Standard Essential Question Activating Strategy T Eaching (Instruction/Work Period) Summary

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Standard Essential Question Activating Strategy T Eaching (Instruction/Work Period) Summary

Teacher Smith Name: Week of: Week of 8/31/15 to 9/4/15 Grade 6 Subject: Social Studies : SEATS Standard Essential Question Activating Strategy Teaching (Instruction/Work Period) Summary

A SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, u natural resources, and population distribution on Europe. a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the United g S u Kingdom and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. s b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and t Italy affect where people live and how they trade. 3 E How can climate affect the population of a country? 1 Students will complete a journal warm-up; they will write their answer to , A the essential question. Students will also point out what they think the 2 differences are between Italy and Germany. 0 As a class, we will view a PowerPoint comparing and contrasting the 1 countries of United Kingdom and Russia. Students will complete a graphic T 5 organizer. On the back of their graphic organizers, students will write the similarities and differences between the countries. Students will answer selected questions from the CRCT Prep Book on a sheet of paper. We will review the questions as a class. We will also S review the locations of the Danube and Rhine Rivers, as well as the mountain ranges in Europe.

S SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural e resources, and population distribution on Europe. S p a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the United t Kingdom and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. e E How can you compare/contrast Italy and Germany? m Students will answer review questions from yesterday’s lesson as a warm- A b up. e We will finish the second part of the graphic organizer by r T comparing/contrasting the Italy and Germany. Students will add information 1 about similarities and differences on the back just as we did yesterday. , Students will complete selected review questions from the CRCT prep book. 2 We will discuss the questions as a class. 0 S 1 5 September 2, 2015 SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, and population distribution on Europe. a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the S United Kingdom and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and Italy affect where people live and how they trade. Which European country (UK, Russia, Germany, E Italy) would you want to live in and why? A Warm-up activity – Students will receive a strip of paper with a fact about either the UK, Russia, Germany or Italy. They will match their fact to one of the countries and stand at that country’s sign in one of the 4 arears in the room. Students will then share their facts and the class will decide if that person needs to stay or move to a different country. Students will complete their first TCA (Thinking Cap Activity) for the year. They will pick one of the four countries we have discussed the past 2 days and complete one of the following: 1) Short story about living in that country 2) Song/Poem/Rap about living in that country Be sure to include the T following: -Reasons why you chose your country -How your country is different from the others we discussed -What your job might be and where you would live in your country Mr. Massengale will share an example of a story he wrote to help students understand what to do. Students will have the remaining of the period to S work on their stories. They will finish for homework if needed.

S SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. S e p E What is the dominant religion in Europe? t. Warm-up: List 3 things you know/think you know about Islam. 3 A , Students will receive a graphic organizer on the religions of Europe: 2 T Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. We will view a PowerPoint and students 0 will fill in information on their organizers. 1 3-2-1 Activity – 3 things your learned today, 2 things you really liked about S 5 the lesson, and 1 question you still have. S S SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. e How can many different languages being spoken in one location cause p E problems? t. Fact Pass review of religions from yesterday; students will receive a handout 4 A about the languages in Europe. They will read the handout quietly and , answer the questions that go along with it. We will discuss it as a class. 2 Students will watch a video on Islam and will write 10 facts/answer 0 T questions while watching. 1 Students will share their facts they learned. 5 S

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