American History Chapter 1 – Roots of American People

Name: ______

Common Core State Standards:  7.4.9B Impacts of people on physical systems.  8.1.9B Analyze and interpret historical sources.  7.3.9B Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics.  6.4.9B Explain how trade may improve a society’s standard of living.  7.1.9B Explain and locate places and regions.  8.4.9D Analyze how conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations impacted world history through 1500 Africa, Americas, Asia, and Europe.

Level C: All students must complete 80 points for this chapter before moving on to Level B.

Unless otherwise stated, task is to be completed on loose-leaf with proper heading and labeled with Section and task number. To save paper; do not turn in loose-leaf until entire section is completed.

Example: Section 1 Task 1.

TASK – Complete a minimum of 20 points Points Completed Chapter 1 Section 1 – The Earliest American 1. * Required* Read the Section (pages 6-10) and complete Reading 10 and Notetaking Study Guide 2. * Required* Complete Review Notes given by teacher 5 3. Complete "Check Your Progress" on page 9; #1, 2, 4, 5, 6 5 4. Make flashcard for Vocabulary Builder words on text page 6. 2 5. Complete "Checkpoint" on pages 7 and 9. 2 6. Complete "Section Quiz" worksheet. 5 7. Complete “Map Master Skills Activity” on text page 7. 2

TASK – Complete a minimum of 20 points Points Completed Chapter 1 Section 2 – Cultures of North America 1. * Required* Read the Section (pages 10-15) and complete Reading 10 and Notetaking Study Guide 2. * Required* Complete Review Notes given by teacher 5 3. Complete "Check Your Progress" on page 15; #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 5 4. Make flashcard for Vocabulary Builder words on text page 10. 2 5. Complete "Checkpoint" on pages 11 and 15. 2 6. Complete "Section Quiz" worksheet. 5 7. Look at page 13 “Homes of Native Americans” and answer questions: 2 “How did the dwellings of Native Americans in the Arctic, the Great Plains, and the Eastern Woodlands reflect the local environment?” “In 1 which culture areas did Native Americans probably not depend on the sea for food? Explain.”

TASK – Complete a minimum of 20 points Points Completed Chapter 1 Section 3 – Trade Networks of Asia and Africa 1. * Required* Read the Section (pages 16-19) and complete Reading 10 and Notetaking Study Guide 2. * Required* Complete Review Notes given by teacher 5 3. Complete "Check Your Progress" on page 9; #1, 2, 4, 5 5 4. Make flashcard for Vocabulary Builder words on text page 16. 2 5. Complete "Checkpoint" on pages 18 and 19. 2 6. Complete "Section Quiz" worksheet. 5 7. Complete “Biography Quest” on text page 18. Internet is needed. 2

TASK – Complete a minimum of 20 points Points Completed Chapter 1 Section 4 – The European Heritage 1. * Required* Read the Section (pages 22-27) and complete Reading 10 and Notetaking Study Guide 2. * Required* Complete Review Notes given by teacher 5 3. Complete "Check Your Progress" on page 27; #1, 2, 4, 5, 6. 5 4. Make flashcard for Vocabulary Builder words on text page 22. 2 5. Complete "Checkpoint" on pages 23, 25, 26, and 27. 2 6. Complete "Section Quiz" worksheet. 5 7. Answer question #7 on page 27 “Check Your Progress 2

Total Points for Level C: ______

“B” Level: You must earn 20 points before proceeding to the “A” Level. Your work should reflect the time spent on the activity. Work must be of a high quality in order to receive maximum points.

TASK - Chapter 1 Summary Points Completed

1. **MANDATORY** Complete Progress Monitoring online Self-test. Section 1 Web Code mva-1011; Section 2 Web Code mva-1012; Section 3 Web Code mva-1013; Section 3 10 Web Code mva-1014. Record answers you chose for each section and your score for each section. 2. Chapter 1: Review and Assessment. Complete page 30 #2-10. Be 10 sure to answer in complete sentence form. 3. Complete Primary Source worksheets 20-21: Iroquois 10 Constitution and Marco Polo. Then complete the Chapter Progress Monitoring Online Self Test: Web Code mva-1016. Record 2 answers and your score.

Total Points for “B” level: ______

“A” Level: You must complete “B” level first. Complete one activity for 15 points. Your work should reflect the time spent on the activity. Work must be of a high quality in order to receive maximum points.

TASK - Chapter 1 Points Completed

1. Answer each of the following “Section Focus Questions” Section 1: How did early civilization develop in the Americas? Section 2: How did geography influence the development of cultures in North America? 15 Section 3: How did trade link Europe, Africa, and Asia? Section 4: What major influences shaped European civilization? Chapter Summary: How did different cultures and traditions develop around the world? 2. Create a Timeline using Section 4: Plot events and their dates in chronological order on a timeline spanning the time frame 400 – 1600 AD. Write a note that briefly describes the significance of the 15 event in the development of European civilization. Timeline will be posted in classroom. 3. Global Trade in the Fifteenth Century. Refer to pages 20-21. Then using Internet, Web Code mvl-1013; write a one - two sentence summary for each of the 5 “Hotspots” Then answer the question in proper paragraph form: Describe how West 15 African gold might travel to China. Paragraph should demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the Middle East in trade among Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Total Points for “A” Level: ______

Chapter 1 Test: ______/ 100 points

Total Grade: ______/215