2. Resource Summary

This is part of the 2nd step in developing your experiment. By breaking down the information impacting your project it will be easier to stay on task and achieve excellent results.

Starting Point: Write down what you plan on doing. List what you are going to test and how you are going to do it. Come up with 2. Resource Summary – Grading questions you might have on your topic. Student resource summary is assessed on the following: Key Terms: From this information write down a key term at the top of Resource Records: 50% _____/ 20 each following resource record worksheets. When it is time to actually points research fill in each worksheet detailing the information found on each key term. Key Term

Warning: Do not get so focused on your topic, think broader. If your Citation Information topic is “How does the amount of drag affect the flight of a paper Resource Information airplane?” you should use key terms such as airplane, air resistance, and aerodynamics; not the paper airplane being used or the methods Resource Summary Paragraph: 50% _____/ 20 you plan on completing. Look at the type of science and factors that points will impact your project. It is highly suggested that this assignment is typed to be used in the Scientific Research Paper later on. Introduction Sentence

Requirements: All grade levels are required to have at least one Body Sentence on each Key Term print resource. It may be accessed online but it must be a book, Conclusion Sentence journal article, or magazine. 7th Grade must have at least 4 Key Terms on separate resource records 8th Grade must have at least 5 Key Terms on separate resource records Total: 100% _____/ 40 points

Assignment: In your Data Book write down your key terms and information found on each key term. Each key term should have its own resource record with all information thoroughly completed.

You will then compile this information into a resource summary. The summary is one paragraph that condenses and synthesizes the information gathered on the resource record sheets.