Alliteration- Repetition of Sounds- Ex. Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickle Peppers

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Alliteration- Repetition of Sounds- Ex. Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickle Peppers

alliteration- repetition of sounds- ex. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickle peppers. Author’s purpose- the author’s reason for writing-  To entertain  To explain or inform  To give an opinion  To persuade Biography- story of someone’s life written by another person. 3rd person point of view Autobiography- story of someone’s life written by that person. 1st person point of view Cause and effect- something happens (cause) and a second things happens (effect)- ex. I broke my leg , so I can’t play soccer. Characterization- there are 4 ways a writer tells us about characters: 1. He tells us what the character looks like and acts 2. He will describe how the character talks & thinks 3. He will have other character’s tell you things about other characters 4. The writer can directly tell the reader about a character Climax- the turning point in a story—the most exciting point Comparison- telling what is alike between things Conflict- a struggle between 2 forces 1. Internal conflict- the problem is “inside” the character (like deciding what to do) 2. External conflict- character struggling with something outside himself (like the weather or another person) Connotation- beyond the dictionary definition…Ex- beautiful, pretty, cute, fine Context clues- the words or phrases before and after a word that help explain its meaning. Ex.- She ran across the lea, just another beautiful meadow. Contrast- what is different about things. Ex. Sarah was different from her younger sister because she talked louder. Denotation- the dictionary definition of a word. Dialect- the way people in a certain area talk Ex. “Youze guyz bring some sodas.” “Ya’ll bring some Pepsi.” Dialogue- a conversation between two or more characters in a story. It is in quotation marks “ “ Ex. Mrs. Ingle said, “You need to turn in all of your missing work.” Drawing conclusions- combining several pieces of information to make a decision. Ex. Like when you are watching a murder mystery and you figure out who committed the crime. Essay- a short, nonfiction work that deals with one subject. Ex. My essay is titled “What I Believe All Good Students Should Know.” Exaggeration/ hyperbole- overstating an idea in an extreme way. Ex- I have told you a million times to clean your room. Fable- a short story that teaches a lesson about human nature. Ex. May have animals that have human qualities like talking (personification) At the end of the story there is usually a moral, a lesson. Ex. “The Three Little Pigs “ …the lesson is be prepared. Figurative language- terms used to describe something beyond what the dictionary definition is. 3 types of figurative language are:  Simile- using like or as to compare things ex. The sun is like a giant beach ball.  Personification- giving human qualities to things that are not human. ex. My cat said, “Good Morning.”  Metaphor- a comparison of two things not using like or as. Ex. The sun is a giant beach ball. Flashback- a scene about something that happened in the past. In The Cage, the story starts out in the present then talks about an earlier time when she was in a concentration camp. folk tale- a story handed down by word of mouth…the characters can be animals, humans, or magical superhumans. May have supernatural events. Ex. The story of the headless railroad man searching for his head along the railroad tracks. Foreshadowing- hints that something is going to happen in the future. In The Bully, we just knew that Darrell was going to stand up for himself against Tyrey. Genre- what type of literature:  Fiction- not true (The Bully)  Nonfiction-true (ex. Biography & autobiography)  Poetry- expresses ideas in stanzas  Drama- a play. It has acts and a list of characters. Imagery- words that appeal to the 5 senses: touch, taste, feel, sight, smell Ex. The mud squished up between my toes. (appeals to sense of feeling.) Inference- a logical guess ex. Since I did not study my EOG terms, I will not do well on the quiz. Irony- a contrast between how we think things should be and how they really are. Ex. A kid is kidnapped and should be afraid but loves the adventure. Ransom of Redchief. Legend- a story about a hero that is handed down from the past. Ex. Paul Bunyan Metaphor- a comparison between 2 things that are really different (does not use like or as)Ex. The sun is a giant beach ball. Mood- the way a book makes you feel. Ex sad, afraid, happy. Moral- lessons that the characters in a story learn. Ex. Three Little Pigs- moral is hard work pays off. Myth- a story that explains how something in the universe came to be. Ex. How the chipmunk got his stripes. Narrative- writing that tells a story. Onomatopoeia- words who say their sound ex. Bow, Bang, Buzz Personification- giving human qualities to animals or things that are not human ex. The wind whispered my name. Plot- the series of events that make up a story  Exposition-beginning of story where you learn about characters & setting & a little about the conflict  Rising action- when the characters begin to have problems or conflict.  Climax – high point of the story  Falling action- the conflict is solved.  Resolution- end of story Point of view- who is telling the story  1st person- person telling story is a character in the story. Uses pronouns I, me, we, us  2nd person- tells how to do something.. Instructions. Uses pronoun you.  3rd person- narrator is not character in story Uses pronouns he, him, she, they Omniscient- knows everything about all the characters. Limited- narrator only knows thoughts and feelings of one character Predicting- using what you know to guess what will happen Prose- the ordinary way of speaking. The opposite of poetry. Repetition- repeating words, phrases, sounds for emphasis Rhyme- repeating sounds at the ends of words ex: fog, smog Rhyme scheme- the pattern of rhyme at the ends of lines of poetry

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