ARCH 5334-001 Advanced Studies in Construction Technology (3:3:1)
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![ARCH 5334-001 Advanced Studies in Construction Technology (3:3:1)](
ARCH 5334-001 Advanced Studies in Construction Technology (3:3:1). Catalog Description; Prerequisite: ARCH 3355, Approved technology elective dealing with the advanced study of technical building concerns. FIELD TRIP REQUIRED
The class is a research-based course investigating architects’ use of masonry construction, (brick, concrete masonry, and stone), with steel and concrete structural systems in the design of buildings of the 20th and 21st centuries. The course consists of scheduled classes and announced College of Architecture Guest Lectures.
The class experience is active and interactive, involving a series of phases or aspects of masonry, (development, uses, failures, environmental design considerations, and aesthetics). Student learning will be individual as well as group effort and requires regular and very active participation.
The class will be in a lecture and/or seminar format with homework assignments, as well as presentations and/or models of different aspects of masonry construction. External lecturers will be brought in from time to time for specific aspects of the course content.
A FIELD TRIP will be required to visit brick and concrete masonry manufacturing plants and stone quarries. The date of the trip will be announced in ample time to make all arrangements. Various aspects of material learned from the field trip will become part of the research material for the term reports. Part of your course grade will be a written evaluation of your learning from the field trip.
Each student is expected to attend all class meetings and all guest lectures. All assigned projects and homework are to be actively explored, developed, refined, and presented according to the professor’s guidelines. All work is to be completed on time and in a professional manner and format as announced and required.
Areas of Exploration:
History of Masonry Manufacturing and Properties Types of Masonry Environmental Design Considerations Aesthetic Considerations Applications of Masonry Failures of Masonry
Educational Objectives:
To demonstrate a clear understanding of masonry properties To demonstrate the understanding of accepted practices of masonry construction To demonstrate the technical understanding of masonry construction To demonstrate the understanding of the various applications of masonry materials To demonstrate a clear understanding of failures of masonry construction To demonstrate an understanding of proper environmental and sustainable considerations
NAAB Criteria
B.4. Technical Documentation: Ability to make technically clear drawings, prepare outline specifications, and construct models illustrating and identifying the assembly of materials, systems, and components appropriate for a building design.
B.7. Building Envelope Systems and Assemblies: Understanding of the basic principles involved in the appropriate selection and application of building envelope systems relative to fundamental performance, aesthetics, moisture transfer, durability, and energy and material resources.
1 B.8. Building Materials and Assemblies: Understanding of the basic principles used in the appropriate selection of interior and exterior construction materials, products, components, and assemblies, based on their inherent performance, including environmental impact and reuse.
Realm B: Integrated Building Practices, Technical Skills and Knowledge Graduates from NAAB-accredited programs must be able to comprehend the technical aspects of design, systems and materials, and be able to apply that comprehension to architecture solutions. In addition the impact of such decisions on the environment must be all considered. Student learning aspirations for the realm include: Creating building designs with well-integrated systems. Comprehending constructability. Integrating the principles of environmental stewardship Conveying technical information accurately
Student Learning Aspirations for NAAB Realm B: Building Practices, Technical Skills, and Knowledge Comprehending Constructability Students will be exposed to the various masonry materials (brick, concrete masonry, and quarried stone) and their manufacturing process through lectures, guest presentations and site visits to manufacturing plants. They will be expected to learn how to construct enclosures using a variety of the masonry materials, both as load-bearing enclosures and as by-passing walls attached to frames, creating well-integrated systems.
Integrating the Principles of Environmental Stewardship The students will learn, through research, the sustainable characteristics of various materials and apply that to the development of sustainable and environmental enclosures. The students will be exposed to the process of recycling in the manufacturing process by actual site visits to manufacturing plants and lectures on reclamation procedures. The assignments will be required to develop R-Values of the systems.
Conveying Technical Information Accurately The students will research various masonry materials and be expected to develop enclosure sections and details under prescribed requirements and limits of a particular building and aesthetic appeal. The students will also be exposed to constructability by participating in a design-build competition whereby they will be required (in class) to design a masonry wall of their choice, using various masonry materials and then to construct that wall to be judged by an impartial jury.
Ethical Principles
Texas Tech University is committed to the values of mutual respect, cooperation, and communications; creativity and innovation; community service and leadership; pursuit of excellence; public accountability; and diversity. For more detailed information regarding the above three items please refer to the following link:
Equal Opportunity and Access to Facilities/Students with Disabilities
The University is committed to the principle that in no aspect of its programs shall there be differences in the treatment of persons because of race, creed, national origin, age, sex, or disability, and that equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. If you require special accommodations in order to participate, please contact the instructor. Students should present appropriate verifications from Student Disability Services Office, 335 West Hall. No requirement exists that accommodations be made prior to completion of this approved University process.
Attendance Policy
The College of Architecture follows the class attendance policy set out in the University Catalog, 2014- 2015, page 152.The College supports the definition of four absences as being excessive, and constitutes cause for having the student drop the class or receive a grade of “F”. The student must bear the responsibility for keeping track of his/her own absences.
Therefore, attendance in the class is mandatory. Consistent tardiness in arrival, leaving, or working on anything other than work for this class during the class periods will be regarded as absences. In accordance with the College of Architecture 2 policy, this will result in a reduction of the course grade or in the student being dropped from the class. Any unexcused absence over three will result in 2 points per absence being deducted from the final grade.
Course Organization
The class meets from 9:00 to 9:50 AM MWF. The format will be lectures, slide presentations, power point presentations, and some in-class discussions with interactive participation. A hands-on day of designing and construction of masonry units, conducted as a competition sponsored by the Texas Masonry Council, will be a part of the course requirements.
Class begins promptly each day. No newspaper reading during class, and no talking to each other. NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED IN CLASS. If you have a cell phone, please turn it off during class time, and NO TEXTING DURING CLASS.
Required reading and homework will be prepared outside of class, except as noted above. Late homework will be accepted (within the realm of reasonable and justifiable excuses) but in no case will it be accepted more than one week late. Late homework will receive an automatic ten (10) point deduction.
Office hours are for the student’s benefit. If a student has questions regarding assignments or any other concerns about the class, he/she should schedule a meeting during the professor’s office hours.
There will be homework assignments throughout the semester, consisting of detail drawings of various conditions of masonry construction, areas of exploration and educational objectives of masonry construction. There will be team assignments as a competition sponsored by the Texas Masonry Council and a Final Term Report presented in class the last weeks of the semester. The TMC competition will be for the teams to design and build a project they have submitted and been approved by the professor.
In team assignments, all students assigned to the team are expected to participate equally. Each team member will turn in a written evaluation of each of the other team members, individually. Failure to turn in the written evaluations will be cause for failure on the project.
The class is a tobacco and gun-free environment. No CD’s, radios, drinks, cell phones, etc. will be allowed during class time.
Assignment Requirements: see page 6 Documentation for instructions.
The College of Architecture reserves the right to retain, exhibit, and reproduce work submitted by students. Work submitted for a grade is the property of the College and remains such until it is returned to the student.
Requirements of all homework and projects are mandatory. Any deviations or omissions from the requirements will be reflected in the evaluation.
Label all drawings for projects and homework clearly and completely, including the appropriate scales. Clearly place name, course and section on all the projects and the homework submittal using principles of composition
Term Report Requirements Term reports will be team presentations during the last part of the semester. Each team will research a given topic on masonry construction techniques and sustainable issues related to masonry construction. The report will be a written document (paper copy) on the subject assigned as well as a CD presentation of the material. The written document and the Cd will be submitted to the professor at the due date assigned, and each team will have an assigned time for the CD oral presentation to the class as a whole.
Each student will have an architect’s scale, an engineer’s scale, pencils, paper, erasers, and a straight edge or triangle available at all class meetings, as some of the assignments will be done in class.
Outcome Assessments
Each student will be evaluated on the success of the homework assignments turned in, the team competition, and the term reports presented in class. The homework will be technical development of masonry wall sections and plans, outlining the accepted practices of masonry in architecture, as well as the understanding of masonry failures, moisture management, and solutions to alleviate failures. The term reports will be some aspects of details or failures of masonry construction. 3 Grading: Homework will count sixty (60%) percent, the competition fifteen (15%) percent, the Term Report presentation will count fifteen (15%) percent of the final grade, and Field Trip will count ten (10%) percent of final grade.
The grading is based on 100 and all grades during the course will be number grades. The final average will be converted to letter grades for the course grade. Grading is a certification that the student has clearly demonstrated a level of expertise as required in each assignment.
“A” indicates that the level of expertise is superior (excellent work). “B” indicates the assignment is clearly resolved but lacks in-depth study or resolution in one or two areas. “C” indicates the level of work is satisfactory, perhaps somewhat mediocre. “D” indicates the level of expertise is minimal and weak. (This is a passing grade for the University, however a minimum grade of “C” is required to proceed to the next level in all architecture courses). “F” grade indicates a failure to respond adequately. It should be noted that the College of Architecture requires a grade of C or better in all courses in the degree plan. Students may repeat architecture courses one time for grade replacement.
Plus or minus marks may be used to indicate higher or lower ratings in each grade division for the purpose of averaging progress reports and final grades. A student who has shown his/her clear successful improvement throughout the semester may be given the advantage in the case of borderline final grade averages.
Required Texts Principles of Brick Masonry: Brick Industry of America, Reston, Virginia 1989 (free, given out in class)
References Allen, Edward. Fundamentals of Building Construction, 2nd Edition: John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 1990 Amrhein, James, Merriam, Michael. Marble and Stone Veneer: Masonry Institute of America, Los Angeles, CA 1986 International Building Code Brick Technical Notes: Brick Industry of America, Reston, Virginia Cerver, Francisco. The World of Contemporary Architecture: The Atrium Group, 2003 Ching, Francis D.K. Building Construction Illustrated, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 2008 Ching, Francis D.K. Building Codes Illustrated: John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 2008 Ching, Francis D.K. Building Structures Illustrated, John Wiley * Sons, New York, NY 2009 Foerster, Bernd. Pattern and Texture: Allied Masonry Council, Washington DC. 1961 Laska, Walter. Masonry and Steel Detailing Handbook: The Aberdeen Group, Addison, IL, 1993 Holzman, Malcolm. Stonework: The Images Publishing Group, Victoria, Australia 2001 Annotated Design and Construction Details for Concrete Masonry: National Concrete Masonry Association Herndon, Virginia. 2003 Kemp, Jim. American Vernacular, Regional Influences in Architecture and Interior Design: American Institute of Architects Press. Washington, DC. 1990 Laska, Walter. Masonry and Steel Detailing Handbook: The Aberdeen Group, Addison, IL. 1993 Panarese, W. C. et al. Concrete Masonry Handbook. Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL. 1991 Ramsey, Charles G. and Sleeper, Harold R. Architectural Graphic Standards, 7th Edition or later,. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1981 Redstone, Louis G. Masonry in Architecture, McGraw-Hill, New York, New York, 1984 Schierhorn, Carolyn, Editor. Flashing in Masonry Construction, the Aberdeen Group, Addison, IL, 1999 NCMA TEK Manuals BIA Technical Notes Periodicals Architectural Record, Monthly editions Architect, Monthly editions Texas Architect, Monthly editions Web Sites: www.masonryconstruction,com 4
It is the aim of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of students to present as their own work tht they have not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and the administration as a serious offense and renders the offenders liable to serious consequences, possibly suspension. The instructor in a course is responsible for initiating action for dishonesty or plagiarism that occurs in his or her class. In cases of convincing evidence of or admitted academic dishonestly or plagiarism, an instructor should take appropriate action. Before taking such action, however, the instructor should attempt to discuss the matter with the student. If cheating is suspected on a final exam, the instructor should not submit a grade until a reasonable attempt can be made to contact the student, preferably within one month after the end of the semester. See the section on “Academic Conduct” in the Code of Student Conduct for details on this policy. “Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts, and any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the student (such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written assignment for tow courses without the prior permission of the instructor) or the attempt to commit such an act.
“Cheating” includes, but is not limited to, the following: Copying from another student’s test paper Using materials during a test that have not been authorized by the person giving the test Failing to comply with instructions given by the person administering the test Possessing materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test, such as class notes or specifically designed “crib notes”. The presence of textbook constituted a violation only if they have been specifically prohibited by the person administering the test. Using, buying, stealing transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered test, test key, homework solution, or computer program. Collaborating with or seeking aid or receiving assistance with another student or individual during a test or in conjunction with an assignment without authority. Discussing the contents of an examination with another student who will take the examination. Divulging the contents of an examination, for the purpose of preserving questions for use by another, when the instructor has designated that the examination is not to be removed from the examination room or not to be returned to or kept by the student. Substituting for another person, or permitting another person to substitute for oneself to take a course, a test, or any course-related assignment. Paying or offering money or other valuable thing to, or coercing another person to obtain an un-administered test, test key, homework solution, or computer program, or information about an un-administered test, test key, homework solution, or computer program. Falsifying research data, laboratory reports, and/or other academic work offered for credit. Taking, keeping, misplacing, or damaging the property of the university, or of another, if the student knows or reasonably should know that an unfair academic advantage would be gained by such conduct. “Plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the appropriation of, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means material that is attributable in whole or in part to another source, including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code, other expression and media, and presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for credit. Any student w\ho fails to give credit for quotations of for an essentially identical expression of material taken from books, encyclopedias, magazines, internet documents, reference works or from the themes, report, or other writings of a fellow student is guilty of plagiarism. “Collusion” includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing academic assignments offered for credit or collaboration with another person to commit a violation of any section of the rules on scholastic dishonesty. “Falsifying academic records” includes, but is not limited to, altering or assisting in the altering of any official record of the university, and/or submitting false information or omitting requested information that is required for or related to any academic record of the university. Academic records include, but are not limited to, applications for admission, the awarding of a degree, grade reports, test papers, registration materials, grade change forms, and reporting forms used by the Office of the Registrar. A former student who engages in such conduct is subject to a bar against readmission, revocation of a degree, and withdrawal of a diploma. “Misrepresenting facts” to the university or an agent of the university includes, but is not limited to, providing false grades or resumes; providing false or misleading information in an effort to receive a postponement or an extension on a test, quiz, or other assignment for the purpose of obtaining an academic or financial benefit for oneself or another individual; or providing false or misleading information in an effort to injure another student academically or financially. 5 As per College and University policy, plagiarism may result in an “F” grade for the semester.
A field trip will be required and will be to the Austin area to visit the manufacturing and assemblage plants of ACME Brick, FEATHERLITE Concrete Masonry Plant, ELGIN BUTLER masonry glaze plant, and TEXAS QUARRIES stone quarry. The field trip will be conducted approximately in the middle of the semester.
In addition, one day of class will be a hands-on competition of learning how to place masonry in a wall system. The students will be divided into teams and will design a prototype wall using various masonry materials and then be required to actually build their design. The winning team will be in competition with winning teams from other Universities in the State for a State winner in masonry construction (sponsored by the Texas masonry Council).
Since a portfolio is required for scholarship applications, job applications and continuation in the Master of Architecture program, it is imperative that students document their work. Project drawings and models are easily damaged during storage, or are lost and should therefore be documented as soon as possible. It is also wise to avoid problems during the end of the semester crunch by preparing documentation soon after the projects are returned by the professor.
A Power Point CD and Paper Copy of the term report will be turned in to the professor at the end of the semester, with the name of the report, students’ names, course number and section on both the CD and paper copy
All teams for the Brick Competition will coordinate and work together to produce one (1) CD of all of the teams’ finished structures built for the competition, turning the CD in to the professor as soon as the competition has been completed.
Homework Assignments: All homework assignments will be submitted on 11”x17” sheets, Portrait orientation, unless otherwise designated for an individual assignment. The format for title block will be posted on the web page of the professor on the College home page.
At the end of the semester, all homework graded assignments will be bound together and submitted to the Faculty member. A digital version of the assignments will also be submitted to the faculty member in a PDF format.