Enter and View Report
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Enter and View Report
Visit details
Service address: London Road Community Hospital, London Road, Derby, DE12QY CEO: Sue James Service Provider: Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Date and Time: Monday, 10 February 2014 Authorised Representatives: Rebecca Johnson and Farhat Yasin Reason for visit: Healthwatch Derby Enter and View Programme Declaration of interest: There were no declarations of interest on this visit
Acknowledgements Healthwatch Derby would like to thank the service provider, service users, visitors and staff for their contribution to the Enter and View programme.
What is Healthwatch Healthwatch Derby is an independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch Derby plays a role at both a national and local level, making sure the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.
What is Enter and View Part of the Healthwatch Derby program is to carry out Enter and View visits. Healthwatch Derby authorised representatives carry out visits to health and social care services to see how services are being run and make recommendations where there are areas for improvement.
The Health and Social Care Act allow representatives of Local Healthwatch organisations to enter and view premises and carry out observations for the purpose of carrying on of Local Healthwatch activity including hospitals, residential homes, GP practices, dental surgeries, optometrists and pharmacies. Enter and View visits can happen if people tell us there is a problem with a service, but they can also happen when services have a good reputation – so we can learn about and share examples of what they do well.
Disclaimer: This report relates only to the service viewed on the date of the visit, and is representative of the views of the service users, visitors and staff who contributed to the report on that date. 1 Purpose of the visit This visit was part of Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust monthly PLACE Inspection (Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment), and was therefore an unannounced visit.
Methodology Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust carry out monthly PLACE Inspections at each of their sites where they produce an internal action plan. Healthwatch Derby contacted the lead, Debbie Wild, Contracts Monitoring Officer, to arrange for the Enter and View representatives to take part.
Introduction/summary London Road Community Hospital is a community based hospital located in the city centre. It provides rehabilitation and intermediate care, independent facilities and some outpatient services including dermatology. During the tour, representatives visited Dermatology, Occupational Therapy and Wards 5 and 6 making observations and were invited to sample a selection of the three course meals from the hospital lunch menu.
Ladies public toilets – J2 Observations The floor had previously been bumpy, it has now been made flat. One toilet was out of order.
Men’s public toilets – J2 Observations The facilities appeared to be clean and the floor was flat.
Waiting area – J2 Observations It is possible to see the day hospital waiting area from the waiting area, the Trust is going to source local art work to block this.
Signs at main entrance Observations Conflicting signs for Dermatology Clinic – at J1 and J4, the entrance to the department had only changed to J4 that morning and was clearly signposted along the way and there was also a notice on the old entrance door. Conflicting sign to Breast Screening – at J3 and J4, both are correct but it needs to be made clear that one is for the lift and one for the stairs to the department.
2 Dermatology Observations There as a new entrance at J4, the reception area was nice, clear and easily accessible. Consultation Room 1 appeared nice, bright and spacious. The skirting boards in Examination Room 1 needed painting. There were two styles of chairs in waiting area B. Information boards were nice and bright eye catching, and information, photographs and staff information was clearly displayed. The new entrance had come into effect that morning, meaning patients and visitors entered in one way and exited another way, moving round the department in one direction, the department felt nice and calm and everything seemed to be running smoothly. There were a few signs stuck up with sellotape as a temporary measure because of the entrance move,
Main lifts Observations The lifts were spacious, well lit and clean.
Reception area for wards Observations The ward reception areas appeared clean and organised.
Occupational Therapy kitchen Observations The kitchen area was bright and clean. All facilities appeared to be in good condition. The sink and worktops were height adjustable depending on the needs of each patient.
Occupational Therapy bathroom Observations The occupation therapy bathroom appeared clean with no unpleasant odour. A variety of toilet seats were available to meet individual needs. A bath, shower, sink and toilet were available to use.
Corridor leading to Wards 5 and 6 Observations A noticeboard displayed information about Parkinson’s Disease Support Group.
Reception for Wards 5 and 6 Observations A noticeboard showed activities and knitted items made by patients. The radio was playing but was much quieter and less obtrusive than on the previous visit.
3 Wards 5 and 6 Observations Each bay was colour coordinated, including the doorframe, to help patients find their way. Day/dining room provided a nice sitting area with TV, radiator, fireplace and bookcase which gave the room a homely feel. The name of the lead nurse for each bay was clearly displayed, apart from one. A Modern Housekeepers gave out hand wipes and cleared tables in time for lunch. The toilets were clearly signed in words and pictures to help patients with dementia. The wards had non shiny floors to help patients with dementia. Condiments were not offered with meals.
Ward 5 Observations Ward 5 appeared clean but was cluttered in comparison to Ward 6. At the time of our visit four patients had their lunch in the day/dining room and no patients were using the dining tables provided within their bays. Patients who ate in the day/dining room seemed to be encouraged to go back to bed soon after finishing lunch.
Ward 6 Observations Ward 6 appeared clean and uncluttered. At the time of our visit a Modern Housekeeper was feeding a patient. Every Monday the day/dining room is used for a church service after lunch, this is open to all patients. Staff members did not wear green aprons when serving lunch. No patients ate in the day/dining room or used the dining table within their bay.
Concerns Addressed During Visit Waiting area J2 - Consulting room which can be overseen from the waiting room will have the window frosted so there is privacy. Waiting area J2 - Parts for lighting have been ordered to alleviate some of the darker areas. Reception area for wards - Rearranged banners and comments box to be more prominent however no comment cards were available.
Food Tasting – The Enter and View Team tasted the full lunch menu Lamb hotpot Apple and plum crumble Cottage pie Mashed potatoes Baby jacket potatoes Mixed broccoli and swede Chicken korma Chicken biryani
Food Tasting 4 Observations The representatives felt that all the sampled meals were tasty and full of flavour as well as of a goof temperature and texture. The representative felt the menu seemed potato-heavy.
Interview/Survey findings During the visit, Healthwatch Derby left patient, visitor and staff surveys for service users, their friends and family, and those who provide care to complete anonymously. A total of 0 surveys were returned within a two week timeframe.
Patient Surveys There were no surveys received from patients on this visit.
Visitor Surveys There were no surveys received from visitors on this visit.
Staff Surveys There were no surveys received from staff on this visit.
Conclusion During the visit it was apparent that trends were emerging, namely issues around: Conflicting signs to Breast Screening – at J3 and J4, both are correct but it needs to be made clear that one is for the lift and one for the stairs to the department. The skirting boards in Examination Room 1 needed painting. Staff members did not wear green aprons when serving lunch.
Evidence of best practice Evidence of best practice include: Monthly PLACE Inspections are conducted at this hospital site by the trust in addition to the annual PLACE Inspection, involving patient representatives to produce an internal action plan. The sink and worktops in the occupation therapy kitchen were height adjustable depending on the needs of each patient. A noticeboard displayed information about Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. The radio was playing but was much quieter and less obtrusive than on the previous visit.
Recommendations Recommendations include: Dermatology, Occupational Therapy and Wards 5 and 6 should consider applying to the Derby City’s Bronze Dignity Award. 5 Signage needs to be clear to ensure patients and visitors can access the required departments. Fixtures and fittings need to be maintained in line with policies and procedures.
Service Provider Response