Future Business Proffessionals Minutes 10/09/2012

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Future Business Proffessionals Minutes 10/09/2012



Nancy Bering, Kris Zarnke, Susan Hart, Vickie Landers, Jena Putz, Phyllis Mackinnon, Terra Starrett Parish, Amber Ellestad, Ashley Dobratz, Nicole Hurajt, Amy Mayberry, Laura Newman, Lynn Aalfs, Lindsey Ponsford, Amy Pettit.


Breanna Baumann, Deanne Gestach, Laura Mattson, Tara Olson, Valene Haag


Last meeting we discussed the possibility of not putting on a large event at the end of the year. There has been quite a bit of correspondence going around since that discussion. Judy from the Willmar Campus has asked that either they take it on this year, or we can work in a joint effort to put on the event, alleviating some of the stress students feel.

Discussed community outreach events, and charity. Members were asked to think about some ideas and bring them to the next meeting.

Potluck dates were finalized and emails were sent out to committee members to finalize their event. Extra flyers were posted around campus as well to help broadcast the potluck to non- ADS students on campus. Kris will be taking pictures.


 BYLAWS: Everyone needs to sign the Bylaws by Friday (October 12). They are located on Amy Pettit’s office door down in the ADS lab.

 COMMUNITY OUTREACH events were discussed. Lynn Aalfs and Vicki Landers will be contacting Community Cup/Hope Center to inform them, and Phyllis will be bringing boxes to set up around campus for donation. Nicole will talk to Amy Mathews to find out where we can set up.

 Vicki will be contacting Ms. Struck about how we can help raise awareness for the Gold Ribbon and asking her to come and share her story at our next potluck in November.  Amy Mayberry brought up having another donation drive in the spring. We agreed on donating to the McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence. After winter break we will discuss again for more details.

 SECRET SANTA was something all members present agreed on for this year. If you are interested, the sign up will begin in November after the next FBP meeting. There is an open gift amount, but please to do feel obligated to spend more than you can afford. We will end the Secret Santa 1 week before X-mas break. Sign up will be sent to Amy Pettit, but please DO NOT send them until after the November meeting.

 SPEAKERS: Nancy Bering is going to speak to her daughter-in-law, who is a member of the Chamber of Commerce about coming in to speak. Lindsey already spoke to Christina Martinson and she is willing to come in and speak anytime this 2012-2013 year for our group. Vicki will be contacting Ms. Struck in regards to speaking next month to our group. We did not set up dates at this time for speakers after November to come. Dates will need to be discussed at our next meeting. If members know of someone to come speak, please bring this information to the next meeting.

*****MEETING DATES AND TIMES: FBP Club Meetings are now scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 10:00am. Meetings will be held in the commons. Please attend!

Correction to the 10/09 FBP meeting notes-- Kris and Sue have corresponded with Lisa Wagner (Hutchinson campus advisor) regarding a small seminar. She is willing to put that on with the topic of Multi-tasking, and possibly one more topic as well. She will reply back to Kris/Sue with what dates she is available to present, the timeframe she is available is 12-1. This will be corrected in the next meeting (3rd Tuesday) notes as well.

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