HAMILTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING AGENDA FOR REGULAR SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013 Audio streamed live at http://streaming.hamiltoncounty.org


1. 9:00 A.M. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approve Agenda 5. Approve Minutes of previous meeting 6. Approve Claims

7. Reports: a) Sheriff, Veteran Affairs b)Treasurers’ Annual Report & Semiannual Settlement of Assets

8. Resolution 2013-8 Bank Authorization – First State Bank

Resolution 2013-9 Bank Authorization – Webster City Federal

9. Contracts/Agreements: a) Review & Award Bid – BROS-CO40(78)—85-40

b) Pitney Bowes – Human Services

10. Bond Purchase Agreement for 2013 Bonds

11. Drainage: a) DD #8 Littles Peterson: Sub final, Change Order & Set Hearing Date

12. Board and Committee Reports and Other County Information

13. Adjourn