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General Calendar


The school in which the plan is designed for is an elementary school that is very diverse. The school has a high population of refugee students and the school is also a haven for transient students. These students are new to the country and they usually come to the local area to settle into the United States.



Library Card Sign-Up Month A time when the American Library Association and libraries across the country remind parents that the most important school supply of all is @ your library®—it's your library card. Posters and other promotional materials are available from ALA Graphics.

Banned Books Week, September 29-October 6


Teen Read Week, October 14-20

International School Library Day, October 22 Observed the third Monday in October, this day is sponsored by the International Association of School Librarianship to focus on the richness and variety of school library services in different countries, and the contribution that they make to their schools and communities.

The Teacher's Calendar: The Day-by-Day Directory to Holidays, Historic Events, Birthdays, and Special Days, Weeks, and Months by Sandy Whiteley (Compiler). November

Family Literacy Day, November 1 Sponsored by the National Center for Family Literacy, this annual event celebrates the important role of parents in their children’s learning.

National Young Reader's Day, November 8 Sponsored by Pizza Hut in cooperation with the Center for the Book to encourage kids to read.

Children’s Book Week, November 13-19 Observed since 1919, Children’s Book Week encourages children and the adults who care for them to spend some time with a book each day. (2008, November 12-18)



Library Lovers Month This is a good time to encourage library fans of all ages to express their feelings about the library. This information has been provided by FRIENDS & FOUNDATIONS of California Libraries FRIENDS - FOUNDATIONS - VOLUNTEERS - ADVOCATES partners in library support


Read Across America, March 2 Started in 1998 as a way to get kids excited about reading, the National Education Association’s Read Across America has become the nation's largest reading event. The event happens on or near Dr. Seuss's birthday each year. The Cat in the Hat 50th Birthday April

School Library Media Month Sponsored by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of ALA, this month has the same theme as National Library Week.

Drop Everything and Read Day (D.E.A.R.), April 12 Celebrated on the 90th birthday of Newbery Award-winning author Beverly Cleary, this initiative encourages families to designate at least 30 minutes to put aside all distractions and enjoy books together. ALSC is a sponsor along with the National Education Association (NEA), National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and HarperCollins Children’s Books.

National Library Week, April 15-21 First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. (2008 National Library Week April 13-19)

Young People’s Poetry Week, April 16-12 Celebrated the third week in April, this annual event is sponsored by the Children’s Book Council (CBC), to highlight poetry for children and young adults and encourage everyone to celebrate poetry—read it, enjoy it, write it. A downloadable poster and other support materials are available.

Future Young People's Poetry Week Dates: 2008: April 14-20 2009: April 13-19 2010: April 12-18 2011: April 11-17

Week of the Young Child, April 22-28 This annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) focuses public attention on the needs of young children (ages 0-8) and their families.

TV Turn-off Week, April 23-29 This week is sponsored each April by the TV Turn-off Network, whose motto is “Turn off TV. Turn on Life.” The focus is on encouraging reading and other activities that can help kids learn and grow. Date TBA. El día de los niños/El día de los libros, April 30 This annual celebration of children, families and reading focuses on the importance of advocating literacy for every child regardless of linguistic and cultural background. It is sponsored by ALSC with the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking (REFORMA).

2006-2007 Program Grade/ GPSs Description of Time-line PR Item Subject Program Attached Donuts K/ ELAKDR1 The second Tuesday On-going Newspaper with Reading The Student of every month is throughout the promo (after Dad demonstrates “Donuts with Dad” school year 1st month) knowledge of morning. This will concepts of August (3rd include a print. Dads/G’Dads will week) – May photo of the meet a particular (3rd week) event with a ELAKR2 kindergarten class in 2006-2007- caption The student the media center at describing the demonstrates 7:45 for 2nd Tuesday of program. the ability to Donuts/coffee/OJ/milk every month identify and 7:45-8:45 Child-made orally At approximately Bookmark manipulate 8:05, Dads/G’Dads Classes will sent home words and will read—one at a rotate until they individual time--a story book to have all EVENT sounds within their child’s class (in participated. Posted on the those spoken the media center). Afterwards, System/school words. on an as-needed Web site. Depending on the basis per ELAKR3 response (4-6 Dads), teacher input. The student one class per Tuesday demonstrates is suggested. If few Dad’s the relation- show, classes ship between may be letters and combined and letter repeated combinations monthly of written (instead of words and the taking turns) sounds of spoken words.

ELAKR4 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression.

ELAKR5 The student acquires and uses grade- level words to communicate effectively.

ELAKR6 The student gains meaning from orally presented text.

Donuts 1/ ELA1R1 The second On-going Newspaper with Reading The Student Wednesday of every throughout the promo (after Dad demonstrated month is “Donuts with school year 1st month) knowledge of Dad” morning for 1st concepts of graders. August (3rd Child-made print. week) – May Bookmark Dads/G’Dads will (3rd week) sent home ELA1R2 meet their child’s 2006-2007 with report The student particular class in the cards demonstrates media center at 7:45 2nd Wednesday the ability to for Donuts, of every month Posted on the identify and coffee/OJ/milk 7:45-8:45 System/school orally Web site. manipulate At approximately Classes will words and 8:05, Dads/G’Dads rotate until they individual will read a grade-level have all sounds within story book to their participated. those spoken child’s class (in the Afterwards, words. media center). on an as-needed basis per ELA1R3 Depending on the teacher input. The student response (4-6 Dads), demonstrates one class per Tuesday the relationship is suggested. 1st graders have between letters been a part of and letter this program combinations for two years— of written since words and the kindergarten. sounds of spoken words.

ELA1R4 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression.

ELA1R5 The student acquires and uses grade- level words to communicate effectively.

ELA1R6 The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade- level text. Muffins 2/ ELA2R1 Is the same thing as Same as above with Reading The student “Donuts with Dad” Mom quickly applies but falls the second This is the 1st knowledge of Thursday of every year with letter-sound month--for 2nd graders mom/G’ma, but correspondence only. the program has and spelling been in place patterns to for 2 years decode previously with unfamiliar dad. words.

ELA2R2 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression.

ELA2R3 The student acquires and uses grade- level words to communicate effectively.

ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade- level text.

Fabulous 3/ ELA3R1 The 3rd Friday of On-going, (Photos of Friday Reading The student every month, a monthly, activity) demonstrates particular 3rd grade through out the Posted on the the ability to class meets with a year System/school read orally particular 5th grade Web site. with speed, class. Each 3rd grader accuracy, and will read an assigned The 3rd and 5th expression. book (from choices) to graders will a 5th grader. The 5th create posters ELA3R2 grader will repeat a illustrating The student summary of the story their particular acquires and book to the 3rd grader. book—to be uses grade- hung inside level words to and outside communicate the media effectively. center.

ELA3R3 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade- level text. Fabulous 4/ ELA4R1 The 3rd Friday of (Photos of Friday Reading The student every month, a activity) demonstrates particular 1st grade Posted on the comprehension class meets with a System/school and shows particular 4th grade Web site. evidence of a class. Each 1st grader warranted and will read an assigned The 1st and 4th responsible book (from choices) to graders will explanation of a 4th grader. The 4th create a variety of grader will repeat a bookmarks literary and summary of the story illustrating informational book to the 1st grader. their particular texts. story. To be In December, 4th displayed ELA4R2 graders choose an given out in The student approved book to read the media consistently to the same 1st grade center. reads at least class in addition to the twenty-five above assignment. books or book equivalents The genre varies from each year. month to month with all being covered. ELA4R3 Fiction/non-fiction, The student etc. understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing.

ELA4R4 The student reads aloud, accurately, familiar material in a variety of genres, in a way that makes meaning clear to listeners. Fabulous 5/ ELA5R1 The 3rd Friday of On-going, (Photos of Friday Reading The student every month, a monthly, activity) demonstrates particular 3rd grade through out the Posted on the comprehension class meets with a year(s) (1st/4th System/school and shows particular 5th grade graders Web site. evidence of a class. Each 3rd grader together, then warranted and will read an assigned 3rd/5th graders The 3rd and 5th responsible book (from choices) to together) graders will explanation of a 5th grader. The 5th create posters a variety of grader will repeat a illustrating literary and summary of the story their particular informational book to the 3rd grader. book—to be texts. hung inside In December, 5th and outside ELA5R2 graders choose an the media The student approved book to read center. consistently to the same 3rd grade reads at least class in addition to the twenty-five above assignment. books or book equivalents each year. The genre varies from month to month with ELA5R3 all being covered. The student Fiction/non-fiction, understands etc. and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing.

ELA5R4 The student reads aloud, accurately, familiar material in a variety of genres, in a way that makes meaning clear to listeners. Poster K-5 See above For all students—all August will be Newspaper— Contest grades. for 5th graders. With the Students will create a September for winner and poster illustrating a 4th graders, his/her favorite book. Posters October for 3rd winning entry must be standard size. graders, displayed. The poster will November for include the title of the 2nd graders, System/School book and the author’s December for Web site name. A brief 1st graders and summary is permitted. January for Posters will be kindergarteners. Promotional identified by number posters —no names or other February, throughout the identification allowed. March, April, school. Posters will be and May will displayed throughout be for all the general school students areas (common halls, combined. lunchroom, media center) from Tuesday This is an until Friday. On ongoing event Friday, as students are to be held one leaving the week out of lunchroom, they will every month— be given a ballot to forever. vote for their favorite poster (by number). This is a The votes will be program to tallied and the winner encourage will be identified the reading. following Monday. Participation is The winner will be voluntary. given a $10.00 gift certificate to be applied at the local bookstore. (Hopefully the local bookstore will donate all or a portion of the gift certificate—otherwise funds may come from miscellaneous money such as fines for overdue books, etc). FABULOUS STORY FRIDAY ILLUSTRATION THIS SIDE FOR



To include the students name, date and class

(teacher may add this preprinted, DONUTS then present to student to complete) WITH Magnets of artwork may be created DAD! at year’s end for Father’s Day


7:45-8:45 TUESDAY MORNING August—Ms. McNease’s Class

COME READ TO ME DAD! The first post—after the first event, photos will be posted.

DONUTS WITH DAD—Promo for system/school Web site.

DONUTS WITH DAD! Join your child in the media center the 2nd Tuesday of every month for donuts, coffee, and a book!

Contact your child’s teacher or Ms. Cooper in the media center for more information. 770-111-2222

Muffins with Mom—Promo for system/school Web site

Muffins with Mom Join us in the Media Center the 2nd Thursday of the month. 770-111-2222 for more information.


Illustrate your favorite book and win a gift certificate.

See Ms. Cooper or your teacher for details Above is for the school-wide poster contest. To be posted throughout the school and on the system/school Web site.


Program Grade GPS Description of Timeline PR Item attached level/Subject program area Meet and Greet! All ELA4LSV1 The media August A bookmark will be The student specialist and First created and given to the participates in secretary will stand Week of students. student-to- at the top of each School teacher, grade level hall at student-to- different times of student, and the week and group verbal welcome students interactions. as they pass in the hall. The media staff will shake hands and pass out pencils, pens, and a bookmark. Library Card Sign- All The school’s media September Flyer posted through out Up Month staff and public (Firs the building and library personnel t announcement made A time when the will decorate a table wee during the morning American Library in the main lobby k) announcements. Association and and register libraries across the students daily for a country remind parents public library card. that the most important To entice students, school supply of all is each person will get @ your library®—it's to enter his/her your library card. name in a drawing Posters and other for a gift certificate promotional materials for two at the Chic- are available from ALA Fil-A Dwarf House. Graphics.

Scholastic Book Fair All ELAK/5R2 The The students will October Announcement will be student have a chance to (First and made everyday during consistently purchase books, 2nd week) the morning reads at least pens, journals, announcements and twenty-five posters, etc. and the Scholastic will provide books or book money collected posters. equivalents will help fund other (approximately media programs. To 1,000,000 entice the students words) each to participate in the year. The event, each time materials should he/she spends $4.99 include or more, his/her traditional and name will be contemporary entered in a literature (both drawing to win two fiction and non- movie tickets! fiction) as well as magazines, newspapers, textbooks, and electronic material. Such reading should represent a diverse collection of material from at least three different literary forms and from at least five different writers. Children’s Book 5 grade Paper Bag Book November Flyer to be placed next to Week, Language ELA5R3The Report 13-19 each cash register in Arts class student The students will Kroger. w understands and write book reports Observed since 1919, acquires new on paper grocery Children’s Book Week vocabulary and bags and return encourages children uses it correctly them to Kroger so and the adults who care in reading and that customers’ for them to spend some writing. groceries can be time with a book each ELAK/5R2 The bagged in them. day. (2008, November student This project helps 12-18) consistently to promote reads at least community literacy. twenty-five (Education World, books or book 1999-2007) equivalents (approximately 1,000,000 words) each year. The materials should include traditional and contemporary literature (both fiction and non- fiction) as well as magazines, newspapers, textbooks, and electronic material. Such reading should represent a diverse collection of material from at least three different literary forms and from at least five different writers. ELA5W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. Books Under the Tree All There will be a December An announcement will be book drive the (all made during the morning entire month. month) announcements. Students will donate new or slightly used books to be given to the Rainbow House (a safe house for foster children). Students that donate 3 or more books will be given an ice cream or homework pass. Hunk If you Love To All Art The art students January A poster will be hung in Read! Classes will create bumper (second the art room. stickers that week) promote reading. The top three winning bumper stickers will be treated to a Chic- Fil-A lunch. I Love Books! 1st grade ELAK/5R2 The Instead of making February The teacher will make an Language student Valentine’s cards to example and hang it in Library Lovers Arts classes consistently exchange with their the classroom. reads at least peers, students will Month twenty-five make heart shaped books or book cards that have a /librarylovers/ equivalents drawing of the book This is a good time to (approximately cover on the top, a encourage library fans 1,000,000 summary of the of all ages to express words) each book inside, and their feelings about the year. The two sentences library. This materials should telling why they information has been include like the book on the provided by traditional and back. The students FRIENDS & contemporary will then exchange FOUNDATIONS of literature (both and discuss them. California Libraries fiction and non- FRIENDS - fiction) as well FOUNDATIONS - as magazines, VOLUNTEERS - newspapers, ADVOCATES textbooks, and partners in library electronic support material. Such reading should represent a diverse collection of material from at least three different literary forms and from at least five different writers. ELA4LSV1 The student participates in student-to- teacher, student-to- student, and group verbal interactions. ELA1W1 The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process. Read Across America 4th grade ELA4R4 The 4th grade gifted March 2 An announcement will be gifted The student students will read made during the morning s/ students reads aloud, Dr. Seuss books to announcements about Dr. Started in 1998 as a accurately, the Kindergarten Seuss’ life and way to get kids excited familiar classes. The accomplishments. about reading, the material in a kindergarten The information will be National Education variety of students will then taken from this site Association’s Read genres, in a way draw scenes from http://www.catinthehat.or Across America has that makes the book and g/history.htm become the nation's meaning clear drawings will be largest reading event. to listeners. displayed on a The event happens on ELA4LSV1 bulleting board in or near Dr. Seuss's The student the media center. birthday each year. The participates in Cat in the Hat 50th student-to- Birthday teacher, student-to- student, and group verbal interactions. Drop Everything and All ELAK/5R2 The During the last April 12 An announcement will be Read Day (D.E.A.R.) student thirty minutes of 3rd made during the morning www.dropeverythingan consistently block, everyone announcements. reads at least will stop what they Celebrated on the 90th twenty-five are doing and read birthday of Newbery books or book a book silently. Award-winning author equivalents Beverly Cleary, this (approximately initiative encourages 1,000,000 families to designate at words) each least 30 minutes to put year. The aside all distractions materials should and enjoy books include together. ALSC is a traditional and sponsor along with the contemporary National Education literature (both Association (NEA), fiction and non- National Parent fiction) as well Teacher Association as magazines, (PTA) and newspapers, HarperCollins textbooks, and Children’s Books. electronic material. Such reading should represent a diverse collection of material from at least three different literary forms and from at least five different writers. Family Day! All ELA4LSV1 Students and their May (1st Flyers will be placed The student parents will enjoy a weekend) throughout the building. participates in picnic on the student-to- football field while teacher, listening to a local student-to- author read his/her student, and book. group verbal interactions.


Hours of operation: 7:15- WHAT: Library Card Application Week! 3:30pm WHEN: First Week of September Media Specialist: Melinda Morin WHERE: Main Lobby

School Store: Every student that applies for a library card will have a chance to win a gift Pencil $.25 certificate for two to Chic-Fil-A! Paper $.75 Erasers $.05 Folders $.50 Pen $.25 Disks $.50 CDs $1.00 Printing: Black and white $.15/per page Color $.25/per page Your will have the pleasure of Announcement: having your groceries packed in a The media staff would like to invite bag decorated by a student from everyone to their annual book fair! We Oakcliff Theme School. The have all of you favorite books like Harry students completed book reports on Potter! We have prices that will fit your bags in an effort to challenge everyone’s budget. If you are short on you to read more! Male them proud cash, check out the $2.00 table! If you have by reading their reports and saved all of your birthday money, check checking out a book from your out our pocket electronic organizer for local library! Happy Reading! $16.00! We have flexible pencils for $.99 and journals for $10.00! If you spend $4.99 or more, your name will be entered in a drawing to will two movie tickets! Drawing that represents the cover of the book on the front side. Students, your mission is to create a bumper sticker that promotes reading by the end of the week. The bumper stickers will be displayed in the display case. Each sticker will receive a number. Students will select the bumper stickers they like and drop the numbers in a box. The creators of the top three bumper stickers will receive a Chic-Fil- A lunch! Let’s see how creative you can be!

Announcements: Do you want to do something to give back to the community this season? The media staff has just the project for you! It is our goal to collect 500 books to donate to the Rainbow House to be added to their personal library. We are asking everyone to bring in a new or slightly used book all this month and drop it in the big box in the media center. Students donating 3 or more books will receive a free homework pass of ice cream pass! Bring your book in today!

A 5 sentenced summary written in ink on the Inside.

2 sentences explaining why you like the book. It is the end of the year and we have worked really hard. Now it is time to take a breather and celebrate. Come reconnect with your children and the faculty and staff at Booth Middle School! We will have lots of food, fun, and most importantly, family! Enjoy a Read Aloud from our guest author, Dudley Baker, while you enjoy your snacks! The event will be held Saturday, May 5th. It will start at 4:00pm and end at 6:00p.m. We can’t wait to see you there!

Announcement: In celebration of Drop Everything And Read Day, the students, staff, and faculty will drop everything and read a favorite book, magazine, or newspaper during the last 30 minutes of 3rd block today. No one will be allowed out of class during this time. The principal will make an announcement when DEAR should begin. REFERENCES

American Library Association (2006). Banned books week. Retrieved April 7, 2007, from

American Library Association (2006). Promo calendar. Retrieved April 7, 2007, from

Children’s Book Council (2007). Children's book week: November 13-19, 2006. Retrieved April 7, 2007, from

Dr. Seuss National Memorial. (2002-2004). All about dr. seuss. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from

Education World. (1999-2007). Paper bag book report. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from

Georgia Department of Education (2007). Georgia Retrieved April 7, 2007, from

Georgia Department of Education. (2007). Georgia standards. Retrieved April 10, 2007 2007, from

Georgia Department of Education (2006). K-12 Library media services. Retrieved April 7, 2007 from

National Center for Family Literacy (2006). National family literacy day-November 1. Retrieved April 7, 2007, from

National Education Association (2006). NEA’s Read across America—2007. Retrieved April 7, 2007, from

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