Distinguished Alumni Award Presented to Dr. Lisa Roy

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Distinguished Alumni Award Presented to Dr. Lisa Roy

Dr. Roy’s keynote address described her journey from high November/December, 2007 Distinguished Alumni Award school honors classes and the Volume 12, Issue 3 Presented to Dr. Lisa Roy class presidency to the challenge Calling her an inspiration to the of fitting into the diverse culture entire BCHS community, Dr. of Georgetown and conquering Inside this Issue: Martin Semmel, principal, the academic rigors of Yale. She Distinguished Alumni presented the 2008 Distinguished encouraged students to find their 1 Interact Club Donation Alumni Award to Lisa P. Roy, passion, to work toward a goal, Financial Aid Process M.D., at the Power Breakfast for and to never abandon their 2 Building Projects selected gifted and academically dreams. Fall Sports Recap talented students on Tuesday, Guests included members of Dr. National Honor Society November 13, 2007. A member Roy’s family, friends, former co- 3 Fall Drama Production of the BCHS Class of 1991, Dr. workers from ESPN, and patrons Career Center Roy graduated with honors from from the McMaster Foundation 4 Powder Puff Football Georgetown University, (B.A., and the Bristol Yale Club. Olympic Athlete Psychology, 1995), and from the BCHS Distinguished Alumni Think Central Yale School of Medicine (M.D., Awards have been presented to Talk Central 2002). Her thesis at Yale studied Adrian Wojnarowski, (BCHS Be Central! the effects of “Reach Out and ’87), best selling author and Read,” an early intervention national sports analyst and FOCUS on reading program for young commentator, in 2005; Joan Academics! children of impoverished families Kulowski Alexander, (BCHS Bristol Central High School in New Haven, CT. Dr. Roy is a ’80), State of Connecticut 480 Wolcott St. pediatrician on staff at Children’s Superior Court Justice; and Mark Bristol, CT 06010 Hospital Boston and a teaching J. Fedor, (BCHS ’87), Lieutenant (860) 584-7735 fellow at the Harvard School of Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, Medicine. Congressional Fellow, specialist Mission Statement The mission of Bristol Central Dr. Roy’s many in narco-terrorism, in 2007. High School is to encourage accomplishments in academics, students to achieve to their activities and service to Central Interact Club Makes maximum learning potential were recalled by her former Significant Donation and to develop their self worth teacher, Dorothy Raviele of the On Thursday, November 15th, in a safe environment. World Language department. Dr. BCHS InterAct club president Roy’s designation as the very Nicole Cloutier and vice Principal-Dr. Martin J. Semmel first McMaster Scholar and president Stephanie Godbout, Assistant-Mr. Daniel Sonstrom recipient of a $20,000 college with club advisor, Kelly Assistant-Mr. Peter Wininger grant was noted by BC activities Monahan-DiNoia, attended a WWW.Bristol.K12.ct.us director G. Gale Dickau, trustee reception at Bristol Hospital's of the McMaster-Moulthrop new $1.4-million Cancer Care Foundation. Center. Last June, the InterAct club proudly made its largest

...... BC Link donation ever! The club to the above mentioned web site. School Building Committees members voted unanimously to There are other web sites out http://www.bristol.k12.ct.us/page donate the entire $2,400.00 there that charge a fee, but this .cfm?p=3400 proceeds from the annual Mr. one is free. BCHS Comical Male Beauty ● Complete FAFSA as soon as Fall Sports Recap Pageant to the not-yet-opened possible after January 1st of Bristol Central sports teams Cancer Care Center. The your high school senior year. If enjoyed an outstanding fall sports hospital recently began an your family hasn’t completed season, winning four CCC South affiliation with Yale-New Haven their 2007 income tax returns yet, championships. The boys soccer, Cancer Network, which will estimate your family’s income as girls soccer, boys cross country bring cancer treatment, palliative accurately as possible. You will and girls cross country teams all care, clinical trials and other new have the opportunity to make brought home championship technology to Bristol. corrections later in the process. banners this season. ● Complete any other financial The boys soccer team went “It was amazing to see that the aid forms required by the through the regular season with money we raised helped to build colleges. Meet all deadlines. only one loss, knocking off the such a beautiful facility that will ● Keep a copy of all the forms state’s number one team, give people in our community the you file. Wethersfield, along the way. The care that they deserve,” Godbout Rams won the CCC South with a remarked. School Donation 7-0-3 record and won their first We would like to thank Craig state tournament game 1-0 over Cloutier stated, "I was so Yarde, Bristol Central Alumnus, Newtown. Jon Martin was named humbled to be a part of the grand for donating 16 high-quality, to the Class LL All State team opening of the Bristol Hospital outdoor trash receptacles. They and Mike Mauro was the MVP of Cancer Wing. As Stephanie and I are made out of concrete and the senior bowl game. walked through the wing, I was recycled glass and are The girls soccer team won its speechless. It is astonishing to emblazoned with our school third straight CCC South title imagine what technology can do logo. with a 9-1 record. The girls lost a for people. The wing is heartbreaking 1-0 decision to absolutely remarkable; the wing School Project Information Simsbury in their first state will do great things for the The links below provide tournament game on a goal Bristol community and I am so information regarding our current scored with just 13 seconds left grateful to have been invited to renovation projects at Ivy Drive in the game. Meredith Rogers the grand opening." and Mountain View Schools. was named All State and Katie Additionally, you can learn more Wiemert represented Central in Quick Overview on Applying about the newly proposed schools the senior bowl. for Financial Aid to be built in Forestville and on The boys and girls cross country ● If the school you are applying the West End of Bristol. Also teams both sailed through their to uses PROFILE, register now at available is a brochure that CCC South season with a perfect https://profileonline.collegeboard responds to frequently asked 10-0 record and won the Bristol .com. Only use PROFILE if the questions on the concept of K-8 City Championship as well. Alex school requests it—most do not. schools. Romano led the boys to the title ● All schools require you to and was again city champ. apply for FAFSA (Free Brochure on K-8 Schools Jessica DiVenere was the top Application for Federal Student http://www.bristol.k12.ct.us/uplo runner for the girls team. Aid) at www.fafsa.ed.gov if you aded/pdf/NSP/School_brochure.p The volleyball team also had an are to receive financial aid—this df outstanding season, making the is a must. Make sure you apply tournament for the second

...... 2 BC Link straight year. Central beat Platt Society is a duly chartered and We advise all students eligible for the first time in many years affiliated chapter of this for NHS to read over these and finished at the .500 mark in prestigious national organization. documents very carefully. These the CCC South for the first time Membership is open to those documents will be given out with in more than a decade while students who meet the required the Information Packets as well. going unbeaten in the regular standards in four areas of season against teams from evaluation: scholarship, Canned Food Drive outside the division. The Rams leadership, service and character. The BCHS NHS is also ended the year with a 13-6 record sponsoring a Canned Food Drive after a tough tournament loss to Seniors Eligible for NHS from Monday, 12/3 – Conard. Seniors who were not inducted Wednesday, 12/19. Students are While the swim team did not post into NHS in the Spring of last encouraged to bring cans into a winning record, the year was year who have a 3.7 cumulative their classes. Some teachers are highlighted by a number of grade point average or better will even offering extra credit! All strong individual performances. receive their Information Packets cans will be donated to the Freshman Sara Leoni had an on Monday, 12/3. These packets Salvation Army in Bristol. excellent year and three BCHS are due on Monday, 12/10. The relay teams qualified for the state Winter Tapping will take place For More Information… Class L championship meet. on Friday, 12/14 during first Contact the NHS Chapter The football team struggled to a period. Advisor 2-8 season in a rebuilding year, Juniors Eligible for NHS Amanda Robustelli-Price: but quarterback Matt Coyne had Juniors who have a 3.7 [email protected]. a record setting season. The All cumulative grade point average us State quarterback broke his own or better will receive their school record by passing for Information Packets on Monday, Fall Drama Production 2,516 yards and 20 touchdowns 3/3. These packets are due on Successful on the season. He finished with Monday, 3/10. The Spring The Diary of Anne Frank was a 6,635 career yards, good for third Tapping will take place on great success and provided our place in the state record book. Friday, 3/14 during first period. students and community with a Receivers Brian Godbout, Devin The formal Spring Induction look at one of history's most Pecevich and Matt Tyrell all Ceremony will take place on endearing young heroines. The broke into the top ten list on the Tuesday, 4/1 in the evening. show triumphed creatively and school’s all time receiving list. financially, but more importantly, Godbout ended the year third in Chapter Documents the number of student attendees the school record book with 885 Please visit our website at continues to grow. Compared to yards. http://www.bristol.k12.ct.us/page past years, the student ticket price All of the teams represented the .cfm?p=214 for more of five dollars now tends to be school well on the field. BCHS information. On this page, you the average! This is great news, teams had 27 athletes named to will find: as our ultimate goal is to make all conference teams and more 1. The Selection Procedure our students more culturally than 50 who earned CCC All 2. The Four Pillars aware and to appreciate the arts. Academic honors. Guidelines Due to the hard work of the 3. The BCHS NHS Chapter student performers with the help Bylaws of some very special teachers, 4. The NHS National parents, and student volunteers, National Honor Society Constitution the show was powerful and The Bristol Central High School 5. The NHS Calendar of poignant. Chapter of the National Honor Events We are now preparing for

...... 3 BC Link GREASE and in our first week of Portfolio, please contact Mrs. facilities in San Diego, sign-ups* have close Taylor at 860-584-7735 X166 or California, where she will spend to eighty students interested in [email protected] the next several months preparing auditioning. This show promises for the 2008 Summer Olympics to be another great success as Powder Puff Football in Beijing, China. Bristol Central continues to be "a On Saturday November 17, 2007, force to be reckoned with" in the the fifth-annual Powder Puff Ms. Guerette, a 1998 graduate of state's high school theater football game, sponsored by the Bristol Central, spoke to students programs! InterAct club, was held. This about her discovery of the art of event raises money for the Make- rowing and her passion for the *Students interested in A-Wish Foundation to assist in sport while a student at Harvard auditioning for Grease should granting the wish of a terminally University, where she earned a sign up in the performing arts ill child. The money was raised B.A. in anthropology in 2002. hallway for the workshop to be by collecting $3 from all She has won every conceivable held on December 17th. spectators, volunteers, athletes, race in rowing on the national BCHS Footlights Presents: and coaches. A profit was also level and has competed with the Grease made from the concession stand World Cup team across Europe March 27-30, 2008 during the games (many thanks and Asia. She currently lives near to Dunkin Donuts for their Boston and trains with the Career Center News continued support of this Radcliffe Rowing Club; she Mrs. Taylor, BCHS Career project). This year $1,272.75 was spoke about the focused Counselor, invites you to visit the raised, exceeding last year’s total dedication to a goal that allows Career Center Web Pages for the by $400! her to rise before dawn, spend most up-to-date information on Each class formed a team; a total hours rowing on the Charles the following: of three games were played. River, followed by several hours ● BCHS Career Program: First, the juniors took on the of intense running and biking Phases and Philosophy freshmen, then the seniors played through Cambridge, each day, ● Printable Career Portfolio or against the sophomores. All every day. phase checklists teams put forth a valiant effort, ● Courses offered for credit and but in the end, it was the juniors Olympian Guerette shared her non-credit including all forms and the seniors who were story with several student athletes ● Upcoming Events, workshops, victorious. In the playoff game, in a Q and A session and offered speakers, field trips and the seniors defeated the juniors in advice and encouragement to classroom presentations overtime with a close score of each of them who sought her ● Current postings on student 12-6. There was a great turnout autograph after the session. A jobs and volunteer opportunities for this event, raising money for scholar and varsity tennis captain with helpful links on resume a worth-while cause. The at BCHS, now a world class writing and youth labor laws InterAct club would like to thank athlete, she will have many more ● Community all who participated. young fans to cheer her on to Connections/Support Olympic glory in the summer of Opportunities Climbing Mount Olympus 2008. ● Special Announcements Michelle Guerette, the top ● Question & Answer women’s single sculls rower in ● Photo Gallery the country, and the third best in For further information about the world, stopped by Bristol programs and services offered Central on her way from the fall through the Career Center or to rowing competitions in Torino, discuss your child’s Career Italy, to the Olympic training

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