Battle Field 2 Tips & Tricks

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Battle Field 2 Tips & Tricks

Battle Field 2 Tips & Tricks

Think of it like this, if you keep dying doing the same thing over and over, then you are doing something wrong. be adaptable

Kits Anti-Tank Assault Engineer: (Teaves (totalbf2)) Yes you can definatly remove the claymores as engineers, i love to sneak up on snipers that camp airfeilds and stab them up (sometimes if im feeling brave/stupid i will use the radio command "MOVE IT!" just before i stab him, it depends how much he has annoyed me, as he can hear that as well when you are close and it amuses me to think of him feeling humiliated during his 15 seconds of spawn delay ) *note: everytime his corpse shouts "medic" you MUST crouch over him and stab him directly in the face while spamming "negative" on your radio for maximum satisfaction*

I spent ages trying to sneak around claymores (if i spot them even) which works but they have one hell of a range, so i tryed wrenching them one night, and sure enough it disapeared just like a mine and going prone dosent work from the front, but is essential when approaching from the rear as you seem to set them off even from the back when you get close enough to diarm them (maybe you lean over it as you look down?)

In case your interested you CANT disarm C4,

(nimski (totlabf2)) Mines - Lock your tank. If you're in a hostile area and are forced to leave your tank toss a mine in the hatch or under the wheel before you leave. Keep an eye on your mini-map and don't do this if a friendly is apt to hop in. Oh, and don't forget to unlock your tank before you head off.

- Hide those mines. Place mines in dark shadows (works amazingly well), in rock clumps, in grass, and over ridges. Use un-hidden mines to divert the driver to your hidden stash.

- Double cross. Remove enemy mines and add them back as your own. But hide them this time!

- Olympic mine toss. At certain flags you'll be able to get close to an enemy tank. Use those mines aggressively and trap him in there. Clean up any unused mines after he's dispatched.

- The lone mine. Use only one mine at entrances and exists to flag points. Try to hide it but always allow teammates an easy escape. - Leave no mine unattended. Pick up all mines that don't serve some clear purpose.

- Think like a mine. Anticipate an enemy engineer's mine laying. Does he lay a straight line across a road? What's his MO? Most engineer's fall into comfort patterns with regard to mine laying. If you see someone spotting and removing your mines then put them in different locations.

- Lone miner. No one expects a mine in the middle of nowhere. Examine the traffic patterns (usually your own driving patterns will suffice) and plant a mine there!

Wrench/Spanner - Removal duty. Remove everything if you can. This includes C4, enemy mines, badly placed friendly mines. Watch out for claymores though, they're a not-so-silent killer. If C4 can't be removed it means the player that planted it is dead.

- Stay seated. You can repair assets, vehicles, and bridges all from the air conditioned comfort of your tank.

Shotguns - Shotgun trick. See a far off enemy? Lure him in by hiding in a building or behind a dumpster. Don't go prone though as your legs will stick out and it'll tip him/her off. Also try to avoid common hiding places, mix it up a little.

Misc. - Pace is everything. Don't be afraid to simply wait out your enemy. Count to yourself and move on the odd beats. You'll find your opponent has about 7 seconds of attention span.

- Avoid the peak. This goes with the above rule. You know the tank is sitting at the flag, don't go taking a peak every 3 seconds unless you want a tank shell for dental work.

- Foot fetish. Aim for those feet.

- Death and vehicles. Always die in your ride. This prevents the enemy from taking it and it allows you to respawn with it back at base.

- Buildings and you. Try to move with an arm, wheel, or tank tread brushing a building. Sprint from cover to cover and most importantly.. DON'T WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! There are people with several hundred, if not thousand, of road kills already... don't be a statistic. You'll also avoid the mid-day helicopter and aviator traffic jam overhead.

- Helicopter love. Always take time out of your day to shoot at helicopters. If you're in a tank just hop into that turret and have at it. Remember that you should be up against a building which will greatly limit their ability to fire back.

- Hidden Garage. Don't repair while you're capping a flag... though I bet you've already learned that. Nothing finer than swiping someone's ride while they're repairing it. And if your ride is stolen don't just stand there in shock!!! Hide that junk before you lay your wrench on it!

- Fools rush in. Pay attention to enemy activity and your own teams activity before rushing for a flag capture. Waiting outside a flag point allows you a much larger view of the enemy spawn locations and it also allows your teamates time to catch up to you. Once you're team is at critical mass and moving toward the target head on in.

- Keep moving. This pulls against our nature to seek shelter but it's pretty critical in this game. If you're alone in a tank and you suspect an enemy is near by KEEP MOVING. Just set up a little back and forth patrol right by the flag and you'll be surprised how many C4 jockies will get crushed under your treads. Try to appear random about it and keep your head on a swival.

-Behold the power of Jeep. Any vehicle with a 360° turret is just awesome against helicopters. The front bumper works amazing against troops also. It will even evade APC's and tanks, though I'd recommend avoiding tanks.

Facts & Figures Shotguns: M11-87 (default US) - Damage: 25x8 - Capacity: 7 S12K (default MEC) - Damage: 12x8 - Capacity: 7 NOR982 (default China) - Damage: 25x8 - Capacity: 7 MK3A1 (unlock all) - Damage: 15x8 - Capacity: 7

Pistols: - Damage: 20 - Capacity: 15

(l=lCoBrAl=l (totalbf2)) Another reason it is good to lay them in the open, is to wait near the mines for a tank (or armored vehicle) to come and blow up. LIke I said they don't pay attention. But one of the good things about having them in the open is that they'll sotp and get out of the tank. Theres your chance to hop in and own em! Never gets old. I can just imagine those noobs on their mom's computer smashing up their keyboard because they get ****ed so much. (My logitech has been through quite a bit)

Medic: If I kill a Medic I pick up his kit, throw down 2-3 heals, then regrab my old kit. (Gulf_War_Syndrome (totalbf2)) - If you are going for an important revive in the open amongst the crossfire, run out holding a medkit, switch to defibrilator, do the revive, switch back to medkit and drop one, then sprint back to cover (keep holding medkit). This way you will keep your health up if you get hit on the way in or out, and give the guy you just revived a medkit while he gets re-orientated. This one must really annoy the snipers, they keep hitting, but don't get a kill...

- If you are hiding behind a building, crate etc, say defending a point and enemy infantry come in to take the flag, drop a medkit behind your cover, run out with your gun blazing (or creep out and snipe if they haven't seen you). Once your health is half way down or you empty your clip, run back (reloading) to your cover and medkit, and then repeat the process. Enemies with assault guns might have a better weapon and heavy armour, but you can always chip away at them slowly...

- Use your medkit as a mini parachute. For long drops, of course use your parachute, but for medium heights, drop a medkit on the ground where you will land, keep the medkit equipped, go prone and slide/land onto the medkit you put on the ground. Good for getting down steep hills. The most amusing way I have used this in combat is when someone is chasing you, you climb up a ladder onto a building, medic-jump off behind them and shoot them in the arse as they are climbing up the ladder after you.

- Drop a medkit beside anyone who looks like they are hanging around a flag or vantage point in defence. eg. drop medkit on the sniper on top of the building. Chances are they will need it sooner or later. (This really comes under rule number 1... do your job!)

(straywolf (totalbf2)) My guide... 1. Play the role. Be aggressive in reviving team mates. 2. Revive only when clear. 3. Check radar screen to see situation. 4. Only waste your time on peeps that are nearby and on the same level...roofs are BAD. 5. Throw med packs around. Place them against walls and in corners where team mates will usually hide when hit hard. (I would try to hide them in bushes or somewhere the enemy wouldnt notice them if possible, your team will still notice its avatar (Cobra_SFX (totalbf2))) 6. Stay with your squad (if possible). Try to respawn on SL. 7. Go prone when reviving. 8. Use vehicles to get to "hot spots" quickly. Think of it as an ambulance. 9. Use sprint wisely. Its not just about getting to the fallen soldier...its also about running away from the gunfire that you WILL DRAW. 10. Remember...a DEAD MEDIC is a USELESS MEDIC. Keep yourself alive and revive wisely. Special-Ops Support Sniper: (baggygreen (totalbf2)) I dont remember if it was here or in another thread, but somebody said try and find a background where your ghille suit blends in.

NEVER be on the crest of a hill, you stand out like dogs balls. side of a hill in a bush is good, just dont move much cos movement will always give you away. EG i was at the suburb CP in karkand, coming at it from behind. Didnt make it in time for a flag defend, and all these buggers spawned there. so i proned in a bush packing my pants and didnt move, didnt even look around. and all these blokes went charging off past me without seeing me. i capped the flag when they left.

If you're going to change possies, sprint from cover to cover, then either crouch or prone before sprinting again. always let your sprint get back to full where possible, just in case you run into opposition.

Run with your pistol. its easier to aim than the rifle at a close, moving target. If you get chased, go round the first corner possible and claymore behind you.

You need PATIENCE! people will come within range, just bide your time and get them when they think they're safe. Let them come to you. then you have an advantage. AIM FOR THE HEAD! if you get them, they wont know what hit them, you wont reveal your position, and you get a guaranteed kill.

DONT go firing off shot after shot. WAIT until you're certain of it. the less shots you fire in quick succession, the less chance of people locating you by hearing the shots and thus pinning you down.

USE CLAYMORES and then make sure you tell your team you've put them down, giving your general location. That way, they have no excuse for running over them except being absolute tards. put them far enough away to not be a danger to yourself, but close enough to protect you. around 15 m on the approaches to your possie is good.

(Weally (totalbf2)) I've binded a key to fire besides my mouse button. I did this as I thought sometimes I might udge the mouse slightly whjich would be enough to move my scope. I aimed and use my alt fire key an I was fragging more than ever. I found I dont really nudge my mouse but this still worked so I've kept it.

Put sens really low. Mine is on 20 which allows me to make smaller movements which is vital in long range shots. A sens to high would make your aim swing too much an you would need more hand control to control it. This tip might not be for everyone as you all probably have your own sens liking.

It might sound stupid but every sniper has lost a target they've followed for ages at some point. Whether they run into a building or into greenary, over a hill, into a base etc. This i'd like to say takes skill or memory rather. Learn the maps you play, find out all places most people go through/use to get to capture points. FOr example you see someone run into a base, A small building is blocking your sight from the target. Now think which direction was he going before you lost sight, Was he running? walking? Now most of the time if someone is runnin in a directon before you lose sight he will carry on in that direction. What I mean is look ahead of that direction and find the exits he can get through. Once you found the exits in the targets area try an find a spot you can look at where you can see all the exits. IF you wait, more than likely the target pops out of one of the exits then you can proceed to follow him again. This might be basic stuff but once you get good at scoping an area out and finding every possible exit you will get better. Nothings more satifying for a sniper to follow a target an he goes out of sight just to appear where you predicted he would an take him out .

If someone is coming close to you and you have your sniper rifle out, In my opinion take a shot at him with your rifle first. I know alot of people would take out their pistol to try an kill them but If your good with the rifle take a shot as it will take more hp then take your pistol out.

A part of being a sniper is to let your side know enemy activity. I know some of you might be tired/bored of calling out enemy targets but it helps. Say you spot a tank while a squad is heading in its direction but they see it on the map as you've called it. It makes all the difference on getting that one flag and helping your side. I also believe we need to do some protecting at times lol. Like if your just outside a base an a teammate runs in. Scope the place out let him get the flag. If you see any enemies call them out so he knows (Dont forget to try an take some out if they get too close). I also call out enemy spotted when I see a grenade near a teammate. Might sone stupid but if your teammate turns round after then notices the grenade he has a chance to evade, slim chance but better than nothing. Do this with mines an c4 aswell. Also call our snipers when you can. Usually if you do, sniper lovers will go an hunt him down.

This would I dont think many people realise. Dont move so much as a sniper. I've had countless people run right passed me in light just prone in grass. It's weird but it works. I think its because you have to take so much in visually you dont really look at anything in detail. If you move however your model moves and the enemy can see the movement. If you dont believe this is true, make a server and use battlerecorder. Go find some grass/bush to hide in. Now once your there stay still for abit. After a min start moving body slightly. like adjusting you position. Stop recording. Open up your recorded file an zoom out when your model is in position. At a distance theres nothing you can really see but when you start moving you can see visible movement from a distance.

Sniping a group. If you see a group of enemies dont just start shooting at anyone of them. Think which is most valuable to the group. If they have a medic then take him out first as he can revive everyone else you take out. Nothings more annoying killing the same person 3 times because a medic keeps reviving him lol. It is important because you waste ammo. If they have a sniper on the other hand take him out first. If you take out the anyone else an they have a good sniper, he will virtually know your position an what rifle you have. If they have both then do it in order but be quick so the medic cant revive. Once you taken these targetrs out a group is virtually useless as the odd's are in your favour. You have better accuracy/hit rate, You will know there position but they will not always know your's. Also they have no way to be revived .

Use sound. Get some decent headphones, turn off music and crank up sound effects. When you do this you can hear a tank coming from miles away. Also helps to hear people sneaking up on you. The biggest benefit is for finding snipers. When you hear a sniper fire and you can get a rough idea of where they are. Once you get this you can go an hunt him down. The more he fires the better "reading" you will get. It's good for listening for vehicles aswell. You hear a buggy an you can hear which direction its coming from. Check the map, it aint one of your sides. You know which road its coming down so you can stick a claaymore on the road side ready to take the driver out. All useful advantages of sound.

Another useful thing of using sound id you can judge the rough distance to a target. Say a sniper fires at you but misses. but you hear the bullet fly past but no sniper fire. Chances are he is quite far away so you have a better chance of evading/dodging shots. If you do hear the sniper fire then obviously you can get a rough idea of distance by how loud the sound was.

If you have the M95 one way to help your teammates is to take out anything blackhawk related. Say you have one spawn point left an everyone is spawning and a black hawk comes in with trigger happy gunners. Rather than try an take the pilot out, take a gunner out. I find it alot easier to take gunners out than the pilot. This helps the side as the heli has one less minigun to play with which in turn means more of your side survive. Leave the heli owning to the now survivng AT's.

Back to group's, if they have none of the above classes I mentioned then frag the guy in the back of the squad. This helps as most of the time the rest of the group will not notice an carry on running. Just think how funny it would be when the guy at the front get's to his position a no ones with him as you just picked them all off lol. Doesnt work all the time but useful sometimes.

Use claymores carefully. Even though you get the red skull an bones over it some people are immune to it for some reason an decide to run into your claymore so be careful. Example your the only one at a flag point, you know theres no one around but you decide to put some claymores down in the buildings incase somone spawns while your capping. Although it sounds logical, most of the time you will cap the flag an then you are left with 1 or 2 claymores haning around your new own base..... teammate spawns boom, then another, boom then comes along tk punish woohoo.

The only time I use claymores is when a buggy is on the road coming my way or ive been found and running away but I leave a claymore along my path so if anyone trys to track me they run into it. Remember claymores have a certain amount of time to activate so dont throw one asoon as somone comes round as it will not go off. Make sure you leave it along your path where it will take then a good few seconds to reach.

Take your time. Snipers arent built for close combat. If your the kind that wants to be an all out action man then sniper kit aint for you. What I mean is take that extra effort to reach a good sniping spot, walk that extra 200m's to go around a hill where you suspect a sniper is. Trust me when you've been walking round for awhile and find that perfect spot and take your target out, theres nothing better.

Try not too be seen. Might sound simple but I dont mean go find a hole and camp there for the whole round. Move around and use the map to keep you hidden when moving. Crouch under low walls, cross a road at its shortest point, Try and hop from one field full of tree's to the next etc.

Evade a sniper. Tricky one this as a good sniper will probably find you no matter what. If you happen to be a target of a sniper and he misses (Thank you God) Run. Sniper's can run for ages so use it. Go crazy if you have to like zig zag, jump, crouch, jump an dive, just be unpredictable. You might look like a freak but hey it keeps you alive. Also dont run into a building if you know the sniper can cover all the exits. Say you run in, theres only 2 exits an if you we're lucky enough to hear the shot an know which direction it came from you will know if he can cover all the exit's or not. Never pop your head out of the windows either.

Sniper vs Tank/AA/APC. Even if you have the M95 you aint taking out any of these killing machines. The best thing to do when one comes along is to hide. If you get caught off guard an a tank is right in your face then try an get close an go prone (make sure he cant drive into your path) This forces the driver to adjust his position. When he does this it gives you a small window to get away. When he repositions, either follow him then prone again or if theres lower ground go lower. The lower you are the less chance he can hit you as the turret can only go so far down. Same above aswell, if your on a second level in a building an his turret can reach you, try an go higher so he has to back away to re-aim.

How I scope a place out. Usually i'll find a nice spot then i'll scan ground level. if there are no targets I go up a level, say to a buildings window an scan across in a line. After that I scan the top level like rooftops etc. Doing it this way you hardly miss a thing an you get to see everything instead of doing random scopes into windows, a rooftop here an there.

Use your map. Its vital you put good use to the map and get used to zooming (default is n). Whenever i join a server I always zoom the map out so you can see most of the map. This helps because if anyone calls out a target you have better chance of seeing it on your map. This is good for when people spot snipers as they are usually on the border of maps etc. Once you get closer to the target thats been spotted, Zoom in an you will get a better picture of where the target is. When you get even closer zoom in once more, an if someone calls it out again you will virtually know the position because the map is zoomed in close an you have the reading. Just like to note that in the far zoom you cannot see unused vehicles, only when an enemy exits one. If your sniping a base relatively close then go for middle zoom, Its big enough to show you the base and it shows you all the vehicles (if any) so if anyone decides to spawn there an cant be bothered running to another point, atleast you know what vehicles he can take. Help's if theres only one buggy so you can just aim at the seat an wait for him to jump in as they will go for the vehicle most of the time. When an enemy is near do not call out targets/medic/need ammo! etc as they will hear you.

Whenever im on the move I always move with my pistol out. I dont know if this has any benefit but I know its smaller than my rifle so it means people will see less. Might not be much less to look at but every little helps. This is also true for like when your hiding around a corner but you dont take into account that the rifle hangs out. It also helps incase you run into any enemies all of a suddern. I only get my rifle out when ive found my spot.

Use cover properly. What I mean by this is i've seen many people hide in a bush but half their body sticks out like a sore thumb which basically renders their cover useless. As a sniper the rifle is long so get behind the bush. Even if the bush starts to obscure your sight just get behind it an look at what you can. It's better to be hidden an to be able to see part of your sight instead of being in the open and being able to see everywhere.

I'm sure ive read someones post where they said be creative when you look for a snipe spot. Well I got to agree there. If possible dont snipe from rooftops, If you must then make sure theres obstacles on the roof. Like if you see one of them box things with the vent coming out the side going down, Snipe through thr hoop between the box an vent. This gives you more cover an it's hard to see you as they have to look carefully through a gap between a vent an box thing from god knows how far away. Never snipe from crane's either. For one its obvious (to me anyway) and 2 it takes time to climb up an your exposed. I know some snipers like to snipe from a certain level on the crane as most people will look right at the top for a sniper but this doesnt help either. A good sniper will check the top then check every level for possible snipe spots. Also dont think your safe when proning at the top. Ive sniped someone out through the metal sheeting on the top level with the M95.

Try under a bridge where its dark near the corner how many people think to look there? When looking for a good spot I usually look for places I can snipe through. What I mean is say a hole, through a gap in a wall, thru one of them bashed up cars windows. I create a frame if you like. This gives me cover from the front an less chance of being seen.

Try an stay low if you can. If your heading in some direction an you have to go over a hill, go around it instead dont make an appearance for everyone becuase you went over the hill.

Be aware of your enviroment. I remember once I had my m95 an there were 2 targets right near an oil barrell so I shot it an killed them both. It was funny but made me realise theres the enviroment to play with aswell. Only takes one shot from the m95 btw to blow up barrells etc.

Try not to find a sniper spot in open grass, It might be long but if a sniper scopes in from a distance the grass wont be rendered but you certainly. If you have been sniped and you dont know where it came from, never go back to that spot again until you find him. I've killed people an seen them go back to the same spot because they think its a good spot...

Remember relocate, relocate, relocate? Well the only time I relocate is if I know my target has seen me. If they have I will still try an take them out an after I do, I will move then but I will leave a claymore where I was. This is good for a few reasons. If you know its a good sniping spot eventually another sniper will too and when they find your 2nd hand spot they get a little suprise for finding it. It also helps as the the person you just killed is probably lookin for you an will do a quick scan over your position when they spawn. It's funny watching the person you just fragged, come looking for you only to find a claymore.

Weapons Assault Rifle Grenade launcher Carbine LMG

Sniper Rifles (Darksniper75 (Totalbf2)) The problem why you don't get 1 Shot 1 Kill is of the body armour and helmets the soldiers wear. Hit all the open areas and you'll be king of the day:

Face (*edit*) Head is fine apparently. Helmet makes no difference Neck Upper chest Lowerback Lowerfront

Those are 1 Shot 1 Kill

The problem is that anything set lower then graphically high won't let you distinguish the different parts. So, it's only for the ones with high, ultra high settings and a good resolution. Hope it clears out the mystique. And remember when I have the M95, you'll don't want to walk in my crosshairs. Because you'll be an erased target.

AT SMG Shotguns Pump shotgun + approximate headshot = dead in one blast. Practice and you'll start wondering why more people don't use Engineer. You'll also be accused of cheating, if that turns your crank.

(swiss (totalbf2)) Jackhammer - In close range you can HOLD DOWN the trigger, by keeping ur finger on the left mouse button; you cannot do this on all the other shotties, including the MEC auto shotgun. This unleashes all 7 shots in about 2 seconds flat and even though theres big recoil, any1 close to you will be wiped out. This ability is especially useful when theres a bunch of 2-3 enemy all together prone, because the targets so big, you cannot miss

- RELOAD even when you may only have fired off one shot; theres only 7 in the mag, all of which you will need to use the gun effectively. As the reload time is quite long, make sure uve jumped into a concealed place, so that you dont get caught half- way through reloading.

- Dont be afraid of enganging enemies at MID range; all shotguns tend to be underestimated in their effectiveness at range. Even if you only get 3-4 hits out of the 7, you will still have caused decent damage, allowing for you to finish off with the pistol. Dont attempt to reload the JH AGAIN, before finishing him off because it will take too long; the key is to be quick with the pistol, before he has time to retaliate properly unload half the mag into him.

- DRAW the opponent towards you. If an enemy sees you quite far away; then jump into a nearby building/ behind a wall / into a ditch. He will most likely come to seek you out, but if you make sure that you engage him within range , then he shouldnt have a chance. The shotgun is essentially a defensive weapon, which is why its best to wait/camp for the enemy rather than go and search for them.

REMEMBER the key to the jackhammer is rate of fire; DONT attempt to use the shells cautiously or conservatively; just unleash the whole mag into the vicinity of the enemy at close range and you cant lose, he wont know what hit him.

(Gulf_War_Syndrome (totalbf2)) I'd just like to add something extra to your "DRAW" tip: When the enemy has seen you and is coming in to track you down, spot them quickly (Q -> Spotted) before you hide behind your cover. You'll then see their little red dot on your minimap (zoom in fully) and can see when they are getting close. When they are almost upon you, charge out with guns blazing - they'll be dead before they realise what just happened! Knife (wbcninjaofmist (totalbf2)) Veteran knife badge here + Heres one tip: When u knife notice how the knife moves away from the enemy and then "in" towards the enemy in a stabbing motion? For example , when u press the action button the knife moves but the contact point seems to be on the tip of the blade when it actually moves "in" towards the enemy. I usually always get my knife kills when i bring it out by this simple thing ive found. move into the enemy at about the same time the knife tip moves "in" towards the enemy. Dont just run and keep clicking or your pretty much just swinging for a knife kill. If you time this moving in correctly as the tip moves in to "strike" you will get the enemy down in one swipe. Its worth practicing and pretty soon youll notice how the enemy is using the panic swipe by continuously flailing the knife around at you.... time it correctly - move in and in one stab OWNED ! hope this helps guys

(BasherTarr (totalbf2)) Well I got Expert Knife badge so I'll some of my tips (stupid EA didn't give it to me yet ).

1. ALWAYS go prone when knifing. It's so much easier then trying to knife standing up.

2. The only person you can run up to and knife is a sniper. Anyone else your dead.

3. Another good way to get a knife is if you see someone coming toward you, run behind a corner. He will probably follow and you can get a easy knife.

(Banshee01 (totalbf2)) 1. Karkand, karkand, karkand. This is really the only map worth even trying to get it on, I mean, close range, tonnes of roofs for snipers to "hide" on, and more stupid medics than you can shake a knife at. 2. Always be a medic when your trying for the knife badge. You get a nice rufle, nades, and the ability to heal yourself(which you WILL need after you get that knife kill and run off) 3. Medics(on the enemy team) are your best friend. Know why? They are permanently running around with those paddles out, this is a rediculoudly easy kill, especially when they've just revived somebody, and are taking the time to pull out their rifle. 4. If there is some noob with his G36 shooting the hell out of you, run towards him, go prone, get up, and strafe around him, just stab at the air, when he reloads, go for the kill. If he is more of a "****, I need 1 more kill!!111" eprson, then he'll try for a reload, if not, he'll probably whip out his pistol, but by the time hs has thought about what he wants to do, you could of kifed him twice. 5. Hiding of roofs is good. On karkand, the far west street, where all of the USMC jump down the hill. There is plenty of ladders there. Just get up onto one, and wait just at the top of the ladder. Chances are, your commander will of put a UAV near the front base, so you can tell when there is a sniper coming. 6. If you are faced by multiple enemies(this works especially well in the main alleys of the first Karkand base) jump, jump, jump. I know you all hate it, but come on, you're using a knife, there is 4 of them, with guns and ****. Just keep jumping and stabbing, jumping and stabbing. If you've taken out a good few of them, there will be a crowd of medics ehrding your way, dont worry, they will ALL have thier paddles out, and are stupidly easy prey when they "dive for the re-vive".

Knifing is extremely easy when you get used to it, and lots more fun than trying to take out that **** with the 203 with your AK. Knifing is possibly the most satisfying thing in BF2 when you kill those eager medics.

(Sir Polaris (totalbf2)) Etiquette How to initiate a Knife fight.. Theses are basic rules to how to start a knife fight. They are used to make sure that who your fighting really wants to be fighting, and so your fighting the person who wanted to fight – and who ever else who wishes to remain un attacked or fought is left alone.

Knife Fighting is about honor, Not about the kill or winning the game. When a Knife fight is started between to people, it’s a fight between them. No one else may interferer. Even in the thickest of combat, you must avoid at all costs attacking or harming a person who is engaged in a knife fight. This doesn’t apply to when he is finished so feel free to shoot the winner.

A Knife fight is started when you approach a person with a knife. Started but doesn’t mean combat has started.

You should Never shoot a person with a knife. This is not a Rule that must be followed, But its dishonorable to shoot a man with a knife out. You should engadge him and fight it out. The people around you will not fire on both of you, and as long as you have not a gun or anything else. People will engade you with knifes rather then weapons.

Now you do not have to not shoot a man, who is running around a server with a knife. The noble thing to do is to attack him with a knife. If he is honorable he will not run away or flee or capture a flag with a knife he will stop and fight you using theise steps.

The way of the Knife To Start a Fight between to people, you must first bow. Bowing tell the person you wish to fight him and you are not just standing around with a knife.

After you bow to walk towards your opponent until to reach the middle and bow again. This assures that even thought the biggest of chaos this is the person your fighting, and that he agreed to fight you and he was not just bowing to some one behind you or around you.

Next you return to your former distance This is to give you ample reaction time when the fight starts and so there is no quick rushes or miss communication.

Lasty you side step back and forth until your oppaint dose so as well. This is to conferm the fight. If at anytime any of these steps are not done and the other person walks away (dishonorable) the fight is void and it is like it never happened. This final step must be done to conferm the fight. Once the fight is confermed it is set in stone. That man is to die by your hands, and you are free to hunt him down if he flees. Noting, You may not kill him after he dies. Once he dies, it is reset and you may never Veng kill by any means. For that is most dishonorable.

Summery You may never shoot people starting or engaded in a knife fight. As a General Rule Dont Shoot people with Knifes at all (unless they are dishonerable) The Above rule dosen't allways have to be followed, but its dishonable. once a Knife fight is started it is 1 vs 1 - no one may interfeer You may not flee a fight You must follow the ways of a knife to start a honerable fight You should never shoot people engadged in a knife fight, even if they are in the thickest of combat. One a man dies in a knife fight, you may not attack him again unless you do the proper steps again Never Venge Kill If all the steps are not followed the fight is void

Combat Tips Aim for the head, or chest - is the easiest thing to hit Always attack from the Right to the left When attacking try to rush close and jab in the same process If your ever in trouble, jump Run jump to clear over your enemy and catch him off guard Spin around your enemy and then rush for a quick ending If being run attacked, close the gap with a stab to the face. Use terrain to your advantage. Do not let him get behind you If you have a unit behind you watch when you back up. If he crouches, Hook hard right, Turn and jab for his head

(centrum(totalbf2)) General rules of thumb -

If you want to get the knife badge, you'll pretty much be forced to have your knife out the entire round (unless it's a 64 player map). Don't even try to score points, just go for your knife kills.

When you actually knife someone, try to stab a second late. Typically people stab too early and rely on the animation to hit someone, which is incorrect. The actual "stab" occurs directly as you click the fire button, so make sure you have contact before clicking.

On that note, never "swing" your mouse around to stab. Keep it steady. You'll only hit what you initially have your crosshairs over, not what you think your knife is slashing it.

Your best kit for knifing is either medic or a kit with bodyarmor. Most people prefer medic for self-healing and extra sprint duration. However I prefer bodyarmor simply because you'll most likely get shot up while attempting the shank. Bodyarmor helps you live long enough to get the kill before you die.

Never try to run headfirst into an enemy. If they're not AFK, you'll be shot up to hell. Instead always use side-trails and try your best to flank. The unsuspecting target is the only real viable target for easy knife kills. Your easiest targets are Anti-tank (with submachine guns) and snipers. Anti-tank is simple if you catch them lining up to shoot at a friendly armor. Just run behind them and stab.

When you sneak up behind an unsuspecting enemy, always walk. They'll still hear you, but not as loudly as if you were to run. Take any advantage.

Snipers are probably the easiest. WALK behind them, go prone and stab. If they hear you coming, they'll either...

A) Try to scope-shoot you with their rifle. This is the best thing that could happen for you, since they're extremely likely to miss, and even if they hit they can't kill you unless you're previously wounded, or it's a headshot. While they're aiming, they're not moving, so just run up and shank.

B) Pull out their pistol and unload. Rough, but you can get out on top if they're too eager and you're good at dodging. Keep your crosshairs steady on them, make sure you're walking/crouching/prone when you make the stab.

C) Drop claymores. Probably the deadliest sniper you'll face, since he'll try to either kill himself or get you to walk into his claymore. Either way its bad business. Thankfully hardly any snipers do this.

D) Pull out their knife. Knife fight! Fun for the whole family. Tricks to being a successful knife fighter are - 1. Never be the aggressor. The enemy will typically rush at you and swing. If you both do the same thing, you're almost 99% guaranteed to miss. Instead, wait for them to come, BACK away walking and stab as they step into your crosshairs. 2. A good trick is to go prone when you stab, especially if your enemy is running around swinging. While prone you can't get stabbed unless the enemy is prone/crouching, so you'll never get hit.

Last and not least, don't PANIC. If you miss your shank, stay calm and try to land it in again. If they start to fire at you, dodge and try to get close enough (dolphin diving works well) to shank. NEVER EVER randomly stab and swing your mouse. You'll die, and you'll make a fool of yourself as well.

Hope this helps.


C4: I place C4 in the base of the flag pole where, if you're good, it'll disappear into the object and is not visible to anyone trying to cap. Of course, the explosion is not affected and does some nice radial damage.

I will often booby trap empty vehicles with C4 (especially if they're in the main enemy base), then watch the minimap (at medium zoom) for them to go from gray to invisible (enemy got in). Then I blow the explosives. It's a good way to suppress armor from halfway across the map.

C4 in clever spots - in plants, next to electrical boxes on building walls, top of the flagpole, base of sandbags, and any other place where it's hard to detect.

C4 ain't just the tanks anymore. I use single packs to supplement my gun. I often place a pack at a corner chokepoint or reverse side of a wall, and wait. When a firefight ensues, I shoot and shoot, then switch to the detonator for a quick kill on anyone else trying to join in. People get very transfixed on targets once they're presented, and rarely notice that they just walked past explosives that you, the player, placed 2 minutes ago. Integrate all of your tools into every situation.

Detonate dead allies C4 If you see a friendly spec ops attempting to c4 a tank, but gets killed up before he can press the detonator, run over and pick up his kit. You can then press the detonator to blow up the tank yourself. Really important if theres no other AT or spec ops around.

Claymore: After I kill a Sniper, I pick up his kit and place his Claymores around the area where he died. Then I pick up my old kit and carry on. When he comes back to find me (or someone else tries to take up the same position)... boom!

Mine Landmines in the same spots, but also in shallow water, under empty vehicles (sabotage), and at the apex of a corner in the road. I also, if the flag radius is appropriate, place mines in a circular pattern at the very edge of the flag radius so that players HAVE to exit vehicles to cap. Especially useful on the Chinese APC-fest maps.

Mine the enemy Airstrip. Put the AT Mine ON/IN a vehicle ie: on a tank by the turrent and inside vodnik/hummer .., no escape.

(swiss (totalbf2)) As an engineer if your in an enemy base, then jump on top of an unused vehicle (eg Jeep/ Tank), and drop a mine on top of the vehicle. The advantage of this is the next spawning enemy who jumps in will not be able to see the mine lying in front of the wheel, as soon as the vehicle he (and all passengers) are dead. Also you can leave the area, unlike spec op who needs to keep an eye on the vehicle with the planted c4 on... Hand grenades: Ah... one of my fav trick is to drop a granade when you are running for the hills (aka cover) using to throw the granade but not loading any force to it so just dropping it Anyone chasing you will proably walk right in to it! This is a good trick in Karkand where people usually just spawn or appear behind you when your going for that CP

(Crashlander (totalbf2)) A quick tip to help the rest of your team: On maps that use a lot of boats, one you have got to where your going in one, turn around and grenade it. It only takes one grenade usually to blow the boat, and it sends it back to the respawn point faster than just leaving it there. Others on your team can then use it, plus if you're sneaking up on an enemy base, blowing up the boat takes it off the radar instead of leaving it like a sore thumb and a "SPEC OPS HERE>" sign.

Vehicles Armour (STeeL BLaDe (totalbf2)) All tanks have the exact same armor and HP, the same goes for APCs. Still damage can vary sometimes when hitting in odd angles or in rare circumstances. For example you will critical a T-90 by hitting its rear twice, but if you hit it right in the middle rear (black circle) it will take less damage. Also SRAW/Eryx missiles are different than 120mm rounds, but regarding tanks they do the same damage, EXCEPT when hitting the engine. A direct hit to the engine from another tank will take 3/4ths of HP, whilst a missile in the same place will do normal rear armor damage. Note the difference between critical damage and lethal damage. Also note that by threads I refer to the metal strip and not the wheels. Finally, if you hit the turret of a tank in its upper part, you will deal less damage, as with any shot that hits the edges of a vehicle in an angle that goes away from the center.

The correct list is:


Body front, turret front: 4 shots to critical Body side, turret side: 3 shots to critical Body rear, turret rear: 2 shots to critical Body downside, turret upside: 2 shots to critical Threads (front, side and rear): 2 shots to kill

APCs: 2 shots to critical, anywhere

Mobile AA:

Body and turret: 2 shots to critical Threads: 2 shots to kill

Tanks (Tronchaser (totalbf2)) Anyway, while capping flags in a tank, always switch the camera to external back view. Spec Ops NEVER attack from the front (Smart, I suppose). You can see them run up and *try* to C4, but you're already moving forward! Turret comes around and BLAMO. Then the Spec Op wonders "How the hell did he know I was there?!"


BONUS - Also, if they *do* happen to attach the C4, jump out of the tank (the spec op guy is now running away with detonator in hand thinking he has an easy kill), Sprint away from the tank, jump, and shotty that pesky Spec Op in the head. I'm not for sure but I think they always wondered "What just happened to me?". Then I go over to their corpse and look at thier face and pull the knife out so they can see it. lol

(Harmour (totalbf2)) Step 0: Make a squad

The tank's driver should be the squad leader of said squad. The reason is that the driver will survive more encounters than the exposed gunner.

Step 1: Kit Selection

A tank crew of two should consider their kits for a variety of situations. Here are some combinations to consider: Engineer + Engineer: This combo is good in keeping the tank alive, but often leads to a dead gunner more often than not. Repairing a tank is vital in keeping it running for sustained periods of time, but not at the cost of a gunner that keeps dying to small arms fire. Engineer + Medic: This is probably the best combo for a tank crew since the gunner will be shot at with small arms fire the most and can recover from an encounter. The gunner can also protect the engineer when he's repairing and if necessary revive him if he dies while repairing (the engineer is most vunerable when he's repairing the tank). Engineer + Anti-tank: For a more gun-ho type crew this is good when taking on multiple armored opponents. For whatever reason people tend to ignore the Anti-tank guy when they are being fired at by a tank and thus allows for the Anti-tank guy to assist in damage potential of the crew. Engineer + Support: This is good when you have overly sustained combat periods. As support you can jump into a nearby vehicle and resupply your teammate, but honestly I usually never have to worry about ammo since most commanders will drop a supply crate during sustained combat encounters. Engineer + Assault: Good anti-infantry support, especially against those Jihad jeeps and Special Ops trying to lay C4 on you guys. The n00b tube, in this instance usually can knock out the driver of a Jihad jeep if your aim is good enough. Also sometimes people hide behind buildings or obstacles that your tank driver can't get to...while your tank driver is giving you cover you can jump out and circle around usually for an easy kill (most people hiding from a tank don't expect someone to come out of the tank to kill them). Engineer + Sniper: Why? Engineer + Special Ops: The only benifit I see to this combo is when you want to destroy bridges or lay C4 at flags you have just taken. No matter what kit you select always know that you're not stuck in the tank. As gunner don't hesitate to jump out of the tank to drop med or ammo packs for teammates, to revive a fallen teammate, or to fix or destroy a bridge. Also don't hesitate to jump out of a tank to kill someone beind an obstacle your driver can't shoot behind - your driver can give you cover.

Step 2: Communicate

Most games you won't have the luxury of Teamspeak or VOIP to communicate with each other so make sure to SPOT enemy's for each other, especially enemy armor. As gunner you have a much larger view of the battlefield than your gunner in first person view. This is especially important when defending against Special Ops and locating the position of an Anti-tank enemy.

Step 3: Keep moving

Don't stop at any time. By being a moving target you'll be harder to hit. You'll also keep your gunner alive longer since he'll be a prime target for enemy snipers. A good gunner will crouch (press 'LEFT CONTROL'), to duck into the turret when moving into an area where a sniper is known to be - this is another reason to be a medic. As driver, try to always have a getaway. Don't get stuck on obstacles. Sometimes in the heat of battle you may have to twist your tank's body to keep it pointed at your enemy (the front part of the tank has more armor than the back), so whatever damage you take is minimized. When this happens make sure you align yourself back quickly after the encounter so you can move quickly away if you have to.

Step 4: Go down with the tank

This maybe contrary to some, but dying with your tank will mean that you can respawn with your tank and try again. If you bail out of your tank you may just die anyway especially if it was another tank that killed you. If not and you survive the encounter than you and possibly your gunner will be stranded.

Step 5: Steal your enemy's tank whenever possible

If you see your enemy's tank, steal it. Better for your team that you deprive the enemy of a tank to help your team. Have your gunner take the second tank and say in a small convoy - as an engineer you can repair his tank.

Step 6: Use your terrain

Corners of buildings are probably your best cover against any type of fire. You can fire your main gun and quickly duck back behind the building for cover. In tight quarters like alley ways in cities you are most vulerable against infantry attacks. Infantry attacks can come from the alleyways or the roof tops so stay alert gunner.

Step 7: Use alernate views (F10 & F11 are your friends) You can press F10 and F11 to have a larger viewing area. Almost any infantry worth his ammo will jump out of cover when your turret is turned away from them. This is when you press F11 to see behind you. Switching between F10 and F11 quickly you can see 360 degrees around you, however doing this while moving can get a little disorientating - do this when you have no obstacles ahead of you on straight-aways or when you're capping a flag with your gunner..

Step 8: Enemy aircraft

Enemy aircraft, especially a good jet or helicopter pilot are probably your worst foes on the battlefield. In these situations you want to use buildings and the terrain to stop them from getting a clear shot. A good gunner will spot enemy aircraft for their driver so he can get cover. Although shooting a hovering helicopter is great (aim for the cocckpit) since it only takes two shots to take down an attack helicopter. To take down a transport helicopter with engineers you'll need to take out the crew with your machinegun if you can't get the pilot with your main gun. With both you and a gunner you should easily take down any Blackhawk crew, although your gunner may not survive the encounter because of the Blackhawk's mini-guns. Don't try to get under a Blackhawk, the engineers will just throw AT mines on you. If that happens DON'T MOVE (this includes using your MAIN gun since it will move your tank). Wait til the Blackhawk leaves and remove the AT mines with your wrench when its safe.


Those are just a few tips I've learned working with my friends in a good tank crew. Having two people in a tank always makes capping flag faster. You'll be surprised how well a good working tank crew can do when they work together. Stay alert and prioritize your targets in every encounter.

(HellzxFluffyBunny (totalbf2)) When to pop smoke:

Just outside of opposing spawn areas - your team knows where the enemy is, right where the flag is. They can come in behind you under cover. To avoid AT rockets when you need repairs ASAP. I haven't seen too many drivers that are good at this. After you pop smoke MOVE. I can still see your muzzle flash idiot. Stop shooting and get outta there.

When not to pop smoke:

Right next to the enemy's flag. I am going to spawn as a spec ops and C4 your ass to hell. Right next to your team's flag. I am going to spawn and get disoriented, walk right behind your tank, you're going to crush me, and I am going to punish you for the TK. I can't see that helo firing at us, so I can't very well get a rocket off. He knows very well where WE are spawning though. APC Planes Helicopter: The most important thing is to know your altitude (look on the HUD). You can do a barrel roll at 80m with an attack helicopter and 120m with a Transport helicopter on flat terrain. Better pilots maybe able to do it at lower altitudes, but I feel safe doing it at those altitudes. Problem is, 90% of the time I do this everyone in my helicopter bails and I usually get at least 1 TK as they fall and I hit them...!!! (Harmor totalbf2)

(Strega (totalbf2)) “Thanks for being my gunner….now shut up and listen….”

A Chopper Pilot’s Guide to being a good gunner.

By: Strega

1) Cockpit Familiarization:

Welcome to my gunship. Please keep your arms, hands, and feet inside the gunship at all times. When you enter the gunship, you should be in the gunner seat (F2), NOT the pilot’s seat. That seat is mine, and if you don’t get out of it, I’m gonna shoot you in the FACE with my AT Rocket (Yes it will go through the cockpit glass). I carry an AT so I can shoot you in the face if you don’t know what you’re doing. On the occasions where I have teammates or a competent gunner with me, I will fly as an Engineer, so that I can hover over friendly armor and repair them in the field.

2) What kit should you choose as a Helo Gunner???

I suggest you either pic Engineer, or Support as my gunner, so that we can repair/re- arm ourselves, and others. As double Engineers, we can repair armor very quickly (not ourselves, but other armor like Linebackers or Tanks owned by our team). It does neither of us any good for you to be a Sniper, Assault, or Anti-Tank. None of those 3 kits give us any advantage. If I see you walk up to my helo in a “Guille Suit”, I will shoot you in the face. Any of those 3 classes do us ZERO good.

If you want me to drop you off at their base, to blow up their commander sh*t, then sure, go Spec Ops, but PLEASE tell me that you are doing that. Keep in mind, that there are not many opportunities to do this on most maps, and that enemy chopper spawns 30 seconds after we kill it, so unless you’re on Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, TeamSound, etc., with me, this is not a wise choice. If you want to look like you know what you’re doing, walk up to my Chopper with your Ammo Bag or Wrench in hand, and I’ll know you’ve read my chopper guide and I can count on you. There is a debate on using the Medic kit as a gunner. As my gunner, don’t do it. I think it is a bad idea, since I don’t plan on hovering over a big group of people to heal them. Let the commander drop supplies on their heads for that.

3) We’ve just lifted off, what do you do now???

Let’s just pray that you have a friend that can fly the helo, and the 2 of you have practiced on an empty server with the TV Missiles. You’re my gunner now and most likely, we’re on a full server. This IS NOT the place to learn how to shoot the TV missile. Host your own server and do that. If you don’t have any friends, load up Sharqui Peninsula, get in the MEC Chopper and go park it on the TV Station and practice shooting things. Hell, park it anywhere you want, just learn on your time, and not mine. Sure this sounds a little harsh, and I apologize. I’m here to play, and to kick some ass, I’m not here to try and teach you how to shoot. Let’s just hope a REALLY good gunner writes a tutorial of the same fashion for all the pilots out there that have no f’n clue what they are doing.

Remember to use the camera view while you’re flying so you can alert the pilot if you see a anything behind you, helo, armor, etc. Default key is C.

4) OMG, someone spotted an enemy HELO…what do you do???

A) He doesn’t see us, but we see him

If swear to god if you spool up that chain gun and start shooting at a full health helo that I’ve snuck up on, I’m going to shoot you in the face the first chance I get. This is something you don’t EVER want to do, and I’m going to explain why. The chain gun on the nose, is good for shooting at a smoking chopper that you want to “finish off”, or for infantry that you want to staple to the ground. If I’m lining up a rocket shot, and you start blazing away on the chain gun, the enemy helo is gonna feel it, see the big red mark on his screen indicating where we are, and he’s going to do whatever he can to out maneuver us. Thus, you’ve completely owned my chances at getting a solid rocket shot, and for that I will hate you and curse your mother.

If he doesn’t see us initially, I’m gonna put you in position for a TV Guided Missile shot. If you miss, and he doesn’t ‘jink’ after the missile goes by, I’m gonna stay lined up for a 2nd TV Guided Missile shot. I’m going to try to give you a rear quarter shot, so you have more surface area to aim for. After 2 tries with the TV and you miss, you’re f’n fired and I’m going in for a rocket run. Chances are, I’m going to at LEAST get that helo smoking, if not dead in that 1 run. Once he’s smoking, open up with that chaingun at any time, keeping in mind that I’m STILL going to try to line up a good Missile shot for you.

B) He see’s us, and we see him

I’m going to do my best to get as much altitude as possible, and get you a downward firing angle on him. It’s tough to shoot up as you know. Do me a favor, when you see the enemy helo, SPOT him for me (Default is Q then mouseclick). Spot him ANY chance you get, cuz that shows up on my radar and helps me maneuver for the kill shot.

For God’s sake, shoot him in the face with a TV Guided Missile. He’s no doubt coming straight at us and thinking the same thing. Initially, most don’t jink very much to try and get out of harm’s way. I love a gunner than can hit the long distance nose to nose shot. It sure ****es the enemy pilots off to no end.

Ok, let’s say you’ve missed your TV shots and I’m not choking you to death. We’re now tangled up in a maneuvering nightmare. Feel free to chain him any chance you get, but keep in mind that this entire time, I’m trying to line you up for another TV Guided Missile shot. That Missile is deadly, and 1 shot kills anything in the game. Airplanes, Helo’s, Armor, people, etc. Use it to OUR advantage. The better you gun, the better I fly, the more we help our team. I don’t plan on dying, so help me, help you. Don’t suck.

5) OMG, someone spotted enemy ARMOR…what do you do???

Please refer to section 4A regarding our initial sighting of the enemy. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT open up on full strength Armor with the chain gun. You’re gonna do 2 things…#1, let him know we’re there, and #2, REALLY **** me off. So much of this game is based upon the element of surprise. That’s how I like to fly my chopper. I want them to have to look at the top left of their screen to see wtf happened. Chances are, if he see’s us, I’m gonna maneuver out of his line of sight, and circle back around, and catch him from the side he has his back too.

I’m gonna give you 1 chance to hit with the TV on a ground target. That thing is loud when it hits, and if you don’t suck, and you miss, you’re not gonna miss by much. He’s gonna hear it, and look for us. I am immediately going to haul a$$ in on a rocket run the INSTANT you fire that TV. If you hit, that’s awesome, if you miss, well, I won’t. =) Hitting a tank with Helo Rockets is like shooting a 12 gauge shotgun at the side of a barn. You’d have to be a complete tool to miss a stationary piece of armor (I’m exaggerating). Hitting moving armor is another story, lets not get into that here, lets just hope you’ve gotten some practice in..

If somehow, we both miss, after I’m done sticking pins in the Voodoo Doll in your likeness, I’m gonna leave him alone for a moment, and he’s gonna think we went back to re-arm (sometimes). Well, we’re not, I’m hiding behind a hill about to poke my chin over the top, so you can spank him with a TV Guided Missile (Don’t miss). This is generally how it works, not always….If you see me hovering for no apparent reason, chances are I’m setting you up for a shot. This is where being on voice coms really helps. Communication wins matches, if you don’t have it, you’re not gonna do very well, but we’re gonna do our best in any case.

6) We’ve taken some damage, and we don’t have a base to repair.

This is just unfortunate and I will most likely blame you. I suggest also shouting obscenities in team chat telling everyone how much they suck for not keeping your base up, hehe. Seriously tho, hopefully I’ve been smart enough at some point in time to request supplies in a remote location that we can go hover over. Or in the likely event that our Radar, UAV, or Artillery have supplies near them, that’s where I’m gonna go. If not, I’m gonna find a place for us to land. If you’re an Engineer, get out and help me repair so we get it fixed, FAST. If you’re in Support Kit, get out and toss some ammo on the ground below us. Then get in the Pilots Seat (F1), and keep the rotor turning. Once we are FULLY repaired, get BACK in the Gunner Seat (F2). This REALLY helps out a lot, if we get in trouble, we can get off the ground quicker if the rotor is up to speed.

7) Flag Capping

Sometimes it's important for a helo to swoop in and take an enemy flag. No i'm not talking about BlackHawk asshaterry...we all know how much that sucks (Unless you're one of the six guys in it). So I swoop into a flag area and I'm going to keep turning 360's around that flag, looking for enemies. Now, it is your job to do a few things. FIRST thing I'm going to do, is point you at a LineBacker, Tank, LAV, Tow Tripod, etc. Pretty much in that order. Work your threat order TOP DOWN. Unless you have friendlies there to jump in those vehicles, blow them the hell up. If I point you at a Tank, and I hold it there, I'm not doing it to show you my skills at hovering, I want you to kill it, NOW. You do that, and I'll buy you a cupcake at the Officers Club when the map is over. Good rule of thumb is this. If you can blow it up, DO IT, cuz most of that stuff down there could turn us into Swiss cheese in about 4 seconds if an enemy gets into it.

8) Conclusion

I make mistakes, and so will you. As long as you appear to know what you are doing, you can miss a lot of shots as long as you are trying, and you appear to be getting better. Thanks for reading Strega’s guide to being a better gunner in a helo.

Good luck, and see ya on the playing field!



Jeep On maps that have bases surrounded by fences, a great tactic in the jeep is to position yourself behind the fence and fire away at infantry. While infantry and MG bullets will be able to hit you, the fence protects your vehicle from tank rounds, AT missles, Helicopter missles, etc... Fences are great cover for the MG on light vehicles.


Artillery (Jon (totalbf2)) 1. Trust your intuition. If you think you’re at risk of a strike, move. Might seem simple but I’ve found that trusting the sense of unease which preludes an artillery strike to be the best way of avoiding them.

2. Avoid large groups of friendlies. More than 2 stationary, manned friendly vehicles in one place? More than 3 stationary infantry? Don’t stand too close.

3. Stay alert after a flag capture/defense. Just valiantly fought off the enemy? Don’t rest on your laurels for too long. Pride comes before fall. Chances are that the enemy will want to thin your side out before the they try again. Get under cover.

4. Avoid the post flag capture/defense huddle. After a flag has been successfully taken/defended there is a tendency for medics and supply to start piling med and ammo packs around the flag. This has the effect of drawing everyone together in a tight huddle, perfect for an artillery strike. Ammo and med packs are better spread around the larger flag area, not concentrated in one place.

5. Listen. If you hear the enemy artillery firing assess your situation. Are you capturing a flag with no enemies in sight? Are you lying on a rooftop far from the conflict? That artillery might just be for you.

6. Watch for suspicious enemy movements. Why is that enemy tank sitting back? Why is that enemy squad running away from your flag? Why has a high conflict zone suddenly turned quiet? Perhaps they know something you don’t.

7. Watch for Trojan supply drops. Friendly supply drops come with notification: “Supplies at your position”. If there are no enemies around and a box floats down out of the air without warning don’t trust it. Chances are that a rain of explosives will follow.

The fine art of waiting. (||ass||variable (totalbf2)) It occurred to me that it might be useful to share a little trick I use, especially when operating alone or part of a small, very smart squad.


There are three instances where I use it often - I am sure there are more, so feel free to add on.

1) Attacking a Flag vs. Armor (the white flag delay using Spec Ops) When there is enemy armor near a flag, I will immediately rig it with C4. But I won't blow it up - why? Respawn time.

I inch into the flag radius and start dropping the flag. The more time I can spend lowering it before the tank notices it, the better. Of course, they'll always know when the flag goes white and that's when I send them packing. Then they can't respawn and the flag is mine.

2) Attacking a Flag vs. a few defenders (the incremental flag capture using any class When attacking a flag, don't automtically run into the flag radius. Wait; see who is running around or hiding. Give it 30 seconds to get a lay of the defenses, if any.

If you see some infantry (or armor, if you're SO or AT), go ahead and knock it out. If you're confident that there isn't anyone else around to take you out, run into the flag radius.

Count to 10-12, then leave the flag radius. The flag will slowly start to go back up, resetting itself after your presence.

If you weren't able to get the flag white after 10-12 seconds, it's likely that one of the recently-deceased enemies will respawn soon and come to find you. As the flag is resetting, go find a firing position out of the flag area but still reasonably close (based on your weapon range). Wait for those respawning enemies to run right into your sights - they came back to kill you, expecting that you'd be predictably taking the flag. Of course, you see them first and wax em. Ambushing the ambushers.

Re-enter the flag area and pick up where you left off (the flag usually isn't totally reset at this point - if it is, no biggie... just stay diligent). Repeat until you're sure that you've turned that flag white before they've had a chance to respawn.

I've gone through this cycle 3-4 times at some flags if I expect that the enemy has had enough time to respawn. It sure beats being sloppy and getting knifed in the back because you're precisely where the enemy expects you to be.

3) You vs. The Squad (culling the infantry herd, Serengeti style, using any class) So, you have a great position along the front line with a great firing line into an area where the enemy moves. You see a few troopers (UAV, or feet, or helmets, or whatever) starting to move into your firing line. So you open up, right?

No. Resist the urge to kill that first guy - if he goes down the rest of the group will see it happen and probably start looking around for muzzle flashes or the telltale lump of a prone defender.

No my friends, kill the enemies at the end of the line. The last 1 or 2. The rest of the squad won't be around to sight you.

Then you can close the gap to pick off the ones you let slide. Or you can wait for the medics to come and try to revive. If the squad is on voice chat all the better - when the deceased start bitching, the first few squad members will come back seeking revenge - except that they have no idea where you are, and you can ice them too.

Either way, your survivability goes up, your position stays a little more secret, and you still get to whack some baddies.

References ||ass||variable (totalbf2) Anatzenko (totalbf2)

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