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Username: Plymouth

Marketing Career Search As we progress through the semester, it is important to understand some of the careers associated with the Marketing profession. Visit the website below and answer each question thoroughly. Website: Username: Plymouth Password: Canton

When you arrive at the homepage, click on careers and type in your assigned career in the Explore Careers Box.

1.) The Marketing career I am researching is: *Write down the career you have been given on a separate sheet of paper.

After finding your career; create a visual aid that explains the following. Each letter should be a separate slide and at least one of the slides should have 1 image to support your content. a. Details the job description of the career you chose. This should be a 3-5 sentence description of what your career entails.

b. Describe the working conditions of this occupation. i. What do they spend most of their time doing? ii. How many hours a day do they work? iii. How many (if any) vacation days do they get?

c. How much does a person in this profession earn? i. What is their starting salary? ii. What is the highest salary a person with this career would typically make? iii. Can you earn bonuses with this career? If so, how?

d. What type of education is required for this career? i. What classes should you take in high school to prepare you for a career in this field? (*Listed under education field)

e. How many total levels in the career path section, does this profession have?

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Create a table that lists the first level and compares it to the last level of the profession you chose.

Complete the following boxes based on a side-by-side comparison of the lowest and highest level.

LEVEL 1 Intern LEVEL 4 Manager or Business Owner

Unpaid or Stipend EARNINGS EARNINGS $50,000 - $150,000 (minimal amount)

- Bachelors Degree in PR or related Field REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS 5-10 years of experience in Public Relations - Excellent Communication Skills

Doing administrative tasks such as Overseeing and managing a public relations stuffing and stamping envelopes; department; handling business and RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSIBILITIES making a few phone calls; writing management responsibilities press releases under supervision

9. List five other jobs that relate to the profession you chose.

10. Critique the information you examined a. On a scale of 1-10; how interested are you in the career you reviewed b. What seemed most appealing about this profession? What stood out the most? c. If you could pursue any career post high school; what would it be & why?

Save your work as class period First & Last Name Career. Example: 1B Joe Smith Career Marketing Careers Assignment Understanding the various careers associated with Marketing is extremely important in order to understand how the content you learn is utilized in the real world. As part of your career unit, choose one of the Assignment Options below to reflect your understanding of an assigned Marketing Career. This is individual assignment. The key terms given are what you need to know specifically for the Unit 1 Test.

Career Terms:  Resume: A brief written account of your education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishments and is used to apply for jobs.

 Associates Degree: two types of associate majors are offered. (1) Technological and vocational specialties that are generally completed in 2 yr. of college study and are usually sufficient for entrance into an occupational field, and (2) college or university parallel programs that are like the first 2 yr. of a 4yr college curriculum often referred to as a Transfer Degree. These types of programs typically require 90 credit hours.

Examples - AS Degree in Accounting, AS Degree in Paralegal Studies. (These programs generally require a minimum of 90 credits).

 Bachelor’s Degree: an academic degree earned for an undergraduate course of study or major that typically takes three to five years to obtain and a minimum of 180 credits. The bachelor of arts (BA) and bachelor of science (BS) are the most common baccalaureates, and both include general education courses, a major and electives.

 Master’s Degree: Master of arts (MA) and master of science (MS) programs lead to the customary first graduate degrees in the liberal arts and sciences and usually take one to two academic years of study beyond a baccalaureate degree to complete.

 Doctorate Degree: Doctoral programs usually consist of course work and independent research culminating in a dissertation or other formal presentation of the results of independent study. Student must have already received a baccalaureate degree.

 Short-term Goal: Goals set with the intent of being accomplished in the near future. Example would be next week, month, or within a one year timeframe.

 Long-term Goal: Goals that are set with the intent of being accomplished over an extended period of time. They take added planning and time with a minimum of 12 months to accomplish.

 Customer Service Specialists: Work with customers to answer questions, handle complaints, and follow-up sales transactions. Possessing strong communication skills is extremely important in this profession.

All required information for this assignment is available by visiting the following website and logging in with the information given.

Website: Username: Plymouth Password: Canton

Option I: Create a PowerPoint reflecting required information pertaining to a marketing profession. See attached handout regarding how to format this option and what information to include. Your job is to summarize each required category not copy and paste the website. Be brief with the information you use for each bullet point.  Slide #1: Title slide with your name & career.  Slide #2: Job Description of career ( 3-5 bullets)

 Slide #3: Working Conditions

 Slide #4: Earnings

 Slide #5: Education Required

 Slide #6: Career Path

 Slide #7: Related Jobs

 Slide #8: Critique of Profession

Option II: Create a Poster reflecting required information pertaining to a marketing profession.  Job Description  Earnings

 Education

 Career Path

 Related Job

 On the back of your poster give a critique of the profession (similar to slide 8 of option #1)

Option III: Create a want ad using PhotoShop, Publisher, or by hand that reflects required information pertaining to your assigned marketing profession.  Illustration of profession that reflects the career you are discussing  Headline: Career Title  Job Description: Explain the requirements of the job

 Education Required

 Potential Earnings

 Workplace / Company that would hire such a job position

This assignment is worth 25 points and your grade is based on the following:  All required elements of the job profession are provided _____/10 points

 Accuracy & thoroughness of job profession is given _____/10 points

 Visual aid is easy to read, follow, & interpret. _____/ 5 points

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