1. Write the Formulas for the Following Compounds

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1. Write the Formulas for the Following Compounds

SNC 2DO IONIC COMPOUNDS: Names and Formulas

1. Write the formulas for the following compounds.

a. magnesium oxide ______MgO______k. tin (II) fluoride _____SnF2_____

b. aluminum nitride ______AlN______l. lead (IV) nitride _____Pb3N4_____

c. potassium sulfide ____K2S______m. iron (III) chloride _____FeCl3_____

d. calcium bromide ______CaBr2______n. copper (I) oxide ______Cu2O____

e. aluminum sulfide _____Al2S3______o. antimony (III) sulfide ___Sb2S3___

f. beryllium oxide _____BeO_____ p. mercury (II) oxide _____HgO_____

g. strontium phosphide ___Sr3P2___ q. tin (IV) iodide ______SnI4____

h. sodium fluoride ______NaF_____ r. arsenic (III) phosphide ___AsP____

i. lithium selenide __Li2Se______s. cobalt (II) sulphide _____CoS_____

j. barium oxide ____BaO_____ t. tin (IV) sulphide ____SnS2_____

2. Write the names for the following compounds.

a. Li2O _____lithium oxide______k. PbS __lead (II) sulfide______

b. AlCl3 ______aluminum chloride______l. SnO2 ____tin (IV) oxide_____

c. MgS ______magnesium sulfide______m. NiO _____nickel (II) oxide______

d. CaF2 _____calcium fluoride______n. CuI2 ______copper (II) iodide ______

e. Al2O3 _____aluminum oxide______o. PbCl4 ___lead (IV) chloride______

f. BeF2 ______beryllium fluoride______p. FeP ____iron (III) phosphide_____

g. K3P ______potassium phosphide______q. AuBr3 _____gold (III) bromide______

h. Mg3P2 ____magnesium phosphide_____ r. Hg2S _____mercury (I) sulfide______

i. CaO ______calcium oxide______s. SbF3 _____antimony (III) fluoride____

j. Ag2S _____silver sulfide______t. MnO2 ____manganese (IV) oxide_____ SNC 2DO POLYATOMIC COMPOUNDS: Names and Formulas

3. Write the formulas for the following compounds.

a. magnesium carbonate _____MgCO3____ k. tin (II) chlorate ___Sn(ClO3)2____

b. aluminum nitrate ____Al(NO3)3______l. lead (IV) nitrate ___Pb(NO3)4____

c. potassium sulfate _____K2SO4___ m. iron (III) carbonate ___Fe2(CO3)3____

d. calcium chlorate ___Ca(ClO3)2_____ n. copper (II) hydroxide ___Cu(OH)2___

e. aluminum sulfate_____Al2(SO4)3____ o. lead (II) nitrate ___Pb(NO3)2___

f. sodium carbonate _____Na2CO3____ p. mercury (II) chlorate __Hg(ClO3)2____

g. strontium phosphate ____Sr3(PO4)2____ q. tin (IV) phosphate ____Sn3(PO4)4_____

h. sodium chlorate ____NaClO3____ r. lead (IV) hydroxide ___Pb(OH)4_____

i. lithium nitrate ____LiNO3 _____ s. potassium nitrate ____KNO3____

j. aluminum hydroxide ____Al(OH)3____ t. tin (IV) sulphate __Sn(SO4)2___

4. Write the names for the following compounds.

a. Li2SO4 ______lithium sulfate______k. PbSO4 ___lead (II) sulfate___

b. Al(ClO3)3 ____aluminum chlorate_____ l. AuOH _gold (I) hydroxide__

c. MgSO4 ___magnesium sulfate_____ m. GaPO4 __gallium phosphate__

d. K2CO3 _____potassium carbonate_____ n. CuNO3 ___copper (I) nitrate__

e. Na2SO4 ____sodium sulfate_____ o. Pb(ClO3)4 __lead (IV) chlorate____

f. AgNO3 _____silver nitrate___ p. Fe(ClO3)3 _iron (III) chlorate______

g. K3PO4 ___potassium phosphate____ q. Au2CO3___gold (I) carbonate____

h. Sr(ClO3)2 __strontium chlorate___ r. HgOH _mercury (I) hydroxide___

i. RbOH ___rubidium hydroxide____ s. Sb2(SO4)3 __antimony (III) sulfate___

j. HClO3 ___hydrogen chlorate__ t. MnSO4 __manganese (II) sulfate__ SNC 2DO MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS: Names and Formulas

5. Write the formulas for the following compounds.

a. carbon dioxide __CO2_ k. diphosphorus trisulphide __P2S3______

b. silicon dioxide ___SiO2______l. dinitrogen monoxide ____N2O______

c. water ____H2O______m. dichlorine monoxide ____Cl2O______

d. carbon disulphide ____CS2______n. bromine gas ____Br2______

e. sulphur trioxide ____SO3______o. carbon monoxide _____CO______

f. carbon tetrachloride ___CCl4______p. xenon tetrafluoride ____XeF4______

g. sulphur dioxide ____SO2______q. neon gas _____Ne______

h. dinitrogen tetroxide ___N2O4______r. silicon tetrahydride _____SiH4______

i. nitrogen monoxide ___NO______s. iodine heptachloride ____ICl7______

j. arsenic tribromide ___AsBr3______t. krypton difluoride _____KrF2______

6. Write the names for the following compounds.

a. CF4 ____carbon tetrafluoride______k. NF3 ___nitrogen trifluoride____

b. NH3 ___nitrogen trihydride (ammonia) l. P2S5 ___diphosphorous pentasulfide___

c. PBr3 ____phosphorous tribromide____ m. PF5 ___phosphorous pentafluoride__

d. F2 gas___fluorine gas_____ n. ICl _____iodine monochloride___

e. CS2 ___carbon disulfide______o. SeCl2 ___selenium dichloride___

f. CO _____carbon monoxide_____ p. Cl2O ___dichlorine monoxide__

g. SiC ______silicon monocarbide______q. AsBr3 __arsenic tribromide___

h. N2O4 ____dinitrogen tetroxide_____ r. H2S ____dihydrogen monosulfide___

i. P2O5 ___diphosphorous pentoxide______s. B2H8 diboron octahydride__

j. SF4 ______sulfur tetrafluoride______t. TeCl2 ____tellurium dichloride___ SNC 2DO PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Names and Formulas

7. Write the formulas for the following compounds.

a. calcium fluoride ___CaF2____ k. potassium sulphate ___K2SO4______

b. carbon disulfide ____CS2______l. barium nitride ___Ba3N2______

c. nitrogen triodide _____NI3______m. aluminum hydroxide __Al(OH)3_____

d. sodium phosphide _____Na3P______n. fluorine gas ___F2______

e. dichlorine monoxide ____Cl2O_____ o. silicon dioxide ____SiO2______

f. iron (III) carbonate _____Fe2(CO3)3_____ p. calcium hydroxide ____Ca(OH)2_____

g. manganese (IV) sulphate ___Mn(SO4)2__ q. xenon gas ____Xe_____

h. diphosphorus pentasulphide __P2S5___ r. gold (I) nitrate ____AuNO3_____

i. tin (IV) chloride ____SnCl4__ s. sulphur trioxide ____SO3____

j. magnesium chlorate ___Mg(ClO3)2_____ t. iron (II) phosphate ____Fe3(PO4)2____

8. Write the names for the following compounds.

a. CCl4 _____carbon tetrachloride______k. NaNO3 ___sodium nitrate___

b. Mg(ClO3)2 ___magnesium chlorate___ l. PCl5 __phosphorous pentachloride____

c. PBr3 ___phosphorous tribromide___ m. BiF5 ____bismuth fluoride____

d. H2 gas __hydrogen gas_____ n. Al(ClO3)3 __aluminum chlorate___

e. PbS2 _____lead (IV) sulfide______o. FeCl2 __iron (II) chloride__

f. Al2(CO3)3 __aluminum carbonate____ p. N2O ___dinitrogen monoxide___

g. Na2SO4 __sodium sulfate_____ q. CuClO3 ___copper (I) chlorate__

h. Na2O _____sodium oxide___ r. Li3PO4 ___lithium phosphate__

i. Al2(SO4)3 ___aluminum sulfate___ s. SnO ___tin (II) oxide___

j. Li2SO4 ___lithium sulfate____ t. SeCl2 ___selenium dichloride_

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