Minutes of the Planning and Environmental Committee Held on 25 November 2002

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Minutes of the Planning and Environmental Committee Held on 25 November 2002


* Cllr K Armstrong * Cllr K Warnell * Cllr K Barnes * Cllr G White * Cllr P Demonti * Cllr Miss C Woodman (Vice-Chairman) * Cllr P Gray * Cllr J Wyllie (Chairman) Cllr L Pinnell * Cllr R Gilbert (ex-officio) * Cllr Taylor

* denotes present


Apologies were received from Cllr Pinnell.


Min 35 (i) Items for Future Agenda

Amend: Amanda Stewart to Miranda Steward.

RESOLVED: having taken effect of the above amendment, the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2003 be confirmed as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.


Cllr Gray Personal and Prejudicial Planning Application 3/03/0772/FP/1MHT

Cllr White Personal Planning Application 3/03/0736/FP/2MHT


1. No objections were raised on the following applications:

3/02/2643/AD/3FB 1 No. illuminated fascia to front elevation, 1 No. projecting sign and 1 No. signboard to rear elevation 10 London Road Applicant: Mr Haji Farid Ahmed

3/03/0736/FP/2MHT Conversion of existing swimming pool hall and associated plant areas to new lecture theatre and exhibition area 10 Maze Green Road Applicant: Bishop’s Stortford College

3/03/0772/FP/1MHT Demolish existing scout hut and blocks of garages and erect new community hall and 6 x 1 bed 2 person flats and 10 x 2 bed 3 person flats with ancillary facilities Waytemore Garages Site, Waytemore Road Applicant: Stort Valley Housing Association Note: Having already declared a prejudicial interest, Cllr Gray vacated the chamber during the discussion on this application

19 3/03/0823/FP/2LH 1st floor extension over existing side garage 25 Peregrine Close Applicant: Mr and Mrs I Brooker Note: Members wished to draw to the attention of East Herts District Council the comments in the letter received from the residents of No. 17 Peregrine Close

3/03/0825/FP/3LH Proposed conservatory 4 Kimberley Villas, Southmill Road Applicant: Mr R Montano

3/03/0827/FN/3PJC Renewal of application under ref: 3/98/0664/FN 77 Warwick Road Applicant: Mr and Mrs F M Edwards Note: Refer East Herts District Council to the letter from residents of No. 38 East Road

3/03/0840/FP/3PJC Erect UPVC conservatory to rear of property 38 Hallingbury Road Applicant: Mr and Mrs Ballard

3/03/0845/FP/3MR Demolition of a single storey extension and erection of double storey extension to rear 5 Thornfield Road Applicant: Mr and Mrs L Rowe

(ii) Objections were raised on the following applications:

3/02/2370/FP/3MHT New Church Hall – Amended Application St Michael’s Church Applicant: St Michael’s Church PCC Reason: i) The proposal would be detrimental to the appearance of the Church and its surroundings, being unsympathetic in design and materials, incogrous and inappropriately sited ii) The Church is a listed building situated in the Conservation Area within the Historic Zone of Bishop’s Stortford. The proposal would therefore contrary to the following policies of the East Hertfordshire Local Plan Deposit alterations July 1995: BE16, BE18 (b) (d), BS16 (i), (ii), (iii) iii) The increased volume of traffic on a narrow road (Church Street) would be prejudicial to road safety iv) The proposal would result in the loss of a mature tree

3/03/0096/FP/3MR Establishment of pre-prep school including erection of new school buildings, associated hard standing and landscaping and alterations of existing access Land at Bishop’s Stortford College, Maze Green Road Applicant: Bishop’s Stortford College Reason: i) The proposed application lies within the Metropolitan Green Belt where there is a presumption against development except in very special circumstances. There are no such circumstances in this case ii) The proposed development was capable of being accommodated within the existing college campus iii) The proposal would generate a disproportionate amount of traffic onto the Great Hadham Road iv) The site was totally inadequate

20 3/03/0841/AD/3PJC Replace existing fascia and projecting signage with new 16-18 Potter Street and 2-10 Church Street Applicant: Boots the Chemist Reason: One of the signs, being illuminated, would be contrary to Policy BS01: The provision of internally illuminated signs was deemed to be detrimental to the street scene and detract from the overall ambience

3/03/0851/FP/3LH Two storey side extension and conversion of garage into living accommodation 3 Chatsworth Close, Bishop’s Park Applicant: Mr and Mrs P Copeland Reason: Contrary to Town Council’s Policy BS02

3/03/0852/FP/3LH Front dormer window at roof level 6 Falconer Street Applicant: Mr and Mrs M Osborne Reason: The proposal would create additional car parking which was not provided for in the development

3/03/0855/FP/3LH Single storey front and rear extension, two storey side extension 2 Lower Park Crescent Applicant: Mr Bonney and Miss Mayes Reason: Removal of the garage would create additional on-street parking

iii) Additional Information – Retail Impact Assessment:-

3/02/2091/OP/PB New link road connection Station Road/Dane Street and London Road; public transport interchange (including facilities for buses, taxis and short stay parking); station facilities; multi storey car park; up to 402 No. residential units; food store; shop units, classes A1 (retail) A2 (financial and professional) A3 (food and drink); 60 bedroom hotel; public parking up to 372 spaces; ancillary facilities and landscaping Applicant: Railtrack Plc

RESOLVED: that the Assessment be noted


None to date.


None to date.


None to date.


To note the following application for transfer of Justice Licences:-

Nags Head, 216 Dunmow Road From: Richard Darren Mumford To: Kevin James Peace


Cllr Wyllie informed members that he had recently visited the Leisure Centre at Anchor Street and had noted that the Centre looked scruffy and neglected and was becoming an eyesore in the Town. The floor tiles of the Centre, in particular, were extremely dirty and in need of power cleaning.

A general discussion took place on the litter problem in the whole area of the Leisure Centre, stretching from the Riverside car park to the railway station and river.

RESOLVED: that in the first instance a letter be forwarded to the Managing Agent of the Leisure Centre requesting that the area be cleaned


Cllr Gray drew members’ attention to the poor condition of the Thorley underpass which he said was strewn with litter, broken glass and evidence of drug abuse. He was aware that many people refused to use the underpass because of the fear of intimidation by groups of youths congregating in the area. Cllr Gray was seeking the Town Council’s support for a petition he was arranging, to request the County Council to install a pedestrian crossing in the area. Cllr Wyllie pointed out that although individuals may feel intimidated using the underpass, there was no evidence of violent crime. Cllr Armstrong suggested that when consulted about future Town developments, the Town Council adopt a policy of objecting to any development which included an underpass

RESOLVED: that a letter be sent to the Hertfordshire County Council requesting that consideration be given to improving the underpass


i) Benefit Office (first raised Town Council 17/3/03) Members requested an up-date of the meeting held on 29 May 2003

ii) Listed Buildings Recommendations (first raised Listed Buildings Sub-Committee 22/10/01) Letter received from Mr Welburn. Further letter sent (7/5/03) with request for specific information on the sites recommended. Response awaited.

iii) Junior Motorcycling – Northern Country Park (first raised 24/3/03) Chased 20/5/03. Response awaited.

iv) Royal Mail Postage Collections (first raised Town Council 17/3/03) Response received from Postwatch (previously circulated), dated 8 May 2003. Response awaited from the Customer Service Advisor.

22 Cllr Warnell requested that ‘Reflective Signage on Pinch Points – Thorley’, ‘Fencing, Thorley Green Wedge’ and ‘Vandalism of Bus Shelters and Telephone Boxes’, appear on the up-dated reports on the next agenda.


(i) Closure of Post Office – Northgate End Cllr Armstrong advised members with regret that the Post Office at Northgate End had closed permanently on 2 June 2003 and requested that a letter be forwarded to the Post Master, Mr M Talbot, thanking him for his many years of service to the community and that a letter be sent to Postwatch requesting that the post box outside the Post Office remain.

(ii) Bus Routes 308, 309 and 333 Cllr Warnell expressed his concern that First Buses were withdrawing the above bus routes, which serve the Thorley Park area with effect from 5 July 2003, and unless another company stepped in to take over the route, the service would be lost. It was agreed that David Neilan at Hertfordshire County Council be contacted for advice on this matter.


Presentation by Paul Rossington and Miranda Steward be arranged as soon as possible.

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