Dragon Tales 2014 Spring Edition
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Mrs. Desmond’ s Class
Hadley Gearin-Birga, Teddy Stravin, Molley Taberner
Mrs. Giegle’s Class
Lydia Chesley, Zoe Garrett
Mrs. Kelly’s Class
Emmett Griffin, Elizabeth Lemieux, Maya Stahl
Mrs. MacLennan’s Class
Zoey Kane
Mrs. Madigan’s Class
James Anderson, Ryan Anderson, Remy Andrews, Tate Andrews, Matt Cieselski, Ryan Clancy, Juliette Colucci, Kaley Conlon, Mya Cusson, Elizabeth Delia, Colleen Fahey, Chloe Gagnier, Maya Gearin-Virga, Ethan Hunt, Nathan LaPorte, Katie Markella,Liam McGrail, Chatham Morton, Cody Panton, Miles Sampson, Ben Walsh
Mrs. Morgan’s Class
Payton Cicerone, Jake Nelson, Nadia Sovik
Cover Created by Alden Artist s Brady Madigan and Mikaela Carpenter from Mrs. Madigan’s class.
This issue of Dragon Tales could never have happened without the typing help of dedicated parents. Alden teachers, students and the PTA board wish to thank Mia Antonia, Liz Bayston, Tracy Colucci, Emeline Dhomme, Alex Gionfriddo, Nancy Hardwick, Kealy O’Brien, Dawn Siegel, Ron Ulich and Kim Wiemeyer. We also wish to thank to Cara Clelland for coordinating this edition of Dragon Tales. In a postcard while traveling at sea, CHLOE GAGNIER writes to Miss Emilie Urquart Gagnier: June 25, 1900Dear Emilie, We just had the most exciting day ever! We were all outside and all jumping off the deck! Matilda and I were like spiders while we climbed all the ropes on the John Ena! Before we went to bed, the captain showed us the amazing sky. Love,Chloe Gagnier In a postcard while traveling at sea, MAYA GEARIN-VIRGA writes to Miss Hadley Gearin-Virga: May 18, 1903Dear Hadley, My journey with the Madsen family has been wonderful. This evening, Matilda said that her father would take us to look at the stars. And this morning we climbed on the rigging until we were spotted. I am enjoying this so much! I hope you are having as much fun! Love, Maya In a postcard while traveling at sea, ELIZABETH DELIA writes to Dr. and Mrs. Delia: May 30, 1897Dear Mother and Father, Here on the John Ena we have had rough seas from spring storms. We tied up all the furniture to a green rail on the wall. We started to get scared as the ship rumbled and rippled. We all snuggled up in a corner and tried to be brave. It is okay because the storm is over. Love, Elizabeth Delia P.S. Happy Birthday, Mother.
NAME: MATT CIESELSKI GRADE: 4 TEACHER: MADIGAN Imagine that you have been traveling at sea with the Madsen's for five months. Write a post card to someone back home. In your postcard describe your best or worst adventure using as many vocabulary words in context as you can. Add an illustration to the other side of something you imagine you would see on a journey at sea. January 22nd, 1896 Dear Family, The Madsen family is treating me very nice. There was a storm last week, and almost sank! The teacher Mrs. Shipman knows a lot. Anyway the kids love me being here. And I'll be back in one week! Can't wait to see you soon. Well they want me to play now, so I have to go. Bye see you soon. From, Matt Cieselski/your Son.
STUDENT NAME: RYAN CLANCY GRADE: 4 TEACHER: MADIGAN August 23, 1897 Dear Mom and Dad, I'm having a great time here on the John Ena. We are at Arizohaj. And guess what happened yesterday. The Kah guard went overboard and we never found him. I think he maybe drowned in the sea! Everyone was sad! Sincerely, Ryan Clancy
DAWN When dawn comes into view and the first rooster crows. Shining through the windows the bright morning sun, has awoken everyone in town. The chirping birds awoke me with a startle as a sign to start the day. I leap out of bed and rush down the stairs, I threw open the door and felt the cool morning breeze. I walked with a spring in my step and landed in soaking wet grass. I went back inside only to fall back down again. When dawn arrives it is the start of a brilliant new day, full of adventure. By Hadley Gearin-Virga and Molly Taberner
Lydia G. Chesley Mrs. Giegle
Death at Sea?
Splishing, Sploshing, covering me A drowning Death against the sea But then, in the blackened night, In the distance there’s a light A boat chugs near, “Help! Help!” They save me from suffocating on kelp.
Zoe Garrett Mrs. Giegle
The Sea!
I’m on the sea! I’m on the sea! And you should be too if you wish to be A fine little sailor with lots of pride! You have to enjoy this boat ride! And when you’re done, you’ll be proud Then you’ll shout from the top of the bow!
Emmett Griffin Grade 5 Ms. Kelly
Yellow is the taste of refreshing lemonade on a hot summer day, a fresh tennis ball that’s never been used, the fragrance of flowers in the Spring gardens.
Yellow is the beauty of the night stars, the bright sun that keeps us warm, a ripe banana that you’re about to eat the scent of buttery popcorn that just came out of the microwave.
Teddy Stravin Grade 4 Mrs. Desmond
The King
There once was a king from Chinook. Everyone said he could cook, But he baked weird looking pies. They varied in size. So now he should use a cookbook.
Name: James Anderson Grade: 4 Teacher: Madigan
Mr. + Mrs. Anderson 16 Duck Hill Road Duxbury, MA 02332 August 23, 1902
Dear Mom and Dad I do miss the times living on the boat. I remember that time when the pig jumped onto the extremely hot tar and he died. That was sadly sad. I loved that little guy. Well soon I will take my kids on a boat someday.
Your son, James Anderson
Name: Remy Andrews Grade: 4 Teacher: Madigan
Miss Mya Casson 147 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332 May 15, 1900 Dear Mya Cusson
I will be writing about John ENa and the people that live on it. They have roosters, hens, duck, a cat, a dog, and a kangaroo. The kangaroo jumped overboard and they had to save the kangaroo. Around Christmas time they put ribbon and tinsel on the boat. It was pretty.
From Remy Name: Ryan Anderson Grade: 4 Teacher: Madigan
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson 16 Duck Hill Road Duxbury, MA 02332
March 28, 1896
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
The worst day of my life was this week. on the John Ena. There was a gigantic storm. The sky turned black. The waves were enormous. They were so big that it came onto the ship and injured two people. The kids father had to go out and get them to safety. It last a while but then we had a huge holiday Party for Christmas. It was amazing.
Love, Ryan Anderson
Name: Jake Nelson Grade: 3 Teacher: Morgan
April 1, 2014
Bahamas Atlantis By Jake Nelson
(Splash) The dolphins are jumping and splashing. The kids flip flop against the sand. Soft fluffy clouds are moving threw the sky. Palm trees are blowing softly in your face. Gigantic cruise ships are partying all night. Its beautiful you can see all the different kind of fish. Seagulls are chirping and flying aimlessly. People are jumping threw the sparkling water. Burning sweat is running down my skin. Soft sun lotion is falling down my skin. Smell the delicious smell of food and Gatorade. People are laughing in the crazy fast current. Rapid tides are banging the sand. That is amazingly spectacular Bahamas Atlantis.
At the Beach By Nadia Sovick At the beach I feel the water on my feet. I look out, and I see sea weed. I step on damp rocks and find sea glass. I set up my grill cook muscles that I find in the ground. I also eat clams, oysters, and crabs for an early morning snack. I build a sandcastle, and it is enormous! It has a giant trench around it. I see bright yellow sand and seagulls fly overhead clank ! clank! clank! A seagull drops a clam. It pries it open and eats it. There are little crabs crawling all over my feet and it tickles. A warm summer breeze blows through my hair. I smell the beach and marsh. In the fall I see snowy owls and I see dolphins circling in the water and fish jump up and down. Zing! I cast my rod and a fish bites. I have smoked salmon for lunch. Waves crash against rocks and music plays as the sun sets. The air is filled with fresh sea salt. A boat comes into Boston Harbor. It delivers fresh lobster and fresh fish. I dance until it is time to go home.
Student Name: Mya Cusson Grade: 4 Teacher’s Name: Madigan
To: Miss Carline Cusson 347 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332
June 13, 1899
Dear Caroline,
As I write to you, the great John Ena is crossing the China Sea. This reminds me of the time we sailed through a massive storm, and nearly sank! The ship rolled over, and didn’t roll back for four whole minutes! See you next year.
Love, Mya
Student Name: Kaley Conlon Grade: 4 Teacher’s Name: Madigan
To: The Conolon Family 145 Pine Lake Road Duxbury, MA 02332
June 16, 1898
Dear Family,
My trip with the Madsens on their boat the “John Ena” has been great. So many good things have happened in the past five months. Even the sea has had smooth waves and bright sun, no storms or clouds in sight. The best part was we had so much food and it was the best trip I’ve been on so far.
Love, Kaley Conlon
Grade: 4 Teacher’s Name: Madigan
To: Mr. and Mrs. Dino Colucci 951 Congress St. Duxbury, MA 02332
April 14, 1896
Dear family,
I have had an outstanding time going around the world! One of my favorite times was when we went to Honolulu, Hawaii! We went to the beach and we went surfing on the crashing waves! I had an amazing time with the Madsen family!
Love, Juliette Colucci
Red By: Elizabeth Lemieux
Red is the taste of fresh strawberries, Apples picked from a tree, A fire truck racing down the road, The fragrance of beautiful roses.
Red is the laces stitched into a baseball, Mars through a telescope, A cardinal that sings in the morning, The scent of tomato sauce in pasta.
Red By: Maya Stahl
Red is the taste of a bowl of cherries, fresh strawberries in the summer, a stop sign on the street, the fragrance of roses in a meadow.
Red is love on Valentines Day, a stripe on the American Flag, a cardinal that sings in the morning, the scent of freshly picked raspberries. POSTCARD ADDRESSED TO:
Master Andrew Hunt 629 West Street Duxbury, MA 02332
July 23, 1829
Dear Andrew,
I was on the beautiful John Ena, and we had a wonderful time. Then a huge wave hit the front of the boat and then it started to sink. Then it shot up and it started to sail again. We feel so lucky to have survived!
From Your Brother,
Ethan Hunt
Cousin Jack 84 Marsh Drive Marshfield, MA 02050
July 28, 1906
Dear Jack,
The John Ena has been in a nasty storm. As the ship and the ocean tussled and fought, we almost sank! We are all OK now.
Cousin Nathan LaPorte In My Backyard By Payton Cicerone
As I jump on my trampoline I see the blue and green sky as I flip and rotate through the sky. As I flip I also smell the fresh clean flowers that look like red, pink, and white roses. As I rotate through the sky I also see pretty rainbows in the amazing blue and green sky. While my brother and his friends through water balloons at me and my friends. They come crashing down on us and we get so wet. When me and my friends lay down on the deck we feel the hot sun glazing down on us. As we lay there on the deck we hear cute birds chirping and singing beautiful songs.
As we crunch down on the fresh fruit and potato chips it makes us nice and calm. As we lay down on the deck we can feel the nice and amazing cool wind in our faces. As I turn my head to the left I see squirrels and bunnies running around and up and down trees. As I turn my head to the right I see birds running and flying to get their nest in the trees.
As my dogs run around in the sprinkler and come to me and my friends they get me so wet with all the water from the sprinkler. They always want someone to play with or a ball to play with.
That is what my backyard looks like in Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Mr. Chad Frost 491 Temple Street Duxbury, MA 02332
March 1, 1898
Dear Chad,
It’s been really bad and hard on the ship. Our piggy got stuck in tar and died! And I am getting seasick! Also we had to get past an awful storm. It’s been really hard living on a big boat at sea. I really hope this thunderstorm stops!
Mr. Scott Doyle 149 Abrams Hill Duxbury, MA 02332
May 15, 1900
Dear Dad,
Yesterday was the worst day ever. A Komodo dragon snuck on the boat when we left Hawaii. He ate the chicken. Then we captured him and hucked him off the boat.
Scott Doyle
24 Standish Road Duxbury, MA 02332
Dear Michael,
As I was on the John Ena and I was to get off this dreadful boat. Already two men got injured on the John Ena, and I’m getting extremely sea sick! Also the John Ena is about to sink! I want to get off this horrible boat, this instant.
Ben Walsh 4th grade, Mrs. Madigan August 9th, 1898 Master Ryan Clancy 100 Pine Street Duxbury, MA 02332
Dear Ryan Clancy,
It’s been a long time since we’ve talked together. I just have too many adventures like when the kangaroo jumped over board and he almost floated away. It was one wild time. I hope you can reply back to me.
Tate Andrews 4th grade, Mrs. Madigan
May 3, 1896
Mr. Donald McGrail 51 Chandler Mill Drive Duxbury, MA 02332
Dear Donald,
I have a very big problem right now! Me and the whole entire ship crew are being attacked by a giant krakan! One of the men is gone. Luckily the krakan is going away but another man got picked up and went under with it. Luckily I’m still alive!
Liam McGrail 4th grade, Mrs. Madigan Girl Scout Troop 75220 Helps
By Zoey Kane, 3rd Grade Mrs. MacLennan Help Troop 75220 with giving clean water to people who don’t have it. It is very important to stay healthy. And one way of doing that is having clean water. Some people in Africa have to walk about 2 miles to get water. We need to help them. It is important to us that we stay safe, and the same goes for them. It makes the world a better place when that happens. Only 3% of water on Earth is fresh water, and only 1% of that is clean enough to drink. People in Africa have to get water out of dirty lakes and rivers. Troop 75220 is helping others be able to have clean water to drink.
At the Beach By Mason Allaire
When I step into the hot brown and it tickles my feet. I see kids playing games, splashing in the water having fun. When I sit in my flue fluffy chair I relax. When I open my mouth I taste my sun-tan-lotion. The water is splashing and making a plut plut sound, while I slap the water. It’s freezing, the water frosted my feet. But that didn’t stop me, I went in and swam around doing back strokes. A humongous wave made me go back to shore. I laid on the wet sand and waited for another wave to push me around. I went back to my blue chair sat down and had lunch. I had a ham and cheese sandwich. When I took a bite it tasted like a cheesy delight. I had a Sprite (soda) with my sandwich. When I took a sip of my soda the fizz tickled my tongue. When I was done with lunch I went home and watched TV.
Miles Sampson Grade4 Madigan
June 5, 1986 Dear Daddy, You should hear about my insane adventure with the Madsens. We sailed to Hawaii. First, what we did was race monkeys Dr. Bradford Sampson to the jackpot of mangos. We won. Then we 19 South Meadow Lane swam in the ocean. There was many sea Duxbury, MA 02332 creatures. We are wondering for what we should do next. See ya! Love, Miles Colleen Fahey Grade 4 Madigan August 14, 1899 Dear Caroline, It is beautiful on the John Ena. Ever since I boarded the John Ena I have been have a wonderful time being a caretaker. But one Miss Caroline Fahey time the kangaroo went overboard we saved 63 Chistina CT him but piggy fell into a pot of tar the crew Duxbuty, MA 02332 was using. I can’t wait to see you. Sincerely your sister Colleen Fahey
Cody Panton Grade 4 Madigan September 18,1896 Dear Mom and Dad, There were lots of rough seas and storms and giant waves. Mr. and Mrs. James Panton We also went to many places we’ve 60 Buckboard Road never been to. We had help from a sailor on Duxbury, MA 02332 fishing From, Cody Panton
Chatham Morton Grade 4 Madigan
December 12, 1897 Dear Mom and Dad Life here on the ship is amazing. I’m having so much fun with everyone on the Mr. and Mrs. John Morton John Ena. The scariest thing happened one 230 Bianca Road day! We got caught in a big storm and we Duxbury, MA 02332 almost sank. Luckily, we didn’t sink! Love, Chatham