Bsc (Econ.), University of Iceland

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Bsc (Econ.), University of Iceland


Gunnar Haraldsson

Born in Reykjavik, 30 April, 1968.


BSc (econ.), University of Iceland.

MSc in Fisheries Science, Department of Economics, University of Iceland.

DEA (MPhil) in Economics, Université Toulouse 1.

DEEQA (European Master’s degree in Quantitive Economics), Université Toulouse 1.

PhD in Economics, Université Toulouse 1.


Icelandic (native), English, French, Danish, Swedish (oral), German (intermediate), Italian/Spanish (basic).



Economist, National Economic Institute, 1997-1998.

Economic Advisor, Prime Ministers Office, 2002-2005.

Project Manager, Icelandic International Development Agency, from September 2005 to September 2006.

Chairman of the board of the Financial Supervisory Authority in Iceland, from March 2009 to March 2010.

Senior Economist, Fisheries Policies Division, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD, Paris from January 2010 to December 2012.


Part-time lecturer, University of Iceland, Department of Economics, 1995-1998.

Specialist, Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland, 1996-1997.

Part-time lecturer, Bifröst University, 2002-2003. Adjunct Professor, Bifröst University, 2003-2005.

Associate Professor of Economics, Bifröst University, since February 2005 to December 2006.

Adjunct Professor of Economics, University of Iceland, since 2007 to December 2010.

Director, Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland, from January 2007 to December 2010.

Director, Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland, from January 2013.

Courses taught:

Fisheries Economics, undergraduate level (University of Iceland).

Mathematics and Statistics, undergratuate level, (Bifröst University, University of Iceland).

Mathematics and Statistics, graduate level (Bifröst University).

Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (Bifröst University).

Applied Economics, undergratuate level (Bifröst University).

International Economics, undergraduate level (Bifröst University).

Microeconomic Theory, undergraduate level (University of Iceland, with Professor Thráinn Eggertsson).

Topics in Microeconomic Theory, graduate level (University of Iceland).

Industrial Organization, graduate level (University of Iceland).


Secretary of Committee on the Future of the Fish Processing Industry, 1998.

Chairman of Committee on Poverty in Iceland. Report presented to Parliament in 2004.

Work on Simulation Models in co-operation with IREPA, Salerno, Italy, 1995-1996.

Consulting specialist to project BEMMFISH, (Bio-Economic Modeling of the Mediterranean FISHeries), European Union Research Program. V. Framework Programme. Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Q5RS-2001-01533.

Study grant from the French government, 1999-2002.

Member of the planning committee for a Masters program at Bifröst University, 2002-2003.

Member of the Icelandic Delegation on EPC (Economic Policy Committee) meetings at the OECD, 2002-2005.

Member of an inter-ministerial committee on sustainable development, 2004-2005.

Member of an inter-ministerial committee on climate change development, 2004-2005. Consulting mission to Nicaragua, March-April, 2006. Member of the board of the French-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce since 2004. Vice-president since 2008.


Hilmi, N., D. Allemand, S. Dupont, A. Safa, G. Haraldsson, P. L.D. Nunes, C. Moore, C. Hattam, S. Reynaud, J. M. Hall-Spencer, M. Fine, C. Turley, R. Jeffree, J. Orr, P. L. Munday, S. R. Cooley (2012). Towards improved socio-economic assessments of ocean acidification’s impacts. Marine Biology, Online First™, 20 August 2012.

Haraldsson, G. and D. Carey (2011). Ensuring a Sustainable and Efficient Fishery in Iceland, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 891, OECD Publishing. with S. Agnarsson and D.M. Kristofersson (2009). The effect of power-intensive industrial developments on the Icelandic economy. Report by Institute of Economic studies, University of Iceland. Published by the Ministry of Industry.

Haraldsson, G. (2008). When careless talk can cost a country. Communication Director, No. 4.

Haraldsson, G. (2008). Impact of the Icelandic ITQ system on outsiders. Aquatic Living Resources, Vol. 21.

Haraldsson, G. (2008). Möguleikar Íslendinga á þróunarsamvinnu í Karíbahafi. Contractual Report, C08:07. IoES, University of Iceland. Reykjavík. Series/2008/C08_07.pdf

Haraldsson, G. with Olofsson, P. [editors] (2007). Franskt vor í viðskiptum á Íslandi. Fransk-íslenska viðskiptaráðið. Reykjavík. with Agnarsson, S., Arnason, R. and Jóhannsdóttir, K.B. (2007). Þjóðhagsleg áhrif aflareglu [The Macroeconomic effects of a catch-rule] (In Icelandic). Institute of Economic Studies. Contractual Report, C07:09. IoES, University of Iceland. Reykjavik. Series/2007/C07_09.pdf

Gunnar Haraldsson (2007), with Arna Varðardóttir. Kostir og gallar upptöku evru sem gjaldmiðils á Íslandi [Pros and cons of adopting the euro in Iceland]. Institute of Economic studies – University of Iceland. Contractual report nr. C07:02 (February). Series/2007/C07_02.pdf

Gunnar Haraldsson (2006). Effects of Imperfections in the Icelandic Fisheries Management System. Ph.D. thesis in economics. Université de Toulouse 1.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2006). “On Economics, Resources and Economic Development”. ICEIDA Newsletter.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2006). “Foreigners’ Assessments of the Icelandic Banking System.” (in Icelandic). Þjóðmál, Issue 2, Vol. 2.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2006). Overview of Nicaraguan fisheries with regards to possible co-development projects. Report of a consulting mission to Nicaragua to ICEIDA. November. Gunnar Haraldsson (1999). From Commons to Private Property. An Industry Structure Analysis of the Effects of ITQ Systems. DEA-thesis in economics, Université de Toulouse 1.

Gunnar Haraldsson (1997). Estimation of Hybrid Translog Cost Functions in the Icelandic Fishing Industry. MSc-thesis, Department of Economics, University of Iceland, 1997.

Gunnar Haraldsson and Ragnar Árnason (1996). “NFMM: An Assessment of the Economic Model”. In R. Árnason and T.B. Davíðson (eds.) Essays on Statistical and Modelling Technology for Fisheries Management. University of Iceland Press, pp. 89-100.

Ragnar Árnason, Gunnar Haraldsson and Haukur C. Benediktsson (1993). Kostnaður við umferðarslys á Íslandi [The Cost of Road Accidents in Iceland], (in Icelandic). Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland. C95-01.

Scientific Conference Presentations

Gunnar Haraldsson (2012). Green Growth and Fisheries Governance. IIFET Conference, Dar-es- Salaam, Tanzania, 16-20 July.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2012). Green Growth and Fisheries. European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) Workshop on Blue/Green growth in fisheries. Bilbao, 2-3 May.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2011). Aquaculture around the world and its benefits. Opportunities and Challenges. OECD-MENA Conference, 8th December.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2011). The Economics of Rebuilding Fisheries – The Role of Economics in Policy. XXth Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE). Hamburg, 27- 29 June.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2010). International Workshop, 16-18 November, Oceanographic Museum, Monaco on the Economics of Ocean Acidification – Bridging the Gap between Ocean Acidification Impacts and Economic Valuation. Chaired a session.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2010). Rights Based Fisheries Management Systems. Experiences and Lessons Learned. Université de Rennes. 10 November. Master course.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2010). Chaired a special session on Rebuilding Fisheries at the IIFET Conference in Montpellier 13-16 July.

Coronil, A., G. Haraldsson, J. Sotelo (2009). La economía de Islandia en el umbral del siglo XXI, IX Jornadas de Política Económica, Granada, 15-16 October.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2008). Is Iceland in Norden? at the OECD headquarters, Paris, 21 June.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2007). Assigning property rights to some but not others. An empirical investigation. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of ISNIE (International Society of New Institutional Economics) Reykjavik.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2007). Inefficiencies of effort restrictions in fisheries management – An empirical study. Paper presented at the XVIII conference of EAFE (European Association of Fisheries Economists) in Reykjavik. Gunnar Haraldsson (2004). Heterogeneous Fishermen. Some Implications for Management. Paper presented at XVI. EAFE Conference (European Association of Fisheries Economists) in Rome. Printed in Proceedings.

Hannes Ulmas og Gunnar Haraldsson (2004). The Cost of Fisheries Management in Estonia. Paper presented at XVI. conference of EAFE (European Association of Fisheries Economists) in Rome. Printed in Proceedings.

Other Conference Presentations

Gunnar Haraldsson (2010). Generel indføring i modeller og erfaringer med rettighedsbaseret fiskeri [in Danish]. West-Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers Conferences on Fisheries Management in the West-North. Right Based Fisheries for the Benefit of Society. Torshavn, Faro Islands, 10 June. Extract published in Rettighedsbaseret fiskeri til samfundets gavn. TemaNord 2010:589. Nordisk Ministerråd, København.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2003). Austurland framtíðarinnar - líf og landkostir, framtíðarsýn 2012. Erindi á 20. ára afmæli Þróunarfélags Austurlands. Egilsstöðum, 2. maí.

Presentation of the Icelandic economy to a delegation of the French Sénat, 8 October 2006.

Vest-Norden conference in Húsavik, June 2007.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2008). Ástand og horfur í atvinnumálum . Opinn fundur Atvinnumálanefndar ASÍ með vinnumarkaðsráðum. 7. október.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2008). Helstu áhrif ESB aðildar fyrir íslenska ferðaþjónustu. Ráðstefna Samtaka ferðaþjónustunnar, Grand Hótel. 16. október.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2008). Möguleg efnahagsleg áhrif inngöngu Íslands í Evrópusambandið. Evrópusmiðja Vinstri grænna, 8. nóvember.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2008). Íslensk verslun næstu 10 árin. Aðalfundur FÍS 7. mars.

Gunnar Haraldsson (2008). Viðskiptafrelsi og landbúnaður. Sumarháskóli RSE. Bifröst University, 14 June.

Discussion Papers

The Icelandic Fish Processing Industry Estimation of Hybrid Translog Cost Functions. Project: FAIR- CT95-0561 Multi-Species Bioeconomic Models, Discussion Paper No. 12. Istituto Richerce Economiche per la Pesca e l’Aquacultura (IREPA), Salerno, Italy.

Estimation of Cost Functions for the Icelandic Purse Seine Fleet (with Ragnar Árnason), Project: FAIR-CT95-0561 Multi-Species Bioeconomic Models, Discussion Paper No. 20. Istituto Richerce Economiche per la Pesca e l’Aquacultura (IREPA), Salerno, Italy.

IFMM Simulations: The Base Run (With Ragnar Árnason). Project: FAIR-CT95-0561 Multi-Species Bioeconomic Models, Discussion Paper No. 21. Istituto Richerce Economiche per la Pesca e l’Aquacultura (IREPA), Salerno, Italy. Referee

Marine Resource Economics. ICES Journal of Marine Science


Heiðar Hrafn Eiríksson (2003). Markmið og árangur kvótakerfis í íslenskum fiskveiðum. [Goals and Successes of the Icelandic Fisheries Management Regime] (in Icelandic), B.Sc. thesis. Bifröst University.

Sigrún L. Sigurjónsdóttir (2003). Innleiðing upplýsingakerfa [The Implementation of Information Systems] (in Icelandic), B.Sc. thesis. Bifröst University.

Hannes Ulmas (2004). The Costs of Fisheries Management in Estonia. United Nations University, Reykjavík.

Helga Arngrímsdóttir (2004). Er leigumarkaður raunhæfur valkostur á Íslandi?. [Is Renting a Viable Option in the Icelandic Housing Market?] (in Icelandic), B.Sc. thesis. Bifröst University.

Harpa Sævarsdóttir (2006). Kostnaður við umhverfismat. [The Cost of Environmental Assessments] (in Icelandic), B.Sc.thesis. Bifröst University.

Pau Molevuka Likiliki (2007). Tonga: Fisheries Co-Management and the Evolution to Community Fisheries Management. United Nations University, Reykjavik.

Guðrún Arndís Jónsdóttir (2007). Launakerfi sjómanna. [Fishermen’s wage contracts] (in Icelandic), M.Sc.thesis in Business. Bifröst University.

Tinna Guðmundsdóttir (2007). Verðþróun íslenskra samtímalistaverka á árunum 1996-2005. MA- thesis. Bifröst University.

Anna Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir (2009). Lögleiðing kannabisefna. Hagfræðileg greining. B.Sc.(econ.) thesis. University of Iceland. Jury

Ingvar Karlsson (2005). Miðlunarferli peningastefnu og einkaneysla [The monetary policy mechanism and private consumption], (in Icelandic). M.Sc. thesis in economics. Department of Business and Economics, University of Iceland.

Jónas Sen (2006). Tíu fingur [Ten fingers] (in Icelandic). M.A. thesis, Bifröst University.

Baldur Thorlacius (2006). Pricing Theory. M.Sc. thesis in economics. Department of Business and Economics, University of Iceland.

Helgi S. Helgason (2007). Hvert stefnir í viðskiptum með kvóta og fyrirtæki í sjávarútvegi? [Business with quotas and firms in Iceland – the future?] (in Icelandic). M.Sc. thesis in Business, Bifröst University.

Jón Þór Sturluson, tenure track (2004). Appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Sveinn Agnarsson, tenure track (2005). Appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.


EEA (European Economic Association), EAFE (European Associaton of Fisheries Economists),


International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft of Less than 24 M in Registered Lenght, Technological College Reykjavik, School of Navigation

Diploma Skipper/Mate of vessels of 12 meters or less on near-coastal voyages, Technological College Reykjavik, School of Navigation.

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