Canberra Ultimate Board Meeting Wednesday 4 March 2015
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MINUTES Canberra Ultimate Board Meeting – Wednesday 4 March 2015 Civic
Chair: Jason de Rooy Minuter: Ebony Holland Present: Jason de Rooy (JdR), Anthony Perry (AP), Liz de Hoog (LdH), Thomas Walcott (TW), Ben Grady (BG), Ebony Holland (EH), Simon Ratcliffe (SR). Apologies: None
1. Opening, Attendance and Apologies The meeting opened at 8.50 pm
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
3. Disc design and order update Disc order and design is still being pursued. High resolution logo design needed from previous order.
Action 3.1 – TW to follow up on previous disc order to get high resolution logo design.
4. SCUL and NCUL league dates, including ACT Indoor Championships SCUL and NCUL autumn league dates have been finalised. League Directors have communicated dates to their players, and registration is now open. AP is also exploring dates for a potential NCUL winter league (volunteer League Director is needed), and confirming dates with mPowerdome for ACT Indoor Championships. LdH wanted to confirm fields for training for Factory up to Nationals.
Action 4.1 – AP to explore field availability with ACT Government for NCUL winter league and club training in the lead up to Nationals, as well as speak with mPowerdome to confirm dates for the ACT Indoor Championships.
5. Academy update BG has been actively promoting Academy at NCUL and SCUL games. So far, 20 people have registered their interest. BG will provide an update at the next meeting regarding proposed timings and structure for Academy.
Action 5.1 – BG to present at the next Board meeting on proposed timings and structure for Academy.
6. CU webmaster update, including website access SR provided a webmaster update to the Board, including the need to put in place a process to add/remove access rights once people are no longer involved with CU, and the promotion of events on the right-hand-side of the web page. Board agreed that there would be value in including a ‘branding’ section on the website where people can access high resolution version of CU logos. This can be linked to from the Clubs Affiliation Policy page. The Board thanked SR for attending the meeting and providing an update. Action 6.1 – BG and EH to work with SR to establish a process to ensure website access rights are regularly updated.
Action 6.2 – SR to create a ‘Branding’ section on the CU website which includes high resolution CU logos. SR to send LdH a high resolution version of the logo in the meantime for Factory uniforms.
7. CU administration calendar, CU Board job descriptions BG and EH continue to develop the administration calendar and job descriptions.
Action 7.1 – BG and EH to circulate administration and calendar and draft job descriptions to the Board for comment.
8. Other business Multiple teams from the ACT are looking to go to AMUC2015, which may present the need for a qualifications tournament. The Board will review the need for this at future meetings.
Need to remind clubs to review the Clubs Affiliation Policy. This will be discussed at future Board meetings, and is a possible ‘Ask the President’ blog.
JdR confirmed that the Under 18’s coaches will be Jesse Wallace and Emma Beresford.
9. Close and Next Meeting The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.
The next Board meeting will be held after SCUL games on Wednesday 8 April March 2015 at the Woden Tradies.
Outstanding Actions Summary 8 February 2015 4.2 TW Tom to work with AP on disc order. 8.1 JdR Jason and Anthony to arrange a written agreement with the AP Tournament Director for AMUC2016 and Nationals 2018. 8.2 JdR JdR and AP to liaise with mPowerdome to explore potential AP dates/availability for ACT Indoor Championships. 13. BG Ben and Ebony to circulate administration and calendar and draft job 1 EH descriptions to the Board for comment.
13 May 2014 4.3 JdR Progress purchasing of CU Trailer
2013 11. Board Draft Youth Nationals Guide (Emma, Jesse keen to keep managing) – 4 revisit when Emma is back
Future meetings: 2016 CU Strategic Planning discussion Player pathway document Remind clubs of the Clubs Affiliation Policy (April/May Board meeting)