It is a glorious privilege to be permitted to go into a Temple of (June 1883) Therefore, He reveals unto them a new and God to everlasting be united as man and wife in the bonds of holy wedlock for time and all covenant, the holy covenant of marriage for time and for all eternity, the eternity by the Authority of the Holy Priesthood, which is the power of God, union of the sexes, the sealing of wives to husbands and husbands to wives, . for they who are thus joined together "no man can put asunder," for God hath . . joined them. It is an additional privilege for that same man and wife to This new and everlasting covenant reveals unto us the keys of re-enter the Temple of God to receive another wife in like manner if they are the Holy worthy. But if he remain faithful with only the one wife, observing the Priesthood and ordinances thereof. It is the grand keystone of the arch which conditions of so much of the law as pertains to the eternity of the marriage the Lord is building in the earth. In other words, it is that which completes covenant, he will receive his reward, but the benefits, blessings and power the exaltation and glory of the righteous who receive the everlasting Gospel, appertaining to the second or more faithful and fuller observance of the law, and without it they could not attain unto the eternal power and Godhead and he never will receive, for he cannot. As before stated no man can obtain the the fullness of celestial glory. Now, many may enter into the glory of God, benefits of one law by the observance of another, however faithful he may be and become servants in the house of God and in the celestial kingdom of God, in that which he does, nor can he secure to himself the fullness of any who are not able to abide this new and everlasting covenant; but as we are blessing without he fulfills the law upon which it is predicated, but he will told in the Doctrine and Covenants, with them there is an end to their receive the benefit of the law he obeys. This is just and righteous. If this exaltation. They may remain in their saved condition without exaltation, but is not correct doctrine, then I am in error; and if I am in error, I want to they enter not into the order of the Gods. They cannot progress through the be corrected. ceaseless rounds of eternity except they abide in the covenant, and abide the I understand the law of celestial marriage to mean that every law that governs it, and the Lord will not be mocked in these things. * * * man in this [And to show that he is referring to plural marriage, he Church, who has the ability to obey and practice it in righteousness and will continues on the not, shall be damned. I say I understand it to mean this and nothing less, and following page with--] There are some whom Satan would stir to disobedience I testify in the name of Jesus that it does mean that. But what will become of and try to make an impression upon their minds that the system of plural him that cannot abide it? Says the Lord, "Whoso having knowledge have I not marriage, and those things that pertain to the sealing of men and women for commanded to repent, and he that hath not understanding, it remaineth with time and for eternity, and the revelation which has been read in our hearing, me given through the Prophet Joseph pertaining to this subject--that it was the to do according as it is written." In other words, he that is without work of man and not the work of God. (JD 24:161, 162) understanding is not under the law, and it remains for God to deal with him according to his own wisdom. If a man acknowledges that he is incapable, or disqualified by a lack of knowledge, wisdom or understanding to obey this [28] law, LORENZO SNOW (1814-1901) then it remains with God to deal with him according to those principles of (Fifth President of the Church) justice which are written, or are yet to be [26] revealed. It is not likely however, that he will take his seat with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or share (written while in state prison, 1886:) Strange but true: Eternal in their promised blessings. Priesthood Marriage MUST include "Plurality of wives"; . . . This law is in force upon the inhabitants of Zion, and he that is qualified to obey it cannot neglect or disregard it with impunity. But it must In private talk one evening with be observed in righteousness. (JD 20:26, 28, 30, 31; refer to the entire Our Seer and Prophet, Joseph Smith, discourse, pp. 24-31.) Before he shared the martyr's fate, To me in solemn words did state: (Dec. 1879; Discourse given at William Clayton's funeral) And To him an angel did appear, as he Saying in language clear, [William Clayton] has here stated, as having come from the mouth of the I hereby come for thee to warn; Prophet, this doctrine of eternal union of husband and wife, and of plural While in his hand a sword was drawn; marriage, is one of the most important doctrines ever revealed to man in any To take thee wives, this Law obey age of the world. Without it man would come to a full stop; without it we Or God in anger will thee slay. never could be exalted to associate with and become gods, neither could we attain to the power of eternal increase, or the blessings pronounced upon `Twas eighteen hundred forty-three, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the fathers of the faithful. This sacred Law was shown to me; There are but few witnesses now living in relation to the Which gives to men his loving wives, God's only path to coming forth of endless Lives!" this revelation. * * * few, if any of them, were so closely identified with ("Plurality of Wives", L. Snow; reprinted by Rhea A. [Baird] him [Joseph Smith] in this matter as Bro. Clayton. Kunz) There are, however, enough witnesses to these principles to establish them upon the earth in such a manner that they never can be forgotten or ORSON SPENCER (1802-1855) stamped out. For they will live; they are destined to live, and also to grow (British Mission President, Univ. Chancellor, Author) and spread abroad upon the face of the earth, to be received and accepted and adopted by all the virtuous, by all the pure in heart, by all who love the When God sets up any portion of His kingdom upon the earth, it truth, and seek to serve Him and keep His commandments; they are bound to is prevail, because they are true principles. (JD 21:10) patterned after His own order in the heavens. When He gives to a man a pattern Instruction by church authorities went beyond an acceptance of of family organization on the earth, that pattern will be just like his own only the family organization in the heavens. The family of Abraham was a transcript of doctrine of plural marriage. Men were told they must actually engage in the a celestial pattern. * * * This family order of Abraham was spread out before practice. Only those willing to make the sacrifices involved in such a God, and met with His entire and full approbation. And why did God approve life-style, Joseph F. Smith said, were worthy of the highest glory. [27] of (Funeral Services of Elizabeth A. Whitney, Des. News, Feb. 17, 1882; as it? Because it is the only order practiced in the celestial heavens, and the quoted only peaceful, united, and prosperous order that will endure, while 8 man-invented orders and devices (monogamy, [29] free love, etc.) will utterly sacrifice they had obeyed it, and based their hopes of eternal felicity upon deceive and perish with the using. (Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent the promises which the revelation contained. * * * It never entered into their Doctrines... [more commonly called Spencer's Letters], Orson Spencer, pp. minds to suppose for a moment that man had a right, after God had given a 192-193) law to His Church for its salvation and exaltation, to enact a counter law The family order which God established with Abraham and the forbid-ding, under severe penalties, man's obedience to God's law. [31] patriarchs ("Epistle from the First Presidency," 1885, Mess. of 1st Pres., 3:33) [plural marriage] was the order observed among celestial beings, in the celestial world. ("Patriarchal Order; or, Plurality of Wives!", Orson Spencer, That our country is governed by law we all admit; but when it is pp. 1-2; quoted in Solemn Covenant, B. Carmon Hardy, p. 97) said that "no assumed revelation justifies any one in trampling on the law," I should respectfully ask, What! not if it interferes with my religious faith, ANNIE CLARK TANNER (1864-1941) which you state "is a matter between God and myself alone?" Allow me, sir, (Second wife of Mormon educator, Joseph M. Tanner, and mother of O. C. here to state that the assumed revelation referred to [on plural marriage] is Tanner) one of the most vital parts of our religious faith; it emanated from God and cannot be legislated away; it is part of the "Everlasting Covenant" which God The principle of Celestial Marriage was considered the capstone has given to man. Our marriages are solemnized by proper authority; a woman of the is Mormon religion. Only by practicing it could the highest exaltation in the sealed in heaven." With us it is "Celestial Marriage;" take this from us and Celestial Kingdom of God be obtained. According to the founders of the you rob us of our hopes and associations in the resurrection of the just. Mormon ("John Taylor's Reply to Vice President Colfax's Speech against Plural Church, the great purpose of this life is to prepare for the Celestial Kingdom Marriage," American House, Boston, MA, Oct. 20, 1869, Deseret News in the world to come. The tremendous efforts and sacrifices of the Mormon pamphlet) people can be understood only if one keeps in mind this basic otherworld philosophy. (A Mormon Mother: An Autobiography, Annie Clark Tanner, p. But the world are ignorant in regard to a great many other 1) things. They do not know anything even about marriage nor the object of it. What do they However, women in polygamy were converted to the idea of the know about eternal union? Nothing. Is there any man living outside of this superiority Church who will have a claim upon his wife on the other side of the veil? No. of men. All men in the Mormon Church held the Priesthood which was not Why? Because in all their marriages, no matter by what church or conferred on women. This fact always bothered me a little, and I discussed it denomination with Aunt Zina [Huntington] Young, one of President Young's wives. She they are celebrated, the ceremony distinctly states, "until death do you settled part." * * * the question by saying, "I am proud to follow an Adam into the Celestial God has revealed, through His servant Joseph Smith, something Kingdom." * * * more. He It was taught at that time that the second wife opened the door has told us about our associations hereafter. He has told us about our wives of and our children being sealed to us, that we might have a claim on them in salvation in the Celestial Kingdom not only for herself, but for her husband eternity. He has revealed unto us the law of celestial marriage, associated and his first wife. (Ibid., p. 62) with which is the principle of plural marriage. I will speak a little upon this subject. It is very seldom that I refer to it, but there is need for it occasionally. I speak of it as that law given to us of God. I do not know, but [30] I have been informed that there are those who seem [32] to be opposed to this JOHN TAYLOR (1808-1887) law in one or two places where we have been traveling. Now, I dare not (Third President of the Church) oppose anything of the kind. I dare not violate any law of God. And I will tell you (Quoting Wilford Woodruff, concerning the Patriarchal Order what Joseph Smith said upon the subject. He presented this principle to the of Marriage, Twelve, and called upon them to obey it, and said if they did not, the kingdom President Taylor said:) If we do not embrace that principle [of plural of God could not go one step further. Why could it not go one step further? marriage] soon, the keys will be turned against us. If we do not keep the same Because we had a religion to live by, but none that placed our associations law that our Heavenly Father has kept, we cannot go with Him. (Wilford upon eternal principles or gave us a claim upon each other in the family Woodruff, . . . , Matthias Cowley, p. 542) relations in the eternal worlds. But through this principle we could be sealed to one another through time and eternity; we could prepare ourselves for an (Oct. 1884) We have also been told that "it is not mete that men exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom of God. It is one of the greatest who will blessings that ever was conferred upon the human family. It is an eternal law not abide my law [plural marriage] shall preside over my Priesthood" which has always existed in other worlds as well as in this world. (JD 24:229) [referring to his 1882 revelation], and yet some people would like very much to do it. Well, they cannot do it; because if we are here, as I said before, The following is the text of a letter written to an LDS sister by to do the will of our Father who sent us, and He has told us what to do, we President John Taylor, January 19, 1883, answering her inquiry as to what will do it, in the name of Israel's God--and all who sanction it say Amen [the constitutes the fulness of the Celestial marriage order: vast congregation responded with a loud "Amen"], and those that don't may say Dear Sister-- what they please. [laughter] If God has introduced something for our glory In regard to the question which you have proposed pertaining to and Plurality exaltation, we are not going to have that kicked over by any improper of wives, you say, "According to my way of understanding the Revelation, I influence, either inside or outside of the Church of the living God. We will thought it was sealing, but some say it is Plurality." Permit me to say that stand by the principles of eternal truth; living we will proclaim them, and it is both; you will find that the revelation is on the eternity of the dying we will be true to them, and after death will live again in their Marriage Covenant, including plurality of wives, and the first paragraph enjoyment in the eternal worlds. (JD 25:309-310) reads, "Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand, to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, Damnation was the awful penalty affixed to a refusal to obey justified my servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; as also Moses, David and this law Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having [celestial marriage]. It became an acknowledged doctrine of the Church; it many wives and concubines." [D & C. 132:1] The question that was asked was was indissolubly interwoven in the minds of its members with their hopes of evidently in relation to those people, and especially in relation to the eternal salvation and exaltation in the presence of God. * * * At great Plurality of wives. In the 4th verse it is said, "For behold, I reveal unto 9 you a New and an Everlasting Covenant; and if ye abide not that [33] she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord your God." Circumstances do not covenant, always then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant, and be permitted to place it in the power of man to enter into this Covenant and these matters are enter into my glory. For all who will have a blessing at my hands, shall abide left with the Lord to adjust, but no man or woman has authority to point out the law which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as any other way than that which the Lord has appointed. were instituted from before the foundation of the world. And as pertaining to Respectfully your Brother in the Gospel, John Taylor. the New and Everlasting Covenant, it was instituted for the fulness of my (Taken from Celestial or Plural Marriage: The Mormon glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof, must and shall abide the law, Marriage System, or he shall be damned, saith the Lord God." [D & C 132:4-6] Joseph Musser, pp. 52-53) You ask, "If a man and woman go to the house of the Lord and get their Revelation of June 25-26, 1882 (excerpt), given to John Taylor: endowments and are sealed for time and all eternity, and they two live "This law [plural marriage] is a celestial law and pertains to a together quietly and peaceably and teach their children the principles of life Celestial Kingdom. It is a new and everlasting covenant, and appertains to and salvation, and bring them up in the fear of the Lord, will they gain an thrones, principalities, powers, dominions, and eternal increase in the exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom, with a continuation of their seed or not? Celestial Kingdom of God. I have been sealed to my husband, and my patriarchal blessing says, `I shall You are not now sent to proclaim this principle to the United raise children in the Millennium,' and I would like to live so as to gain that States, nor blessing. I hear men say that one cannot gain an exaltation and a continuation the world; nor to urge it upon them. It is not for them as a nation, or of their seed in the eternal world unless they take more wives than one, and I nations, only as many as accept the law of my Gospel and are governed am anxious to understand it." thereby." (Revelations 1880-1890, Pioneer Press, p. 22) In fulfilling this, you have entered so far into the everlasting covenant, which is so far acceptable before the Lord, but in regard to the Revelation of October 13, 1882 (excerpt), given to John Taylor: law, it is further said, (verse 32) "Go ye, therefore, and do the works of "You may appoint Seymour B. Young to fill up the vacancy in Abraham; enter ye into my law. . . ." The question is, what is the law? The the presiding 34th verse says, "God commanded Abraham, and Sarah gave Hagar to quorum of Seventies, if he will conform to my law; For it is not meet that men Abraham to who will not abide my law shall preside over my priesthood." [both here and wife. And why did she do it? Because this was the law, and from Hagar hereafter] (Ibid., p. 35) sprang many people. this, therefore, was fulfilling, among other things, the [36] (Note: Seymour B. Young was born in 1837 and was married to promises." In the 37th verse it is said, "Abraham received concubines, and Ann E. Riter they bear him children, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness, in 1867; so since he already had a wife in 1882, when this revelation was because they were given unto him, and he abode in my law, as Isaac also, and received, then "my law" referred to plural marriage. He became a member of Jacob did none other things than that which they were commanded. . . ." the [34] "David also received many wives and concubines, as also First Council of Seventies in 1882 with the promise that he would comply Solomon and Moses with my servants, as also many others of my servants, from the beginning of the conditions of the revelation. He married Abbie Wells [daughter of Daniel creation until this time; and in nothing did they sin save in those things H. Wells] in 1884, the same year that Heber J. Grant took his first plural which they received not of me." (38th verse) wife.) You seem desirous to take part of the law and reject the other part, but Revelation of September 26, 1886 (entire), given to John it is plainly stated as above quoted, that they were "to do the works of Taylor: Abraham, and that if ye enter not into my law, ye cannot receive the promise "My son John: You have asked me concerning the New and of my Father which was made unto Abraham." It is further said, "God Everlasting commanded Covenant and how far it is binding upon my people; Abraham and Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to wife, and that the reason why Thus saith the Lord: All commandments that I give must be she obeyed by those did it was because it was the law." It is evident, therefore, from the whole calling themselves by my name, unless they are revoked by me or by my of the above that other wives are included in this law as well as the one. authority, and how can I revoke an everlasting covenant; for I the Lord am You further inquire: "What is the difference in a man having everlasting and my everlasting covenants cannot be abrogated, nor done away dead wives with, but they stand forever. sealed to him, than living women, so that he has one living wife; will they Have I not given my word in great plainness on this subject? gain as great an exaltation if they have dead women sealed to them as they Yet have not would if they had living women sealed to them?" This law pertains more great numbers of my people been negligent in the observance of my laws and particularly to the living, and on this point I refer you to verse 52 wherein the it is said: "And let mine handmaid, Emma Smith, receive all those that have keeping of my commandments, and yet have I borne with them these many been given unto my servant Joseph, and who are virtuous and pure before me; years; and those who are not pure, and have said they were pure, shall be destroyed, and this because of their weakness, because of the perilous times, and saith the Lord God." And in the 64th verse: "And again, verily, verily, I say furthermore, it is more pleasing to me that men should use their free agency unto you, if any man have a wife, who holds the keys of this power, and he in regards to these matters. teaches unto her the law of my Priesthood, as pertaining to these things, then Nevertheless, I the Lord do not change and my word and my shall she believe, and administer unto him, or she shall be destroyed, saith covenants and the Lord your God, for I will destroy her; for I will magnify my name upon all my law do not, and as I have heretofore said by my servant Joseph: All those those who receive and abide in my law." This is the law of Sarah, "who who would enter into my glory must and shall obey my law. administered unto Abraham according to the law, when I commanded And have I not commanded men that if they were Abraham's Abraham to seed and would take Hagar to wife." enter into my glory, they must do the works of Abraham? I have not revoked You seem to be desirous of having dead women sealed to your this law, nor will I, for it is everlasting, and those who will enter into my husband glory must obey the conditions thereof. Even so, Amen." (Ibid., pp. 54-55) instead of living ones, [35] whereas the law pertaining to these matters does not put things in that shape. We read that the Lord commanded and Sarah gave [37] Hagar to Abraham to wife, and it is for wives as well as husbands to perform GEORGE TEASDALE (1831-1907) their part in relation to these matters as explicitly stated in verse 64 (Dedicated missionary, Gen. Sun. Sch. Board, Apostle) wherein it is said: "If he teaches unto her the law of my Priesthood as pertaining to these things, then shall she believe and administer unto him, or 10 (Jan. 1884) I bear my solemn testimony that plural marriage is up unto eternal lives, and you know they are yours from that time henceforth as true as and forever. (JD 3:360) any principle that has been revealed from the heavens. I bear my testimony that it is a necessity, and that the Church of Christ in its fullness never (July 1862) Why do we believe in and practice polygamy? existed without it. Where you have the eternity of marriage, you are bound to Because the Lord have plural marriage; bound to; and it is one of the marks of the Church of introduced it to his servants in a revelation given to Joseph Smith, and the Jesus Christ in its sealing ordinances. (JD 25:21) Lord's servants have always practiced it. "And is that religion popular in heaven?" It is the only popular religion there, for this is the religion of Abraham, and, unless we do the works of Abraham, we are not Abraham's WILFORD WOODRUFF (1807-1898) seed and (Fourth President of the Church) heirs according to promise. (JD 9:322)

Revelation of January 26, 1880 (excerpts), given to Wilford (August 1866) We wish to obtain all that father Abraham Woodruff, at obtained. I wish Sunset, Arizona: here to say to the Elders of Israel, and to all the members of this Church and "And I say again, woe unto that nation or house or people who kingdom, that it is in the hearts of many of them to wish that the doctrine of seek to polygamy was not taught and practiced by us. It may be hard for many, and hinder my people from obeying the Patriarchal law of Abraham, which especially for the ladies, yet it is no harder for them than it is for the leadeth to gentlemen. It is the word of the Lord, and I wish to say to you, and all the Celestial Glory, which has been revealed unto my Saints through the mouth of world, that if you desire with all your hearts to obtain the blessings which my servant Joseph, for whosoever doeth these things shall be damned, saith Abraham obtained, you will be polygamists, at least in your faith, or you will the come short of enjoying the salvation and the glory which Abraham has Lord of Hosts, and shall be broken up and wasted away from under heaven by obtained. the This is as true as that God lives. You who wish that there were no such thing judgments which I have sent forth, and which shall not return unto me void." in existence, if you have in your hearts to say: "We will pass along in the Church without obeying or submitting to it in our faith or believing this (April 1879) Again, this testament which Joseph Smith left, order, because, for aught that we know, this community may be broken up yet, contains a and we may have lucrative offices offered to us; we will not, therefore, be revelation and commandment from God, out of heaven, concerning the polygamists lest we should fail in obtaining some earthly honor, character and patriarchal office, etc."--the man that has that in his heart, and will continue to order of marriage. The Lord has commanded us to have our wives and persist in pursuing that policy, will come short of dwelling in the presence children of the Father and the Son, in celestial glory. The only men who become Gods, sealed to us for time and eternity, that we may have them with us in our even the Sons of God, are those who enter into [40] polygamy. Others attain family organizations in the resurrection, to dwell with forever in the eternal unto a glory and may even be permitted to come into the presence of the worlds, that we may have an increase of posterity forever in connection with Father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the ancient patriarchs. And God, our and the Son; but they cannot reign as kings in glory, because they had heavenly Father, knowing that this was the only law [plural marriage] blessings offered unto them, and they refused to accept them. * * * ordained It is the decree of the Almighty, that in the last days seven by the [38] Gods of eternity that would exalt immortal beings to kingdoms, women shall thrones, principalities, powers and dominions, and heirs of God and joint take hold of one man, etc., to be counselled and advised by him, being willing heirs of Jesus Christ to a fulness of the celestial glory, I say, the God of to spin their own wool, make their own clothing and do every thing they can Israel knowing these things, commanded Joseph Smith, the prophet, and the to Latter-day Saints to obey this law, "or you shall be damned," saith the Lord. earn their own living, if they can only bear his name to take away their (Mill. Star 41:242) reproach. What is this order for? It is for the resurrection; it is not for this world. I would not go across this bowery for polygamy, if it only pertained to this world. (JD 11:268-269, 270-271) BRIGHAM YOUNG (1801-1877) (Second President of the Church) (August 1873) Now, where a man in this Church says, "I don't want but one (August 1852 Conference) The revelation [on plural marriage] wife, I will live my religion with one," he will perhaps be saved in the will be read celestial kingdom [but not the highest degree]; but when he gets there he will to you. The principle spoken upon by Brother Pratt, this morning, we believe not find himself in possession of any wife at all. He has had a talent that he in. And I tell you--for I know it--it will sail over and ride triumphantly has hid up. He will come forward and say, "Here is that which thou gavest me; above all the prejudice and priestcraft of the day. * * * I have not wasted it, and here is the one talent," and he will not enjoy it, It is all connected with the exaltation of man, showing how he but it will be taken and given to those who have improved the talents they becomes received, and he will find himself without any wife, and he will remain single exalted to be a king and a priest--yea, even a God, like his Father in heaven. forever and ever. But if the woman is determined not to enter into a plural Without the doctrine that this Revelation reveals, no man on earth ever could marriage, that woman when she comes forth will have the privilege of living be exalted to be a God. (JD 6: 281, 282; also Mill. Star Supp. 15:31) in single blessedness through all eternity. Well, that is very good, a very nice (June 1856) Elders, never love your wives one hair's breadth place to be a minister to the wants of others. I recollect a sister conversing further than with Joseph Smith on this subject. She told him: "Now, don't talk to me; when they adorn the Gospel; never love them so but that you can leave them at a I get into the celestial kingdom, if I ever do get there, I shall request the moment's warning without shedding a tear. Should you love a child any more privilege of being a ministering angel; that is the labor that I wish to than this? No. Here are Apostles and Prophets who are destined to be exalted perform. I don't want any companion in that world; and if the Lord will make with the Gods, to become rulers in the kingdoms of our Father, to become me a ministering angel, it is all I want." Joseph said, "Sister, you talk very equal foolishly; you do not know what you will want." He [41] then said to me: with the Father and the Son, and will you let your affections be unduly placed "Here, brother Brigham, you seal this lady to me." I sealed her to him. This on anything this side that kingdom and glory? If you do, you disgrace your was my own sister according to the flesh. Now, sisters, do not say, "I do not calling and Priesthood. The very moment that persons in this Church suffer want a husband when I get up in the resurrection." You do not know what you their affections to be immoderately placed upon an object this side the will want. I tell this so that you can get the idea. If in the resurrection celestial kingdom, they disgrace their profession and calling. When you love you really want to be single and alone, and live so forever and ever, and be your wives and children, are fond of your horses, your carriages, your fine made servants, while others receive the highest order of intelligence and are houses, your goods and chattels, or [39] anything of an earthly nature, before bringing worlds into existence, you can have the privilege. They who will be your affections become too strong, wait until you and your family are sealed exalted cannot perform all the labor; they must have servants and you can be 11 servants to them. (JD 16:166, 167) *

NEWELL K. YOUNG [44] CONCLUSION: (Pacheco Ward Bishopric, Mexico) When Should Plural Marriage Be Lived?

After Joseph F. Smith became president in 1901, at both local After reading the preceding compilation of information, some and important all-church levels, voices were heard recalling the Saints to an acceptance of questions should be considered and answered: "all the principles of the Gospel." A member of the bishopric in one of the Mormon colonies in Mexico [Newell K. Young] told a congregation there that 1. Does celestial plural marriage have to be lived in mortality in only those who entered plural marriage would become gods. (Quoted in order Solemn for an individual to qualify for the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom? Covenant, B. Carmon Hardy, see pp. 190 & 310.) 2. Can these marriages be performed during the Millennium? 3. Will those who did not have the chance to enter into plural marriage [42] in this life (i.e., those who died before reaching marriageable age) have a A PROTEST (March 31, 1870) chance at some future time? (Excerpts from Resolutions of Protest to be presented to Congress, prepared by A seer stone would certainly be helpful about now in obtaining a Committee of 13 and read to the Saints in the Tabernacle by George Q. complete Cannon and correct answers to these questions! However, there are some remarks by and unanimously adopted by them) early leaders that give us a fairly good picture of the situation. Beginning with Joseph Smith: Second, whereas, according to the positive knowledge of a large number of Except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant persons now assembled, the doctrine of celestial marriage, or plurality of and be wives, was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and by him established in married for eternity, while in this probation, by the power and authority the of the Holy Priesthood, they will cease to increase when they die; that Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a revealed law of God; is, they will not have any children after the resurrection. But those who therefore be it are married by the power and authority of the priesthood in this life, RESOLVED, that we, the members of said Church, in general and continue without committing the sin against the Holy Ghost, will mass meeting continue to increase and have children in the celestial glory. (TPJS, pp. assembled, do now most earnestly and solemnly declare before Almighty God 300-301; also DHC 5:391) that we hold that said order of marriage is a cardinal principle of our religious The Prophet made this comment before Brother and Sister faith, affecting us not only for time, but for all eternity, and as sacred and Benjamin Johnson binding as any other principle of the holy gospel of the Son of God. and William Clayton in Ramus, Illinois, May 16, 1843. At that time the new Third, RESOLVED, that celestial marriage, or plurality of and wives, is that everlasting covenant of marriage referred to plural marriage, even though it principle of our holy religion which confers on man the power of endless was not specifically mentioned in this passage. One might then inquire as to lives, or eternal increase, and is therefore beyond the perview of legislative what he meant by the word probation. A couple of definitions are-- enactment; the woman being married to the man for all eternity, by authority of the Holy Priesthood, delegated from God to him. * * * [45] This life is a state of probation. It is here that we are to learn "Remonstrance": (following the Resolutions) Gentlemen of the the ways of God, and fulfill various laws in order that we may again live Senate and in his presence. (LDS Reference Encyclopedia, Melvin R. Brooks, p. 394) House of Representatives: We . . . are believers in the principle of plural marriage or polygamy, not simply as an elevating social relationship and a . . . nevertheless there was a space granted unto man in which preventative of many terrible evils which afflict our race; but as a principle he revealed by God, underlying our very hope of eternal salvation and happiness might repent; therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to in heaven. (Des. News, Mar. 31, 1870; Mill. Star 32:275) prepare to meet God; a time to prepare for that endless state which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead. (Alma 12:24; see also Alma 42:4 and II Nephi 2:21, 9:27; also D & C 29:43.) [43] PETITION FOR AMNESTY (December 19, 1891) Thus, "this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, (Excerpt of a petition to the U.S. President signed by the First Presidency behold and Apostles of the Church, asking for general amnesty) the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." (Alma 34:32)

We, the First Presidency and Apostles of the Church of Jesus Along this same line, Joseph F. Smith, sixth Church President, Christ of asked: Latter-day Saints, beg respectfully to represent to your Excellency, the following facts: Why did Jesus teach the doctrine that there was no marrying nor We formerly taught to our people that polygamy, or celestial giving in marriage in the other world? Why did he teach the doctrine that marriage, as marriage was instituted by the Father and designed to be accomplished in commanded by God through Joseph Smith, was right; that it was a necessity this life? (Gospel Doctrine, p. 279) to man's highest exaltation in the life to come. The New Testament passage referred to here is recorded in That doctrine was publicly promulgated by our President, the Matt. 22:30, late Brigham when Christ was answering a question asked by the Sadducees, who, Young, forty years ago, and was steadily taught and impressed upon the according to Latter-day Saints up to a short time before September, 1890. (Smoot Case Orson Pratt, were a wicked class of people. They had rejected Jesus Christ, Proceedings, vol. 1:18; Contributor 13:196) didn't believe in a resurrection, and were trying to trick the Savior, who responded: * * * * * * * * For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in 12 marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. (King James edition and . . . when the thousand years of rest shall come and thousands Insp. Trans.) and thousands of Temples shall be built, and the servants and handmaids of The same account is also recorded in Luke: the Lord shall have entered therein and officiated for themselves, and for their dead friends back to the days of Adam; . . . (Brigham Young, JD And Jesus answering said unto them [the Sadducees], The 17:117) children of this world marry, and are given [46] in marriage: But they which shall be [48] In the Millennium, a duration of one thousand years, we shall accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the be dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any actively engaged administering for the dead, and assisting God to fix up more, for they are equal unto the angels and are the children of God, accounts with the inhabitants of the earth. (John Taylor, JD 19:159) being the children of the resurrection. (Luke 20:34-36) We read sometimes about the millennium. But what do we Whether Christ was referring specifically to the seven husbands know about or to it? It is a time when this work will be going on, and Temples, thousands mankind in general, He made it clear that after the resurrection, there would of them, will be reared for the accomplishment of the objects designed, be no marrying nor giving in marriage by resurrected beings themselves. And in which communications from the heavens will be received in regard to this same information has been given in our dispensation as well: our labors, how we may perform them, and for whom. (John Taylor, JD 25:185) Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are Further information on the Millennium is included on the next given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are few pages ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more to give a better understanding of the conditions that will exist then and of and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory. For these angels did the work that will be performed relating to marriage. These excerpts come not abide my law [plural marriage?]; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, from but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved Joseph Fielding Smith, Church Historian for many years, and are taken from condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are his angels of God forever and ever. (D & C 132:16-17) three-volume set of Doctrines of Salvation:

Orson Pratt greatly clarifies these scriptural passages: Excerpts on the Millennium

Jesus informs us that in the resurrection mankind are neither "During this time of peace, when the righteous shall come forth married nor given in marriage: all these things have to be attended to from here. In the resurrection, a man is not to be baptized. Here is the place their graves, they shall mingle with mortal men on the earth and instruct to attend to these things. . . . for if I put it off beyond this life, in them. The veil which separates the living from the dead will be withdrawn and the resurrection there will be no such thing as putting on Christ by mortal men and the ancient saints shall converse together. Moreover, in being baptized. Just so, in the resurrection there will be no such thing perfect harmony shall they labor for the salvation and exaltation of the as attending to the ceremony of marriage, so far as we are informed. But worthy who have died without the privileges of the gospel. Jesus further says, concerning those persons who have not attended to The great work of the millennium shall be performed in the those matters here, that in the resurrection they are as the angels of temples which God; and some of the angels are a little lower than men. In what respect? shall cover all parts of the land and into which the children shall go to They have not the power to increase their kingdom by the multiplication complete the work for their fathers, which they could not do when in this of their species, and this because they have not lawful and legal wives. mortal life for themselves. They are probably among that class who [47] have put off marriage for In this manner those who have passed through the resurrection, eternity, and die without attending to it; and after the resurrection, and who they find themselves wifeless, without any family or kingdoms of their know all about people and conditions on the other side, will place in the own offspring. In this single and undesirable condition they are to hands of those who are in mortality, the necessary information by and through remain, because they cannot hunt up a wife after the resurrection. Such, which the great work of salvation for every worthy soul shall be [49] instead of receiving crowns, will merely become ministers or messengers performed, and thus the purposes of the Lord, as determined before the for the crown, being sent forth by those who have attained to a higher foundation of the world, will be fully consummated." (v. 2, pp. 251-252) glory, who have the power of receiving kingdoms, and increasing the same, "However, there shall be mortality upon the face of the earth through their own offspring that are begotten after the resurrection by during the the wives given to them while here in this world. These angels have thousand years, because of the great work that is to be accomplished of forfeited this privilege; consequently, they are lower than the man who salvation for the dead. During that thousand years of peace the great work of keeps a celestial law; and if these angels lived on the earth, they would the Lord shall be in the temples, and into those temples the people shall go be called old bachelors. (JD 6:359, July 24, 1859) to labor for those who have passed beyond and who are waiting to have these ordinances which pertain to their salvation performed for them by those who Thus, it seems clear that mortality is the time to perform still dwell in mortality upon the earth. And so there shall be mortal men, but celestial they shall live from the time of birth until they are 100 years old and shall plural marriages in order to qualify for exaltation in the highest degree of then be changed suddenly. * * * the Celestial Kingdom. But exactly what is meant by the terms mortality--this All those who have died in Christ shall come forth from the life--this probation? Many references show that they all include the 1000 dead at his years of the Millennium since there will be mortals, immortals, and coming and shall dwell upon the earth as Christ shall be upon the earth during resurrected beings all living and mingling together during that time. Since this millennium. They shall not remain here all the time during the thousand ordinance work such as baptisms and marriages cannot be performed by years, but they will mingle with those who are still here in mortal life. spirits These resurrected saints and the Savior himself, shall come to give or resurrected beings, such ordinances would need to be performed by instruction and guidance; to reveal unto us the things we ought to know; to mortals--who act as proxies in thousands of millennial temples. give us information concerning the work in the temples of the Lord so we may do the work which is essential to the salvation of worthy men." (v. 3, pp. 58, Brigham Young and John Taylor, among many others, have 59) mentioned the extensive temple work that will be done during the Millennium: "Some people think we have got to do the work in the temple for everybody. Temple work belongs to the celestial kingdom, not to the other 13 kingdoms. * * * be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent To be exalted in the celestial kingdom one must be endowed and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. (Isaiah 3:25, 4:1-2) and receive the sealing blessings. There will be many who will enter that kingdom as Now, going on to the third question about those who die before servants, but only those who comply with ALL the laws and covenants will be reaching exalted. marriageable age--Joseph Fielding Smith sheds some light on this subject as We have the assurance that the Lord will reward every soul well: according to his or her works. He will judge each of us by the intent of the heart. If any In the resurrection of the dead, the child that was buried in its worthy person is denied in this life the blessings which so readily come to infancy will come up in the form of the child that it was when it was others, and yet lives [50] faithfully and to the best of his or her ability in laid down; then it will begin to [52] develop. From the day of the striving to keep the commandments of the Lord, then nothing will be lost to resurrection, the body will develop until it reaches the full measure of him. Such a person will be given all the blessings that can be given. The Lord the stature of its spirit, whether it be male or female." (Imp. Era will make up to him the fulness after this life is ended and the full life has 12:594) come. * * * We never make matches for the dead in the temples. The Lord And then-- will bless all who are worthy of the blessings, and they will lose nothing. The work of We have people coming to us all the time just as fearful as they the millennium will be largely work for the dead who did not have an can opportunity when living to obtain the blessings, but who would have accepted be that a child of theirs who has died will lose the blessings of the the blessings if they had lived. Justice demands this. * * * kingdom of God unless that child is sealed to someone who is dead. They Will resurrected beings during the millennium actually take part do not know the wishes of their child who died too young to think of in the marriage, . . . endowment work of the temple along with mortal beings? The Lord has said through his servants that during the The answer to this question is no! That is, they will not assist in millennium performing the ordinances. Resurrected beings will assist in furnishing those who have passed beyond and have attained the resurrection will information which is not otherwise available, but mortals will have to do the reveal in person to those who are still in mortality all the information ordinance work in the temples. which is required to complete the work of these who have passed from this Baptism, confirmation, ordination, endowment, and sealings all life. Then the dead will have the privilege of making known the things pertain to they desire and are entitled to receive. In this way no soul will be this mortal life and are ordinances required of those who are in mortality. neglected and the work of the Lord will be perfected" (Doc. of Sal., v. Provision has been made for these ordinances to be performed vicariously for 3, p. 65) those who are worthy but who died without the opportunity in this life of receiving these ordinances in person. Little children who die before they reach the years of You can readily see that it would be inconsistent for a accountability will automatically inherit the celestial kingdom, but not resurrected being the exaltation in that kingdom until they have complied with all the to come and be baptized for the dead. The resurrected person has passed to requirements of exaltation. For instance: another sphere where the laws and blessings do not pertain to this mortal The crowning glory is marriage and this ordinance would have life. This is equally true of every other ordinance. If it were permissible to be for resurrected persons to come and do work in the temples, then there would performed in their behalf before they could inherit the fulness of that be no reason for us in this mortal life to act vicariously for them, for they kingdom. The Lord is just with all his children, and little children who would do it for themselves." (v. 2, pp. 176, 177, 178) die will not be penalized . . . simply because they happen to die. The Lord will grant unto these children the privilege of all the sealing "After the thousand years Satan will be loosed again and will go blessings which pertain to the exaltation. (Ibid., vol. 2, pp. 54-55) forth again to deceive the nations. Because men are [51] still mortal, Satan will go And from Brigham Young-- out to deceive them. Men will again deny the Lord, but in doing so they will act with their eyes open and because they love darkness rather than light, and It may be thought by some that when young persons die, they so they become sons of perdition. Satan will gather his hosts, both those on will be the earth and the wicked dead who will eventually also be brought forth in the cut short of the privileges and [53] blessings God designs for His resurrection. Michael, the Prince, will gather his forces and the last great children; but this is not so. The faithful will never miss a blessing battle will be fought. Satan will be defeated with his hosts. Then will come through being cut off while here. And let me say to my brethren and the end. Satan and those who follow him will be banished into outer sisters, that it is not the design of the Father that the earthly career darkness." of any should terminate until they have lived out their days. (JD 14:230) (v. 1, p. 87) [See also D & C Sections 43, 63, 88, and 101 for more information on the Millennium.] Various individuals have received answers which have been comforting and * * * informative to them personally. For example, Melvin J. Ballard, after the loss of his six-year-old son, related this experience: Thus, the first two questions asked at the beginning of this section have Yes, even though some mortals die in infancy, that is no loss; been answered: (1) Yes, celestial marriage has to be performed and lived in no mortality, and (2) since the Millennium is also a part of mortality, these child has lost anything, for all the experiences that he would have had, marriages can be performed during that time as well. had he lived, are only postponed. It will all come to them. I know when we lost a little boy some six years of age, I grieved over it, because I It is interesting to note that, according to Isaiah, an increase of thought in my very sadness that he had lost something great. I grieved those over it, and I thought, is it possible because of his death that he never living plural marriage will occur during the beginning of the Millennium, for will have the privilege of gaining that great exaltation? And the Lord he said: whispered peace to my soul and gave me a revelation for myself--not a revelation for the Church, but just a revelation for my peace and Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war. * * comfort--that in the Lord's own time my son will have every right to * choose a companion and receive the sealing powers that will unite him And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will with one of his own choosing so that he can pass by the gods unto his own eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy exaltation. When the right time comes the Lord will reveal it. (Crusader name, to take away our reproach. In that day shall the branch of the Lord for Righteousness, Melvin J. Ballard, p. 278) 14 Thus, we will have to be content in realizing that in mortality The Prophet Joseph Smith also felt that those who die early we can't would still understand all there is to know about exaltation; but we can go from step to have every opportunity for exaltation, for in Nauvoo he told two young men step in learning and living the revealed information that is available. whom he asked to attend a meeting of his enemies-- Certainly this is the time (in mortality) to prepare to meet God (in the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom), and not intentionally put off to Boys, this will be their last meeting, and they may shed your another time or place the obedience of principles and ordinances that can and blood, should be obeyed here and now. but I hardly think they will, as you are so young. If they do, I will be a lion in their path! Don't flinch. If you have to die, die like men; you will be martyrs to the cause, and your crowns can be no greater. ("Conspiracy of Nauvoo", p. 3, as recorded in The Contributor, vol. 5, see pp. 251-260.)

[54] It is interesting to note that when Joseph Smith had the spiritual experience of seeing his brother Alvin in the Celestial Kingdom, it did not say the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom. However, he will undoubtedly be given that opportunity to qualify during the Millennium. This same information was given to Joseph Smith in a subsequent revelation describing "heirs" (candidates) of the celestial kingdom, which said that, "all who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God." [with the opportunity in the Millennium to qualify for the highest degree of that kingdom] (DHC 2:380)

For those who believe in plural marriage as an eternal principle but are not yet living it, maybe they can take comfort in the following two passages:

It is the word of the Lord, and I wish to say to you, and all the world, that if you desire with all your hearts to obtain the blessings which Abraham obtained, you will be polygamists, at least in your faith, or you will come short of enjoying the salvation and the glory which Abraham has obtained. This is as true as that God lives. (Brigham Young, JD 11:268-269)

And there are none that doeth good except those who are ready to receive the fulness of my gospel, which I have sent forth unto this generation. (D & C 35:12)

There is certainly much that can be done in preparing and becoming ready to receive and live the fulness of His gospel--which as Brigham Young states includes Plural Marriage and the United Order:

Hear it, ye Elders of Israel, and mark it down in your log books, the fulness of the Gospel is the United Order and the order of Plural Marriage, and I fear that when I am gone, this people will give up these two principles which we prize so highly; and, if [55] they do, this Church cannot advance as God wishes for it to advance. (Statement made at the time of the dedication of the St. George Temple in 1877; quoted in Truth, vol. 3, p. 166)

Even though these two principles, along with many others, have been given up by the LDS Church, they remain laws of the Priesthood and laws of the fullness of the Gospel, which the Saints can still accept and live.

Nevertheless, according to Joseph Smith, none of us will be able to learn all the principles of exaltation here in mortality:

When you climb a ladder, you must begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at the top; and so it is with the principles of the Gospel: you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all the principles of exaltation. But it will be a great while after you have passed through the veil before you will have learned them. It is not all to be comprehended in this world; it will be a great work to learn our salvation and exaltation even beyond the grave. ("King Follett Discourse", JD 6:4)


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