Effective Resume Writing
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Effective Resume Writing
Step 1: Gathering Information
In order to write an effective resume, you need to understand why you are writing one. In general, if you are applying for a specific job, you need to tailor your resume to meet the requirements of the position. So, grab the job description! It contains valuable information for you to use in your resume.
If you are trying to write an initial resume without a specific job in mind, think about the type of job you want and what will be important skills or experiences you need to include.
Create a Mega-Data File
Make a list of all items that could be important to your resume. Gather information or write notes about previous work experiences, job descriptions, performance reviews, previous resumes, transcripts from educational programs, papers you have written, presentations you have delivered, volunteer programs, certifications, licenses, curriculum you created, awards, honors...whatever you feel is relevant to your work. If in doubt, include it. We tend to forget the things we have done, so think of things that will help you remember. If you are just out of school, you might want to think about extracurricular experiences, volunteer work, internships, etc.
This mega-file is an important step in managing your career. Continue to add to it as you take on new jobs, attend classes, etc. This will make it much easier in the future!
Deciding What to Include
This may vary from job to job, so keep your mega-data file accessible. In order to clarify what is relevant to a particular job, ask yourself the following questions:
What do I do best? What skills have I developed? What work experience have I found satisfying? If I am looking at a specific job description, what skills and experiences are identified? What is important about my education? (This usually includes degrees and perhaps specific courses.) Are there unique experiences or talents I want to share?
Take time to answer these questions thoughtfully. Doing so will make the task of creating a resume easier. Then organize your materials to answer these questions. There may be some overlap, and that's okay.
Step 3: Choosing a Format
There are two basic formats that are found when writing a resume: a skills-based resume and a reverse chronological resume. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes certain characteristics of each are combined to create a combination resume. Depending on the job for which you are applying, you may choose one format or the other. It is good to try both styles to see which one presents the most powerful image. Which Format is Best for You?
Reverse Chronological Skills-based Combination
What it is Begin with your most Summarizes your Utilizes the best of the recent position and work professional skills and reverse chronological backwards, typically minimizes your work and skills-based styles focusing on the last 10 - 15 history years of experience
When to use it When seeking a position in You are changing careers Each position you have the same field and utilizing your had involved a different transferable skills job Your career path has shown steady progress and You have been employed You want to highlight increasing responsibilities by the same company for internships or volunteer a long time positions that are related You can demonstrate to your field of interest measurable results from You have held several your work jobs that are dissimilar Significant skills are OR very similar in nature highlighted and You've held impressive job supported by your titles and/or have worked You are a new graduate employment history for big-name employers with limited work history, but DO have relevant Your work history has no coursework or training gaps Your work history contains gaps in employment
Cautions Calls attention to Employers are used to Be sure your format employment gaps viewing reverse supports your objective chronological resumes. and is arranged in a Skills may be difficult to Be clear about why this is logical, easy-to-follow spot if they are buried in the best format for you! manner job descriptions May be more difficult to write
Step 4: Sections of a Resume
All resumes typically contain sections that highlight education and work experience. Often a profile or summary of qualifications section is used to provide the reader with an overview of your competencies. Also, many people find it helpful to begin a resume with an objective so that the reader has a reference point by which to understand your strengths and experience. Additionally, some people include a section to highlight community or professional involvement, and presentations or publications. Tailor your resume to bring out your strengths! Typical Resume Sections
Contact Information Profile or Summary of Qualifications Education Skills (if a skills-based format is used) Work Experience (two basic layouts, depending if you are using a skills-based or reverse chronological format)
Optional Sections
Objectives Technical Skills/Programming* Community Involvement Professional involvement Awards Publications/Presentations*
*If these sections are extensive, you may want to create a supplement page to your resume
Length of a Resume
Resumes are typically one or two pages in length. If you are in the initial stages of writing your resume, don't be too concerned about the length. It will be important for you to review your resume, edit unnecessary information, and ask others to critique it.
Contact Information
At the top of your resume, you need to include the following information:
Name Address Telephone Number(s) E-mail address
Mailing Address
If you have a temporary living situation, such as living on campus during a school year, you may want to include a temporary address as well as a more permanent address.
Telephone and E-mail
The telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are critical, so make sure they are correct and are numbers or addresses you check regularly.
The message you leave for a busy signal or voicemail needs to sound appropriate! Don't use a small child's voice on your voicemail. Also make sure your e-mail address is professional (don't use something like "[email protected].") This will NOT work for you!
The format of the contact information section can vary. Try different styles to see which one works best for you.
Examples Profile or Summary of Qualifications
This section may be used alone or with an objective. If used in conjunction with an objective, keep the objective brief and do not repeat the objective in your profile. The profile section allows you to state your skills, values and interests to gain the attention of the reader. It is an excellent place to include keywords and requirements that have been stated in a job description.
For some positions, such as scientific or information technology, it is a good place to highligh specific skills such as computer programs, systems or laboratory equipment and procedures. Keep in mind it is sometimes easier to create this section AFTER you have written your resume. This section is usually no longer than 3 or 4 sentences. It may be written in paragraph or bullet form.
Examples Education
Regardless of the format you use, you will likely have an Education section on your resume. In the Education section, you will want to highlight formal programs and continuing education or on-the- job training.
In writing this section, you will want to be consistent in the layout (listing the college first, then the degree, or vice versa). Start with the highest degree you have earned and work backwards. Include relevant information such as:
degree, college or university, location, date of degree, major field of study, minors, topic of thesis, relevant courses, language skills or study abroad programs, GPA, honors.
If you did not complete a college degree, mention coursework you have taken and if you are in a degree program share the expected completion date. If high school is your highest degree, list it; otherwise, it does not need to be mentioned (it's assumed).
If you have completed certification programs, follow your formal education section with a short description of these programs and include the dates if it is important.
You may want to be selective in what you include under this section. Ask yourself, "What is the purpose of including this information?" If it's just because you find it interesting and it isn't related to the job you are seeking, it may be prudent to leave it off.
Examples Skills
If you have skills that you have utilized and developed in a number of settings, it may be better to demonstrate your competence by highlighting the skill rather than where you worked.
Highlighting Skills
For example, a counselor may have worked in private practice, a clinic, and an educational setting. Counseling may be one skill this person has developed in all of the settings, so it would be somewhat redundant to describe it in each place, and perhaps even more awkward, if some of the settings were volunteer or internship.
By pulling out Counseling as a primary skill, and then describing the populations worked with, the number of clients seen, the types of problems encountered, etc., this person will be able to show his/her ability to work in a wide range of settings. The following example will give you a better idea of how this section might read for an experienced counselor. The skills you choose to highlight may vary from job to job, as well as the information you include under each skill. This provides great flexibility for you to demonstrate your competencies.
Highlighting Knowledge of Specific Procedures, Equipment or Programs
For some fields, such as scientific or computer programming, it is important to highligh specific procedures, equipment or programs in which you have experience. Many times openings in these fields require specific experience and creating a section to address this is a good way to share this information with the reader. The section can use bullet points and brief descriptions. For example, a computer engineer may include the following information in her resume:
Highlighting Achievements in Community and Professional Organizations
If you have been active in community or professional organizations, you may want to create a special section to highlight your achievements. Be selective and mention the activities that are related to the position for which you are applying. Leadership positions, projects or events, and professional presentations are some of the items to include.
If your involvement is in a political or religious organization, be aware that these may be sensitive areas for some people. They may arouse a positive or negative reaction to the reader(s), so think through how important these experiences are to your candidacy.
If organizations have titles that are vague, you may want to briefly describe it so the reader will understand its relevancy to your job search.
Highlighting Other Items
If you have published articles or books, received patents, or have made significant presentations or speeches, you may want to create a special section to highlight these achievements.
You may want to explain some of your accomplishments if they are not easily understood. For example, if you received the "President's Award," you will want to state what it represents, possibly share how selective it is, or why you were selected. The reader needs a context to recognize the value of such an honor.
If you highlight presentations, give an idea of the audience, if it was a keynote speech, or how many people attended. Don't leave your reader in the dark!
Employment Reverse Chronological
If you are using the Reverse Chronological format, this section will include specific information about your accomplishments in each work setting. You don't want to just list duties and responsibilities; this doesn't convey your competency or success.
Start with your most recent (or current) position. Again, be consistent in how you format each experience. Decide if you want to lead with your job title or place of employment and maintain that format throughout the section. Also include the location of the organization and the dates of employment.
Look at job descriptions, performance reviews, and awards or achievements that are related to this position. What can you say about your performance? For example, how many people did you supervise? What size of budget did you manage? How many seminars did you lead? What skills did you develop? What was your biggest accomplishment?
You want to paint a clear picture for the reader of the resume in terms of your seccess and the skills you have developed. They want to hire people who have been successful. The second example is much more effective and conveys a message of accomplishment. You will increase your effectiveness by using the formula:
Action Verb + Object + Results
Sentences with this structure create a scenario and emphasize what you did, not what you were required to do. This is the time to "Toot your own horn." Recognize your skills and what you have achieved. The best predictor of future performance is past performance, so let it speak for you!
Remember to quantify results if it is possible. If descriptions become long (6+ lines), break them up into paragraphs. Don't forget to include information about team or group involvement, and balance the information to include technical and interpersonal skills.
You also want to avoid using acronyms. They may be common in your work area, but you will likely lose the reader if you use them.
Typically you will include jobs that are relevant, and many people only go back 10 - 15 years. However, if there are jobs beyond that timeframe, use the section title "Relevant Experience." This makes it easy to have gaps in your experience and you appear focused.
Skills-Based Resume
If you use a Skills-Based Resume, your employment history will take a different format. This section usually follows the Skills Section (discussed later.) Typically, you will list each job briefly, including the place of employment, location, job title and dates. This becomes a short section, providing the reader with relevant information about where you worked. However, what you accomplished in each position will show up under the Skills section. Objectives
There is some debate over the inclusion of an objective. Some believe it is redundant while others see it as a framework for the reader to assess your resume.
If you decide to include an objective, it typically contains four parts:
1. The "level" of the position 2. The skills you hope to use in the position 3. The title of the posistion or the function 4. The field or industry in which you hope to work 5. If you are applying for a specific position, it is okay to use that as your objective.
Step 5: Write a Resume Draft
Now that you know the sections to include in a resume, it's your turn to put it all together.
First, decide what your objective is in writing a resume. Identify the type of job you want (try to be specific) and then choose the style of resume you will first write, either the reverse chronological, skills-based, or combination resume.
Next, think about the sections you plan to include in your resume. Make a list and then outline what you will include under each section. If you have job descriptions, transcripts, awards, etc. available, organize them into the sections you are using.
Begin by writing the easiest section! Many people begin with the Contact Information and then the Education section. These two are relatively easy to write. Under education, look for classes, projects, or major papers that relate to the job you are targeting. Include these under the degree you earned. If you have additional certifications or training, be sure to include them.
Continue writing section by section until you have a rough draft.
Step 6: Critique Your Resume Evaluate the Content
Does the resume present your strengths upfront? Does the order of information make sense? Are keywords from the job description included in the resume? Have you quantified your accomplishments to give the reader a sense of the magnitude of your responsibilities? Does the information feel complete and present a clear picture of what you have to offer? Besides reading it yourself, ask two or three trusted colleagues or friends to critique it.
Use Power Words and Action Verbs
Make every word work for you! By using Power Words and Action Verbs in your resume, you create a sense of enthusiasm and a "can do" attitude. When critiquing your resume, see if you get this sense. If not, how can you improve it? See the list of Power Words to assist you in creating effective descriptions.
Is Your Resume Focused?
Whether or not you have used an objective, your resume needs to be targeted towards supporting your reason for writing a resume. Is there information that is redundant, out of place, or irrelevant? Sometimes we are particularly proud of an achievement, but if we look at it objectively, it doesn't relate to what we are trying to do. Let go of the emotional ties and only include acheivements that are relevant.
Does the Format Highlight Your Strengths?
Is a reverse chronological format better for you than a skills-based resume? Sometimes you may use a combination of both. Are there sections you could add to strengthen your resume?
Where Are There Gaps in My Resume?
If a job description is available, compare the requirements and duties to what you have highlighted in your resume. What is missing? Do not assume that the reader of the resume will assume anything. If you can document what they are requiring, do so. For example, if they ask for experience with Microsoft Excel, do not state "experience with various office software packages." Make it easy for the reader to see you are qualified.
Length of Resume
If your resume feels too long, keep in mind that the average employer spends about 35-40 seconds scanning a resume. It is important to eliminate any extraneous words that could distract a reader. A good exercise is to review your resume and circle the 5 points you think are the most likely to help you land the job you want. Now look at the parts of the resume you haven't circled. Is there anything you could omit or shorten?
If your resume is too short, you may not be giving yourself enough credit for the experiences and training you have had. Review the materials you gathered for the "mega-approach." What else could support your targeted resume? Ask yourself, "How did I improve the various places I have worked?" If you have job performance reviews and job descriptions available from previous positions, look through them to remind yourself of your accomplishments. If your work experience is limited, consider emphasizing your coursework, activities or volunteer experiences that demonstrate skills such as teamwork, punctuality, accuracy or leadership.
Are the headings used for specific sections appropriate?
Just because someone else has used the heading title "Work History" on his or her resume doesn't mean that it is the best title for you to use. Perhaps "Professional Experience" or "Relevant Experience" is more descriptive of your experiences. Section headings do stand out in the reader's mind, so make them work for you.
The current trend in resumes is to leave off the phrase "References available upon request." This is assumed to be true, so there is no need to include it. (For reference information, see our suggestions listed under "References.")
Tips for Effective Resumes
Include your name on each page of your resume. That way, if it gets separated, the reader knows what belongs to you!
Whenever possible, locate the most important information on the left side of the page or near the top. For example, dates of employment are not as critical as where you worked or what you did. Draw the reader's attention to relevant information.
Use White Space
Resumes that appear too dense with copy may seem too difficult to read. By creating "white space" the reader is more comfortable and it conveys a sense of calm and organization. Look at your resume upside down and from a distance. See what your initial reaction is to the layout and revise it if necessary.
Pay Attention to Font
Typically resumes are written with 10 - 12 pt font size. Section headers may be bolded or the point size of the font may be increased. Select fonts that are easy to read and that are not too condensed. Try different fonts to see which ones are best for you. Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, and Garamond are fonts used in many resumes.
Bolding and italics can be used sparingly in resumes. Too much can be overkill. Emphasize words or section headings to help guide the reader's eye to notice your qualifications. Try reading it without any bolding or italics and identify what needs to be emphasized.
Grammatical errors and spelling mistakes have no place in a resume. Do not rely on "Spell Check" to catch them. Proofread your resume several times and show it to others to check. Also, be sure to double-check your phone number(s) and e-mail address(es) for accuracy. If an employer tries to contact you and gets a wrong number, chances are he or she will move on to another candidate.
Only include graphics if they enhance your resume. A simple line can separate sections without blocking the flow in a resume. Don't get too cute and discourage the employer from considering you.
Keywords are an essential component of writing a successful resume and conducting a successful job search.
Provide references only when they are requested. Be prepared with a list of references that will support your candidacy. A good reference will be able to talk about your work experiences and skills. Be sure to get their permission to be included on your list and ask them whether they will be positive. Be sure to let them know what you’ve applied for when you use their name so that they can be helpful and not surprised when contacted.
Critique Your Resume
It is important to create a resume that is strong and concise. It should clearly state your career goal with the body of the resume logically supporting this objective. Your resume makes a personal statement about you and your career. It is important that you feel comfortable with your resume format and content. If the final product doesn’t make you feel proud to use it as your personal sales tool, take time to make the changes necessary to achieve this goal.
When critiquing your resume, the following chart can serve as a reminder of key points to review.
Scannable Resumes and Electronic Resumes
Many organizations electronically scan resumes to enter them into their databases. Because of this, you may need a special version of your resume that is tailored to be an electronic version. Just as with a hardcopy of your resume, you want this resume to arrive safely to the employer. By following these suggestions, your resume will contain the same content but the formatting will be simpler and not as eye-catching.
Information taken from: http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/careerdev/resume