Swift Creek Community Owners Association, Inc

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Swift Creek Community Owners Association, Inc

SWIFT CREEK COMMUNITY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Board of Directors Meeting July 23, 2014

The Swift Creek Community Owners Association, Inc., Board of Directors Meeting convened at 6:00 p.m. on July 24, 2014 at the Swift Creek Community Room, located at 251 Sweetwater Run, Niceville, Florida. Present were Directors Doug Tolbert (President), Margaret Fontaine (Secretary/Treasurer), Mike Panarisi (Director) and John Wilcox (Director). Kevin Kulow (Vice President) was absent. Homeowners in attendance were Rhonda Tolbert, Michelle White, Jim & Debbie Tyson, Bulent Unlusoy, Steve Manthey, Stan Lockley, Pam Wilcox, Mark Giuliano, Jim Summitt, Brad Horn, Gene Alley, Donna & John Hahn, Pam & Bud Becker and Doug Gaylord. Representing Bluewater Management Services were Darlane Landsberger and Meredith Collins.

Having established a quorum, Mr. Tolbert called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.

The April 29, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved as amended with a motion from Mr. Wilcox and seconded by Mr. Panarisi, none opposed.


President’s Report – Mr. Tolbert:

Mr. Tolbert reported the following:

 The swimming pool has been switched to have reader cards and each owner will have a code to access the pool.  The Grounds Maintenance Committee has been very busy  There was some damage to the Lake Park done by fireworks on the 4th of July  Trash was disposed of at the retention pond behind the basketball court

Grounds Maintenance Committee Report – Ms. White:

Please see the attached Grounds Maintenance Committee Report submitted by Ms. Michelle White.

Ms. White presented a proposal from Backridge Tree Service for $4,750.00 to remove 21 trees removed at the Children’s Park. It was noted that the two long leaf pine trees are staying. Also a number of Wax Myrtles and boxwoods shrubs will be removed, and the trees around the play area will be trimmed for better sight lines through the park. This was approved with a motion from Mr. Wilcox and seconded by Ms. Fontaine, none opposed.

Mr. Wilcox asked Ms. White about video cameras at the lake, have they been installed. Mr. Tolbert reported that will be addressed under Security Enhancement for 2015.

1 | P a g e It was discussed having Bayou Lawn cutting more often in the summer months, currently it’s done every three (3) weeks in the summer, the unirrigated areas. Mowing every two (2) weeks in the summer months was approved with a motion from Mr. Panarisi and seconded by Mr. Wilcox, none opposed.

The committee looked into restocking the lakes. Bass are only available in the April/May timeframe each year. Brim should be restocked first and can be done throughout the Spring/Summer. Mr. Panarisi made a motion to allow Ms. White to pick up Blue Gill Fish for the lake in the amount of $200.00, this was seconded by Mr. Wilcox, none opposed.

Financial Report – Ms. Fontaine:

Ms. Fontaine reported the following:

 Held a budget committee workshop meeting last week  Mr. Summitt reported that they discussed the reserve funding itemizing for such things as the funding of the children’s park and replenishment of landscaping. Hope to have the reserve study completed within the next several weeks to give a better understanding on where the association needs to be. Ms. Fontaine reported that the last study that was completed was 2008 and at that time, there were only 245 homes, looking forward to the study as now there are almost 400 homes within the community.  Ms. Fontaine reported that we have only spent $1,000 of the reserve funds this year so far  Currently working with Doug Stark on a one page report for all homeowners to give an update. All in attendance were asked if they had any ideas to please submit them to a Board member or the management office.

Ms. Landsberger reported on the June 30, 2014 financials:

 Hope to have new software loaded on the Swift Creek office computer to develop any reports to present to the membership  Ms. Landsberger reported that she met with Doug Stark and Ms. Yates from BWMS and found a few items and reclassified them for the financials.  Reserves are fully funded  The Profit & Loss shows that most items are under budget  Discussed the late accounts and a homeowner in attendance asked about late fees. Ms. Landsberger reported that late fees are assessed, however, can only levy one late fee per quarter.  Mr. Tolbert reported that need to get some estimates for pressure washing of the tennis courts and the sidewalks.

The June 30, 2014 financials were approved with a motion from Ms. Fontaine and seconded by Mr. Panarisi, none opposed.

2 | P a g e Walton Lot 23/24, Phase IV – Ms. Landsberger:

Ms. Landsberger reported that the Walton lot is being inspected twice a month by the Architectural Review Committee. Ms. Landsberger reported that a hearing was held and the Judge gave the Walton’s until October 1, 2014 to finish their home, if not completed at that time, sanctions will be done. The attorney has already done levied on two properties and they will come up for sale on the 29th of July. The Swift Creek attorney will appear to represent Swift Creek and it’s possible that the Walton’s will pay the fines levied. All money will come directly from the court.

Unfinished Business:

Covenant Enforcement – Owner Checklist:

Mr. Tolbert reported that he provided the Board with the checklist and asked them to review and make any necessary changes. Mr. Tolbert also reported that the Board has the authority to approve the policy and once approved it will be filed with the county and mailed to all owners.

Community Center Committee – Mr. Kulow:

Mr. Tolbert asked Ms. Donna Hahn if she had any luck in recruiting anyone for the committee. Ms. Hahn reported that Ms. Murphy-Redd volunteered at the last meeting, however, has not come forward.

Lake Park Vandalism Status/Volunteer Hours – Ms. Landsberger:

Ms. Landsberger reported that the parents of the children have been in contact with her and recommend that the Board approve having the volunteer hours completed with doing work at the Children’s Park. Mr. Tolbert reported that Ms. White and Ms. Landsberger will work together on getting taskings together to get the volunteer hours completed.

Traffic Safety Committee – Mr. Panasari:

Mr. Panasari reported that Amanda Schrand volunteered to Chair this committee. Had a meeting a couple of weeks ago and working together on putting a plan in place. The Board agreed to have Amanda Schrand be the Committee Chair and Mr. Panasari be the Board representative. There will also be two (2) additional members and Mr. Panasari will forward the names to the Board. Mr. Tolbert made a motion to approve the Ad Hoc Traffic Committee for one year, this was seconded by Ms. Fontaine, none opposed.

Pool Status:

3 | P a g e Ms. Landsberger reported that all of the rain has hampered the project. Mr. Tolbert reported that LED lighting will also be installed next year. Mr. Tolbert reported that the new swimming pool reader access Honeywell Program has been installed in the office. All owners and tenants will be issued the new cards for access, they will also be issued a four (4) digit code (pin) that will be needed. Ms. Tolbert is currently working on the pin codes. Mr. Tolbert reported that it will be the owners home address, i.e., 709 would be 0709. All cards that are issued will only grant access with the card and issued pin number. When card are issued, all owners/tenants must provide identification and/or a lease. Renters providing a lease will receive a card with an expiration date. If an owner/tenant loses their card, there will be a $25.00 replacement charge. Ms. Tolbert volunteered to issue the cards at the office and will list the specific times she will be available. Mr. Tolbert reported that once the cards are issued, a deadline date will take place for the new implementation. Mr. Tolbert asked Ms. Fontaine to please send out a mass email notifying the owners of the new pool procedures and when they can be issued.

New Business:

Upcoming Election/Annual Meeting:

The upcoming election/annual meeting will be held on Monday, September 15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Swift Creek Community Room. There will be two (2) seats up for election and the nomination package will be mailed to the membership within the next several days. Discussed providing beverages, finger foods and snacks for the annual meeting. The Board agreed to budget $300.00 for the purchases.

Neighborhood Communication Ideas:

An owner in attendance reported that he has lived in the neighborhood for one year and the reclaimed water issue this past 4th of July was horrible. Some pamphlets were distributed to the Board from a friend who is in the reclaimed water business for the Boards consideration. Mr. Panasari reported that Ms. McDonald volunteered to Chair a Neighborhood Committee.

Pool Policy:

Ms. Landsberger reported that she spoke with Jeff McInnis, Association Attorney about non-owners using the Swift Creek Swimming Pool for a business, his recommendations were:

 Suggested that the Board address the issue at the board meeting under new business  Adopt a rule that prohibits commercial swim lessons at the Swift Creek pool. There are no procedural restrictions on this action, simply adopt and publish  A professional sign could be installed at the gate for added protection

4 | P a g e  If these actions fail to deter the swim lessons, Mr. McInnis would write a cease and desist letter to the individual

Mr. Panasari made a motion to have Mr. McInnis draft up a policy/rule that prohibits commercial swim lessons at the Swift Creek swimming pool as well as the tennis courts. The Board will still allow one on one swim lessons for homeowners. This was seconded by Ms. Fontaine, none opposed. Ms. Landsberger will speak with Mr. McInnis to provide the exact language and put the policy together and report back to the Board.

Management Company Renewal Plan:

Bluewater Management Services was excused from the meeting at 8:23 p.m.

The Board remained convened and discussed future community Management courses of action. There were no motions or decisions. Board authorized an informal committee to meet for further discussions. The overall opinion was a desire for better continuity of Swift Creek management and improved homeowner access. Additionally, the Board agreed upon need for clearer financial status presentation and lamented perceived lack of facility management. Board dismissed at 10:03 p.m.

Presented by Meredith Collins

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