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At a MEETING of the EAST END COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP held at Dundee on 14th May, 2015.


Gary ROBERTSON, Environment Department Depute Lord Provost Christina ROBERTS David GIBSON, Police Scotland Gary BRADY, City Development Garvie JAMIESON, Community Regeneration Forum Olive SMILES, Leisure and Communities Department Jim WILSON, Environment Department Graham STEVENSON, Community Regeneration Forum Shona HYMAN, NHS Tayside Jim CAMPBELL, Community Regeneration Forum Fiona REEKIE, Housing Department Rena SMITH, Balmoral Tenants and Residents Association Craig THOMSON, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Yvonne TOSH, Voluntary Sector



Gary ROBERTSON, in the Chair


The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting and introductions were made.


The above minute was submitted as a correct record.


There were no matters arising.


Ewan McNaughton of Tayside Contracts gave a presentation to members on the Roads Maintenance Partnership, outlining the current programme in the East End for this financial year and services included within the remit of roads maintenance. It was noted that Dundee City Council and Tayside Contracts staff work in unison to deliver roads maintenance across the city. A map was circulated by Ewan detailing planned works across carriageways, footways (adopted and unadopted) and unadopted assets.

Members were given an opportunity to ask questions and the following points were raised:-

 Would resurfacing works bring surface levels to the same point as existing drains?

This would happen with resurfacing works, also a more holistic approach to drainage was being taken.

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 Why did utility companies seem to dig up new surfaces?

It was noted that a five year amnesty was now in place with companies whereby newly treated surfaces would not be disturbed during this period. Good communication existed with Dundee City Council and it was envisaged there would be better transparency with the public.

 What were the different surface materials used?

A brief explanation was given of the different materials used, which type of surface they were suitable for and the value of these surfaces.

 A specific area was not included in the plans - Balerno Street - and anecdotal evidence of problems encountered here given.

It was advised that a note of this area would be taken and an assessment made.

 An observation was made regarding poor practices observed for filling potholes.

It was noted that standard guidance was given to all employees involved in this process and that employees were also encouraged to be proactive whilst carrying out their duties. Steps would be taken to ensure this process was completed properly.

 Forthcoming works were advertised at bus stops : this was welcomed by the local community.

It was noted that alternative communication methods were being employed and that customer satisfaction surveys were also in place. Positive reaction to alternative methods was welcomed.

 Why not carry out works at night?

In urban areas this would not be possible due to environmental laws.

Thereafter Ewan was thanked for his informative presentation.


The following was noted:-

1. Building Stronger Communities

Volunteers from both the Men's Shed Development Group and the DCSG Gardening Group got together on 10th-12th April, 2015 to build the foundations for the shed. The shed had been donated by Dundee City Council Environment Department which meant that the grant money could be used to buy equipment and to get services on site. The group had made contact with other Men's Shed groups in Dundee and Fife and was planning to visit some for inspiration.

2. Health and Wellbeing

The Equally Well Project and the Welfare Rights Team had completed development of the Poverty and Stigma awareness training and had set up a programme of sessions for staff running between June and November 2015.

3. Learning and Culture

The Local Learning Partnership would meet on 20th May, 2015. There were several sub-groups on the partnership - Wider Achievement and Attainment; Health and Wellbeing; Transition; Holiday Provision and The Senior Phase. All partnership members were participating in an in-service training day on 22nd May, 2015. 3

4. Sustainable Dundee

Douglas Community Spaces Group's community growing project was now well underway, with all 20 beds in use, fruit trees planted and the base for the polytunnel in place. A water collection system had also been set up. The group was currently exploring ways to generate electricity via solar panels or wind turbines.

5. Asset Transfer

Both Douglas Community Spaces Group and Fairfield Sports Hub applications were progressing on the basis of leasing arrangements rather then full transfer of ownership. Art Social Midlin had now submitted a Stage 2 application.

6. Our Place 2

The Our Place 2 Community Connectors had now completed over 270 Listening Surveys, and planned to continue with this phase until the end of June. So far, the results showed that what people like best about living in Douglas was the people, good schools, good transport links and the community centre. What they would like to see change included:-

 More social space  Adventure playground  Park and green space for community use  More activities for young people  Employment and training opportunities  More community wardens/policing  Community cafe open longer hours

The results of these were presented at a stakeholder meeting on 13th May, 2015. The contractors had now also completed an asset map of the area which included information about local groups, facilities, volunteers and the skills of local people. This, along with other information on Our Place Douglas, would be posted on the website at

The contractors intended to use the information from the surveys to set up a visioning meeting in June, which should result in the formation of thematic groups to take forward the development of possible projects for funding applications.

The team also had a small Community Chest Fund which could provide up to £250 for local groups to fund an activity which would help them to take forward ideas related to Our Place Douglas, eg conference attendance, study visit, basic stationery or equipment for a new group, promotional materials for a community engagement event. The contact for this was Susan Smith, telephone 07928 688207, e-mail [email protected].

Our Place Douglas was also running a photography competition with prizes for age groups as follows:-

Under 12s - Hudl2 Tablet

12-18 - Sony H300 Digital Camera

19+ - Kindle Paperwhite

All residents were being asked to take a photo representing "What does Douglas mean to you?" to be submitted by 8th June, 2015 by e-mail to [email protected]; via the Our Place Douglas Facebook page or by handing it in to the community centre.


It was noted that all applications detailed at the previous meeting had been approved. 4

Concern was raised to the proposed options for Electoral Commission boundary changes. It was agreed that clarification be sought on the undernoted issues and shared with members in due course.

 What would be the position regarding CRF monies?

 What was the consultation process for these changes?

 What decision had Dundee City Council reached regarding this?


(i) Upgrade works for steel frames was ongoing, as was the installation of insulation;

(ii) The land at the former clinic remained an NHS asset;

(iii) Provision of afterschool care was continuing to be a problem for parents/children at Claypotts Castle Primary School;

(iv) Issues regarding the printing and distribution of the Community Newsletter had emerged. It was agreed that this be investigate.



Operation Challenge was ongoing, which aimed to reduce motorcycle crime/annoyance. Currently 13 motorbikes had been removed from the streets, which was welcomed.

More visible foot patrols were to be deployed and this would also allow any emerging issues to be dealt with quickly.


Team Leaders from the East and West Offices had 'swapped' jobs for a 3 month period to allow them to experience working practices/customer issues at the different areas in Dundee. It was noted that Fiona Reekie was replacing Alistair Cairns for this period. A query was raised regarding window replacement and it was agreed that Fiona liaised with Olive regarding this.


The quarterly report was submitted and noted. Overall it was noted that targets were being achieved for most indicators, which was an excellent performance, although issues were occurring with regards to deliberate secondary fires.


Enforcement Officers had been party to discussions regarding dog fouling and it was noted that intelligence for specific instances/individuals was required.

Dundee City Council was to launch an initiative 'Take A Pride in Your Community' and more information would be given at the next meeting.


It was agreed that a presentation on the Health and Social Care Integrative would be given at the next meeting. The Welfare Reform app had been launched by Margaret Burgess at the Steeple Church, and details of this would be forwarded to members. 5


3rd June, 2015 - 5.30 pm - East End Volunteering Celebration

21st June, 2015 - 12-4 pm - Douglas Festival


20th August, 2015 - 4 pm - Craigie High School

12th November, 2015 - 2 pm - Douglas Community Centre

Gary ROBERTSON, Chair.

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