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Professor, Department of Sociology, County South, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YL:Tel 01524 594610, Fax 01524 594256 [email protected]
EMPLOYMENT Oct 1986 - Dec 1991 Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York. Jan 1992 - July 1995 Senior Lecturer, Social and International Studies, University of Sunderland July 1995 - Oct 1995 Reader, Social and International Studies, University of Sunderland Oct 1995 - Aug 1998 Deputy Director, Centre for the Study of Environmental Change, Lancaster University Aug 1998 – Aug 2000 Director, Centre for Science Studies, Lancaster University Aug 2000 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University Oct 2000- Oct 2001 Leverhulme Research Fellow Oct 2000 – Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Innovation and Competition, Manchester University March-April 2001 Visiting Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. June 2003 Reader, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University October-Nov 2003 Visiting Lecturer, Helsinki School of Economics and Visiting Senior Research Fellow, National Consumer Research Council, Finland, Helsinki. January-March 2003 Visiting Research Fellow, Said Business School, University of Oxford
In press Shove, E., Watson, M., Hand, M. and Ingram, J. (2007) The Design of Everyday Life, Oxford: Berg.
Van Vliet, B., Chappells, H. and Shove, E. (2005), Infrastructures of Consumption: Restructuring the Utility Industries, London: Earthscan.
Pantzar, M. and Shove, E. (eds), (2005) Manufacturing Leisure, Helsinki: NCRC.
Shove, E. (2003), Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience: the Social Organization of Normality, Oxford: Berg.
Redclift, M., Shove, E., van der Meulen, B. and Raman, S. (2000) Social Environmental Research in the European Union: Research networks and new agendas, Cheltenham: Elgar.
Guy, S. and Shove, E. (2000), A Sociology of Energy, Buildings and the Environment: Constructing Knowledge, Designing Practice, London: Routledge.
Refereed Journal Articles
1 Shove, E. and Walker, G. (accepted by Environment and Planning A.) ‘Caution! Transitions ahead: politics, practice and sustainable transition management’
Shove, E., Watson, M. and Ingram, J. (accepted by Design Issues) 'Products and practices: selected concepts from science and technology studies and from social theories of consumption and practice'
Hand, M., Shove, E., and Southerton, D. (Forthcoming), ‘Home extensions in the UK: space, time and practice’, Environment and Planning D – Society and Space. (Accepted, November 2005)
Published Hand, M. and Shove, E. (2007), ‘Condensing Practices’ Journal of Consumer Culture, 7(1): 79- 104.
Shove, E. and Pantzar, M. (2006) ‘Fossilisation’, Ethnologia Europaea: Journal of European Ethnology, 35:1-2, 2005, p59-63.
Shove, E. and Southerton, D. (2006) 'Defrosting the freezer - from novelty to convenience: A narrative of normalization', Biograf, issue 39. (Czech)
Hand, M., Shove, E. and Southerton, D., (2005) 'Explaining showering: a discussion of the material, conventional and temporal dimensions of practice', Sociological Research Online. 10(2):
Cass, N., Shove, E., and Urry, J.(2005) ‘Social exclusion, mobility and access’, Sociological Review 53(3)539-556.
Shove, E., and Pantzar, M. (2005), 'Consumers, producers and practices: understanding the invention and reinvention of Nordic Walking' Journal of Consumer Culture, 5 (1): 43-64.
Chappells, H., and Shove, E. (2005) 'Debating the future of comfort: environmental sustainability, energy consumption and the indoor environment' Building Research and Information 33(1): 32-40.
Shove, E., (2004) 'Efficiency and Consumption: Technology and Practice', Energy and Environment, 15(6): 1053-1065.
Shove, E. (2004) “Redéfinir le confort: un défi pour la consommation durable" in La Revue Durable, Geneva, Switzerland, Number 9, February-March 2004: 18-21.
Hand, M. and Shove, E. (2004) 'Orchestrating Concepts: Kitchen Dynamics and Regime Change in Good Housekeeping and Ideal Home 1922-2002, Home Cultures, 1(3): 235-256.
Shove, E. (2003) ‘Converging conventions of comfort, cleanliness and convenience’ Journal of Consumer Policy. 26(4) 395-418.
Shove, E. (2003) ‘Principals, Agents, Actors and Research Programmes’, Science and Public Policy, special issue on principal agent theory edited by D. Braun, 30(5) 371-381.
Shove, E. (2003) ‘Users, technologies and expectations of comfort, cleanliness and convenience’ Innovation. Special issue on users and design edited by H. Rohracher and J. Jelsma. 16(2):193-207.
Southerton, D., Shove, E., Warde, A. and Deem, R. (2001) ‘The Social Worlds of Caravanning: Objects, Scripts and Practices’, in Sociological Research Online, vol 6. No 2.
2 Shove, E. and Southerton, D. (2000) ‘Defrosting the Freezer: from Novelty to Convenience’, Journal of Material Culture, 5(3): 301-319.
Shove, E. and Rip, A. (2000) ‘Users and Unicorns: a discussion of mythical beasts in interactive science’, Science and Public Policy, Special Issue on Interactive Social Science, edited by Elizabeth Shove and Chris Caswill, 27(3) June 2000: 175-182.
Shove, E. and Caswill, C. (2000) ‘Introducing Interactive Social Science’, Science and Public Policy Special Issue on Interactive Social Science, 27 (3) June 2000: 152-157.
Shove, E. and Caswill, C. (2000) ‘Postscript’, Science and Public Policy Special Issue on Interactive Social Science, 27 (3) June 2000: 220-222.
Chappells, H. and Shove, E. (1999) ‘The Dustbin: A study of domestic waste, household practices and utility services’, International Planning Studies, 4 (2): 267-280.
Lutzenhiser, L. and Shove, E. (1999) ‘Contracting Knowledge: the organizational limits to interdisciplinary energy research and development in the US and the UK, Energy Policy, 27(4): 217-227.
Shove, E. (1998) ‘Designers as Consumers and Consumers as Designers’, in ARTTU! 5-6, Helsinki University of Art and Design.
Shove, E. (1998) ‘Gaps Barriers and Conceptual Chasms: Theories of Technology Transfer and Energy in Buildings’, Energy Policy, 26: 1105-1112.
Shove, E. (1998) ‘Relevance, Independence and Capture’, Building Research and Information: The International Journal of Research, Development, Demonstration and Innovation, 26(6): 386- 389.
Shove, E. and Simmons, P. (1997) ‘Research contexts and policy knowledge: linking social science research and environmental policy’, Science and Public Policy, 24(4): 214-222.
Refereed working papers
Southerton, D., Shove, E., and Warde, A. (2001) ‘Hurried and Harried: time shortage and the co-ordination of everyday life’, CRIC Discussion Paper No47, University of Manchester.
Shove, E. (1991) ‘Tracing Paper People’, Person Environment Theory Series, Center for Environmental Design Research, Berkeley: University of California.
Refereed and published conference papers
Shove, E. and Moezzi, M. (2002) ‘What do standards standardize?’, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study Proceedings, Washington DC.: ACEEE.
Wilhite, H., Shove, E., Lutzenhiser, L. and Kempton, W. (2000) ‘Twenty Years of Energy Demand Management: We Know More About Behavior But How Much Do We Know About Demand?’, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study Proceedings, Washington DC.: ACEEE.
Shove, E. and Wilhite, H. (1999) ‘What Energy Policy Forgot and What it Might Yet Remember’, European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study Proceedings, Paris: ADEME.
Shove, E. (1997) ‘Energy Knowledges’, European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study Proceedings, Copenhagen:Danish Energy Agency/ECEEE.
Lutzenhiser, L. and Shove, E. (1996) ‘Coordinated Contractors and Contracting Knowledge’, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study Proceedings, Washington DC.: ACEEE.
3 Shove, E. and Raman, S. (1996) ‘Big Stick or Bendy Stick: Regulating for Energy Efficiency’, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study Proceedings, Washington DC.: ACEEE.
Book chapters Shove, E. and Pantzar, M. (2006) ‘Fossilization’ in Lofgren, O. and Wilk, R. (eds) Off the Edge: Experiments in Cultural Analysis' museum Tusculanum press: University of Copenhagen
Pantzar, M., Shove, E. and Hand, M. (2005), 'Innovations in Fun: the careers and carriers of digital photography and floorball' in Pantzar, M. and Shove, E. Manufacturing Leisure, NCRC: Helsinki, Finland (
Shove, E. (2005), 'Changing human behaviour and lifestyle: a challenge for sustainable consumption?' in Ropke, I. and Reisch, L. (eds), Consumption - Perspectives from ecological economics, Cheltenham: Elgar. (pages 111-132).
Shove, E. (2004) 'Sustainability, system innovation and the laundry' in Elzen, B. Geels, F. G. and Green, K. (eds.) System Innovation and the Transition to Sustainability: Theory, Evidence and Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (pages 76-94).
Chappells, H., and Shove, E. (2004), 'Infrastructures, crises and the orchestration of demand' , in Southerton, D., Chappells, H., and van Vliet, B. Sustainable Consumption: the implications of changing infrastructures of provision, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (pages 130-143).
Cass, N., Shove, E., and Urry, J. (2004). 'Transport infrastructures: a social-spatial-temporal model', in Southerton, D., Chappells, H., and van Vliet, B. Sustainable Consumption: the implications of changing infrastructures of provision, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (pages 113- 130).
Shove, E. (2004) ‘Social and environmental convergence’ in Steemers, K. and Steane, A. M. (eds) Architecture and Variety: Environmental Perspectives, London: Spon. (pages 19-29).
Shove, E. and Robson, B. (2004) ‘Geography and public policy: a political turn’, in Matthews, J. and Herbert, D. (eds) Unifying Geography: Common Heritage, Shared Future, London: Routledge. (pages 353-369).
Shove, E. and Warde, A. (2002) ‘Inconspicuous Consumption: The sociology of consumption, lifestyles and environment’, in Dunlap, R. (ed.), Sociological Theory and the Environment, Colorado: Rownan and Littlefield. (pages 230-251)
Shove, E. and Redclift, M. (2002) ‘Steering Research Toward Policy: The Case of Social Science and Environmental Change’, in Hisschemoller, M., Hoppe, R., Dunn, W. and Ravetz, J. (eds), Knowledge, Power and Participation in Environmental Policy Analysis – Policy Studies Review Annual Volume 12, London: Transaction Publishers. (pages 371-390).
Shove, E. and Chappells, H. (2001) ‘Ordinary Consumption and Extraordinary Relationships: Utilities and their Users’ in Gronow, J. and Warde, A. (eds), Ordinary Consumption, London: Routledge (pages 45-58).
Chappells, H., Selby, J. and Shove, E. (2001) ‘Control and Flow: Rethinking the Sociology, Technology and Politics of Water Consumption, in Cohen, M., and Murphy, J., (eds), Exploring Sustainable Consumption: Environmental Policy and the Social Sciences, Oxford: Elsevier/Pergamon (pages 157-172).
Shove, E. and van der Meulen, B. (2001) ‘National and European Dynamics of Social Environmental Research’ in Dresner, S., and Gilbert, N. (eds), The Dynamics of European
4 Science and Technology Policies, Aldershot: Ashgate. (pages 81-108).
Wilhite, H. Shove, E, Lutzenhiser, L. and Kempton, W. (2000) ‘The Legacy of Twenty Years of Energy Demand Management: we know more about individual behaviour but next to nothing about demand’ in Jochem, E. Sathaye, J. and Bouille, D. (eds), Society, Behaviour, and Climate Change Mitigation, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (pages 109-123).
Raman, S. and Shove, E. (2000) ‘The Business of Regulation’, in Steve Fineman (Ed.) The Business of Greening, London: Routledge. (pages 134-150).
Shove, E. (2000) ‘Reciprocities and Reputations: New Currencies in Research’ in Jacob, M., and Hellstrom, T. (eds), The Future of Knowledge Production in the Academy, Milton Keynes: Open University Press. (pages 63-80).
Shove, E. (1999) ‘Constructing Home: A Crossroads of Choices’ in Cieraad, I. (Ed.), At Home: An Anthropology of Domestic Space, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. (pages 130-143).
Shove, E., Lutzenhiser, L., Guy, S., Hackett, B. and Wilhite, H. (1998) ‘Energy and Social Systems’, in Rayner, S. and Malone, E. (eds), Human Choice and Climate Change, Volume 2, Resources and Technology, Ohio: Battelle Press. (pages 291-326).
Shove, E. (1998) ‘Working Back from the Future’, in Giovannini, B. and Baranzini, A. (eds), Energy Modelling: Beyond Economics and Technology, Centre for Energy Studies, Geneva: University of Geneva. (pages 9-22).
Shove, E. (1997) ‘Revealing the Invisible: Sociology, Energy and the Environment’, in Redclift, M. and Woodgate, G. (eds), The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (pages 261-273).
Shove, E. (1997) ‘Contracting Knowledge: Commissioned research and the Sociology of the Environment’, in Samson C. and South, N. (eds.), The Social Construction of Social Policy, London: Macmillan. British Sociological Association Conference volume. (pages 171-192)
Shove, E., (1995) ‘Constructing Regulations and Regulating Construction: The practicalities of environmental policy’, in Gray, T. (ed.), UK Environmental Policy in the 1990s, London: Macmillan. (pages 171-193).
Shove, E. (1995) ‘Threats and Defences in the Built Environment’, in Elworthy, S., Coates, I., Stroh, M., Anderson, K., and Stepehns, P. (eds), Perspectives on the Environment 2, Aldershot: Avebury Press. (pages 45-60).
Shove, E. (1994) ‘Sustaining Developments in Environmental Sociology’, in Redclift, M. and Benton, T. (eds), Social Theory and the Global Environment, London: Routledge. (pages 256- 267).
Current Research Students
*Isabel Shaw, 'Changing habits: the technology and practice of toothbrushing' ESRC and Unilever, CASE award (started 2003).
Sumei Wang, ‘The impact of Globalisation and New Technology in the Greater China Region (started 2004)
Nick Kelly, ‘The Night time Economy’
5 PhD student visitors Sanna Ahonen, visiting PhD student from the University of Helsinki (Jan 2003-April 2003)
Maj-Britt Quitzau, visiting PhD student from the Danish Technical University (October 2004- December 2004)
Charlie Blair, visiting PhD student from Imperial College, London (October 2004-December 2004)
Previous research students (* = CASE award or sponsored studentship that I set up) Vernon Gayle, ‘Students’ personal funding strategies in higher education’, University of Sunderland, supervised by me from 1992 – 1994.
Simon Guy, ‘Energy, Buildings and the Environment’, University of Sunderland, supervised by me from 1992 – 1994.
Liz Kenyon, ‘A Community within the Community?: an Empirical Exploration of the Constitution and Formation of Student Areas’, Sociology Department, Lancaster University, (started at the University of Sunderland in 1992, moved to Lancaster and completed 1997)
Mags Adams, ‘Deliberating Precaution and the Precautionary Principle in the United Kingdom, CASE award, Friends of the Earth, University of Lancaster
Eamonn Molloy, ‘Management Technologies: Ideas, Practices and Processes’ CASE award, Body Shop, University of Lancaster
Jan Selby, ‘Water, Power and Politics: an International, Theoretical Analysis of the Palestinian Water Crisis’, ESRC award, University of Lancaster
Noel Cass, ‘Local Authority Responses to Climate Change’ CASE award, LGMB, University of Lancaster
Matthew Watson, ‘Knowledge, Practice and Materiality: Making Place in Nature Reserves’ CASE award, National Trust, University of Lancaster
*Darren Draper, 'Standardisation in Construction' CASE award, Bovis, Lancaster University. (Darren withdrew during his first year of research – 1999-2000)
Heather Chappells, ‘Re-thinking Demand: Electricity and Water Networks in Transition’ ESRC award, Lancaster University
*Simon Kelly, ‘Demonstrating Benefits: Evidence and Innovation in the Construction Process, CASE award, DETR, Lancaster University
*Juliet Jain, ‘Networks of the Future: Time, Space and Train Travel’, CASE award, ATOC, Lancaster University - initially a sponsored studentship that was then successful as an ESRC CASE award
*Michael Schillmeier, ‘Innovation, Access and Exclusion: The New Technologies of Money’ ESRC and sponsored by the RNIB, Lancaster University
*Helen Robinson, ‘The Social Organisation of Water: Consumption, Conservation and Domestic
6 Practice’ CASE award, National Water Demand Management Centre, Lancaster University (started 2002, withdrew on medical grounds)
*Chris Harty, ‘Re-designing Design: The Introduction and Use of New Technologies in Construction’, CASE award, Computer Systems for Business, Lancaster University
Simone Novello, ‘Merging and Sharing Knowledge: Technology and Practice Through Networks of British and Italian Companies’, Lancaster University Management School studentship
*Nick Pearce, ‘Rights of the Road: Dimensions of Social Exclusion and Congestion Charging’ CASE award, DETR (now DfT), Lancaster University.
Department of Sociology, Lancaster University 2004* 'Designing and Consuming: objects, practices, processes' ESRC Cultures of Consumption Programme (£183,598). 2004* 'A Sociology of Water' UK Water industry research association (£67,715). 2003* 'Interactive Agenda Setting in the Social Sciences' ESRC (£52,000). 2002* ‘Future Comforts: Re-conditioning Urban Environments’, ESRC Environment and Behaviour Programme (£40,000). 2002* ‘Persuasive Technologies: the toothbrush’ Unilever Oral Care; (£25,000). 2002 Sustainable Domestic Technologies, ESRC Sustainable Technologies Initiative, with Dr Dale Southerton and Professor Alan Warde from Manchester University; (£117,000). 2001* Special Advisor to Transport for London: Monitoring the Social Impacts of Congestion Charging, consultancy - continuing role (£27,00 to date). 2001* Measuring Social-Spatial Inclusion and Exclusion and Changing Infrastructures, Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, (£39,000). 2001* Using Users in ESRC decision-making, Economic and Social Research Council, (£3,000). 2000* Leverhulme Research Fellow, Ordinary Consumption and Sustainability, (£16,500). 2000 Contribution to ‘Legal and Imposed Barriers to Standardisation of Building Services’, EPSRC, co-ordinated by Christopher Marsh, BSRIA, (£15,000). 2000* European Science Foundation, funding for a Summer School on Consumption, Sustainability and Everyday Life, (£22,000). 2000* A study to investigate the impacts of road user charging and the work place parking levy on social inclusion/exclusion, DETR, (£2,000).
Centre for Science Studies, Lancaster University 2000 Network Advisor to the ENERBUILD project, Co-ordinated by Professor J. Owen Lewis, University College Dublin, 2000-2003, (£12,000). 1999 Contribution to ‘A study to Investigate and Understand the Barriers to Innovation in Transport’, with Matthew Ingrey and Alan Stephens, Transport Research Laboratory, for the DETR, (£4,500). 1999* Monitoring Added Value: the ESRC’s Health Variations Programme, (£7,000). 1999* Monitoring Users: the ESRC’s Health Variations Programme, (£8,000). 1999* ESRC consultancy to produce a summary report of six pilot studies of the role of universities in promoting the exploitation of social science research, in collaboration with Professor Brian Robson at Manchester University, (£8,000). 1999 Participation in EU funded project, ‘SOCROBUST’, co-ordinated by Philippe Laredo from the Centre for the Sociology of Innovation, Ecole des Mines, (£20,000).
Centre for the Study of Environmental Change, Lancaster University 1998* European Science Foundation, funding for a Summer School on Consumption,
7 Sustainabitlity and Everyday Life, held at Lancaster University 21-26 August 1999, (£20,000). 1997 European Union DGXII Environment and Climate Programme, ‘Citizenship involvement in the ecological modernisation of household-related public utility sectors in the EU: From captive to authoritative consumer’, (co-ordinated by Gert Spaargaren, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands), October 1997 - October 1999, (£71,555). 1997* Pilot Studies of Research Exploitation in the Social Sciences, co-ordinated by Elizabeth Shove and involving Alan Warde, Oliver Fulton and Frank Blackler at Lancaster University, in conjunction with Brian Robson, Ian Miles and Peter Halfpenny, at Manchester University, July 1997 - March 1998, ESRC (£38,000). 1997 European Union, DGXII TSER programme, contribution, with John Urry, to ‘Scenarios for a sustainable society: car transport systems and the sociology of embedded technologies’, co-ordinated by James Wickham, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. November 1997 - November 1999, (£7,000). 1996* European Science Foundation, workshop programme on ‘Consumption, Everyday Life and Sustainability’, October 1996 - October 1998, (£38,000). 1996* Organising Workshop on Researchers and Users as Interpreters and Mediators, ESRC, December 1996, (£2,000). 1996 ESRC sub-contract with Michael Redclift: Study of national social environmental research programmes, (£2,500). 1995* DG XII, Environment and Climate Programme, ‘New Networks and New Agendas: The social organisation of Environmental Research’, in conjunction with Professor Michael Redclift, Wye College, University of London (£42,000). 1995* Economic and Social Research Council, Global Environmental Change Programme, ‘Constructing Regulations and Regulating Construction’, (£88,821). 1995* Economic and Social Research Council, Consultancy with Professor Michael Redclift: A Study of Research Support Teams and their Engagement with Users. (£4,700).
Design Space and Society Research Unit, Lancaster University I established the Design Space and Society Research Unit in 1995 in conjunction with Dr Rob Shields. The following projects were run within this Unit and administered through the Department of Sociology. 1996* Department of the Environment, Factors Enabling and Inhibiting Innovation, (£58,000). 1996* Department of the Environment, Developing a Motivation Business Plan (£8,000). 1996 EPSRC, IMI Construction as a Manufacturing Process, ‘Forging New Supply Chains: Partnership Sourcing in the Construction Industry’, in conjunction with Taylor Woodrow Construction Holdings, Taywood Engineering Limited and the Tavistock Institute (£77,000). 1995* EPSRC, Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, ‘Organisational and Cultural Change in the Construction Industry: A Pilot Study’, (£32,124).
Buildings and Society Research Unit, University of Sunderland I established the Buildings and Society Research Unit, in the School of Social and International Studies to provide a focus for research on social aspects of the design and use of buildings and related environmental issues. 1995* Department of the Environment, Construction Innovation Research Management Support Unit: consultancy to write ‘Innovation in Construction: A Strategy to Improve the Use of Research in the UK Construction Industry. (£1,000). 1995 Sub-contract with the University of Newcastle, ‘The Impacts of Conflicts in Passive Solar Design’, for the Energy Technology Support Unit, (£4,500). 1994* Department of the Environment, Construction Innovation Research Management Support Unit, ‘Innovation in the Cladding Industry’ ( £10,000). 1994 Economic and Social Research Council, consultancy to organise seminars (June 1994; November 1994) and develop a proposed research programme on space,
8 technology and the virtual society (£500). 1994* Economic and Social Research Council Global Environmental Change Programme, ‘Linking Researchers and Users’ (£6,000). 1993* Funding from the University of Gävle and Sandviken, Sweden, for a staff exchange. (£300). 1993* Economic and Social Research Council award, Dissemination under the Global Environmental Change Programme - organising three seminars to promote interaction between sociologists and Department of Environment policy makers (£3,000). 1993* Economic and Social Research Council award, ‘The Division and Integration of Building Professional Knowledge’ (£17,160). 1992* Research into the use of space at Sunderland Eye Infirmary, funded by the Department of Health (£5,000). 1992* Research into the costs and benefits of systems of charging for space within higher education institutions, ‘The Black Holes of Space Economics’, funded by the Department of Estates, University of Sunderland (£2,500). 1991* Economic and Social Research Council award under the Phase 1 of the Global Environmental Programme, ‘Putting Science into Practice: Saving Energy in Buildings’ (£65,475).
Recent Conference Papers
*Shove, E. ‘Embedded practices in the kitchen and bathroom’ Sustainable Technologies programme final conference, 4th December 2006
*Shove, E. ‘Framing research questions: interactive agenda setting at the science-policy interface’ COST/ESF, Brussels, 27th November 2006
Shove, E. ‘the materials of material culture’, invited presentation, University of Twente, 19th October 2006
Shove, E. and Watson, M. ‘DIY: distributed competence’ EASST, Lausanne, 23rd August 2006.
Shove, E. and Pantzar, M. ‘Towards an integrative theory of practice’, Organisation Studies summer conference, Mykonos, 13th June 2006.
*Shove, E. ‘Through the looking glass’ Lancaster Energy Conference, 20th September 2005
Shove, E. and Pantzar, M. ‘STS and theories of practice’, panel leader and ‘everyday technologies panel’, SSSS, Pasadena, USA 21st October 2005
Shove, E. ‘Added Value’ Joining Forces, Helsinki, 23rd September 2005
Shove, E. and Pantzar, M. ‘Metering everyday life’ SASE, Budapest, 30th June 2005
Shove, E. ‘Nordic Walking and theories of practice’, University of Cambridge invited seminar sustainable technologies programme and cultures of consumption programme: technological change, 2nd June 2005.
Shove, E. and Watson, M. ‘Theories of design’ NORDES Nordic design conference, Copenhagen, 30-31st May 2005
Shove, E. ‘Home extensions’ University of Cambridge, ‘Connected Space’ interdisciplinary conference, 14th-15th May 2005
Shove, E. ‘Reconfiguring Configuration’ University of Jyvaskyla, Technology. Between Enthusiasm and Resistance, TEER2005 International Conference, 10-11 May 2005 University
9 of Jyväskylä, Finland
*Shove, E., 'Reconditioning Urban Environments' ESF funded conference on interdisciplinarity and urban studies, SURF, Salford, January 2005.
*Shove, E., 'Governing the environmental consequences of everyday life', annual conference of Finnish Environmental Sociology, November 2004, Helsinki.
*Shove, E., 'Practice, consumption and the bathroom', annual conference of the Bathroom Manufacturers Association, November 2004, Daventry.
*Shove, E. 'Consumption, sustainability and transition theory' annual conference of Danish Environmental Sociology, September 2004, Helsingor, Denmark.
Shove, E. and Hand, M. 'The Restless kitchen' EASST, Paris, August 2004.
*Shove, E., 'Comfort, cleanliness and convenience' special meeting of Dutch Environmental Sociology network to review my book, Utrecht, June 2004.
*Shove, E., 'Comfort, cleanliness and convenience', The politics of housework, University of Oslo, Rosendal, May 2004.
Shove, E., and Hand, M. 'Orchestrating the kitchen' Budapest, Tensions of Europe final conference, March 2004.
Shove, E. 'Innovations in Practice', Said Business School, February 2004.
Shove, E., and Chappells, H., 'Conceptualising comfort', ESRC Environment and Human Behaviour Programme, December 2003, London.
*Shove, E., 'Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience', Strategies for Sustainable Energy Technology, SAMSTENT/NTNU, November 2003, Trondheim, Norway.
*Shove, E., (2003), 'Practice Theory: latest trends in consumer research', Annual Conference of the Consumer Research Association, November 2003, Finland, Helsinki.
*Shove, E. (2003), 'Notes on Technology and Consumption', ESRC Cultures of Consumption and Sustainable Technology Programme Workshop on Theories of Consumption, 10th October 2003.
Southerton, D., Hand, M., Shove, E. and Warde, A. (2003), 'Re-ordering Domestic Space(s): constructing normality in narratives of extension', European Sociological Association Conference, September 2003, Murcia, Spain.
*Shove, E. (2003), 'Resources and services: consuming energy in the built environment' presented at Technonatures: Environments, Technologies and Spaces in the 21st Century, A Symposium, Goldsmiths College, London, 26th June 2003.
Chappells, H. and Shove, E. (2003), 'The Environment and the Home', ESRC Environment and Human Behaviour programme seminar, 23rd June 2003, Policy Studies Institute, London.
Hand, M., Shove, E. and Southerton, D. (2003) 'Infrastructures, bodies, temporal orders and the routinisation of power showering', British Sociological Association annual conference, York 10 th- 13th April 2003.
Jolivet, E., Laredo, P. and Shove, E. (2003), 'Managing Breakthrough Innovations: theoretical implications from - and for - the sociology of science and technology', ASEAT conference, Manchester, 7-9th April 2003.
*Shove, E. (2003) 'Projects and policies for step changes in the energy system: developing an
10 agenda for social science research' ESRC Energy conference, 31st March 2003, Policy Studies Institute.
*Shove, E. and Southerton, D. (2003), 'Informing Autonomous Consumers', Workshop on Industrial Ecology, CRIC, University of Manchester, 17th-18th June 2003.
Shove, E. and Correlje, A., (2002) ‘Research programmes: adding value, filling gaps and building networks’ 4th Triple Helix Conference, November 2002, Copenhagen.
*Shove, E. (2002) ‘Rushing around: co-ordination, mobility and inequality’ for the ESRC mobile network meeting 25th October 2002, Department for Transport, London.
Shove, E. (2002) 'Principals, agents and research programmes', EASST, 30 th July - 3rd August 2002, University of York.
*Shove, E. (2002) 'Converging conventions of comfort, cleanliness and convenience', invited keynote paper, International conference on Households and Consumers as Market Actors, Finnish Consumer Research Council, Helsinki, Finland.
*Shove, E. (2002) 'Sustainability, system innovation and the laundry', conference on 'Transitions and System Innovation', 4-6 July, University of Twente, the Netherlands.
*Shove, E. (2002) 'New Networks: New Agendas - National and International contexts of social- environmental research' invited speaker at the MISTRA conference March 2002, 'Rethinking Sustainability', Stockholm, Sweden.